TAKANARI OUCHI, PhD 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 4-217, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139-4307 : [email protected], 617-253-8468, 617-921-2617 RESEARCH INTERESTS Nano-micro Fabrication Processing: a combination of wet and dry processes, surface sciences Battery Technology: grid-scale energy storage, electrochemistry Chemical Metallurgy: environmentally friendly metal extraction and recycling Corrosion Science: high temperature materials, thermodynamics and kinetics of materials EDUCATION 04/2008-03/2011 Ph.D. Nano-Science and Nano-Engineering, Graduate School of Waseda University Advisor: Professor Takayuki Homma Coursework included materials science, surface science, physical chemistry, electrochemistry, and MEMS/NEMS technology Thesis title: “Electrochemical Fabrication of Ordered Ferromagnetic Nanostructures and Control of Initial Deposition Process” 04/2007-03/2008 M.S. Nano-Science and Nano-Engineering, Graduate School of Waseda University Advisor: Professor Takayuki Homma 04/2003-03/2007 B.S. Department of Applied Chemistry, Waseda University EXPERIENCE Research Experience 05/2014-Present Senior Postdoctoral Associate, Materials Processing Center, MIT 05/2011-05/2014 Postdoctoral Associate, Materials Processing Center, MIT Advisor: Professor Donald R. Sadoway Leading two topics in a project involving a liquid metal battery, a grid scale electrochemical energy storage device utilizing liquid metal and molten salt: o Investigation of corrosion issues in cell components o Development of calcium based liquid metal batteries 04/2009-03/2011 Research Associate, Department of Applied Chemistry, Waseda University Advisor: Professor Takayuki Homma Led several projects in Homma’s lab: o Development of a surface enhanced raman sensor for analysis of reaction steps of reducing agent in electroless deposition process o Electrochemical fabrication of metallic silicon nanodot array using ionic liquid media for solar battery application o Investigation of silicon anodization to form high-aspect ratio micro porous structure and its application in bio sensing devices Ouchi_CV Page|2 04/2007-03/2011 Ph. D. and M.S, Nano-Science and Nano-Engineering, Graduate School of Waseda University Advisor: Professor Takayuki Homma Fabrication processes of bit patterned media for next generation hard disk drives by controlling the electrochemical nucleation and growth of magnetic alloy in nano-patterned substrate 04/2008-03/2009 Research Assistant, Waseda University at “Center for Practical Chemical Wisdom’’ in the Global-COE Program, Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan. Teaching Experience 2013-2014 Teaching Instructor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT Assisted undergraduate lab course (3.014 Materials Laboratory) Revised a module, “Thermodynamics and Kinetics of a Lead Acid Battery,” and designed a new module, “Experimental Determination of Phase Diagrams” 04/2009-03/2011 Research Associate, Department of Applied Chemistry, Waseda University Assisted undergraduate courses in inorganic chemistry and physical chemistry, including recitation classes Assisted undergraduate lab courses of analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Helped establish a new experiment titled “Electrochemistry.” Trained teaching assistants (TA) by formulating guidelines for teaching of experimental courses. 04/2007-03/2008 Teaching Assistant, Department of Applied Chemistry, Waseda University Assisted undergraduate lab course (inorganic chemistry) SKILLS Microstructure analysis (SEM, TEM, XPS, EPMA, Auger, XRD, AFM, MFM, etc.) Optical analysis (Raman, IR, UV-vis, Magnetro-optical Kerr effect, etc.) Electrochemical processing and measurement (electrodeposition, electroless deposition, electrochemical etching, voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, etc.) Fabrication processes (photolithography, electron beam lithography, nanoimprinting lithography, RIE, FIB, etc.) Languages: Japanese (native), English (fluent) AWARDS & HONORS 2015 TMS EPD Young Leader Professional Development Award 2014 Completion of the Teaching Certificate Program, MIT 2013 Invited lecture in Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Communication Engineering, Chuo University, Japan 2012 Murata Overseas Scholarship Foundation Ouchi_CV 2011 Marubun Research Promotion Foundation 2010 Research grant of framework agreement of Waseda-Mitsubishi Materials 2009 Best presentation award of Chemical Society of Japan / Kanto Branch 2008 Best poster award of Materials tailoring conference Page|3 AFFILIATIONS Electrochemical Society (ECS), Material Research Society (MRS), Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS), Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ) PUBLICATIONS Full papers 1. T. Ouchi, H. Kim, D. R. Sadoway, “Ca-based liquid metal batteries: towards grid-scale electrochemical energy storage,” in preparation. 2. T. Ouchi, D. R. Sadoway, “Corrosion of Positive Current Collector in Li||Sb-Pb Liquid Metal Battery for Grid-Scale Energy Storage,” in preparation. 3. T. Ouchi, H. Kim, X. Ning, D. R. Sadoway, “Calcium-Antimony Alloys as Electrodes for Liquid Metal Batteries,” J. Electrochem. Soc., 161(12) A1898-A1904 (2014). 4. K. Wang, K. Jiang, B. Chung, T. Ouchi, P. J. Burke, D. A. Boysen, D. J. Bradwell, H. Kim, U. Muecke, D. R. Sadoway, “Lithium–antimony–lead liquid metal battery for grid-level energy storage,” Nature, 514, 348–350 5. 6. 7. (2014). H. Kim, D. A. Boysen, T. Ouchi, D.R. Sadoway, “Calcium-Bismuth Liquid Metal Batteries for Large-Scale Energy Storage,” Journal of Power Sources, 241, 239-248 (2013). B. Jiang, T. Ouchi, N. Shimano, A. Otomo, M. Kunimoto, M. Yanagisawa, T. Homma, “Analysis of hydrazine on a Cu surface with nanoscale resolution using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy,” Electrochimica Acta, 100, 317–320 (2013). T. Ouchi, N. Shimano, T. Homma, “CoNiP Electroless Deposition Process for Fabricating Ferromagnetic Nanodot Arrays,” Electrochimica Acta, 56, 9575-9580 (2011). 8. T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, Y. Konishi, T. Homma, “Fabrication of Magnetic Nanodot Array using Electrochemical Deposition Processes,” Electrochimica Acta, 55, 8081-8086 (2010). 9. M. Aniya, A. Shimada, Y. Sonobe, K. Sato, T. Shima, K. Takanashi, Simon J. Greaves, T. Ouchi, and T. Homma, “Magnetization reversal process of hard/soft nano-composite structures formed by ion irradiation,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46 (6), 2132 - 2135 (2010). 10. T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, T. Homma, “Electrochemical Fabrication and Characterization of CoPt Bit Patterned Media: towards a Wetchemical, Large-Scale Fabrication,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46, (6) 2224-2227 (2010). 11. M. Aniya, A. Mitra, A. Shimada, Y. Sonobe, T. Ouchi, Simon J. Greaves, and T. Homma, “Magnetic properties of patterned CGC perpendicular films with soft magnetic fillings,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 45, (10), 3539-3542 (2009). 12. T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, T. Homma, “Fabrication of CoPt Magnetic Nanodot Arrays by Electrodeposition Process,” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 320, (22), 3104-3107 (2008). Ouchi_CV Page|4 Review 13. T. Ouchi,T. Homma, “Fabrication of Ferromagnetic nanodot arrays by wet proecesses,” Journal of the Surface Finishing of Japan, 59, (7), 430-436 (2008). Proceedings 14. T. Homma, J. Komadina, Y. Nakano, T. Ouchi, T. Akiyoshi, Y. Ishibashi, Y. Nishimura, T. Nishida, Y. Fukunaka, “Templated electrodeposition of silicon nanowires from ionic liquid,” ECS Transactions, 41(46), 9-15 (2012). 15. T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, T. Kuno, T. Homma, “High Perpendicular Coercivity Electroless Cobalt Alloy Films with 25 nm Thicknesses,” ECS Ttransaction, 25 (42), 125-134 (2010). 16. T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, T. Homma, “Electrochemical Fabrication of CoPt Nanodot Arrays on Glass Disks by UV Nanoimprint Lithography,” ECS Ttransaction, 16, (45), 57-64 (2009). PRESENTATIONS 2014 1. T. Ouchi, D. R. Sadoway, “Corrosion of Positive Current Collector in Li||Sb-Pb Liquid Metal Battery for Grid-Scale Energy Storage” 2014 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting, Cancun, Mexico, October, 2014. 2. T. Ouchi, D. R. Sadoway, “Liquid Metal Battery for Grid-Scale Energy Storage” 2nd Annual Multi-scale Renewable Energy Storage Symposium MRES 2014, Boston, USA, August, 2014. Invited 3. T. Ouchi, H. Kim, D. R. Sadoway, “Calcium-antimony electrodes for liquid metal batteries: towards grid-scale electrochemical energy storage” TMS2014, San Diego, USA, February, 2014. 2013 4. T. Ouchi, H. Kim, X. Ning, D. R. Sadoway, “Ca-Based Liquid Metal Battery for Grid Scale Energy Storage: Ca-Mg||Bi,” TMS2013, Texas, USA, March, 2013. 5. X. Ning, T. Ouchi, H. Kim, D. R. Sadoway, “Electrochemical Behavior of Calcium-Lead Alloys in Molten Salt Electrolytes,” TMS2013, Texas, USA, March 2013. 2012 6. H. Kim, D. A. Boysen, T. Ouchi, D. R. Sadoway, “Calcium-bismuth Liquid Electrodes for Energy Storage Systems,” MRS2012, Massachusetts, USA, November 2012. 7. T. Ouchi, H. Kim, X. Ning, D. R. Sadoway, “Electrochemcial properties of Ca-Sb electrode in molten salt electrolyte,” PRIME 2012, Hawaii, USA, October 2012. 2011 8. T. Homma, T. Ouchi, N. Shimano, “High Coercivity Magnetic Thin Films Deposited from Simplified Electroless Bath System” the 62nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Niigata, Japan, September 2011. 9. Y. Konishi, A. Takami, T. Ouchi, T. Homma, “Fabrication of electrodeposited Co-Pt nano dot arrays and analysis of its initial deposition process,” the 62nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, s03-P-025, Niigata, Japan, September 2011. 10. A. Takami, T. Kuno, T. Ouchi, T. Homma, “Fabrication of Co-Pt Nanodot Arrays on Cu Layer,”123th meeting of the Surface Finishing of Japan, 17C-02, Kanagawa, Japan, March 2011. 11. N. Shimano, T. Ouchi, T. Homma, “Analysis of Electroless Deposition Behavior of CoNiP with High Ouchi_CV Page|5 Coercivity” 2010 Spring Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, 1J23, Kanagawa, Japan, March, 2011. 12. Y. Seki, N. Kawana, T. Ouchi, N. Kim, G. S. Lee, D. J. Ahn, T. Homma, “Fabrication of Micro Spiking Silicatube Array by Si Anodization and Their Application to Reaction Filed for Sensors,” 2010 Spring Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, 1J23, Kanagawa, Japan, March, 2011. 13. T Ouchi, T. Kuno, Y. Konishi, A. Takami, T. Homma “Fabrication of Co-Pt Bit Pattern Media by Electrodeposition,” Solution-oriented research for science and technology (SORST), symposium,P402, Tokyo, Japan, January, 2011. 2010 14. T. Homma, T. Ouchi, Y. Konishi, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, M. Aniya, and Y. Sonobe, “Fabrication of Magnetic Nanodot Array Using Nanoimprint Lithography: In Combination with Electrochemical Deposition or Ion Irradiation,” 218th meeting of the Electrochemical Society, 2033, Nevada, USA, October 2010. 15. T. Ouchi, Y. Konishi, T. Homma, “Analysis of Nano-patterned Electrodeposition of Co-Pt at Initial Deposition Stage,” The 61st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Nice, France, September 2010. 16. T. Ouchi, N. Shimano, T. Homma, “Study on CoNiP Electroless Deposition Reaction for Fabricating Ferromagnetic Nanodot Arrays,” The Eight International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nanosystem Technologies, O-47, Cannes, France, September 2010. 17. Y. Konishi, T. Ouchi, T. Homma, “Analysis of Co-Pt Electrodeposition in Nano-dot Patterns at Initial Deposition Stage,” 2010 Fall Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, 1I26, Kanagawa, Japan, September 2010. 18. Y. Nakano, T. Ouchi, T. Akiyoshi, Y. Fukunaka, T. Homma “Fabrication of Si Micro-Pillar Arrays by Electrodeposition from Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids,” 2010 Fall Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, 2I07, Kanagawa, Japan, September 2010. 19. T. Kuno, J. Takami, T. Ouchi, T. Homma, “Fabrication of Ultrafine Co-Pt Dot Arrays on Cu Layer,” 2010 Fall Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, 1I25, Kanagawa, Japan, September 2010. 20. N. Shimano, T. Ouchi, T. Homma, “Analysis of Electroless Deposition of CoNiP Films with High Coercivities at Initial Deposition Stage,” 2010 Fall Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, 1I10, Kanagawa, Japan, September 2010. 21. T. Ouchi, T. Kuno, Y. Konishi, T. Homma, “Study on Electrochemical Deposition Behavior of Co-Pt into Nano-patterned Substrates,” PMRC2010, 18aD-17, Hawaii, USA, May 2010. 22. Y. Konishi, Y. Arikawa, T. Ouchi, T. Homma, “Fabrication of High Coercivity Co-Pt Nanodot Arrays on a Soft Magnetic Underlayer by Electrodeposition,” 77th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, 1Q18, Toyama, Japan, March 2010. 23. T. Kuno, T. Ouchi, T. Homma, “Fabrication and Characterization of Ultra-high Density CoPt Nandot Arrays by Electrodeposition,” 121th meeting of the Surface Finishing of Japan, 15C-04, Tokyo, Japan, March 2010. 2009 24. T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, T. Kuno, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, T. Homma, “Electrochemical Fabrication and Characterization of CoPt Bit Patterned Media: a Wetchemical Approaches towards the Large Scale Manufacture of Terabit/in2 Media,” 11th Joint MMM-Intermag Conreference, CG07, Washington DC, USA, January 2009. 25. T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, T. Kuno, T. Homma, “High Perpendicular Coercivity Electroless Cobalt Alloy Films with 25 nm Thicknesses,” 216th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, 2439, Vienna, Austria, October 2009. 26. Y. Arikawa, T. Kuno, C.P. Lin, T. Ouchi, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, T. Homma, “Fabrication and Characterization of Ouchi_CV Page|6 Bit Patterned Media Using Nanoimprint Lithography and Electrodeposition,” The 33rd Annual Conference on Magnetics in Japan, 12pB2, Nagasaki, Japan, September 2009. 27. T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, T. Kuno, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, T. Homma, “Fabrication of CoPt Ferromagnetic Nanodot Arrays and Enhancement in Coercivity by Electrodeposition Method,” Chemical Society of Japan / Kanto Branch, 1A1-24, Tokyo, Japan, September 2009. 28. T. Homma, T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, C.P. Lin, T. Kuno, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, “Fabrication of Magnetic Nanodot Array using Electrochemical Deposition Processes,” The 60th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Beijing, China, August 2009. 29. T. Homma, T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, K. Uzawa, “Electrochemical Approaches for Micro and Nano Scale Fabrication of Arrayed Functional Structures,” ICCE-17, Hawaii, USA, August, 2009. 30. T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, C. P. Lin, T. Homma, “Fabrication of bit patterned media for ultra-high density magnetic recording by electrochemical approaches,” Kurt Schwabe Symposium 2009, Erlangen, Germany, May 2009. 31. M. Aniya, A. Mitra, A. Shimada, Y. Sonobe, T. Ouchi, Simon J. Greaves, and T. Homma, “Magnetic properties of patterned CGC perpendicular films with soft magnetic fillings,” Intermag2009, CP-15, California, USA, May 2009. 32. N. Kawana, K. Uzawa, T. Ouchi, T. Homma, “Density control on the formation of macropore arrays by silicon electrochemical etching,” 76th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, Kyoto, Japan, March 2009. 33. T. Kuno, Y. Arikawa, C.P. Lin, T. Ouchi, T. Homma, “Miniaturization of dot patterns for fabrication of CoPt magnetic nanodot arrays,” 76th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, 3I20, Kyoto, Japan, March 2009. 2008 34. K. Uzawa, N. Kawana, T. Ouchi, T. Homma, “Size-Controlled Microfabrication of Pore Arrays to Si Wafer Surface,” International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS-ICA2008), Aichi, Japan, December 2008. 35. T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, T. Homma, ‘‘Electrochemical Fabrication of CoPt Nanodot Arrays on Glass Disks by UV Nanoimprint Lithography,’’ Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-state Science, 2571, Hawaii, USA, October 2008. 36. T. Ouchi, Y.Arikawa, J. Mizuno, S. Shoji, T. Homma, ‘‘Fabrication of Ferromagnetic Nanodot Arrays by Electrochemical Processes,’’ Interfinish 2008, GO-41, Busan, Korea, June 2008. 37. T. Homma, T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, “Fabrication of Magnetic Nanodot Arrays using Wet Processes,” ACEC2008, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2008. 38. T. Arikawa, T. Ouchi, T. Homma,“Fabrication of CoPt magnetic nanodot array on glass disk substrate by electrodeposition, ” 75th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, 2F11, Yamanashi, Japan, March 2008. 2007 39. T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, T. Homma, “Fabrication of CoPt Magnetic Nanodot Arrays by Electrodeposition Process,” 8th International Conference on Perpendicular Magnetic Recording, 16pC-03, Tokyo, Japan, October, 2007. 40. T. Homma, T. Ouchi, Y. Arikawa, “Fabrication of Ferromagnetic nanodot arrays by wet processes,” 116th meeting of the Surface Finishing of Japan, 18C-Invited, Nagasaki, Japan, September, 2007. 41. T. Homma, H. Sato, T. Yamaguchi, T. Isobe, T. Ouchi, “Electrochemical fabrication and modification processes for arrayed microstructures on Si wafer surfaces,” 211th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Illinoi, USA, May 2007. 42. T. Ouchi, T. Isobe, T. Yamaguchi, H. Sato, T. Homma, “Control of the synthesis process of metal nanoparticles Ouchi_CV Page|7 by flowing reductive gas using micro-through-hole array,” 74th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, 2O03, Chiba, Japan, March 2007. 2006 43. T. Isobe, T. Ouchi, T. Yamaguchi, H. Sato, T. Homma, S. Shoji, “Synthesis of metal nanoparticles by flowing reductive gas with micro-through-hole array,” Fall meeting of Electrochemical society of Japan, 1M22, Kyoto, Japan, September 2006. Ouchi_CV REFERENCES Professor Donald R. Sadoway, PhD Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Ave., 8-203, Cambridge, MA, 02139-4307, USA Tel: +1-617-253-3487 E-mail: [email protected] Professor Takayuki Homma, PhD Department of Applied Chemistry, Waseda University Nano-Science and Nano-Engineering, Waseda University 65-2-0, 3-4-1, Okubo, Shinjuku, Tokyo, 169-8555, Japan Tel: +81-3-5286-3209 E-mail: [email protected] Professor Richard C. Alkire, PhD Emeritus Professor, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 297 Roger Adams Laboratory, MC 712, 600 S. Mathews, Urbana, IL 61801, USA Tel: +1-217-333-0063 E-mail: [email protected] Professor George Zheng Chen, PhD, DIC, FRSC, FIMM Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, The University of Nottingham Coates Building, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK Tel: +44-75-5719-7463 E-mail: [email protected] Professor Yasuhiro Fukunaka, PhD Nanotechnology Research Institute, Waseda University 24-#302, Kamibettouchou, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo, Kyoto, 606-8275, Japan Tel: +81-75-722-3787(Home) +81-80-9161-9075(Cell) E-mail: [email protected] Page|8
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