AGENDA Annual Meeting: Presentation: Mason Harrell

January 28 , 2015, Wednesday
Chateau Restaurant
404 Providence Highway
Route 1
Norwood, MA 02062
Annual Meeting &
‘Ebola Outbreak: Keeping Healthcare Workers & Researc hers Safe ’
Annual Meeting:
Election of new board members
Annual Report on activities of GBAOHN
Awarding of the Audrey Braithwaite Award
Mason Harrell, MD
Resident, Occupational Medicine,
Harvard School of Public Health
Thomas Winters, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Principal Partner
Occupational and Environmental Health Network (OEHN)
1. Describe the current status of EVD Outbreak
2. Explain the importance of 4 types of PPE
3. Discuss safety topics related to Biosafety Level
Research Laboratories
4. Describe proper RTW protocols for people working
with EVD
6:00-6:30 PM
6:30 -7:30 PM Dinner/ Meeting
7:15 PM
Registration is REQUIRED, no later
than January 20, 2015
AAOHN Members: $30.00
Non-Members: $40.00
Make sure to indicate your meal choice
Grilled Chicken
Haddock St. Germaine
Payable at the door; Please make
checks to GBAOHN
Registration is a commitment to pay.
GBAOHN must pay for every meal,
therefore the cost will be forwarded to
those who register but don’t attend.
is a commitment to pay.
to:[email protected]
There will be a 50/50 raffle. One chance for $5.00 The
winner will split the pot. The other 50% to be donated
to the Doctors Without Borders.
Save the Date:
March 23 - 26, 2015
AAOHN National Conference – Boston
Go to the AAOHN website for details
up will
at:be given a certificate for 1.0
The MA & NH Boards of Nursing do not
require that your contact hours be earned at
conferences that provide “official” contact
hours granted by a professional organization.
However, the educational offering must:
 Have specific objectives that guide
the learning
 Pertain to the licensee’s scope of
 Have a method for evaluating the
learner’s attainment of the objectives
 Maintain a list of attendees