ARTICLE IN PRESS Control Engineering Practice 12 (2004) 577–585 Robust disturbance observer for the track-following control system of an optical disk drive Jung Rae Ryooa, Tae-Yong Dohb, Myung Jin Chunga,* a Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 373-1 Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, South Korea b Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering, Hanbat National University, San 16-1 Duckmyong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-719, South Korea Received 25 January 2002; received in revised form 28 February 2003; accepted 27 June 2003 Abstract For track-following control in an optical disk drive, a compensator should be designed to satisfy conflicting specifications. The compensator design procedure usually requires numerous trial and errors. Utilization of a disturbance observer (DOB) for enhancing track-following precision simplifies the compensator design procedure by removing the requirement for disturbance attenuation from the compensator design specifications. However, the absence of DOB design guideline considering plant modelling uncertainty has hindered practical application of the DOB. In this paper, a robust stability condition for the DOB-based trackfollowing control system is presented. A graphical design guideline based on frequency response analysis is proposed, and a DOB is designed to preserve the overall stability. To show the validity, simulation and experimental results are presented. r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Disturbance observer; Track-following control; Optical disk drive; Multiplicative uncertainty; Robust stability; Nyquist criterion 1. Introduction For read-out/recording of data from/to an optical disk, a laser spot should be positioned precisely on a data track by the track-following control system of an optical disk drive. However, track-following precision is severely affected by various external disturbances, the dominant component of which is radial directional oscillation of tracks due to inevitable disk eccentricity. Moreover, plant uncertainty threatens overall system stability, and measurement noise in the high-frequency region causes deterioration of tracking performance. Therefore, disturbance attenuation, robust stability, and noise rejection are the major design specifications of the track-following controller. Note that the three requirements conflict with each other. For example, a high loop gain for disturbance attenuation with a restriction on *Corresponding author. Tel.: +82-42-869-3429; fax: +82-42869-3410. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J.R. Ryoo), [email protected] (T.-Y. Doh), [email protected] (M.J. Chung). 0967-0661/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0967-0661(03)00140-0 control bandwidth usually results in a reduced stability margin, which produces an unstable response. For this reason, the controller design procedure requires numerous trial and errors and the order of the designed controller becomes too high to be applied to a practical system. A disturbance observer (DOB)-based control structure can be utilized to resolve the mutually conflicting specifications by virtue of the flexibility of two degreeof-freedom structure (Umeno & Hori, 1991). If a DOB is added to the conventional track-following control system, the disturbance attenuation performance is greatly enhanced. In addition, the disturbance attenuation requirement can be removed from the design specifications of the feedback compensator, which results in simplified design specifications for robust stability and noise rejection. Resultant decrease of the compensator order as well as relative ease of design procedure is achieved. The DOB has been widely utilized in various motion control fields (White, Tomizuka, & Smith, 2000; Fujiyama, Katayama, Hamaguchi, & Kawakami, 2000; Iwasaki, Shibata, & Matsui, 1999). Most previous ARTICLE IN PRESS 578 J.R. Ryoo et al. / Control Engineering Practice 12 (2004) 577–585 DOB preserving robust stability is obtained by analyzing the frequency response based on Nyquist plots. Simulations and experiments are conducted to validate the proposed design guideline and results are presented with experimental environment. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a general description of a track-following control system with a DOB and controller design specifications. In Section 3, a DOB design procedure is explained based on a robust stability condition for the DOB-based trackfollowing control system. The proposed DOB design procedure is applied to simulations and experiments, and results are presented in Section 4. Finally, some concluding remarks are given in Section 5. works, however, have focused on performance enhancement with qualitative analysis of stability. Because performance enhancement by DOB may reduce stability margin (Komada, Machii, & Hori, 2000), consideration of robust stability is essential for design of DOB. To take some previous works related to the robust stability issue, Kempf and Kobayashi (1999) extended DOB design to account for time delay in plants. Meantime, Eom, Suh, and Chung (2000) presented a robust stability condition for a DOB-based motion control system and applied a DOB to a manipulator control to simplify complicated nonlinear dynamics to a constant inertia system. Guven@ . and Guven@ . (2001) extended robustness issue to real parametric uncertainty by structured singular value method. Although there have been various trials and great contributions regarding the robustness issue in DOB-based control system, the absence of systematic design guideline based on quantitative analysis of unknown plant dynamics has hindered practical application of DOB. Because a DOB is usually used with an outer loop compensator, a proper guideline for DOB design considering both plant uncertainty and the feedback compensator is required for appropriate application of a DOB. In this paper, a graphical design method of DOB is presented for the track-following control system with plant modeling perturbation. The real plant is represented as a multiplicative uncertainty model, and a feedback compensator guaranteeing robust stability of the conventional control loop is assumed to be given. Then a DOB design guideline that preserves the robust stability is proposed. A robust stability condition for the track-following control system with a DOB is presented, and the maximum bound on the cutoff frequency of the Rotation Axis 2. System description and DOB properties 2.1. System description As depicted in Fig. 1, the most common trackfollowing mechanism for positioning the laser spot along the radial direction of the disk is a dual-stage actuator with both fine and coarse actuator components. The fine actuator, which is mounted on the optical pickup, is a linear voice-coil motor (VCM) and is characterized by fast response. On the other hand, the coarse actuator is usually composed of a DC or stepping motor with much slower response, the use of which is restricted to DC offset rejection from the fine actuator displacement. Thus, track-following performance is almost completely dependent on the fine actuator. For this reason, only the fine actuator is herein considered as the plant of track-following control system and, without xs xc xf Vertical Direction Recorded Layer Radial Direction Disk Spindle Motor Objective Lens Laser Spot kf f mf df dc PD Optical Element Fine Actuator LD Coarse Actuator Fig. 1. Track-following control mechanism in optical disk drive. ARTICLE IN PRESS J.R. Ryoo et al. / Control Engineering Practice 12 (2004) 577–585 e C (s) u P(s) xf + d ub − u + ud K PD 579 P( s) + xf + − Q(s) + + Fig. 2. Block diagram of track-following control system. d K PD Q( s ) K PD Pn ( s) e Fig. 3. General structure of DOB. loss of generality, the laser spot position xs is assumed to be identical with the fine actuator displacement xf : A typical track-following control system is shown in Fig. 2, where PðsÞ is the fine actuator and CðsÞ is the feedback compensator. The target track position on which the laser spot should be located during trackfollowing control is represented as an external input d: Due to disk eccentricity and irregular shape of data tracks, d is a signal that oscillates radially with the frequency of disk rotation, but the phase and amplitude of the oscillation are not known. Hence, d is regarded as an unknown external disturbance. In addition, due to inherent limitations of opto-mechanical structure, neither d nor the spot position xf is measurable. The only available value is the position error between the target track and the laser spot, and the error is amplified by the photo detector gain KPD : Therefore, a trackfollowing control system is a representative error feedback control system, and controller design is formulated as a disturbance attenuation problem to find a controller reducing the magnitude of the tracking error below an acceptable level. The fine actuator determines radial position of the laser spot by moving the objective lens of mass mf ; to which a spring with spring constant kf and a damper with damping ratio df is attached. Thus, a second-order system of mass–spring–damper is adequate to model the plant dynamics. The relationship between the fine actuator force f and displacement xf is described as F ðsÞ ¼ ðmf s2 þ df s þ kf ÞXf ðsÞ; ð1Þ where F ðsÞ and Xf ðsÞ are the Laplace transformations of f and xf ; respectively. f is dependent on the control input u with the relationship shown as Kt F ðsÞ ¼ ðUðsÞ sKemf Xf ðsÞÞ; ð2Þ Ra þ sLa where Ra and La are the resistance and inductance of the VCM armature, respectively, Kt is the force constant, Kemf is the back EMF constant, and UðsÞ is the Laplace transformation of u: As La is sufficiently small compared with Ra ; (2) is usually simplified by ignoring La : Finally, a transfer function from u to xf is obtained as below Kt =Ra Pn ðsÞ ¼ ; ð3Þ 2 mf s þ ðdf þ ðKt Kemf =Ra ÞÞs þ kf where Pn ðsÞ is the nominal plant model of the trackfollowing control system. For simplicity, (3) is represented as Pn ðsÞ ¼ K : s2 þ as þ b ð4Þ Although (4) is nearly exact in the low-frequency region, Pn ðsÞ differs from the actual plant PðsÞ in the highfrequency region where the effect of La is not negligible. In addition to the unmodeled inductance component, resonances at high frequencies are barely considered in the plant model. To take into account the effect of the unmodeled dynamics, PðsÞ should be modeled with consideration of the uncertainty. For the purpose, a multiplicative uncertainty model is adequate (Zhou & Doyle, 1998) and PðsÞ is given as PðsÞ ¼ ð1 þ DðsÞW ðsÞÞPn ðsÞ; ð5Þ where W ðsÞ is a fixed stable transfer function for weight and DðsÞ is a variable stable transfer function satisfying jjDjjN p1: 2.2. Properties of DOB The structure of a typical DOB is presented in Fig. 3. The general form of QðsÞ is given by QðsÞ ¼ qn sn qm s m þ ? þ q0 ; þ qn1 sn1 þ ? þ q0 ð6Þ where n > m is the order of denominator, m is the order of numerator, and qi ; i ¼ 0; y; n are filter coefficients. Usually, qi ’s are determined with the binomial coefficients described as qi ¼ n!=ððn iÞ!i!Þoni (Kwon, 2002) c and QðsÞ is modified as below Pm qi s i QðsÞ ¼ i¼0 n ; ð7Þ ðs þ oc Þ where oc is the cutoff frequency of QðsÞ: As well-investigated in the previous works (Komada et al., 2000; Kempf & Kobayashi, 1999; Eom et al., 2000), the advantages of DOB are effective only within the bandwidth of QðsÞ and it is thus desirable to increase oc for disturbance attenuation performance. The property is clearly explained by the sensitivity function ARTICLE IN PRESS J.R. Ryoo et al. / Control Engineering Practice 12 (2004) 577–585 580 e C ( s) ub u + P(s) + xf Q( s ) + ud + DOB + d e − C ( s) ub + + 1 1 − Q( s ) u P(s) Q( s ) K PD Pn ( s ) K PD xf + d − K PD Ceq (s) Q( s ) K PD Pn ( s ) Fig. 5. Equivalent block diagram of DOB-based track-following control system. Fig. 4. DOB-based track-following control system. SDOB ðsÞ which is given by SDOB ðsÞ ¼ 1 QðsÞ ¼ s Pn mþ1 i¼mþ1 qi s ðs þ oc Þn From (9), the overall nominal loop transfer function Leq;n ðsÞ is expressed as im1 ; ð8Þ Leq;n ðsÞ ¼ KPD Ceq ðsÞPn ðsÞ ¼ where PðsÞ ¼ Pn ðsÞ is assumed for simplicity. Note that ðm þ 1Þ zeros at the origin enable tracking error to be reduced in the low-frequency region and result in zero steady-state error for some types of disturbances like step, ramp, etc. To take the advantage of the disturbance attenuation, a DOB is added to a conventional track-following control system as shown in Fig. 4. Since various design methods for CðsÞ have been proposed in previous works (Lee, Moon, Jin, & Chung, 1998; Moon, Lee, & Chung, 1998), CðsÞ is assumed to be given without loss of generality. Then, the DOB is used to improve the trackfollowing precision based on the stability provided by CðsÞ: The tracking performance is enhanced by increasing the order and the bandwidth of QðsÞ: However, excessive order and bandwidth of QðsÞ can lead to resultant destruction of the stability condition by plant uncertainty in the high-frequency region. Therefore, QðsÞ should be designed carefully with a compromise between performance and stability. The design of a DOB-based track-following control system results in proper selection of QðsÞ to guarantee better tracking performance without system instability for all plants represented as (5). 3. Design of a DOB with robust stability 3.1. Robust stability conditions Because the system is an error feedback control system, Fig. 4 is modified to an equivalent block diagram as shown in Fig. 5 (Ueda, Imagi, & Tamayama, 1999) where the feedback compensator and DOB are merged into an equivalent feedback compensator Ceq ðsÞ described as Ceq ðsÞ ¼ CðsÞ þ QðsÞðKPD Pn ðsÞÞ1 : 1 QðsÞ ð9Þ Ln ðsÞ þ QðsÞ ; 1 QðsÞ ð10Þ where Ln ðsÞ is the nominal loop transfer function without DOB and is described as Ln ðsÞ ¼ KPD CðsÞPn ðsÞ: The following proposition is helpful to DOB design under plant uncertainty. Proposition 1. The DOB-based track-following control system depicted in Fig. 5 is internally stable for a given PðsÞAP ¼ fð1 þ DðsÞW ðsÞÞPn ðsÞ : jjDjjN p1g if and only if, jW ðjoÞLeq;n ðjoÞjoj1 þ Leq;n ð joÞj 8oX0: Remark 1. Note that robust stability of the system is not ensured by separate robust stability conditions of inner and outer loop, i.e., jW ðjoÞLn ðjoÞjoj1 þ Ln ðjoÞj 8oX0 and jW ðjoÞQð joÞjo1 8oX0: Proposition 1 has a simple graphical interpretation that is similar to the representation in Doyle, Francis, and Tannenbaum (1992). Because CðsÞ; QðsÞ; and Pn ðsÞ are stable and no unstable pole-zero cancellation exists in Ceq ðsÞ; there is no unstable pole in Leq;n ðsÞ: Therefore, the Nyquist plot of Leq;n ðsÞ does not encircle the critical point, ð1; j0Þ; in the clockwise direction. And the DOB-based track-following control system is robustly stable for all plants of P if and only if the critical point lies outside the disk centered at Leq;n ðjoÞ with a radius of jW ðjoÞLeq;n ðjoÞj at every frequency oX0: The condition is graphically represented in Fig. 6. In addition to robust stability, the figure illustrates the minimum phase margin fmin that the system guarantees, even for the worst plant. ARTICLE IN PRESS J.R. Ryoo et al. / Control Engineering Practice 12 (2004) 577–585 Im Uncertainty Disk -1 Re min WLeq, n L eq,n( j) Fig. 6. Graphical representation of the robust stability condition. Proposition 1 is easily converted to a more general stability condition for a DOB-based control system by substituting Leq;n ðsÞ of (10) into the condition of the proposition, which is rewritten as jW ð joÞðLn ðjoÞ þ QðjoÞÞjoj1 þ Ln ð joÞj 8oX0: ð11Þ Thus, the following proposition can be obtained. Proposition 2. In the DOB-based track-following control system shown in Fig. 4, if the nominal closed-loop system without the DOB, i.e., Ln ðsÞð1 þ Ln ðsÞÞ1 is stable, then the system is internally stable for a given PðsÞAP ¼ fð1 þ DðsÞW ðsÞÞPn ðsÞ : jjDjjN p1g if and only if, jW ð joÞðLn ðjoÞ þ QðjoÞÞjoj1 þ Ln ð joÞj 8oX0: Remark 2. The nominal complementary sensitivity function Tn ðsÞ of the overall system shown in Fig. 4 is represented as Ln ðsÞ þ QðsÞ : Tn ðsÞ ¼ 1 þ Ln ðsÞ Thus, the robust stability condition of Proposition 2 is equivalent to the condition from Doyle et al. (1992) shown as jjWTn jjN o1: Remark 3. For both proofs of Propositions 1 and 2, stability of the nominal feedback system Tn ðsÞ must be satisfied. Though it is not explicitly mentioned in the propositions, as both Ln ðsÞð1 þ Ln ðsÞÞ1 and QðsÞ are stable rational transfer functions with no unstable polezero cancellation, Tn ðsÞ is also stable. 581 to choose the order and cutoff frequency of QðsÞ: A transfer function is said to be proper if the degree of denominator is greater or equal to that of numerator. The order of QðsÞ should be determined to ensure that the block containing P1 n ðsÞ in Fig. 4 is proper. If the block is not proper, pure differentiators are resultantly included in the block causing amplification of highfrequency noise. In addition to overall properness, disturbance attenuation performance is also considered while determining the order of QðsÞ: As mentioned in (8), the numerator order of QðsÞ determines both the number of integrator in the loop and the roll-off of loop gain in control bandwidth. In track-following control systems, the frequency spectrum of the external disturbance is known to be a maximum at the disk rotational frequency and decreases with roll-off value of 40 db=dec at frequencies higher than the disk rotation (Akkermans & Stan, 2001). Therefore, the numerator order of QðsÞ should be selected to provide sufficient loop gain at the frequency of disk rotation. In addition to the filter order, the cutoff frequency of QðsÞ should be as large as possible without violating the robust stability condition. Therefore, a DOB design procedure guaranteeing robust stability under plant modeling perturbation is obtained as follows: Step 1: Set the relative degree of QðsÞ to the degree of Pn ðsÞ: Step 2: Select the numerator order of QðsÞ with consideration of performance. Step 3: Construct the Nyquist plot of Leq;n ðjoÞ with uncertainty disks having radii of jW ð joÞLeq;n ðjoÞj: Step 4: Find the cutoff frequency oc so that the critical point ð1; j0Þ lies outside the disk centered at Leq;n ðjoÞ at every frequency oX0 subject to jLeq;n ðjoÞj > 1: The minimum phase margin can be assured in the similar manner. Step 5: Increase the relative degree of QðsÞ to satisfy the condition of Proposition 1 inside the unit circle centered at the origin, if needed. Remark 4. Increasing the numerator order of QðsÞ is an effective method of improving the disturbance attenuation performance. However, increased loop gain can lead to saturation of control input during a transient response. Although the stability problem of saturation is not considered in detail herein, excessive loop gain due to increased numerator order of QðsÞ is not desirable. 4. Simulations and experiments 3.2. Design of DOB 4.1. Plant model Based on Proposition 1, a graphical design method for the DOB is presented, which is actually a procedure A DVD-ROM drive with a disk rotating at 2400 rpm was used for all simulations and experiments. The ARTICLE IN PRESS J.R. Ryoo et al. / Control Engineering Practice 12 (2004) 577–585 582 −40 between the track center and the laser spot to the electrical error signal. The track pitch of the disk is 0:74 mm and the measurable range is 70:37 mm; which corresponds to the tracking error signal amplitude of 72:0 V: Therefore, KPD is 5:4 106 V=m: −60 −80 Mag (dB) −100 −120 4.2. Design example −140 −160 −180 −200 1 10 2 10 3 10 Freq (Hz) 4 10 5 10 Fig. 7. Bode magnitude plots of the nominal plant (– – –), a real plant with a resonance and phase lag at high frequency (—), and the upper and lower uncertainty bounds (y). Information about the extraneous disturbance, such as maximally injectable magnitude and bandwidth, is specified for the controller design (Akkermans & Stan, 2001). Based on the data, required loop gain and bandwidth for sufficient disturbance rejection and the minimum stability margin for stable track-following pull-in are calculated, and the resultant feedback compensator is described as CðsÞ ¼ nominal model of the fine actuator is represented by a second-order transfer function with a resonance frequency of 62 Hz and a damping ratio of 0.08 as Pn ðsÞ ¼ s2 76:35 þ 61:98s þ 153675:98 ðm=VÞ: Due to various unmodeled dynamics, such as phase lag and resonances at high frequencies, the real plant model PðsÞ must be represented as a multiplicative uncertainty model as PðsÞ ¼ ð1 þ DðsÞW ðsÞÞPn ðsÞ; where jjDjjN p1: The weighting function W ðsÞ; which represents the amount of uncertainty with respect to frequency, is selected to cover every unmodeled dynamics. Modeling perturbation is usually negligible in the low-frequency region and increases as frequency does, which leads to a high-pass filter type W ðsÞ: According to the optical pickup actuator specification, there exist subresonances at approximately 20 kHz with peak magnitudes less than 10 dB: In addition, some phase lag due to the ignored inductance is also present in the high frequency region. Finally, W ðsÞ is determined as W ðsÞ ¼ 2s2 : ðs þ 40;000pÞ2 ð12Þ The magnitude bode plots of the nominal plant model and a perturbed model are shown in Fig. 7. Note that the uncertainty boundary determined by (12) covers the perturbed model. The loop gain is also dependent on KPD ; which is the conversion ratio of the position sensor from the distance 26:25ðs þ 1257Þðs þ 1885Þðs þ 12; 566Þðs þ 25; 133Þ : ðs þ 314Þðs þ 377Þðs þ 75; 398Þðs þ 157; 080Þ ð13Þ QðsÞ is designed to preserve robust stability and enhance the tracking precision. First, the relative degree of QðsÞ is set at the value of Pn ðsÞ: Then, the order of numerator is selected based on the analysis of the external disturbance. Because the external disturbance due to eccentric rotation of the disk is characterized with 40 dB=dec of roll-off at frequencies higher than the rotational frequency, a first-order polynomial is sufficient for the numerator of QðsÞ; from which a double integrator is generated in the control loop. In the next step, the Nyquist plot of Leq;n ðsÞ is constructed to find an appropriate value for oc : For a track-following control system, minimum phase margin should be assured to suppress overshoot in the transient response. Finally, a low-pass filter is obtained as QðsÞ ¼ 3o2c s þ o3c ; ðs þ oc Þ3 ð14Þ where oc ¼ 2000p rad=s: In Fig. 8(a), the graphical representation of the robust stability condition of Proposition 1 is shown to be satisfied. Because the robust stability condition is satisfied inside the unit circle centered at the origin, it is not necessary to increase the relative degree of QðsÞ: Note that the system is not only robustly stable but also guarantees 30 of minimum phase margin, which is the recommended amount for a stable track-following pull-in operation (Suzuki, Tanaka, & Miura, 1990). Compared with the case without DOB shown in Fig. 8(b), the stability margin is not changed after the designed DOB is added. Use of a DOB removes one requirement of disturbance rejection from the three specifications for the ARTICLE IN PRESS J.R. Ryoo et al. / Control Engineering Practice 12 (2004) 577–585 The compensator of reduced order is represented as 1 CðsÞ ¼ 0.5 Im φ min = 30° −1 −1.5 −2 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 Re (a) 0 0.5 Fig. 10(a) illustrates the external disturbance d composed of three harmonics of the disk spindle frequency with different phases. The tracking error, the output of compensator ub ; and the output of DOB ud are shown in Fig. 10(b)–(d), respectively, where the feedback compensator of (13) and the DOB with (14) are used. To show the effect of DOB, DOB is turned on at 100 ms; and the tracking error is abruptly reduced. In addition, due to the DOB, the output from CðsÞ is diminished. Use of the DOB is effective to reduce the order of the feedback compensator, as illustrated in (15). Simulation results for the same disturbance of Fig. 10(a) are shown in Fig. 11. Even though the tracking error of Fig. 11(b) is slightly larger than the error of Fig. 10(b), the compensator design procedure is much easier than that of Fig. 10. 0.5 Im 0 φ min = 30° −1 −1.5 −2 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 (b) 0 0.5 1 Re Fig. 8. Graphical representation of robust stability condition: (a) with DOB; (b) without DOB. 50 0 Mag (dB) ð15Þ 4.3. Computer simulations 1 1 −0.5 9:1ðs þ 12; 566Þðs þ 25; 133Þ ; ðs þ 62; 832Þðs þ 75; 398Þ which is designed to satisfy the two remaining specification of control bandwidth and robust stability. The same DOB with QðsÞ of (14) satisfies the robust stability condition. At the same time, the frequency responses of sensitivity functions with the DOB are low enough to ensure sufficient disturbance attenuation as depicted in Fig. 9. Because the plant uncertainty is negligible in the low-frequency region, four sensitivity functions with perturbed plant models demonstrate that the trackfollowing performance is not affected by the plant uncertainty. 0 −0.5 583 −50 −100 −150 −200 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 Freq (Hz) Fig. 9. Sensitivity functions with the nominal plant model and four perturbed models (—: with DOB, – – –: without DOB). feedback compensator design. Therefore, the compensator design procedure becomes simple and the order of the resultant feedback compensator can be decreased. 4.4. Experiments The designed controller with the DOB was applied to the experimental apparatus with DSP shown in Fig. 12. The TMS320C6701, which is a 32 bit floating point DSP with the core architecture of Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW), performs the key role in the experiments. Due to the excellent computing power of one Giga floating-point operations per second (GFLOPS), it is useful for implementation of a digital control system requiring a very high sampling frequency. The DOBbased track-following control system ran at a sampling frequency of 200 kHz; which is the usual sampling frequency for track-following control in commercial optical disk drives. The controller designed in continuous-time domain was transformed to a discrete-time controller by the pole-zero mapping method, which generates a reasonable result with a sufficiently high sampling frequency compared with control bandwidth. ARTICLE IN PRESS J.R. Ryoo et al. / Control Engineering Practice 12 (2004) 577–585 200 0.1 100 0.05 0 −100 −200 (a) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 time (msec) 0 −0.05 −0.1 (b) 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 0 20 40 60 80 (c) 100 120 140 160 180 20 40 60 80 120 140 160 180 200 120 140 160 180 200 −0.2 0 20 40 60 80 (d) time (msec) 100 0 −0.4 200 0 time (msec) 0.4 DOB output (V) compensator output (V) tracking error (µm) disturbance (µm) 584 100 time (msec) Fig. 10. Simulation results with high-gain feedback compensator: (a) external disturbance; (b) tracking error; (c) feedback compensator output; (d) DOB output. 0.1 tracking error (µm) disturbance (µm) 200 100 0 −100 −200 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 −0.05 −0.1 200 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 0 20 40 60 (c) 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 (b) time (msec) DOB output (V) compensator output (V) (a) 0.05 120 140 160 180 200 120 140 160 180 200 120 140 160 180 200 0 −0.2 −0.4 (d) time (msec) 100 time (msec) 0 20 40 60 80 100 time (msec) Fig. 11. Simulation results with low-gain feedback compensator: (a) external disturbance; (b) tracking error; (c) feedback compensator output; (d) DOB output. Actuator driver PD signal Focus Fine LPF Coarse DVD-ROM Drive Amp DAC TMS320C 6701 RF Amp ADC Focus error Tracking error DSP based digital control system Fig. 12. Experimental environment. Fig. 13 illustrates an experimental result. The DOB was turned on at 100 ms; as in the simulations. Although the results are slightly affected by measurement noise, the effect of DOB is evident in the results. After the DOB is turned on, the feedback compensator output is reduced while the DOB output in Fig. 13(c) is increased. Therefore, the external disturbance of the disk rotational frequency of 40 Hz is almost completely attenuated by DOB. The tracking error illustrated in Fig. 13(b), which is calculated from the tracking error signal with consideration of KPD ; reveals that the tracking precision is enhanced after the DOB is turned on. For reliable transfer of data from/to an optical disk, 70:037 mm of tracking error is known to be tolerable in industrial field. The DOB enabled track-following control system to reduce the tracking error to a value below the boundary, resulting in more reliable reading/writing of data from/to the optical disk. The improved performance is clearly illustrated by the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) results shown in Fig. 14. The peaks between 0 and 100 Hz are the component of the disk rotation, and the magnitude in Fig. 14(a) is less than the magnitude in Fig. 14(b) more than 10 dB: ARTICLE IN PRESS J.R. Ryoo et al. / Control Engineering Practice 12 (2004) 577–585 design for the feedback compensator by removing the requirement for disturbance attenuation. The designed DOB was applied to a track-following control system. Simulation and experimental results were presented to validate the effectiveness. 0.1 tracking error (µm) 0.05 0 −0.05 −0.1 (a) 585 0 20 40 60 80 100 time (msec) 120 140 160 180 200 Acknowledgements compensator output (V) 0.4 The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for useful comments and suggestions. 0.2 0 References −0.2 −0.4 0 20 40 60 80 100 time (msec) 120 140 160 180 200 0 20 40 60 80 100 time (msec) 120 140 160 180 200 (b) DOB output (V) 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 (c) Fig. 13. Experimental results: (a) tracking error; (b) feedback compensator output; (c) DOB output. −10 mag (dBV) −20 −30 −40 −50 −60 0 100 200 300 400 (a) 500 600 700 800 900 1000 600 700 800 900 1000 freq. (Hz) −10 mag (dBV) −20 −30 −40 −50 −60 0 100 (b) 200 300 400 500 freq. (Hz) Fig. 14. FFT results of the tracking error signal: (a) with DOB; (b) without DOB. 5. Conclusion In this paper, a design procedure for a DOB used in a track-following control system was presented. 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