PharmacyNew s ‘Innovative Solutions to Medication Management’ ™ Minimise risk on cytotoxic products P harmacists and dispensary assistants who are required to handle cytotoxic medications should minimise exposure via skin contact/absorption, drug inhalation or accidental ingestion. The Guiding Principles for Medication Management in Residential Aged Care Facilities1 recommends that residential aged care facility (RACF) managers develop a specific policy for the safe management of cytotoxic medicines and contaminated waste. Webstercare has developed a range of products that support policies for the safe administration and storage of cytotoxic medications: MedsPro solutions ® W handling the medications. It can also be applied to the folders containing cytotoxic medications to alert the user during the administration process. Cytotoxic Pil-Bob The Pil-Bob cup is used specifically to remove cytotoxic medications from blisters and help reduce the risk of crosscontamination between medications and residents. To order any of the these cytotoxic products, or for a copy of our Managing Cytotoxic Medicines in Webstercare Systems information sheet to support your facility’s policies and procedures manual, email us at [email protected] Cytotoxic Delivery Bag Transport cytotoxic medications between the pharmacy and the facility and alert staff to ensure that proper handling techniques are applied. hen he first came across information about the MedsPro system, long-time Webstercare customer, Kempsey Amcal Max owner Greg Hollier, was confident that it would offer his pharmacy solutions. And he wasn’t disappointed after MedsPro system was installed. “I’d seen it advertised and I just knew it would work for us. We service a lot of aged care facility beds and want to expand that, and it’s quite labour intensive,” Mr Hollier said. “We knew we wanted to reduce the packing time involved, and why would we look anywhere else but Webstercare? “By far the best feature is the virtual pill count function – the fact that we don’t have to use individual tubs of medications is just phenomenal. Those tubs take up a lot of space and they’re really timeconsuming,” he said. “Security and accuracy are important features and very reassuring.” Mr Hollier noted that MedsPro took a bit of work to set up and ensure it was operating optimally, “… but after the first week or so you realise what a difference it’s made to the whole thing. “We just love it - it’s fantastic! We’ve been utilising Webstercare services for more than 13 years and MedsPro was a natural addition to the ‘Webster family’.” Mr Hollier also had praise for the support he received during the implementation phase. “A big mention to Agata, who was able to answer all our questions, and Patrick was great in helping us get set up,” he said. Cytotoxic Pil-Bob Cytotoxic Handling Label This label is a warning and safety precaution when applied to original boxes/bottles of cytotoxic medications. The label prompts pharmacy staff to use the universal ‘No Touch Technique’ when DECEMBER 2014 Cytotoxic Delivery Bag Cytotoxic Handling Label The staff at Kempsey Amcal Max: Greg Hollier, Kim Wynan and Kirby Clarke. Reference: 1. Guiding principles for medication management in residential aged care facilities; Dept Health and Ageing; Oct 12. continued over ‘Innovative Solutions Medication Management’ Webstercare PharmacytoNEWS DECEMBER 2014 ® Webster-pak® for holiday travellers I t’s now that time of the year when people go travelling on holidays and visiting family. Don’t forget to reinforce the importance for people to continue taking their medications as the doctor instructed during the Festive Season, especially for those leaving residential care to stay with family. PocketProfile™ Mediccation List People are often often busier during their holidays and out of their usual routines, so can easily mix up their medications and forget whether they’ve taken them or not. A simple and useful solution is of course the Webster-pak system. This also offers an opportunity to suggest a trial to see whether it is something they want to continue. It certainly takes the hassle out of having to take multiple boxes and bottles away with them. When you’re discussing this option, consider the Webster-pak cold seal. In the event that your regular blue folder may not be returned, the outer cardboard folder of the Webster-pak Cold Seal can be discarded. Also very useful when on holidays is the PocketProfile™ Medication List ensuring your customer has all the information they need in case of emergency while they are away. Webster-pak Cold Seal Contact our customer service team to learn more about Webster-pak Cold Seal, or any other solutions that might help you and your customers to get safely through the holiday period. More information about medication tips during holidays can be found at: ® MMS Software – tips and tricks ks Log a Service Call through MMS You can now log via MMS (version 14.11.01) a request for a call from our Software Services team. You can access the link through the Help menu within the Webstercare Software. For all urgent enquiries please contact the team directly on 1300 132 466. t on char i t a c i d Me ipt as a scr rcare’s th Webste This mon ™ system, which art RxMedCh ith the National w rt complies tion Cha l Medica a ti ented n e m id le s p Re ing im e b is , s n e first tio specifica cility as th we fa re a c d ge 5 as into an a ed in 201 ults. n tu y ta S . ur res pilot site sharing o to rd a look forw Medications not to be packed into a DAA P harmacy Board of Australia guidelines recommend pharmacies maintain a list of medicines or medicine types that should not be removed from the original manufacturer’s packaging for packing in a Dose Administration Aid (DAA).1 A pharmacist must make an informed judgment about the suitability of a medicine to be packed in a Webstercare system. It is recommended that the pharmacist use a ‘risk assessment’ approach utilising all available information. At-risk medicines may vary depending on the local prescribing preferences and climate. Considerations include the medication formulation used and the length of time it is to be stored in the Webstercare system. If unsure, please contact the manufacturer for more information. For a guide to Medications Not Suitable for Packing in a Webstercare System, please contact our customer service team on 1800 244 358 or email us at [email protected] for a copy. R Reference: 1. Pharmacy Board Australia Guidelines on SSpecialised Supply Arrangements: March 2012 Webstercare Holidays The Webstercare offices will bee closed on the public holidays over the Christmas and New Year period. Please ensure you place your orders with plenty of time to spare as couriers aree busy during this time. From all the staff at Webstercare, we wish you, your staff and families a very happy and successful 2015. Gerard Stevens AM, B.Pharm. FPS. AACPA, Pharmacist T (02) 9563 4900 I FREE CALL 1800 244 358 I F (02) 9563 4955 I FREE FAX 1800 626 739 [email protected] I © Manrex Pty Ltd (ABN: 63 074 388 088) t/as Webstercare - 2014. Webstercare, The W Device, MedsPro, Webster-pak and Pil-Bob are Registered trademarks of Manrex Pty Ltd t/as Webstercare. PocketProfile, ‘Innovative solutions to medication management’ and RxMedChart are a Tademarks of Manrex Pty Ltd t/as Webstercare.
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