FEATURES No Description Material / Specification 1 Fan Assembly Aluminium Alloy 2 V-Belt and Pulley System FRP Pulley Cover 3 Motor Weather Proof TEFC type 4 Fan Stack FRP 5 Main Frame Structure HDG Steel 6 Casing FRP 7 Ladder HDG Steel 8 Cold Water Basin Floor FRP 9 Cold Water Basin Frame HDG Steel 10 Cold Water Basin Sump FRP 11 Louver FRP 12 High Performance Film Fill Pack PVC 13 Non-Clog Spray Nozzle Polypropylene 14 Water Distribution System PVC 15 Drift Eliminator PVC 16 Safety Maintenance Platform HDG Steel 17 Safety Handrail HDG Steel 18 Gear Box System Optional Tang Plaza, Singapore Plexus Penang, Malaysia UKM Bangi, Malaysia 2 Seti awalk Puchong, Malaysia Osram P enan g, Malaysi a OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE H h K Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) 0711A4-150 4.0 8.09 0711B4-175 5.5 11.0 0711C4-200 2195 3410 3300 950 600 7.5 13.6 0711D4-225 11.0 20.1 0811A4-200 4.0 8.09 5.5 11.0 7.5 13.6 0811D4-275 11.0 20.1 0911A4-225 4.0 8.09 5.5 11.0 7.5 13.6 11.0 20.1 0811B4-225 0811C4-250 0911B4-250 0911C4-300 2500 2805 3410 3410 3600 3600 950 950 900 900 0911D4-325 1012B4-300 5.5 11.0 1012C4-325 7.5 13.6 11.0 20.1 15.0 26.7 1012D4-375 3 Rated Output kW 1012E4-400 3110 3720 4200 950 900 Type Power Source A Fan Speed RPM No of blades Drive System V Belt and Pulley W Four (4) to Six(6) L Axial Flow Fan 580 1525 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz Tower Model ECS Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension 580 580 580 485 1830 485 485 510 425 2135 425 425 425 400 2440 400 400 400 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Piping Size Weight (kg) Water Inlet Water Outlet Overflow Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 0711A4-150 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,400 3,060 0711B4-175 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,430 3,200 0711C4-200 C 3420 D 2145 C1 1710 C2 - D1 - F 2700 G 1098 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,440 3,320 0711D4-225 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,460 3,440 0811A4-200 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,530 3,390 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,560 3,690 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,580 3,940 0811D4-275 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,600 4,140 0911A4-225 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,630 3,950 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,670 4,250 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,750 4,510 0911D4-325 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,790 4,650 1012B4-300 200 X 1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,840 4,600 1012C4-325 200 X 1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,890 4,750 0811B4-225 0811C4-250 0911B4-250 0911C4-300 1012D4-375 1012E4-400 3420 3420 3730 2450 2755 3060 1710 1710 1865 - - - - 1378 1530 3000 3000 3300 1250 729 805 200 X 1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,920 4,920 200 X1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,950 5,070 4 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE H h K 1111B4-250 1111C4-300 Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) 5.5 11.0 7.5 13.6 11.0 20.1 1111E4-400 15.0 26.7 1212C4-350 7.5 13.6 11.0 20.1 15.0 26.7 18.5 33.2 1111D4-350 1212D4-400 1212E4-450 3410 3720 3410 3720 4200 4200 950 950 900 900 1212F4-500 1313C4-400 7.5 13.6 1313D4-450 11.0 20.1 15.0 26.7 1313E4-500 4020 4020 4500 1030 900 1313F4-550 18.5 33.2 1414B4-400 5.5 11.0 1414C4-450 Type Power Source A Fan Speed RPM 2440 400 400 380 2745 380 380 410 380 2745 380 380 410 300 13.6 20.1 1414E4-550 15.0 26.7 360 1414F4-600 18.5 33.2 360 4330 4500 1030 900 Drive System 400 7.5 4330 No of blades 400 11.0 1414D4-500 5 Rated Output kW V Belt and Pulley W Four (4) to Six(6) L Axial Flow Fan 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz Tower Model ECS Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension 300 3050 360 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Piping Size Weight (kg) Water Inlet Water Outlet Overflow Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 1,875 4,455 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 2,040 4,800 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 2,205 5,145 1111E4-400 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 2,370 5,490 1212C4-350 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,620 5,990 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,670 6,195 C D C1 C2 D1 F G 1111B4-250 1111C4-300 1111D4-350 1212D4-400 1212E4-450 3420 3730 3360 3670 1710 1865 - - 1680 1835 3300 3300 880 957 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,700 6,250 1212F4-500 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,800 6,350 1313C4-400 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,750 6,600 1313D4-450 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,850 6,770 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,220 7,130 1313F4-550 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,310 7,230 1414B4-400 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,520 8,070 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,620 8,170 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,720 8,270 1414E4-550 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,820 8,370 1414F4-600 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 4,070 8,620 1313E4-500 4030 3970 2015 - 1985 3600 1033 1414C4-450 1414D4-500 4340 4280 2170 - 2140 3600 1110 6 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE 7 4800 h 1440 1480 1500 K 1200 Rated Output kW Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) 11.0 15.0 18.5 20.1 26.7 33.2 1515G4-700 1540 22.0 39.3 1616D4-600 1616E4-700 1616G4-750 1616H4-800 1717E4-750 1717F4-800 1717G4-850 1717H4-900 1717I4-950 1818E4-800 1818F4-850 1818G4-900 1818H4-950 1818I4-1000 2020F4-950 2020G4-1000 2020H4-1100 2020I4-1150 2020J4-1250 1490 1540 1595 1655 1545 1565 1600 1660 1710 1545 1565 1600 1660 1710 1565 1600 1660 1710 1735 11.0 15.0 22.0 30.0 15.0 18.5 22.0 30.0 37.0 15.0 18.5 22.0 30.0 37.0 18.5 22.0 30.0 37.0 45.0 20.1 26.7 39.3 51.9 26.7 33.2 39.3 51.9 66.0 26.7 33.2 39.3 51.9 66.0 33.2 39.3 51.9 66.0 78.7 4940 4940 4800 5240 5240 4800 5550 5550 5250 6160 6160 5250 1200 1200 1200 1200 Type Power Source A 3355 Fan Speed RPM No of blades Drive System V Belt and Pulley 4630 H Four (4) to Six(6) 4630 W Axial Flow Fan 325 325 325 325 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz 1515D4-550 1515E4-600 1515F4-650 L Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension Tower Model ECS 3660 3660 3660 3660 250 250 310 310 250 310 310 310 310 250 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Weight (kg) Piping Size Water Inlet Water Outlet Overflow Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 4,360 4,460 4,560 4,910 5,380 5,480 5,580 5,680 6,020 6,270 6,520 6,610 6,710 9,630 9,730 9,830 10,590 11,840 11,940 12,040 12,140 13,180 13,530 13,880 13,970 14,070 1818E4-800 300 x 1 300 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 7,100 15,360 1818F4-850 1818G4-900 1818H4-950 1818I4-1000 2020F4-950 2020G4-1000 2020H4-1100 2020I4-1150 2020J4-1250 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 7,200 7,300 7,400 7,500 8,870 10,030 10,120 10,200 10,280 15,460 15,560 15,660 15,670 19,050 21,660 21,750 21,830 21,910 1515D4-550 1515E4-600 1515F4-650 1515G4-700 1616D4-600 1616E4-700 1616G4-750 1616H4-800 1717E4-750 1717F4-800 1717G4-850 1717H4-900 1717I4-950 C D C1 C2 D1 F G 4640 4580 2320 - 2290 3900 1185 4950 4890 1678 1594 1630 3900 2470 5250 5190 1778 1694 1730 3900 2620 5560 5500 1882 1796 1833 3900 2775 6170 6110 2085 2000 2037 3900 3080 8 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE h K Rated Output kW Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) 1555 22.0 39.3 2222H4-1300 1615 30.0 51.9 37.0 66.0 6770 6770 5250 1660 1200 2222J4-1450 1690 45.0 78.7 2222K4-1550 1730 55.0 93.5 2424G4-1300 1555 22.0 39.3 2424H4-1400 1615 30.0 51.9 37.0 66.0 2424I4-1500 7380 7380 5250 1660 1200 2424J4-1600 1690 45.0 78.7 2424K4-1700 1730 55.0 93.5 Type Power Source A Fan Speed RPM No of blades Drive System V Belt and Pulley H Four (4) to Six(6) W 2222G4-1150 2222I4-1350 9 L Axial Flow Fan 230 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz Tower Model ECS Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension 230 4270 230 230 230 230 230 4270 230 230 230 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Piping Size Weight (kg) Water Inlet Water Outlet Overflow Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 2222G4-1150 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,100 25,000 2222H4-1300 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,310 26,360 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,500 27,200 2222J4-1450 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,680 28,000 2222K4-1550 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,800 29,080 2424G4-1300 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,090 32,000 2424H4-1400 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,310 32,800 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,550 33,960 2424J4-1600 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,670 34,830 2424K4-1700 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,810 35,600 2222I4-1350 2424I4-1500 C 6780 7390 D 6720 7330 C1 1735 1890 C2 1655 1805 D1 1680 1833 F 3900 3900 G 2545 2774 10 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE H h K 0711A3-150 0711B3-175 0711C3-200 2195 3410 3600 950 900 0711D3-225 Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) 4.0 8.09 5.5 11.0 7.5 13.6 11.0 20.1 0811A3-200 4.0 8.09 0811B3-225 5.5 11.0 0811C3-250 2500 3410 3900 950 1200 7.5 13.6 0811D3-275 11.0 20.1 0911A3-225 4.0 8.09 5.5 11.0 7.5 13.6 0911D3-325 11.0 20.1 1012B3-300 5.5 11.0 7.5 13.6 11.0 20.1 15.0 26.7 0911B3-250 0911C3-300 1012C3-325 1012D3-375 11 Rated Output kW 1012E3-400 2805 3110 3410 3720 3900 4500 950 950 1200 1200 Type Power Source A Fan Speed RPM No of blades Drive System V Belt and Pulley W Four (4) to Six(6) L Axial Flow Fan 580 1525 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz Tower Model ECS Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension 580 580 580 485 1830 485 485 510 425 2135 425 425 425 400 2440 400 400 400 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Piping Size Weight (kg) Water Inlet Water Outlet Overflow Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,420 3,080 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,450 3,220 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,460 3,340 0711D3-225 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,480 3,460 0811A3-200 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,550 3,410 0811B3-225 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,580 3,710 C D C1 C2 D1 F G 0711A3-150 0711B3-175 0711C3-200 0811C3-250 3420 3420 2145 2450 1710 1710 - - - - 3000 3300 1098 1250 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,600 3,960 0811D3-275 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,620 4,160 0911A3-225 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,650 3,970 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,690 4,270 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,770 4,530 0911D3-325 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,810 4,670 1012B3-300 200 X 1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,860 4,620 200 X 1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,910 4,770 0911B3-250 0911C3-300 1012C3-325 1012D3-375 1012E3-400 3420 3730 2755 3060 1710 1865 - - 1378 1530 3300 3600 729 805 200 X 1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,940 4,940 200 X1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,970 5,090 12 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE H h K Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) 1111B3-250 5.5 11.0 1111C3-300 7.5 13.6 11.0 20.1 1111E3-400 15.0 26.7 1212C3-350 7.5 13.6 11.0 20.1 15.0 26.7 18.5 33.2 1111D3-350 1212D3-400 1212E3-450 3410 3720 3410 3720 4200 4200 950 950 900 900 1212F3-500 1313C3-400 7.5 13.6 1313D3-450 11.0 20.1 15.0 26.7 1313F3-550 18.5 33.2 1414B3-400 5.5 11.0 1313E3-500 4020 4020 4500 1030 900 1414C3-450 Type Power Source A Fan Speed RPM 2440 400 400 380 2745 380 380 410 380 2745 380 380 410 300 13.6 20.1 1414E3-550 15.0 26.7 360 1414F3-600 18.5 33.2 360 4330 4500 1030 900 Drive System 400 7.5 4330 No of blades 400 11.0 1414D3-500 13 Rated Output kW V Belt and Pulley W Four (4) to Six(6) L Axial Flow Fan 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz Tower Model ECS Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension 300 3050 360 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Piping Size Weight (kg) Water Inlet Water Outlet Overflow Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 1111B3-250 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 1,875 4,455 1111C3-300 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 2,040 4,800 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 2,205 5,145 1111E3-400 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 2,370 5,490 1212C3-350 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,620 5,990 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,670 6,195 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,700 6,250 1212F3-500 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,800 6,350 1313C3-400 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,750 6,600 1313D3-450 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,850 6,770 1111D3-350 1212D3-400 1212E3-450 1313E3-500 C 3420 3730 4030 D 3360 3670 3970 C1 1710 1865 2015 C2 - - - D1 1680 1835 1985 F 3300 3300 3600 G 880 957 1033 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,220 7,130 1313F3-550 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,310 7,230 1414B3-400 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,520 8,070 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,620 8,170 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,720 8,270 1414C3-450 1414D3-500 4340 4280 2170 - 2140 3600 1110 1414E3-550 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,820 8,370 1414F3-600 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 4,070 8,620 14 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE 15 4630 H 4800 h 1440 1480 1500 K 1200 Rated Output kW Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) 11.0 15.0 18.5 20.1 26.7 33.2 1515G3-700 1540 22.0 39.3 1616D3-600 1616E3-700 1616G3-750 1616H3-800 1717E3-750 1717F3-800 1717G3-850 1717H3-900 1717I3-950 1818E3-800 1818F3-850 1818G3-900 1818H3-950 1818I3-1000 2020F3-950 2020G3-1000 2020H3-1100 2020I3-1150 2020J3-1250 1490 1540 1595 1655 1545 1565 1600 1660 1710 1545 1565 1600 1660 1710 1565 1600 1660 1710 1735 11.0 15.0 22.0 30.0 15.0 18.5 22.0 30.0 37.0 15.0 18.5 22.0 30.0 37.0 18.5 22.0 30.0 37.0 45.0 20.1 26.7 39.3 51.9 26.7 33.2 39.3 51.9 66.0 26.7 33.2 39.3 51.9 66.0 33.2 39.3 51.9 66.0 78.7 4940 4940 4800 5240 5240 4800 5550 5550 5250 6160 6160 5250 1200 1200 1200 1200 Type Power Source A 3355 Fan Speed RPM No of blades Drive System V Belt and Pulley 4630 W Four (4) to Six(6) 1515D3-550 1515E3-600 1515F3-650 L Axial Flow Fan 325 325 325 325 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz Tower Model ECS Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension 3660 3660 3660 3660 250 250 310 310 250 310 310 310 310 250 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Piping Size Weight (kg) Water Inlet Water Outlet Overflow Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 4,360 4,460 4,560 4,910 5,380 5,480 5,580 5,680 6,020 6,270 6,520 6,610 6,710 9,630 9,730 9,830 10,590 11,840 11,940 12,040 12,140 13,180 13,530 13,880 13,970 14,070 1818E3-800 300 x 1 300 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 7,100 15,360 1818F3-850 1818G3-900 1818H3-950 1818I3-1000 2020F3-950 2020G3-1000 2020H3-1100 2020I3-1150 2020J3-1250 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 7,200 7,300 7,400 7,500 8,870 10,030 10,120 10,200 10,280 15,460 15,560 15,660 15,670 19,050 21,660 21,750 21,830 21,910 1515D3-550 1515E3-600 1515F3-650 1515G3-700 1616D3-600 1616E3-700 1616G3-750 1616H3-800 1717E3-750 1717F3-800 1717G3-850 1717H3-900 1717I3-950 C D C1 C2 D1 F G 4640 4580 2320 - 2290 3900 1185 4950 4890 1678 1594 1630 3900 2470 5250 5190 1778 1694 1730 3900 2620 5560 5500 1882 1796 1833 3900 2775 6170 6110 2085 2000 2037 3900 3080 16 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE h K Rated Output kW Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) 1555 22.0 39.3 2222H3-1300 1615 30.0 51.9 37.0 66.0 6770 6770 5250 1660 1200 2222J3-1450 1690 45.0 78.7 2222K3-1550 1730 55.0 93.5 2424G3-1300 1555 22.0 39.3 2424H3-1400 1615 30.0 51.9 37.0 66.0 2424I3-1500 7380 7380 5250 1660 1200 2424J3-1600 1690 45.0 78.7 2424K3-1700 1730 55.0 93.5 Type Power Source A Fan Speed RPM No of blades Drive System V Belt and Pulley H Four (4) to Six(6) W 2222G3-1150 2222I3-1350 17 L Axial Flow Fan 230 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz Tower Model ECS Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension 230 4270 230 230 230 230 230 4270 230 230 230 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Piping Size Weight (kg) Water Inlet Water Outlet Overflow Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 2222G3-1150 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,100 25,000 2222H3-1300 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,310 26,360 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,500 27,200 2222J3-1450 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,680 28,000 2222K3-1550 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,800 29,080 2424G3-1300 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,090 32,000 2424H3-1400 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,310 32,800 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,550 33,960 2424J3-1600 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,670 34,830 2424K3-1700 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,810 35,600 2222I3-1350 2424I3-1500 C 6780 7390 D 6720 7330 C1 1735 1890 C2 1655 1805 D1 1680 1833 F 3900 3900 G 2545 2774 18 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE 0711A2-150 4.0 8.09 0711B2-175 5.5 11 0711C2-200 2195 3410 H 3900 h 950 K 1200 7.5 13.6 0711D2-225 11.0 20.1 0811A2-200 4.0 8.09 0811B2-225 5.5 11 7.5 13.6 0811D2-275 11.0 20.1 0911A2-225 4.0 8.09 0811C2-250 0911B2-250 0911C2-300 2500 2805 3410 3410 4200 4200 950 950 1500 1500 0911D2-325 11 7.5 13.6 11.0 20.1 1012B2-300 5.5 11 1012C2-325 7.5 13.6 11.0 20.1 15.0 26.7 1012D2-375 19 5.5 1012E2-400 3110 3720 4800 950 1500 Type Power Source A Fan Speed RPM No of blades Drive System V Belt and Pulley Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) W Four (4) to Six(6) Rated Output kW L Axial Flow Fan 580 1525 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz Tower Model ECS Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension 580 580 580 485 1830 485 485 510 425 2135 425 425 425 400 2440 400 400 400 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Piping Size Weight (kg) Water Inlet Water Outlet Overflow Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 0711A2-150 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,430 3,090 0711B2-175 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,460 3,230 0711C2-200 C 3420 D 2145 C1 1710 C2 - D1 - F 3300 G 1098 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,470 3,350 0711D2-225 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,490 3,470 0811A2-200 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,560 3,420 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,590 3,720 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,610 3,970 0811D2-275 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,630 4,170 0911A2-225 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,660 3,980 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,700 4,280 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,780 4,540 0911D2-325 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,820 4,680 1012B2-300 200 X 1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,870 4,630 1012C2-325 200 X 1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,920 4,780 0811B2-225 0811C2-250 0911B2-250 0911C2-300 1012D2-375 1012E2-400 3420 3420 3730 2450 2755 3060 1710 1710 1865 - - - - 1378 1530 3600 3600 3900 1250 729 805 200 X 1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,950 4,950 200 X1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,980 5,100 20 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE H h K 1111B2-250 1111C2-300 Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) 5.5 11 7.5 13.6 11.0 20.1 1111E2-400 15.0 26.7 1212C2-350 7.5 13.6 11.0 20.1 15.0 26.7 18.5 33.2 1111D2-350 1212D2-400 1212E2-450 3410 3720 3410 3720 4800 4800 950 950 1500 1500 1212F2-500 1313C2-400 7.5 13.6 1313D2-450 11.0 20.1 15.0 26.7 1313F2-550 18.5 33.2 1414B2-400 5.5 11 1313E2-500 4020 4020 5100 1030 1500 1414C2-450 Type Power Source A Fan Speed RPM 2440 400 400 380 2745 380 380 410 380 2745 380 380 410 300 13.6 20.1 1414E2-550 15.0 26.7 360 1414F2-600 18.5 33.2 360 4330 5100 1030 1500 Drive System 400 7.5 4330 No of blades 400 11.0 1414D2-500 21 Rated Output kW V Belt and Pulley W Four (4) to Six(6) L Axial Flow Fan 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz Tower Model ECS Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension 300 3050 360 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Piping Size Weight (kg) Water Inlet Water Outlet Overflow Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 1,920 4,500 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 2,085 4,845 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 2,250 5,190 1111E2-400 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 2,415 5,535 1212C2-350 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,670 6,100 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,720 6,245 C D C1 C2 D1 F G 1111B2-250 1111C2-300 1111D2-350 1212D2-400 1212E2-450 3420 3730 3360 3670 1710 1865 - - 1680 1835 3900 3900 880 957 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,750 6,300 1212F2-500 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,850 6,400 1313C2-400 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,805 6,655 1313D2-450 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,905 6,825 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,275 7,185 1313F2-550 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,365 7,285 1414B2-400 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,590 8,140 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,690 8,240 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,790 8,340 1414E2-550 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,890 8,440 1414F2-600 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 4,140 8,690 1313E2-500 4030 3970 2015 - 1985 4200 1033 1414C2-450 1414D2-500 4340 4280 2170 - 2140 4200 1110 22 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE 23 4630 H 5400 h 1440 1480 1500 K 1800 Rated Output kW Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) 11.0 15.0 18.5 20.1 26.7 33.2 1515G2-700 1540 22.0 39.3 1616D2-600 1616E2-700 1616G2-750 1616H2-800 1717E2-750 1717F2-800 1717G2-850 1717H2-900 1717I2-950 1818E2-800 1818F2-850 1818G2-900 1818H2-950 1818I2-1000 2020F2-950 2020G2-1000 2020H2-1100 2020I2-1150 2020J2-1250 1490 1540 1595 1655 1545 1565 1600 1660 1710 1545 1565 1600 1660 1710 1565 1600 1660 1710 1735 11.0 15.0 22.0 30.0 15.0 18.5 22.0 30.0 37.0 15.0 18.5 22.0 30.0 37.0 18.5 22.0 30.0 37.0 45.0 20.1 26.7 39.3 51.9 26.7 33.2 39.3 51.9 66.0 26.7 33.2 39.3 51.9 66.0 33.2 39.3 51.9 66.0 78.7 4940 4940 5400 5240 5240 5400 5550 5550 5850 6160 6160 5850 1800 1800 1800 1800 Type Power Source A 3355 Fan Speed RPM No of blades Drive System V Belt and Pulley 4630 W Four (4) to Six(6) 1515D2-550 1515E2-600 1515F2-650 L Axial Flow Fan 325 325 325 325 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz Tower Model ECS Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension 3660 3660 3660 3660 250 250 310 310 250 310 310 310 310 250 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Piping Size Weight (kg) Water Inlet Water Outlet Overflow Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 4,450 4,550 4,650 5,000 5,490 5,590 5,690 5,790 6,160 6,410 6,660 6,750 6,850 9,720 9,820 9,920 10,680 11,950 12,050 12,150 12,250 13,320 13,670 14,020 14,110 14,210 1818E2-800 300 x 1 300 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 7,240 15,500 1818F2-850 1818G2-900 1818H2-950 1818I2-1000 2020F2-950 2020G2-1000 2020H2-1100 2020I2-1150 2020J2-1250 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 7,340 7,440 7,540 7,640 9,050 10,210 10,300 10,380 10,460 15,600 15,700 15,800 15,810 19,230 21,840 21,930 22,010 22,090 1515D2-550 1515E2-600 1515F2-650 1515G2-700 1616D2-600 1616E2-700 1616G2-750 1616H2-800 1717E2-750 1717F2-800 1717G2-850 1717H2-900 1717I2-950 C D C1 C2 D1 F G 4640 4580 2320 - 2290 4500 1185 4950 4890 1678 1594 1630 4500 2470 5250 5190 1778 1694 1730 4500 2620 5560 5500 1882 1796 1833 4500 2775 6170 6110 2085 2000 2037 4500 3080 24 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE h K Rated Output kW Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) 1555 22.0 39.3 2222H2-1300 1615 30.0 51.9 37.0 66.0 6770 6770 5850 1660 1800 2222J2-1450 1690 45.0 78.7 2222K2-1550 1730 55.0 93.5 2424G2-1300 1555 22.0 39.3 2424H2-1400 1615 30.0 51.9 37.0 66.0 2424I2-1500 7380 7380 5850 1660 1800 2424J2-1600 1690 45.0 78.7 2424K2-1700 1730 55.0 93.5 Type Power Source A Fan Speed RPM No of blades Drive System V Belt and Pulley H Four (4) to Six(6) W 2222G2-1150 2222I2-1350 25 L Axial Flow Fan 230 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz Tower Model ECS Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension 230 4270 230 230 230 230 230 4270 230 230 230 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Piping Size Weight (kg) Water Inlet Water Outlet Overflow Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 2222G2-1150 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,280 25,150 2222H2-1300 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,510 26,520 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,730 27,400 2222J2-1450 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,940 28,250 2222K2-1550 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 13,050 29,360 2424G2-1300 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,240 32,150 2424H2-1400 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,480 32,980 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,650 34,130 2424J2-1600 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,920 35,000 2424K2-1700 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 15,000 35,820 2222I2-1350 2424I2-1500 C 6780 7390 D 6720 7330 C1 1735 1890 C2 1655 1805 D1 1680 1833 F 4500 4500 G 2545 2774 26 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE 0711A1-150 4.0 8.09 0711B1-175 5.5 11 0711C1-200 3410 4500 h 950 K 1800 7.5 13.6 0711D1-225 11.0 20.1 0811A1-200 4.0 8.09 0811B1-225 5.5 11 7.5 13.6 0811D1-275 11.0 20.1 0911A1-225 4.0 8.09 0811C1-250 0911B1-250 2500 3410 4500 950 1800 5.5 11 7.5 13.6 0911D1-325 11.0 20.1 1012B1-300 5.5 11 1012C1-325 7.5 13.6 0911C1-300 1012D1-375 27 2195 H 1012E1-400 2805 3110 3410 3720 4500 5100 950 950 1800 1800 11.0 20.1 15.0 26.7 Type Power Source A Fan Speed RPM No of blades Drive System V Belt and Pulley Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) W Four (4) to Six(6) Rated Output kW L Axial Flow Fan 580 1525 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz Tower Model ECS Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension 580 580 580 485 1830 485 485 510 425 2135 425 425 425 400 2440 400 400 400 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Piping Size Weight (kg) Water Inlet Water Overflow Outlet Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 0711A1-150 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,442 3,102 0711B1-175 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,475 3,245 0711C1-200 C 3420 D 2145 C1 1710 C2 - D1 - F 3900 G 1098 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,485 3,365 0711D1-225 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,505 3,485 0811A1-200 150 X 1 150 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,580 3,400 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,610 3,740 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,630 3,990 0811D1-275 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,650 4,190 0911A1-225 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,680 4,000 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,720 4,300 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,800 4,560 0911D1-325 200 X 1 200 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,840 4,700 1012B1-300 200 X 1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,900 4,660 1012C1-325 200 X 1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,950 4,810 200 X 1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 1,980 4,980 200 X1 200 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 50 X 1 2,010 5,130 0811B1-225 0811C1-250 0911B1-250 0911C1-300 1012D1-375 1012E1-400 3420 3420 3730 2450 2755 3060 1710 1710 1865 - - - - 1378 1530 3900 3900 4200 1250 729 805 28 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE H h K 1111B1-250 1111C1-300 Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) 5.5 11 7.5 13.6 11.0 20.1 1111E1-400 15.0 26.7 1212C1-350 7.5 13.6 11.0 20.1 15.0 26.7 18.5 33.2 1111D1-350 1212D1-400 1212E1-450 3410 3720 3410 3720 5400 5400 950 950 2100 2100 1212F1-500 1313C1-400 7.5 13.6 1313D1-450 11.0 20.1 15.0 26.7 1313F1-550 18.5 33.2 1414B1-400 5.5 11 1313E1-500 4020 4020 5700 1030 2100 1414C1-450 Type Power Source A Fan Speed RPM 2440 400 400 380 2745 380 380 410 380 2745 380 380 410 300 13.6 20.1 1414E1-550 15.0 26.7 360 1414F1-600 18.5 33.2 360 4330 5700 1030 2100 Drive System 400 7.5 4330 No of blades 400 11.0 1414D1-500 29 Rated Output kW V Belt and Pulley W Four (4) to Six(6) L Axial Flow Fan 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz Tower Model ECS Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension 300 3050 360 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Piping Size Weight (kg) Water Inlet Water Outlet Overflow Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 1,950 4,530 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 2,110 4,870 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 2,270 5,210 1111E1-400 200 x 1 200 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 2,440 5,560 1212C1-350 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,700 6,170 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,750 6,275 C D C1 C2 D1 F G 1111B1-250 1111C1-300 1111D1-350 1212D1-400 1212E1-450 3420 3730 3360 3670 1710 1865 - - 1680 1835 4500 4500 880 957 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,780 6,330 1212F1-500 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,880 6,430 1313C1-400 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,830 6,680 1313D1-450 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 2,940 6,860 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,320 7,230 1313F1-550 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,410 7,330 1414B1-400 200 x 1 200 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,625 8,175 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,730 8,280 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,830 8,380 1414E1-550 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 3,940 8,490 1414F1-600 250 x 1 250 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 4,190 8,740 1313E1-500 4030 3970 2015 - 1985 4800 1033 1414C1-450 1414D1-500 4340 4280 2170 - 2140 4800 1110 30 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE 31 4630 H 5700 h 1440 1480 1500 K 2100 Rated Output kW Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) 11.0 15.0 18.5 20.1 26.7 33.2 1515G1-700 1540 22.0 39.3 1616D1-600 1616E1-700 1616G1-750 1616H1-800 1717E1-750 1717F1-800 1717G1-850 1717H1-900 1717I1-950 1818E1-800 1818F1-850 1818G1-900 1818H1-950 1818I1-1000 2020F1-950 2020G1-1000 2020H1-1100 2020I1-1150 2020J1-1250 1490 1540 1595 1655 1545 1565 1600 1660 1710 1545 1565 1600 1660 1710 1565 1600 1660 1710 1735 11.0 15.0 22.0 30.0 15.0 18.5 22.0 30.0 37.0 15.0 18.5 22.0 30.0 37.0 18.5 22.0 30.0 37.0 45.0 20.1 26.7 39.3 51.9 26.7 33.2 39.3 51.9 66.0 26.7 33.2 39.3 51.9 66.0 33.2 39.3 51.9 66.0 78.7 4940 4940 5700 5240 5240 5700 5550 5550 6150 6160 6160 6150 2100 2100 2100 2100 Type Power Source A 3355 Fan Speed RPM No of blades Drive System V Belt and Pulley 4630 W Four (4) to Six(6) 1515D1-550 1515E1-600 1515F1-650 L Axial Flow Fan 325 325 325 325 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz Tower Model ECS Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension 3660 3660 3660 3660 250 250 310 310 250 310 310 310 310 250 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Piping Size Weight (kg) Water Inlet Water Outlet Overflow Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 250 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 4,490 4,600 4,700 5,060 5,550 5,650 5,750 5,850 6,390 6,460 6,710 6,800 6,900 9,770 9,870 9,970 10,740 12,010 12,110 12,210 12,310 13,520 13,720 14,070 14,160 14,260 1818E1-800 300 x 1 300 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 7,320 15,580 1818F1-850 1818G1-900 1818H1-950 1818I1-1000 2020F1-950 2020G1-1000 2020H1-1100 2020I1-1150 2020J1-1250 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 300 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 100 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 80 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 50 x 1 7,420 7,520 7,620 7,720 9,140 10,300 10,390 10,470 10,550 15,680 15,780 15,880 15,890 19,320 21,930 22,020 22,100 22,180 1515D1-550 1515E1-600 1515F1-650 1515G1-700 1616D1-600 1616E1-700 1616G1-750 1616H1-800 1717E1-750 1717F1-800 1717G1-850 1717H1-900 1717I1-950 C D C1 C2 D1 F G 4640 4580 2320 - 2290 4800 1185 4950 4890 1678 1594 1630 4800 2470 5250 5190 1778 1694 1730 4800 2620 5560 5500 1882 1796 1833 4800 2775 6170 6110 2085 2000 2037 4800 3080 32 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE h K Rated Output kW Rated Current at 415V/50Hz (AMP) 1555 22.0 39.3 2222H1-1300 1615 30.0 51.9 37.0 66.0 6770 6770 6150 1660 2100 2222J1-1450 1690 45.0 78.7 2222K1-1550 1730 55.0 93.5 2424G1-1300 1555 22.0 39.3 2424H1-1400 1615 30.0 51.9 37.0 66.0 2424I1-1500 7380 7380 6150 1660 2100 2424J1-1600 1690 45.0 78.7 2424K1-1700 1730 55.0 93.5 Type Power Source A Fan Speed RPM No of blades Drive System V Belt and Pulley H Four (4) to Six(6) W 2222G1-1150 2222I1-1350 33 L Axial Flow Fan 230 3ph/380V/50Hz or 3ph/415V/50Hz Tower Model ECS Motor TEFC, Outdoor, 3 phase, induction motor, 4 pole Overall Dimension 230 4270 230 230 230 230 230 4270 230 230 230 OUTLINE AND FOUNDATION DRAWINGS (SINGLE CELL) EC-S SERIES RANGE Anchor Bolts Data Tower Model ECS Piping Data Piping Size Weight (kg) Water Inlet Water Outlet Overflow Drain Make up Auto & Manual Dry Weight Operating Weight 2222G1-1150 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,460 25,400 2222H1-1300 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,720 26,750 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 12,930 27,650 2222J1-1450 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 13,050 28,430 2222K1-1550 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 13,200 29,580 2424G1-1300 300 X 1 300 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,360 32,350 2424H1-1400 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,650 33,380 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 14,860 34,350 2424J1-1600 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 15,200 35,280 2424K1-1700 350 X 1 350 X 1 100 X 1 80 X 1 50 X 1 15,230 36,100 2222I1-1350 2424I1-1500 C 6780 7390 D 6720 7330 C1 1735 1890 C2 1655 1805 D1 1680 1833 F 4800 4800 G 2545 2774 34 EC-S SERIES QUICK SELECTION TABLE Deg F Deg C 35 HWT 95.0 98.6 95.0 97.0 98.0 98.6 97.0 100.0 98.6 100.0 100.0 98.6 CWT 85.1 89.6 86.0 87.0 88.0 89.6 87.0 90.0 89.6 90.0 90.0 89.6 WBT 80.6 80.6 81.0 81.0 82.0 81.5 82.0 82.0 82.4 83.0 84.0 84.2 HWT 35.0 37.0 35.0 36.1 36.7 37.0 36.1 37.8 37.0 37.8 37.8 37.0 CWT 29.5 32.0 30.0 30.6 31.1 32.0 30.6 32.2 32.0 32.2 32.2 32.0 WBT 27.0 27.0 27.2 27.2 27.8 27.5 27.8 27.8 28.0 28.3 28.9 29.0 MODEL ECS REFERENCE TON MOTOR kW 0711A 150 4.0 60.5 110.0 69.5 75.9 75.6 103.0 68.0 95.0 95.5 88.5 79.9 80.0 0711B 175 5.5 67.5 122.8 77.6 84.7 84.4 114.9 75.9 106.0 106.6 98.8 89.2 89.3 0711C 200 7.5 75.8 137.9 87.1 95.2 94.8 129.1 85.2 119.1 119.7 110.9 100.2 100.3 0711D 225 11 87.2 158.6 100.2 109.5 109.0 148.5 98.1 137.0 137.7 127.6 115.2 115.4 0811A 200 4.0 83.7 152.2 96.2 105.1 104.6 142.6 94.1 131.5 132.2 122.5 110.6 110.7 0811B 225 5.5 93.4 169.8 107.3 117.2 116.7 159.0 105.0 146.6 147.4 136.6 123.3 123.5 0811C 250 7.5 103.9 188.9 119.4 130.4 129.8 176.9 116.8 163.2 164.0 152.0 137.2 137.4 0811D 275 11 118.8 216.0 136.5 149.1 148.5 202.3 133.5 186.6 187.5 173.8 156.9 157.1 0911A 225 4.0 94.7 172.2 108.8 118.8 118.3 161.2 106.4 148.7 149.5 138.5 125.1 125.2 0911B 250 5.5 105.2 191.3 120.9 132.0 131.5 179.1 118.3 165.2 166.1 153.9 139.0 139.1 0911C 300 7.5 117.5 213.6 135.0 147.4 146.8 200.0 132.1 184.5 185.5 171.9 155.2 155.4 0911D 325 11 133.7 243.1 153.6 167.8 167.1 227.6 150.3 210.0 211.1 195.6 176.6 176.8 1012B 300 5.5 121.0 220.0 139.0 151.8 151.2 206.0 136.0 190.0 191.0 177.0 159.8 160.0 1012C 325 7.5 134.6 244.7 154.6 168.9 168.2 229.1 151.3 211.3 212.5 196.9 177.7 178.0 1012D 375 11.0 153.4 279.0 176.3 192.5 191.7 261.2 172.5 240.9 242.2 224.5 202.6 202.9 1012E 400 15.0 171.0 310.9 196.4 214.5 213.7 291.1 192.2 268.5 269.9 250.1 225.8 226.1 1111B 250 5.5 116.5 212.0 133.7 144.0 147.7 198.5 131.1 185.5 184.0 171.3 156.2 154.6 1111C 300 7.5 129.6 235.9 148.8 160.2 164.4 220.9 145.9 206.4 204.8 190.6 173.8 172.0 1111D 350 11.0 148.0 269.4 169.9 183.0 187.7 252.3 166.5 235.7 233.8 217.6 198.5 196.4 1111E 400 15.0 163.8 298.1 188.0 202.5 207.7 279.1 184.3 260.8 258.7 240.8 219.6 217.4 1212C 350 7.5 148.0 269.4 169.9 183.0 187.7 252.3 166.5 235.7 233.8 217.6 198.5 196.4 1212D 400 11.0 172.1 313.2 197.5 212.8 218.2 293.3 193.6 274.1 271.8 253.0 230.8 228.4 1212E 450 15.0 188.8 343.5 216.6 233.3 239.3 321.7 212.4 300.6 298.1 277.5 253.1 250.5 1212F 500 18.5 202.3 368.2 232.2 250.1 256.5 344.8 227.6 322.2 319.6 297.4 271.3 268.5 1313C 400 7.5 167.3 304.5 192.0 206.8 212.1 285.1 188.2 266.4 264.2 245.9 224.3 222.0 1313D 450 11.0 189.6 345.1 217.6 234.4 240.4 323.2 213.4 302.0 299.5 278.8 254.3 251.7 1313E 500 15.0 210.2 382.6 241.3 259.8 266.5 358.3 236.5 334.7 332.0 309.0 281.9 279.0 1313F 550 18.5 226.0 411.2 259.4 279.3 286.5 385.1 254.3 359.8 356.9 332.2 303.0 299.9 1414B 400 5.5 167.3 304.5 192.0 206.8 212.1 285.1 188.2 266.4 264.2 245.9 224.3 222.0 1414C 450 7.5 185.3 337.1 212.6 229.0 234.9 315.7 208.4 295.0 292.6 272.3 248.4 245.8 1414D 500 11.0 211.1 384.2 242.3 260.9 267.6 359.8 237.5 336.1 333.4 310.3 283.0 280.1 1414E 550 15.0 233.9 425.6 268.4 289.1 296.5 398.6 263.1 372.4 369.4 343.8 313.6 310.4 1414F 600 18.5 251.0 456.7 288.0 310.2 318.2 427.7 282.3 399.6 396.4 368.9 336.5 333.0 m3/hr EC-S SERIES QUICK SELECTION TABLE Deg F Deg C HWT 95.0 98.6 95.0 97.0 98.0 98.6 97.0 100.0 98.6 100.0 100.0 98.6 CWT 85.1 89.6 86.0 87.0 88.0 89.6 87.0 90.0 89.6 90.0 90.0 89.6 WBT 80.6 80.6 81.0 81.0 82.0 81.5 82.0 82.0 82.4 83.0 84.0 84.2 HWT 35.0 37.0 35.0 36.1 36.7 37.0 36.1 37.8 37.0 37.8 37.8 37.0 CWT 29.5 32.0 30.0 30.6 31.1 32.0 30.6 32.2 32.0 32.2 32.2 32.0 WBT 27.0 27.0 27.2 27.2 27.8 27.5 27.8 27.8 28.0 28.3 28.9 29.0 MODEL ECS REFERENCE TON MOTOR kW 1515D 550 11.0 236.9 431.2 271.9 292.9 300.4 403.8 266.6 377.3 374.2 348.3 317.7 314.4 1515E 600 15.0 262.3 477.4 301.1 324.3 332.6 447.1 295.2 417.7 414.3 385.6 351.7 348.1 1515F 650 18.5 281.6 512.5 323.2 348.1 357.0 479.9 316.8 448.4 444.8 414.0 377.6 373.7 1515G 700 22.0 298.3 542.8 342.3 368.7 378.1 508.3 335.6 474.9 471.1 438.4 399.9 395.8 1616D 600 11.0 264.1 480.6 303.1 326.4 334.8 450.1 297.1 420.5 417.1 388.2 354.1 350.5 1616E 700 15.0 293.4 534.0 336.8 362.7 372.0 500.1 330.1 467.2 463.5 431.3 393.4 389.4 1616G 750 22.0 332.4 604.9 381.5 410.9 421.4 566.5 374.0 529.3 525.0 488.6 445.7 441.1 1616H 800 30.0 368.8 671.1 423.2 455.8 467.5 628.4 414.9 587.2 582.4 542.1 494.4 489.4 1717E 750 15.0 305.3 555.5 350.3 377.3 387.0 520.2 343.4 486.1 482.1 448.7 409.3 405.1 1717F 800 18.5 326.7 594.6 375.0 403.8 414.2 556.8 367.6 520.2 516.0 480.3 438.1 433.6 1717G 850 22.0 346.4 630.4 397.6 428.2 439.2 590.4 389.8 551.6 547.2 509.2 464.5 459.7 1717H 900 30.0 383.7 698.2 440.3 474.2 486.4 653.8 431.6 610.9 606.0 564.0 514.4 509.1 1717I 950 37.0 411.7 749.2 472.5 508.9 521.9 701.6 463.2 655.5 650.2 605.2 552.0 546.3 1818E 800 15.0 321.5 585.0 368.9 397.4 407.6 547.8 361.7 511.9 507.7 472.5 431.0 426.6 1818F 850 18.5 344.7 627.2 395.6 426.0 437.0 587.4 387.8 548.8 544.4 506.7 462.1 457.4 1818G 900 22.0 364.8 663.9 418.7 450.9 462.5 621.7 410.5 580.9 576.2 536.3 489.2 484.1 1818H 950 30.0 404.2 735.6 463.9 499.7 512.5 688.9 454.8 643.7 638.5 594.2 542.0 536.5 1818I 1000 37.0 434.9 791.4 499.1 537.6 551.4 741.2 489.3 692.5 686.9 639.3 583.1 577.1 2020F 950 18.5 377.5 687.0 433.3 466.6 478.6 643.4 424.7 601.1 596.3 555.0 506.2 501.0 2020G 1000 22.0 399.9 727.7 458.9 494.3 507.0 681.4 449.9 636.7 631.5 587.8 536.1 530.6 2020H 1100 30.0 444.5 808.9 510.2 549.5 563.6 757.6 500.1 707.8 702.1 653.5 596.0 589.9 2020I 1150 37.0 476.5 867.1 546.9 589.0 604.1 812.1 536.1 758.7 752.6 700.5 638.9 632.3 2020J 1250 45.0 508.5 925.3 583.6 628.5 644.7 866.5 572.1 809.6 803.1 747.4 681.8 674.8 2222G 1150 22.0 477.0 868.0 551.0 601.5 599.5 814.3 537.6 752.0 755.0 699.5 633.5 634.0 2222H 1300 30.0 529.5 963.6 611.6 667.7 665.4 903.9 596.7 834.7 838.0 776.4 703.2 703.7 2222I 1350 37.0 568.4 1034.4 656.6 716.7 714.3 970.3 640.6 896.1 899.6 833.5 754.9 755.5 2222J 1450 45.0 607.3 1105.2 701.5 765.8 763.2 1036.7 684.4 957.4 961.2 890.6 806.5 807.2 2222K 1550 55.0 649.7 1182.4 750.5 819.3 816.6 1109.1 732.2 1024.3 1028.4 952.8 862.9 863.5 2424G 1300 22.0 512.9 933.4 592.4 646.7 644.6 875.5 578.0 808.5 811.7 752.1 681.1 681.7 2424H 1400 30.0 569.3 1036.0 657.6 717.8 715.4 971.8 641.6 897.4 901.0 834.8 756.0 756.6 2424I 1500 37.0 611.2 1112.4 706.0 770.8 768.2 1043.4 688.9 963.6 967.5 896.3 811.8 812.4 2424J 1600 45.0 652.8 1188.0 754.0 823.1 820.4 1114.3 735.7 1029.1 1033.2 957.2 866.9 867.6 2424K 1700 55.0 699.1 1272.3 807.6 881.6 878.6 1193.5 787.9 1102.2 1106.5 1025.2 928.5 929.2 m3/hr 36 SOUND LEVEL CHART (SINGLE CELL) º 37 RECOMMENDED UNIT LAYOUT It is advisable to select and design the best layout or location to avoid air recirculation. Recirculation occurs when some of the hot moist discharge air leaving the cooling tower flows back into the fresh air inlet. The following guidelines will provide the best location or layout which will minimize recirculation, maximize fresh air flow and allow adequate maintenance accessibility. A. SINGLE UNIT INSTALLATIONS The best place for EC-S Series Cooling Tower is in an open space. However, when this is not possible, correct layout guidelines must be followed to provide satisfactory installation. INCORRECT: Wind effect with top of unit lower than top of wall Ensure that the top of the cooling tower is higher than any adjacent walls, buildings or other structures. Figure 1(a) and 1(b) are examples of incorrect installation. These conditions can be corrected by elevating the unit on structural steel/concrete plinths so that the top is higher that the wall as shown in Figure 1(c). When a cooling tower is located near a wall, consideration must be given to the clearance distance between the air inlets of the tower and the wall structure(s). See Figure 2, Recommended Dimensions D1 and D2. The minimum dimensions, D1 and D2, as shown in Table 1 must be maintained to ensure that the unit is provided adequate air flow. In some installation, consideration must also be given to access to the unit for maintenance. Room must be provided for piping, removals of access panels, etc. CORRECT: Installation elevated so that top of unit is higher than top of wall Sometimes other pieces of equipment such as pumps, filters, piping etc are placed in front of the air inlets. These obstructions should not be located any closer than the minimum dimensions in Table 1. TABLE 1 SINGLE UNIT INSTALLATION TABLE 2 MULTIPLE UNIT INSTALLATION 38 RECOMMENDED UNIT LAYOUT B. MULTIPLE UNIT INSTALLATIONS When more than one cooling tower is installed at the same location, recirculation becomes a bigger problem. With the installations of two cooling towers, they should be placed end to end with the narrows ends adjacent as shown in Figure 3. Another method is to locate the units side-by-side with the longer sides parallel to each other as shown in Figure 4. In either configuration, the distance between the units must provide adequate airflow as well as room for piping to the unit and access for maintenance. C. SPECIAL ENCLOSURE INSTALLATION 1) Solid Wall Enclosure or Wells Figure 5 shown a cooling tower is installed in a well. When considering a multiple-cell unit located in a well, the D5 and D6 dimensions, found in Table 3, must be used as absolute minimums. The unit should be oriented so that the air flows uniformly to the air inlets on all louver sides of the unit. The air discharge of the unit must be level with or higher than surrounding walls. TABLE 3 2)Louvered Wall Enclosures EC-S Series Cooling Tower can also be installed in enclosures with louvered or slotted walls and an open top (Figure 6) with this type of enclosure, the air flow patterns will be a mixture of the open type and well installation. The inlet air will be drawn from the top as well as through the louvers or slots When considering a multiple-cell unit located in a louvered wall enclosure, the D7 and D8 dimensions, found in Table 4, must be used as absolute minimums. TABLE 4 39
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