1 of 11 SVO List of Fees Date: Dec. 29, 2014 Category Bank Letter of Credit Product Code 15001 Filing Year* Applicability Fee Bank Letter of Credit Initial New listing request. Bank Letter of Credit Annual Annual maintenance fee for mutual funds for existing banks that insurers wish to retain pn the list. $500 Canada Initial Rated Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is currently rated by an NAIC CRP. $150 Canada Annual Update Rated Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is currently rated by an NAIC CRP. $150 Canada Initial Issuer Not In VOS Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. This includes issues, which may enjoy some form of credit support from another credit that has been rated by an NAIC CRP. $4,250 23523 Canada Annual Update Not Rated NAIC Designation. Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP. $1,350 23529 Canada Initial VOS 5*/6* Initial SAR filing where SVO assigns 5* or 6* NAIC Designation $1,350 Canada Initial Issuer Not In VOS X Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. This includes issues, which may enjoy some form of credit support from another credit that has been rated by an NAIC CRP. $3,500 15002 Canadian Bonds Ps Description 23500 23502 23521 23541 *2014 Filings Submitted in 2015 Calendar Year 2014 $1,500 1 of 11 G:\DATA\SVO Managers\Website\List of Fees 2015.xlsx Category Canadian Bonds Corporate Product Code Filing Year* Applicability Fee Canada Initial Not Rated X Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. $1,350 Corporate Initial Rated Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is currently rated by an NAIC CRP. $150 20002 Corporate Annual Update Rated Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is currently rated by an NAIC CRP. $150 20004 Corporate Initial Common Stock Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of securities publication of common stock. $150 20005 Corporate Annual Update Common Stock Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of securities publication of common stock. $150 20009 Corporate Initial Foreign Stock Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of securities publication of common stock. $150 20010 Corporate Annual Update Foreign Stock Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of securities publication of common stock. $150 Corporate Initial Issuer Not in VOS Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. This includes issues, which may enjoy some form of credit support from another credit that has been rated by an NAIC CRP. $4,250 Corporate Annual Update Not Rated NAIC Designation. Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP. $1,350 23544 20000 20021 20023 Ps Description *2014 Filings Submitted in 2015 Calendar Year 2 of 11 2 of 11 G:\DATA\SVO Managers\Website\List of Fees 2015.xlsx Category Corporate Product Code 20024 Foreign Government / Supranational Entity Filing Year* Annual Common Equity-Like Class Applicability Fee NAIC Designation. Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP. $1,350 Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. This includes issues, which may enjoy some form of credit support from another credit that has been rated by an NAIC CRP. 20027 Initial Common Equity-Like Class 20028 Initial Common Equity-Like Class X 20029 Corporate Initial 5*/6* Initial SAR filing where SVO assigns 5* or 6* NAIC Designation $1,350 Corporate Initial Issuer Not in VOS X Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. This includes issues, which may enjoy some form of credit support from another credit that has been rated by an NAIC CRP. $3,500 20036 Corporate Initial Not Rated X Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. $1,350 17001 Counterparty Derivative Initials Counterparty ratings. Initial filing. $1,500 17002 Counterparty Derivative Annuals Annual rating maintenance fee. $500 Foreign/Supra Initial Rated Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is currently rated by an NAIC CRP. $150 20031 Counterparty Derivatives Ps Description 20500 *2014 Filings Submitted in 2015 Calendar Year 2014 3 of 11 $3,000 $3,500 3 of 11 G:\DATA\SVO Managers\Website\List of Fees 2015.xlsx Category Foreign Government / Supranational Entity Product Code 20501 20502 20503 20511 U.S. Government Bonds Ps Description Filing Year* Applicability Fee Foreign/Supra Initial Issuer Not in VOS Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. This includes issues, which may enjoy some form of credit support from another credit that has been rated by an NAIC CRP. $3,000 Foreign/Supra Annual Update Rated Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is currently rated by an NAIC CRP. $150 Foreign/Supra Annual Update Not Rated NAIC Designation. Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP. $1,350 Foreign/Supra Initial Issuer Not in VOS X Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. This includes issues, which may enjoy some form of credit support from another credit that has been rated by an NAIC CRP. $3,500 $1,350 $1,350 2014 20516 Foreign/Supra Initial Not Rated X Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. 20529 Foreign/Supra Initial 5*/6* Initial SAR filing where SVO assigns 5* or 6* NAIC Designation Government Initial Rated Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is currently rated by an NAIC CRP. 23510 *2014 Filings Submitted in 2015 Calendar Year 4 of 11 $150 4 of 11 G:\DATA\SVO Managers\Website\List of Fees 2015.xlsx Category U.S. Government Bonds Product Code Filing Year* Applicability Fee Government Annual Update Rated Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is currently rated by an NAIC CRP. $150 Government Initial Issuer Not in VOS Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. This includes issues, which may enjoy some form of credit support from another credit that has been rated by an NAIC CRP. $4,250 23533 Government Annual Update Not Rated NAIC Designation. Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP. $1,350 23549 Government Initial 5*/6* Initial SAR filing where SVO assigns 5* or 6* NAIC Designation $1,350 Government Initial Issuer Not in VOS X Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. This includes issues, which may enjoy some form of credit support from another credit that has been rated by an NAIC CRP. $3,500 Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. $1,350 23512 23531 23551 23554 Ps Description Government Initial Not Rated X *2014 Filings Submitted in 2015 Calendar Year 2014 5 of 11 5 of 11 G:\DATA\SVO Managers\Website\List of Fees 2015.xlsx Category Military Housing Bonds Product Code Fee Military Housing Bonds Initial Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is currently rated by an NAIC CRP. $5,000 Military Housing Bonds Annual NAIC Designation. Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP. $1,350 Municipal Initial Rated Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is currently rated by an NAIC CRP. $150 Municipal Annual Update Rated Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is currently rated by an NAIC CRP. $150 Municipal Initial Issuer Not in VOS Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. This includes issues, which may enjoy some form of credit support from another credit that has been rated by an NAIC CRP. $4,250 21023 Municipal Annual Update Not Rated NAIC Designation. Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP. $1,350 21029 Municipal Initial 5*/6* Initial SAR filing where SVO assigns 5* or 6* NAIC Designation $1,350 22029 Municipal Bonds Filing Year* Applicability 22003 21000 21002 21021 Ps Description *2014 Filings Submitted in 2015 Calendar Year 6 of 11 6 of 11 G:\DATA\SVO Managers\Website\List of Fees 2015.xlsx Category Municipal Bonds Mutual Funds Product Code 21031 Municipal Initial Issuer Not in VOS X Filing Year* Applicability Fee 2014 Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. This includes issues, which may enjoy some form of credit support from another credit that has been rated by an NAIC CRP. $3,500 $1,350 21034 Municipal Initial Not Rated X Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. 16001 Mutual Funds Initials Mutual Fund Listing. New listing requests. $500 Mutual Funds Annuals Annual Maintenance fee for mutual funds currently on the list that insurers wish to retain on the list. $250 25000 RTAS Advance Rating Service Corporate (Non Insurer) Assessment Fee (includes credit, valuation and classification analysis of a single security). When the applicant is not an insurer. $20,000 25001 RTAS Advance Rating Service Corporate (Insurer) Assessment Fee (includes credit, valuation and classification analysis of a single security). When the applicant is an insurer. $15,000 25003 RTAS Advance Rating Service ETF (Non Insurer) Initial Filing when the applicant is not an insurer. $20,000 25004 RTAS Advance Rating Service ETF (Insurer) Initial Filing when the applicant is an insurer. $15,000 16002 Regulatory Treatment Analysis Service (RTAS) Ps Description *2014 Filings Submitted in 2015 Calendar Year 7 of 11 7 of 11 G:\DATA\SVO Managers\Website\List of Fees 2015.xlsx Category Schedule BA Assets Product Code 23600 23601 23602 23603 23604 23605 23606 Ps Description Filing Year* Applicability Fee SCHEDULE BA Initial Rated Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is currently rated by an NAIC CRP. $150 SCHEDULE BA Initial Not Rated Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. $1,500 SCHEDULE BA Initial Not in VOS Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. This includes issues, which may enjoy some form of credit support from another credit that has been rated by an NAIC CRP. $4,250 SCHEDULE BA Annual Rated Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is currently rated by an NAIC CRP. $150 SCHEDULE BA Annual Not Rated NAIC Designation. Annual update filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP. $1,350 SCHEDULE BA Initial Surplus Note X SCHEDULE BA Annual Surplus Note X *2014 Filings Submitted in 2015 Calendar Year 8 of 11 $250 $125 8 of 11 G:\DATA\SVO Managers\Website\List of Fees 2015.xlsx Category Schedule BA Assets Product Code 23611 Ps Description SCHEDULE BA Initial Not Rated X Filing Year* Applicability Fee 2014 Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. $1,350 2014 Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. This includes issues, which may enjoy some form of credit support from another credit that has been rated by an NAIC CRP. $3,500 23612 SCHEDULE BA Initial Not in VOS X 23619 SCHEDULE BA Initial 5*/6* Initial SAR filing where SVO assigns 5* or 6* NAIC Designation $1,350 20008 Structured CTL Annual Update Not Rated Annual Update Filing Fee where the lessee/tenant is not rated by a CRP nor has an existing NAIC Designation - First ATF. $1,350 20017 Structured CTL Annual Update Rated X Annual Update filing Fee where Lessee/Tenant is rated by an NAIC CRP. $175 22000 Structured Initial Rated 22008 Structured CMBS Initial Structured RMBS Annual Update Non-Guaranteed 22014 22020 Structured CTL Additional Notes 22021 Structured Equity-Linked Initial Rated 22026 Structured RMBS Initial Guaranteed *2014 Filings Submitted in 2015 Calendar Year Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is currently rated by an NAIC CRP. 9 of 11 $250 $250 $500 $150 Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is currently rated by an NAIC CRP Structured Securities. $250 $250 9 of 11 G:\DATA\SVO Managers\Website\List of Fees 2015.xlsx Category Structured Securities Product Code Ps Description Filing Year* Applicability Fee $1,350 22031 Structured REIT Initial Not Rated X Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. 22041 Structured Initial Filing Not Rated Not in VOS X Residual tranches of ABS, RMBS, CLOs and CDOs. Initial filing fee. $1,400 22042 Structured Initial 5*/6* Initial SAR filing where SVO assigns 5* or 6* NAIC Designation $1,350 22050 Structured Annual Update Rated X 22058 22059 22063 22065 22111 22124 22127 22128 Structured CMBS Annual Update X Structured REIT Annual Update Rated X Structured Equity-Linked Annual Update Rated X Structured RMBS Annual Update Guaranteed X $175 Residual tranches of ABS, RMBS, CLOs and CDOs. Annual update filing fee. $175 $175 $175 $175 Structured Annual Update Not Rated Structured Transactions, Legacy Securities and Securities Subject to Pricing Grid and SSAP No. 43R in Part Three, Section 3. Annual Update Filing Fee. $1,350 Structured Equity-Linked Annual Update Not Rated Structured Transactions, Legacy Securities and Securities Subject to Pricing Grid and SSAP No. 43R in Part Three, Section 3. Annual Update Filing Fee. $1,350 Structured REIT Initial Not In VOS Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. This includes issues, which may enjoy some form of credit support from another credit that has been rated by an NAIC CRP. $4,250 Structured REIT Annual Update Not Rated Structured Transactions, Legacy Securities and Securities Subject to Pricing Grid and SSAP No. 43R in Part Three, Section 3. Annual update filing fee. $1,350 *2014 Filings Submitted in 2015 Calendar Year 10 of 11 10 of 11 G:\DATA\SVO Managers\Website\List of Fees 2015.xlsx Category Structured Securities Subsidiary Notes Product Code Ps Description Filing Year* Applicability Fee 22131 Structured CTL Bond Lease Initial X Bond Lease Based Credit Tenant Loans. Initial filing fee. $1,350 22132 Structured CTL Credit Lease Initial X Credit Lease Based Credit Tenant Loans. Initial Filing fee. $2,300 22134 Structured RMBS Initial NonGuaranteed X Structured Transactions, Legacy Securities and Securities Subject to Pricing Grid and SSAP No. 43R in Part Three, Section 3. Annual Update Filing Fee. $1,350 22143 Structured Replication Annual Update X 22152 Structured Equity-Linked Initial Not Rated X 22153 Structured Equity-Linked Not in VOS X $175 Structured Transactions, Legacy Securities and Securities Subject to Pricing Grid and SSAP No. 43R in Part Three, Section 3. Initial Filing Fee. $1,350 $1,350 Initial SAR filing, valuation and listing in Valuation of Securities publication where the issue is not rated by an NAIC CRP and where no other issues of that issuer have been rated by an NAIC CRP or assigned a Designation by the SVO. This includes issues, which may enjoy some form of credit support from another credit that has been rated by an NAIC CRP. 22157 Structured REIT Initial Not In VOS X 14001 Subsidiary 1 $600 $600 14002 Subsidiary 2 Surplus Notes 18001 Surplus Notes Working Capital Finance Investments 25006 Working Capital Finance Investments 25007 25008 Working Capital Finance Investments - Previous Working Capital Finance Investments - Annual Update *2014 Filings Submitted in 2015 Calendar Year 11 of 11 2014 $3,500 $0 $10,000 $5,000 $1,350 11 of 11 G:\DATA\SVO Managers\Website\List of Fees 2015.xlsx
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