R.P.S. BOKARO STEEL CITY Class - VII Sub.: S.St. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. History Short term questions: Name two taxes collected by Shivaji? Why were ijardaus appointed in Awadh? What is jauhar? Why and by whom was it committed ? Name a few regional styles of painting that flourished in India since Aurangzeb’s reign? When and where did the Bhakti movement begin? What do you understand by the term Khanqah? Who were Gonds? What is our main source of Information about the Ahoms? What was Kandhi important for? What is bidri? Which place is it named after? B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Long term questions: Why was there rapid urban growth around temples? Who were the Banjaras? What economic role did they play? What are the main features of a tribal society? How did the Bhakti movement help reduce social evils? Explain the terms dharamshala and longer? Mention any three kinds of literature composed by medieval Bengali authors? What were the contributions of Sawai Raja Jai Singh? What were the main causes of maratha failure in the third battle of panipat? Geography A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Long term questions: What s natural vegetation? What are grassland? Name the longest railway in the world. where is located Name some of the animals raised by the people of Ladakh. Name two important cities of the Amozon basin? What are temperate grassland called in North America? B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Long term Questions: By what names are temperate grassland known in different parts of the world? What is the Internet? What are its its uses? Write a note on the suez canal? Give an account of agriculture in the Nile valley? What is cashmere? What is it used for.? Why are the soils of the Amazon basin mostly infertile? Why is agriculture the chief economic activity in the Ganga-Brahmaputra basin? Mention some of the crops grown in this region? 8. What is meant by mixed farming? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Civics Long term questions: Mention some matters in which Indian women face discrimination? Give some examples of mass media? What is advertising? What kind of system is a market? State the important functions of the media? B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. Long term Questions: Why are women not encouraged to own money and property in some societies? Write briefly about the achievements of pandita Ramabai and Rokey Sakhawat Houssain? Mention two important provisions of the Right to Information Act 2005? How do the media provide a forum for discussion and debate? What is a brand? Explain with an example dhow a product becomes a brand? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Match the column: Column ‘A’ Karkhana Mandi T.V. Radio Marriage, Job, death Diamond Red Indians Cowboy Bangladesh Slanting roofs Temporary settlements Suez canal D. 1. a) 2. a) 3. a) 4. a) 5. a) c) 6. a) 7. Choose the correct option. More than one option may be correct. Taiga is found in Egypt b) Russia c) Brazil The rhea ostrich and emu are flightless b) Snakes c) grass-eating animals An expressway is a type of Waterway b) Air route c) Road The peasants of the Nil valley are known as Tuareg b) Fellahin c) Fulani The one-horned rhinoceros is found in the Amazon rainforest b) Brahmaputra plain Ganga- Brahmaputra delta d) Sundarbans In India the number of women for every 1,000 men is about: 1,033 b)1,000 c)933 d) 833 Children get their lessons in social life in : Column ‘B’ market for selling goods in bulk workshop for craftsmen commercial Advertising mass media prairies Highveld Ranches Area getting heavy rain or snow Dhaka Egypt Inhospitable terrain d) Canada d) monkeys d) Railway d) None of these a) 8. a) c) The family b) The school c) The workplace d) public places A witly humorous Advertisement is mostly likely to be a product advertisement b) social advertisements Industrial advertisements d) classified advertisement E. a) b) c) d) e) Difference Between : Commercial advertisement and social advertisement Saguna and Nirguna Jati and Varna Evergreen and deciduous forests Tropical and Temperate grass lands F. a) b) Draw a map: Locations of some important parts and airports Locations of hot deserts other than the Sahara Subject - Hindi 1- d[kx?kM+ 2- bl iz”u i= esa pkj [kaM gSa d] [k] x vkSj ?k izR;sd [kaM ls lHkh iz”u djus vfuok;Z gSaA ¼[k.M & d ^^vifBr x|ka”k**½ bl x|ka”k dks i<+dj lacaf/kr iz”uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A eksgu vkSj lksgu nks fe= Fks vkSj nkuksa QqVckWy ds vPNs f[kykM+h FksA QqyckWy ,d ckj muds ikl vk tk, rks fQj lh/ks xksy esa gh tkrh FkhA eksgu vkSj lksgu vius fo|ky; dh tku FksA nksuksa ,d nwljs dks cgqr pkgrs Fks vkSj nkuks a,d nwljs ds lq[k&nq[k esa Hkh lkFk fuHkkrs FksA nkuksa dk LoHkko ,d lk FkkA ij ,d ckr esa nksuksa ij lksgu gj dke esa “kdqu&vi”kdqu ds Qsj esa iM+ tkrk FkkA dke “kq: djus ls igys ;fn ihNs ls fdlh us Nhad fn;k rks og bls vi”kdqu eku cSBrk vkSj dke Bi dj nsrkA ,d ckj fo|ky; esa QqVckWy dk eSp gksus okyk FkkA dbZ fnuksa ls eSp dh rS;kjh gks jgh FkhA fuf”pr fnu vk igq¡pkA lksgu lqcg gksrs gh mBk vkSj rS;kj gksdj eksgu ds ?kj dh vksj py iM+k ysfdu FkksM+h nwj igq¡pus ij gh fcYyh jkLrk dkV xbZA lksgu ogha :ddj [kM+k gks x;k vkSj cksyk ;g rks vi”kdqu gks x;kA vc esjk ugha gksxkA ;g lkspdj og okil py iM+kA eksgu vkSj lksgu fdl [ksy ds f[kykM+h Fks\ fcYyh lM+d ds ikj D;ksa xbZ Fkh\ eksgu vkSj lksgu fo|ky; dh “kku D;ksa ekus tkrs Fks\ ?kj ls fudyus ij lksgu d l s kFk D;k ?kVuk ?kVh\ “kdqu&vi”kdqu ekuus ls euq’; d t s hou ij D;k izHkko iM+rk gS\ uhps fy[ks “KCnksa ds vFkZ fy[kdj okD;ksa esa iz;ksx dhft,A iafDr] iqjLdkj] /kkj.kk] okf’kZdksRlo] ,d= gksuk] flj ihV ysuk A fuEufyf[kr i|ka”k dks i<+dj lacaf/kr iz”uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A Fkky ltkdj fdls iwtus] pys izkr% gh erokys\ dgk¡ pys rqe jke uke dk& ihrkacj ru ij Mkys\ b/kj iz;kx u xaxk lkxj\ b/kj u jkes”oj dk”kh ;gk¡ fd/kj gS rhFkZ rqEgkjk] dgk¡ pys rqe laU;klh eq>s u tkuk xaxk lkxj] eq>s u jkes”oj dk”kh rhFkZjkt fpÙkkSM+ ns[kus dks] esjh vk¡[ksa I;klhA tgk¡ vku ij ek¡ cguksa dh tyk&tyk ikou gksyh] ohj eaMyh xfoZr Loj ls t; ek¡ dh t;&t; cksyhA d[kx?kM+- 3d[kx45d[kx?kM+67d[kx89d[kx- Fkky ltkdj jke&uke dk ihrkacj ru ij Mkys dkSu tk jgs gSa\ Lora=rk ds fy, fdlus ejuk lh[kk gS\ laU;klh D;k djus tk jgs gSa\ oh&eaMyh xfoZr Loj ls fdldh t; cksy jgh gS\ O;fDr dh vk¡[ksa D;k ns[kus ds fy, I;klh Fkha\ bu “kCnksa ds vFkZ fy[kdj okD;ksa esa iz;ksx dhft, & erokys] ihrkacj] nqxZ] ikou] ix&/kwy] xfoZrA ¼[k.M & [k ^^O;kdj.k**½ bu okD;ksa ds lkeus fo”ks’k.k ds uke fy[kksA 3 vhkh&vHkh rhu yM+ds vk, gSaA ;g dksV dkyk gSA nks yhVj nw/k ysdj vkvksA bu laKk “kCnksa ls fo”ks’k.k “kCn cukvksA ped] nq%[k] iRFkj] /ku] vuqHko fjDr LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ izfo”ks’k.k }kjk djks& 5 xaxk ---------------- yach unh gSA ml lHkk esa ---------------- nl gtkj yksx mifLFkr FksA rqe rks---------------- bZekunkj ckyd gksA vkt eSaus ---------------- dqN [kk;kA eerk ---------------- prqj gSa 5 fuEufyf[kr /kkrqvksa dks lkekU; fØ;k esa cnydj mUgsa vius okD;ksa esa iz;ksx djksA 4 Vgy] ugk] tkx] ukpA lgh fodYi ij ¼½ dk fu”kku yxkvksA 3 ftl “kCn ls dke dk djuk ;k gksuk ik;k tk,] mls dgrs gSa& a) fo”ks’k.k] b) fØ;k] c)loZuke] d) laKkA fØ;k ds ewy :i dks dgrs gSa & a ) /kkrq] b) vdeZe fØ;k] c) ldeZd fØ;k] d) fØ;kA deZ ds vk/kkj ij fØ;k ds Hksn gksrs gsSa % a) rhu] b) nks] c) pkj] d) ik¡pA fØ;k fo”ks’k.k ds dksbZ Hkh nks mnkgj.k nhft,A 2 uhps fn, x, okD;ka”k d ,s d “KCn esa mÙkj nhft,A 3 tks vanj ls [kkyh gks feBkbZ cukus okyk tks Hkkjr esa jgrk gks ¼[kaM & x ^^iz”ukoyh**½ 10111213141516171819202122- ns”k HkDr dgk¡ rFkk D;ksa tk jgs Fks\ O;fDr dh vk¡[ksa D;k ns[kus ds fy, I;klh Fkh\ nhuk vius iM+ksfl;ksa ls D;ksa ijs”kku Fkk\ Jo.k dqekj us ekrk&firk dks rhFkZ ;k=k fdl izdkj djokbZ\ Jo.k dqekj dks ck.k fdu ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa yxk\ eqfu “kkaRou us jktk n”kjFk dks D;k “kki fn;k\ [kku D;k csprk Fkk\ cPps lkfo=h ls D;ksa ukjkt Fks\ vksyafid [ksyksa dk D;k mís”; gS\ cPps fdlds lkFk ldq”ky ykSVs\ e”kky izTofyr djus dh “kq:vkr dc ls gqbZ\ gekjs thou esa ouksa dh D;k mi;ksfxrk gS\ fdu&fdu o`{kksa dh iwtk dh tkrh gS\ 23dx?k242526- fjDr LFkku dh iwfrZ dhft,& 4 lalkj ds leLr ----------- dk thou ouksa ij fuHkZj gSA[k- ?kkl ---------------- ls feyrh gS A o’kkZ ls gesa ---------------- rFkk ---------------- djus ds fy, ty miyC/k gksrk gSA ;s isM+ ikS/ks---------------- ds gh vax gSaA bu “kCnksa ds vFkZ fy[kdj okD;ksa esa iz;ksx djksA 4 cSj] lkSnkxj] lg’kZ] futhA ¼[k.M & ?k ^^ys[ku**½ nwjn”KZu ij ,d vuqPNsn ¼100½ “KCnksa esa fyf[k,A 4 x.krU= fnol 26 tuojh 5 27- csjkstxkjh dh leL;k ij ,d fuca/k fy[kksA dfork izfr;ksfxrk esa Hkkx ysus ds fy, vius iz/kkuk;k;Z dks i= fyf[k,A 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 ;k A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B. 1. 2. 4 Subject: Biology Answer the following is not more than 20 words: 16 What is the juice secreted by the liver called? what does it do? What is pronation? What kind of a thermometer is used to measure the maximum and minimum temperatures? Which type of soil is considered the best for the growth of plants? What is the low-pressure centre of a cyclone called? How was groundwater utilised traditionally] and how is it used now? How do fores regulate temperature? What are the three sources of liquid waste? Answer the following is not more than 40 words: 9 The juice produced in the stomach contains an acid as well as an enzyme. Name the enzyme. What do the acid and enzyme do ? Describe what happens after a pollen grown reaches the stigma. 3. What are the trade winds? How are they caused? C. Answer the following is not more than 100 words: 10 What impact does deforestation have on the animals living in forests? Draw a diagram the clearly shows the reproductive organs of a flower and leble it? 1. 2. D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. a) c) 2. a) c) 3. a) 4. a) 5. a) 6. a) 7. a) 8. a) 9. a) 10 a) c) Fill in the blanks : 7 Chemical substances produced in the body of an organism to help in the process of digestive are called___________. The fusion of the male and female gametes is called ___________. The capacity of the air to hold water vapour ___________ with temperature. The decaying organic matter present in soil is called ___________. About 50% of our agriculture needs are met by ___________. Waste water generated by industries is called industrial ___________. A tornado over the sea is called ___________. Subject: Science Which of the following is not a reversible change ? The Changing of water into steam b) The melting of iron The burning of Kerosene d) The freezing of water. Which of the following is a reversible change? The burning of wax b) the melting of wax The curdling of milk d) The cooking of food During which of the following changes are new substances formed? melting b) sublimation c) evaporation d) rusting Rusting takes place in air-free moisture b) moisture-free air c) most air d) none of these In which of the following process is light absorbed? sublimation b) Burning c) Rusting d) Photosynthesis Which of these farm virtual images only? Concave mirror b) convex mirror c) concave lens d) convex lens A drop of water on a leaf forms a magnified image of the veins because of refraction b) reflection c) radiation d)rectilinear propagation If we mix lights of the colours of the rainbow, we well get pink light b) brown light c) dour less light d) black light If yen bring a faraway object towards the forces of a convex lens, the size of the image will increase b) decrease c) double d) remains the same Which of these are due to the rectilinear propagation of light? Rainbow b) Invested image in a pinhole Shadow d) Reflection B. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answer the following in not more than 40 words: 15 How would you drill whether a change is physical chemical? Mention two characteristics of each kind of clay. Discuss why the dissolving of salt in water is a physics change. Discuss an example of physical and chemical changes happening together. What do you understand by trialing waste water? What are ‘Black water’ and ‘grey water’ in the contact of sewage? C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answer the following in not more than 20 words: What is municipal sewage? What are two sources of liquid waste? How is Qaganin mater separated from sewage? What is natural alternative to sewage frealnant plants? Define a chemical change. D. 1. Answer the following in not more than 100 words: 20 Give an example of each kind, show that change in energy takes places whaen a physical or a chemical change occurs. Describe an activity to find the conditions required for What are real and virtual image? What are two difference between them? What is refraction? Explain with an example/ What do you understand by two groups of lense? How will you final two foves of a convex lens? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 15
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