EXTREME RISK INITIATIVE —NYU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING WORKING PAPER SERIES Fat Tails, Model Uncertainty and the Law of Very Large Numbers Nassim Nicholas Taleb School of Engineering, New York University This is extracted from Chapter 6 of Silent Risk. This chapter is in progress and comments are welcome. It has been slowed down by the author’s tinkering with explicit expressions for partial expectations of asymmetric alpha-stable distributions and the accidental discovery of semi-closed form techniques for assessing convergence for convolutions of one-tailed power laws. C ONTENTS -A The "Pinker Problem" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The problem of Matching Errors II Generalizing Mean Deviation as Partial Expectation III Class of Stable Distributions III-A Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III-A1 Relative convergence . . III-A2 Speed of convergence . . III-B Stochastic Alpha or Mixed Samples FT I 2 2 3 . . . . 4 4 5 5 5 IV Symmetric NonStable Distributions in the Subexponential Class IV-A Symmetric Mixed Gaussians, Stochastic Mean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-B Half cubic Student T (Lévy Stable Basin) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV-C Cubic Student T (Gaussian Basin) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 7 8 V Asymmetric NonStable Distributions in the Subexponetial Class V-A One-tailed Pareto Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-B The Lognormal and Borderline Subexponential Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 9 VI Asymmetric Distributions in the Superexponential Class VI-A Mixing Gaussian Distributions and Poisson Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI-B Skew Normal Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI-C Super-thin tailed distributions: Subgaussians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 9 9 VII Acknowledgement VII-A Cumulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII-B Derivations using explicit E(|X|) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII-C Derivations using the Hilbert Transform and β = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 10 10 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D RA . . . . References 11 Ou observe data and get some confidence that the average is represented by the sample thanks to a standard metrified "n". Now what if the data were fat tailed? How much more do you need? What if the model were uncertain –we had uncertainty about the parameters or the probability distribution itself? Y Main Results In addition to explicit extractions of partial expectations for alpha stable distributions, one main result in this paper is the expression of how uncertainty about parameters (in terms of parameter volatility) translates into a larger (or smaller) required n. Model Uncertainty The practical import is that model uncertainty worsens inference, in a quantifiable way. 1 EXTREME RISK INITIATIVE —NYU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING WORKING PAPER SERIES 2 FT Fig. 1: How thin tails (Gaussian) and fat tails (1< α ≤2) converge to the mean. RA A. The "Pinker Problem" It is also necessary to debunk a fallacy: we simply do not have enough data with commonly discussed fat-tailed processes to naively estimate a sum and make series of claims about stability of systems, pathology of people reacting to risks, etc. A surprising result: for the case with equivalent tails to the "Pareto 80/20 rule" (a tail exponent α = 1.16) one needs 1011 more data than the Gaussian. Take a certain sample size in the conventional Gaussian domain, say n = 30 or some other such heuristically used number. Assuming we are confortable with such a number of summands, how much larger (or smaller) n does one need for the same error under a different process? And how do we define errors in the absence of standard deviation which might not exist (power laws with exponents close to 2), or be too unreliable (power laws with exponents > 2, that is finite variance but infinite kurtosis). It is strange that given the dominant role of fat tails nobody thought of calculating some practical equivalence table. How can people compare averages concerning street crime (very thin tailed) to casualties from war (very fat tailed) without some sample adjustment?1 Perhaps the problem lies at the core of the law of large numbers: the average is not as "visible" as other statistical dimentions; there is no sound statistical procedure to derive the properties of a powerlaw tailed data by estimating the mean – typically estimation is done by fitting the tail exponent (via, say, the Hill estimator or some other method), or dealing with extrema, yet it remains that many articles make comparisons about the mean since it is what descriptive statistics and, alas, decisions, are based on. D I. T HE PROBLEM OF M ATCHING E RRORS By the weak law of large numbers, consider a sum P of random variables X1 , X2 ,..., Xn independent and identically distributed with finite mean m, that is E[Xi ] < ∞, then n1 1≤i≤n Xi converges to m in probability, as n → ∞. And the idea is that we live with finite n. We get most of the intuitions from closed-form and semi-closed form expressions working with: • stable distributions (which allow for a broad span of fat tails by varying the α exponent, along with the asymmetry via the β coefficient • stable distributions with mixed α exponent. • other symmetric distributions with fat-tails (such as mixed Gaussians, Gamma-Variance Gaussians, or simple stochastic volatility) More complicated situations entailing more numerical tinkering are also covered: Pareto classes, lognormal, etc. Instability of Mean Deviation Indexing with p the property of the variable X p and g for X g the np ! ( X X p − m p i np : E =E np Gaussian: ng !) X X g − m g i ng (1) 1 The Pinker Problem A class of naive empiricism. It has been named so in reference to sloppy use of statistical techniques in social science and policy making, based on a theory promoted by the science writer S. Pinker [1] about the drop of violence that is based on such statistical fallacies since wars –unlike domestic violence –are fat tailed. But this is a very general problem with the (irresponsible) mechanistic use of statistical methods in social science and biology. EXTREME RISK INITIATIVE —NYU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING WORKING PAPER SERIES C2 C1 3 (α) 1.7 1.6 Fig. 2: The ratio of cumulants for a symmetric powerlaw, as a function of the tail exponent. 1.5 1.4 1.5 2.0 2.5 α FT 1.0 3.0 1 RA And since we know that convergence for the Gaussian happens at speed n 2 , we can compare to convergence of other classes. We are expressing in Equation 1 the expected error (that is, a risk function) in L1 as mean absolute deviation from the observed average, to accommodate absence of variance –but assuming of course existence of first moment without which there is no point discussing averages. Typically, in statistical inference, one uses standard deviations of the observations to establish the sufficiency of n. But in fat tailed data standard deviations do not exist, or, worse, when they exist, as in powerlaw with tail exponent > 3, they are extremely unstable, particularly in cases where kurtosis is infinite. Using mean deviations of the samples (when these exist) doesn’t accommodate the fact that fat tailed data hide properties. The "volatility of volatility", or the dispersion around the mean deviation increases nonlinearly as the tails get fatter. For instance, a stable distribution with tail exponent at 23 matched to exactly the same mean deviation as the Gaussian will deliver measurements of mean deviation 1.4 times as unstable as the Gaussian. Using mean absolute deviation for "volatility", and its mean deviation "volatility of volatility" expressed in the L1 norm, or C1 and C2 cumulant: C1 = E(|X − m|) C2 = E (|X − E(|X − m|)|) D We can compare that matching mean deviations does not go very far matching cumulants.(see Appendix 1) Further, a sum of Gaussian variables will have its extreme values distributed as a Gumbel while a sum of fat tailed will follow a Fréchet distribution regardless of the the number of summands. The difference is not trivial, as shown in figures , as in 106 realizations for an average with 100 summands, we can be expected observe maxima > 4000 × the average while for a Gaussian we can hardly encounter more than > 5 ×. II. G ENERALIZING M EAN D EVIATION AS PARTIAL E XPECTATION It is unfortunate that even if one matches mean deviations, the dispersion of the distributions of the mean deviations (and their skewness) would be such that a "tail" would remain markedly different in spite of a number of summands that allows the matching of the first order cumulant. So we can match the special part of the distribution, the expectation > K or < K, where K can be any arbitrary level. Let Ψ(t) be the characteristic function of the random variable. Let θ be the Heaviside theta function. Since sgn(x) = 2θ(x)−1 Z ∞ 2ieiKt θ Ψ (t) = eitx (2θ(x − K) − 1) dx = t −∞ And the special expectation becomes, by convoluting the Fourier transforms; where F is the distribution function for x: Z ∞ Z ∞ ∂ x dF (x) = E(X|X>K )P(X > K) = −i Ψ(t − u)Ψθ (u)du|t=0 (2) ∂t K −∞ R∞ Rµ Mean deviation becomes a special case of equation 2, E(|X|) = µ x dF (x) − −∞ x dF (x). EXTREME RISK INITIATIVE —NYU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING WORKING PAPER SERIES 4 III. C LASS OF S TABLE D ISTRIBUTIONS Assume alpha-stable the class S of probability distribution that is closed under convolution: S(α, β, µ, σ) represents the stable distribution with tail index α ∈ (0, 2], symmetry parameter β ∈ [0, 1], location parameter µ ∈ R, and scale parameter σ ∈ R+ . The Generalized Pn Central Limit Theorem gives sequences an and bn such that the distribution of the shifted and rescaled sum Zn = ( i Xi − an ) /bn of n i.i.d. random variates Xi the distribution function of which FX (x) has asymptotes 1 − cx−α as x → +∞ and d(−x)−α as x → −∞ weakly converges to the stable distribution c−d , 0, 1). c+d We note that the characteristic functions are real for all symmetric distributions. [We also note that the convergence is not clear across papers[2] but this doesn’t apply to symmetric distributions.] Note that the tail exponent α used in non stable cases is somewhat, but not fully, different for α = 2, the Gaussian case where it ceases to be a powerlaw –the main difference is in the asymptotic interpretation. But for convention we retain the same symbol as it corresponds to tail exponent but use it differently in more general non-stable power law contexts. The characteristic function Ψ(t) of a variable X α with scale σ will be, using the expression for α > 1, See Zolotarev[3], Samorodnitsky and Taqqu[4]: πα α sgn(t) Ψα = exp iµt − |tσ| 1 − iβ tan 2 which, for an n-summed variable (the equivalent of mixing with equal weights), becomes: 1 α πα Ψα (t) = exp iµnt − n α tσ 1 − iβ tan sgn(t) 2 FT S(∧α,2 , 10<α<2 A. Results RA Let X α ∈ S, be the centered variable with a mean of zero, X α = (Y α −µ) . We write. Ω(α, β, µ, σ, K) ≡ E(X α |X α >K P(X α > K)) under the stable distribution above. From Equation 2: E(X|X>K ) P(X > K) = with explicit solution: 1 2π Z ∞ ασ α |u| α−2 1 + iβ tan πα −∞ 2 πα α sgn(u) exp |uσ| −1 − iβ tan sgn(u) + iKu du 2 πα 1/α πα 1/α 1 1 Ω(α, β, σ, 0) = −σ Γ − 1 + iβ tan + 1 − iβ tan . πα α 2 2 and semi-explicit generalized form: 1 + iβ tan Γ α−1 α Ω(α, β, σ, K) = σ k i K Γ k+α−1 α D ∞ X k + πα 2 1/α + 1 − iβ tan πα 2 (3) 1/α 2π β tan2 2 πα 2 k=1 +1 1−k α (−1)k 1 + iβ tan πα 2 k−1 α + 1 − iβ tan πα 2 k−1 α 2πσ k−1 k! (4) Our formulation in Equation 4 generalizes and simplifies the commonly used one from Wolfe [5] from which Hardin [6] got the explicit form, promoted in Samorodnitsky and Taqqu [4] and Zolotarev[3]: !! 1 2α tan−1 β tan πα 1 1 2 2 πα 2 E(|X|) = σ 2Γ 1 − β tan +1 cos π α 2 α Which allows us to prove the following statements: EXTREME RISK INITIATIVE —NYU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING WORKING PAPER SERIES 5 1) Relative convergence: The general case with β 6= 0: for so and so, assuming so and so, (precisions) etc., πα α1 α πα α1 α α α−1 √ β 1−α 2−2α α−1 + 1 + iβ tan π Γ ng 1 − iβ tan nα = 2 α 2 2 (5) with alternative expression: α nβα = π 2−2α 2 sec 1 πα − 2 /α 2 √ sec ng Γ tan−1 (tan( πα 2 )) α α−1 α α 1−α (6) Which in the symmetric case β = 0 reduces to: nα = π 1 √ ng Γ α 2(1−α) α−1 α (7) n ! α X 1 Xiα − mα = k α −1 nα FT 2) Speed of convergence: ∀k ∈ N+ and α ∈ (1, 2] kn ! α X Xiα − mα E /E nα α ! 1−α (8) Table I shows the equivalence of summands between processes. TABLE I: Corresponding nα , or how many for equivalent α-stable distribution. The Gaussian case is the α = 2. For the case with equivalent tails to the 80/20 one needs 1011 more data than the Gaussian. 1 β=± 2 - nβ=±1 α - 6.09 × 1012 2.8 × 1013 1.86 × 1014 5 4 574,634 895,952 1.88 × 106 11 8 5,027 6,002 8,632 3 2 567 613 737 13 8 165 171 186 7 4 75 77 79 15 8 44 44 44 2 30. 30 30 nα Fughedaboudit 9 8 nα D RA α 1 1 Remark 1. The ratio mean deviation of distributions in S is homogeneous of degree k . α−1 . This is not the case for other classes "nonstable". Proof. (Sketch) From the characteristic function of the stable distribution. Other distributions need to converge to the basin S. B. Stochastic Alpha or Mixed Samples Define mixed population X α and ξ(X α ) as the mean deviation of ... Proposition 1. For so and so ξ(Xα¯ ) ≥ m X ωi ξ(Xαi ) i=1 where α ¯= Pm i=1 ωi αi and Pm i=1 ωi = 1. Proof. A sketch for now: ∀α ∈ (1, 2), where γ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant ≈ 0.5772, ψ (1) the first derivative of the Poly Gamma function ψ(x) = Γ0 [x]/Γ[x], and Hn the nth harmonic number: 1 ∂2ξ 2σΓ α − 1 α−1 (1) α −1 1 + log(n) + γ 1 + log(n) + γ 2α − H = n ψ + −H −α −α ∂α2 πα4 α α EXTREME RISK INITIATIVE —NYU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING WORKING PAPER SERIES 6 (|X|) α = 5/4 3.5 3.0 Fig. 3: Asymmetries and Mean Deviation. 2.5 α = 3/2 1.5 α = 7/4 FT -1.0 2.0 0.5 -0.5 ∂2 ξα ∂α 2 300 250 200 150 100 D 50 β RA 350 1.0 1.4 1.6 1.8 Fig. 4: Mixing distributions: the effect is pronounced at lower values of α, as tail uncertainty creates more fat-tailedness. 2.0 α which is positive for values in the specified range, keeping α < 2 as it would no longer converge to the Stable basin. Which is also negative with respect to alpha as can be seen in Figure 4. The implication is that one’s sample underestimates the required "n". (Commentary). IV. S YMMETRIC N ON S TABLE D ISTRIBUTIONS IN THE S UBEXPONENTIAL C LASS A. Symmetric Mixed Gaussians, Stochastic Mean While mixing Gaussians the kurtosis rises, which makes it convenient to simulate fattailedness. But mixing means has the opposite effect, as if it were more "stabilizing". We can observe a similar effect of "thin-tailedness" as far as the n required to match the standard benchmark. The situation is the result of multimodality, noting that stable distributions q unimodal are µ2 (Ibragimov and Chernin) [7] and infinitely divisible Wolfe [8]. For Xi Gaussian with mean µ, E = µ erf √µ2σ + π2 σe− 2σ2 , and keeping the average µ ± δ with probability 1/2 each. With the perfectly symmetric case µ = 0 and sampling with equal EXTREME RISK INITIATIVE —NYU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING WORKING PAPER SERIES 7 0.12 5 2 3 8 0.08 3 3 2 0.10 9 4 2 2 0.06 2 0.04 1 0.02 20 000 40 000 60 000 80 000 100 000 20 000 40 000 60 000 80 000 100 000 probability: 2 δ − 2σ 2 1 σe 1 (E+δ + E−δ ) = √ + δerf 2 2 2π FT Fig. 5: Different Speed: the fatter tailed processes are not just more uncertain; they also converge more slowly. q 2 δ2 − 2σ 2 2 √δ √δ δerf σe + δerf π δ 2σ 2σ + √σ exp erf e √ + √ √ − 2 2σ π 2σ 2σ 2π 2 δ − 2σ 2 B. Half cubic Student T (Lévy Stable Basin) Relative convergence: RA Theorem 1. For all so and so, (details), etc. P kn Xiα −mα E nα ≤ c2 c1 ≤ P α n Xi −mα E nα where: (9) 1 c1 = k α −1 −2 1 7/2 1/2 c2 = 2 π −Γ − 4 D Note that because the instability of distribution outside the basin, they end up converging to SM in(α,2) , so at k = 2, n = 1, equation 9 becomes an equality and k → ∞ we satisfy the equalities in ?? and 8. Proof. (Sketch) The characteristic function for α = 23 : 3/4 33/8 |t| √ 8 Ψ(t) = K 34 2Γ q 3 4 3 2 |t| Leading to convoluted density p2 for a sum n = 2: Γ p2 (x) = 5 4 2 F1 √ 3Γ 5 7 2x2 4 , 2; 4 ; − 3 3 2 Γ 74 4 EXTREME RISK INITIATIVE —NYU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING WORKING PAPER SERIES | 1 n 8 n xi | 0.7 0.6 0.5 Fig. 6: Student T with exponent =3. This applies to the general class of symmetric power law distributions. 0.4 0.3 0.1 10 20 30 C. Cubic Student T (Gaussian Basin) FT 0.2 40 50 n we have: RA Student T with 3 degrees of freedom (higher exponent resembles Gaussian). We can get a semi-explicit density for the Cubic Student T. √ 6 3 p(x) = 2 π (x2 + 3) ϕ(t) = E[eitX ] = (1 + √ 3 |t|) e− √ 3 |t| hence the n-summed characteristic function is: ϕ(t) = (1 + and the pdf of Y is given by: using D p(x) = 1 π ∞ Z k −t t e 0 +∞ Z (1 + √ 3|t|)n e−n √ 3 t)n e−n √ √ 3 |t| 3t cos(tx) dt 0 √ T1+k (1/ 1 + s2 )k! cos(st) dt = (1 + s2 )(k+1)/2 where Ta (x) is the T-Chebyshev polynomial,2 the pdf p(x) can be writen: −n−1 2 n2 + x3 √ p(x) = 3π 1−k 2 +n x2 2 + Tk+1 n! n 3 n X k=0 ! q 1 x2 3n2 +1 (n − k)! which allows explicit solutions for specific values of n, not not for the general form: ( √ ) √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 3 3 3 34 71 3 3138 3 899 710162 3 425331 3 33082034 5719087 3 √ , √ , {En }1 ≤n<∞ = , , √ , , , , , ,... π 2π 9 3π 64π 3125π 324 3π 823543π 524288π 14348907 3π 7812500π 2 With thanks to Abe Nassen and Jack D’Aurizio on Math Stack Exchange. EXTREME RISK INITIATIVE —NYU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING WORKING PAPER SERIES 0.5 1 p= 2 4 0.4 9 7 p= 1 8 Fig. 7: Sum of bets converge rapidly to Gaussian bassin but remain clearly subgaussian for small samples. Gaussian 0.3 4 FT 0.2 6 8 p= 0.5 Betting against the 0.4 10 1 2 4 7 long shot (1/100) p= 1 100 0.3 0.2 0.1 40 60 80 Fig. 8: For asymmetric binary bets, at small values of p, convergence is slower. 100 D 20 RA Gaussian V. A SYMMETRIC N ON S TABLE D ISTRIBUTIONS IN THE S UBEXPONETIAL C LASS A. One-tailed Pareto Distributions B. The Lognormal and Borderline Subexponential Class VI. A SYMMETRIC D ISTRIBUTIONS IN THE S UPEREXPONENTIAL C LASS A. Mixing Gaussian Distributions and Poisson Case B. Skew Normal Distribution This is the most untractable case mathematically, apparently though the most present when we discuss fat tails [9]. C. Super-thin tailed distributions: Subgaussians P P Consider a sum of Bernoulli variables X. The average n ≡ i≤n xi follows a Binomial Distribution. Assuming np ∈ N+ to simplify: X x n E (|Σn |) = −2 (x − np) p (1 − p)n−x x i≤0≤np EXTREME RISK INITIATIVE —NYU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING WORKING PAPER SERIES 10 E (|Σn |) = −2(1 − p)n(−p)+n−2 pnp+1 Γ(np + 2) n n (p − 1) λ1 − p(np + 2) λ2 np + 1 np + 2 where: and λ1 =2 F˜1 1, n(p − 1) + 1; np + 2; p p−1 λ2 =2 F˜1 2, n(p − 1) + 2; np + 3; p p−1 VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Colman Humphrey,... APPENDIX : M ETHODOLOGY, P ROOFS , E TC . A. Cumulants C2g = FT we have in the Gaussian case indexed by g: 1 erf( √ + e−1/π C1g π which is ≈ 1.30 C1g . For a powerlaw distribution, cumulants are more unwieldy: α=3/2 C1 Γ 3 4 5 4 σ RA Move to appendix = q 2 π6 Γ p q 1 9/2 9/2 5/4 3 5/2 9/4 9/4 Γ2 4 πΓ21 + Γ23 Γ1 H1 = √ σ 384π Γ Γ + 24π Γ Γ − 2π 2 2 1 1 2 6π 3/2 Γ31 (πΓ21 + Γ23 ) 5/4 q q √ √ 4 3 4 3 3/4 5 4 2 2 2 2 πΓ1 + Γ3 3 2Γ1 + 3Γ3 (H2 + 2) − 2 2π H1 + 1536Γ2 πΓ1 + Γ3 H2 + π α =3/2 C2 where Γ1 = Γ 3 4 , Γ2 = Γ 5 4 , Γ3 = Γ 1 4 , H1 = 2 F1 2 πΓ1 3 5 7 4 , 4 ; 4 ; − Γ23 , and H2 = 2 F1 Γ23 1 5 3 2 , 4 ; 2 ; − πΓ21 . B. Derivations using explicit E(|X|) See Wolfe [5] from which Hardin got the explicit form[6]. D C. Derivations using the Hilbert Transform and β = 0 Section obsolete since I found forms for asymmetric stable distributions. Some commentary on Hilbert transforms for symmetric stable distributions, given that for Z = |X|, dFz (z) = dFX (x)(1 − sgn(x)), that type of thing. Hilbert Transform for a function f (see Hlusel, [10], Pinelis [11]): Z ∞ 1 f (x) H(f ) = p.v. dx π −∞ t − x Here p.v. means principal value in the Cauchy sense, in other words Z ∞ Z p.v. = lim lim a→∞ b→0 −∞ −b −a Z E(|X|) = In our case: E(|X|) = a Z + b ∞ 1 ∂ Ψ(z) ∂ H(Ψ(0)) = p.v. dz|t=0 ∂t π ∂t t −∞ − z Z ∞ Ψ(z) 1 E(|X|) = p.v. dz 2 π −∞ z 1 p.v. π Z α ∞ − −∞ e−|tσ| 2 dt = Γ 2 t π α−1 α σ EXTREME RISK INITIATIVE —NYU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING WORKING PAPER SERIES 11 R EFERENCES S. Pinker, The better angels of our nature: Why violence has declined. Penguin, 2011. V. V. Uchaikin and V. M. Zolotarev, Chance and stability: stable distributions and their applications. Walter de Gruyter, 1999. V. M. Zolotarev, One-dimensional stable distributions. American Mathematical Soc., 1986, vol. 65. G. Samorodnitsky and M. S. Taqqu, Stable non-Gaussian random processes: stochastic models with infinite variance. CRC Press, 1994, vol. 1. S. J. 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