Xiao Ding (丁效)

Xiao Ding (丁效)
138-4507-8754, 0451-8641-3683, [email protected]
Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science and Technology,
Research Center for Social Computing and Information Retrieval
Ph.D., Language and Information Technologies
School of Computer Science, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2011 - Present
Advisor: Ting Liu
M.S., Computer Science and Technology
School of Computer Science, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2009 - 2011
Advisor: Ting Liu
B.S. Computer Science and Technology
School of Computer Science, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2005 - 2009
Research (Intern) Experience
Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, 11/2013 – 02/2014
Research Assistant, Advisor: Yue Zhang
I was investigating stock prediction based on structured event extraction.
Microsoft Research, Beijing, 02/2013 – 04/2013.
Research Intern, Mentors: Jirong Wen, Zhicheng Dou
I was investigating web search ranking based on structured annotation of queries.
Microsoft Research, Beijing, 07/2011 – 02/2012.
Research Intern, Mentors: Jirong Wen, Zhicheng Dou, Qing Yu
I was investigating web search ranking based on structured annotation of queries and revisiting stop
words used in web search.
 Ting Liu, Xiao Ding, Yiheng Chen, Hanchen Chen, Maosheng Guo. Predicting Movie Box-Office
Revenues by Exploiting Large-Scale Social Media Content. Multimedia Tools and Application. (SCI
Index, Impact Factor: 1.0).
 Xiao Ding, Bing Qin, Ting Liu. BUEES: a Bottom-Up Event Extraction System. Journal of Zhejiang
University-SCIENCE C (SCI index, IF: 0.6).
 Xiao Ding, Ting Liu, Junwen Duan, Jianyun Nie. Mining User Consumption Intention from Social Media
via Domain Adaptive Convolutional Neural Network. In Proc. AAAI 2015 (long paper, accept rate =
 Xiao Ding, Yue Zhang, Ting Liu, Junwen Duan. Using Structured Events to Predict Stock Price
Movement: An Empirical Investigation. In Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in
Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2014, Long Paper) (Top International Conference)
 Xiao Ding, Zhicheng Dou, Bing Qin, Ting Liu, Ji-Rong Wen. Improving Web Search Ranking by
Incorporating Structured Annotation of Queries. In Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical
Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2013, Long Paper) ( Top International
Xiao Ding, Bing Qin, Ting Liu. Building Chinese Event Type Paradigm Based on Trigger Clustering. In
the Proceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP
2013, Long Paper). (Important International Conference)
Junwen Duan, Xiao Ding, Ting Liu. Mining Intention-Related Products on Online Q&A Community.
Conference of Social Media and Processing 2014 (Best Paper)
Xiaofei Sun, Xiao Ding, Ting Liu. Gender Identification on Social Media. Conference of Social Media
and Processing 2014
Qin Bing, Zhao Yanyan, Ding Xiao, Liu Ting, Event Type Recognition Based on Trigger Expansion.
Tsinghua Science and Technology. 2010, 1: 251-258
刘挺, 丁效, 陈毅恒. 基于社会媒体的预测研究综述[J]. 自动化学报通讯. 第 33 卷, 第 3 期, P21-26
丁效,宋凡,秦兵,刘挺. 音乐领域典型事件抽取方法研究. 第五届全国青年计算语言学研讨会
(YWCL 2010), 2010, 7. 该论文获得大会优秀论文并转投中文信息学报发表
秦兵,丁效,宋凡,刘挺,翟国富. 基于模式匹配与最大熵相结合的领域事件抽取. 哈工大学报. 2010,
孟雷,丁效,秦兵. 基于依存句法和名词短语句法结合的金融领域事件元素抽取. 全国第 11 届计
算语言学学术会议(CNCCL-2011). 2011, 5.
Awards and Honors
International Awards
 2014:China and Russia Mobile Application Programming and Computer Game Programming
Contest, honorable mention
 2007:Second prize for America Mathematical Contest in Modeling
National Awards
 2014:National Graduate Contest on Smart-City Technology and Creative Design, honorable
 2014:Best paper awards for SMP2014
 2012, 2013:Stars of Tomorrow Internship Program Excellent Intern
 2012:Huawei Scholarship
 2011:IBM Scholarship
 2011:Tencent Outstanding Student Scholarship
 2011:Fourteenth Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Guorui Scholarship
 2009:China Computer World Scholarship
 2010:Best paper awards for YWCL2010
 2008:National Scholarship for Encouragement
 2007:First prize for China Mathematical Contest in Modeling
Provincial Awards
 2011:Excellent graduate in Heilongjiang Province
 2009:Excellent graduate in Heilongjiang Province
 2008:Merit student in Heilongjiang Province
School Awards
 2008:Pivot of Merit Student in HIT
 2007、2008:Excellent student leader in HIT
 2008:Self-adamancy star in HIT
 2008:Advance individual for social practice in HIT
 2010、2008、2007:Excellent Communist Youth League leader in HIT
 2007:Advance individual for arts festival in HIT
 2007:Advance individual for technology festival in HIT
 2006:Excellent Communist Youth League member in HIT
 2006:Ten excellent speakers in HIT
 2005:Excellent soldiers for military training in HIT
 People's Scholarship (seven times for undergraduate)
 First-Class People's Scholarship (two times for master)
Programming Languages and Tools
Languages: Java, C#, C, Shell
Tools: NLTK, Weka, LibSVM, LibLinear, & many optimization toolkits
OS: Linux, Windows
Previous Positions
Student Union President in Computer Science, Harbin Institute of Technology
Science and Technology Association President in Computer Science, Harbin Institute of Technology
CEO and CMO in Tencent Club
Monitor for 09 master in Computer Science, Harbin Institute of Technology
Monitor for 05 graduate in Computer Science, Harbin Institute of Technology
Reviewer for Conference, Journal Papers
ACM Transactions on Intelligent System and Technology