Circular #1 JANUARY 2015 My Dear Confreres, Affectionate greetings to all of you as we start a New Year! May this be truly a prosperous and grace-filled year for each one of you! We are indeed grateful to God for the many blessings we have received and the developments we have seen taking place in the province during the year 2014. Let us welcome the gift of another grace-filled New Year 2015; to experience the Bicentenary Year of the Birth of Don Bosco, the Year of Consecrated life, the Synod on Family and very many blessings that are awaiting us. The Rector Major Fr. Angel Fernandez Artime presented the Strenna for 2015 on Saturday 27th December, as is the custom, at the FMA Generalate in Rome. I would like to present here a brief summary of the “extended commentary” of the Rector Major on this Strenna. Though the Italian word strenna means a gift which, of course it is, it has a deeper meaning in our tradition. It is a year-long programme of action for the whole of our Salesian Family throughout the world. This year’s strenna is centred round the one great passion of his life – the salvation of the young. In his commentary, the Rector Major considers the strenna “a spiritual inheritance,” since it is something that was always very close to Don Bosco’s heart. From the first years of the Oratory, Don Bosco had begun to give a strenna or motto to all his boys. He also sees it as an expression of unity for the whole of the Salesian Family. 1) LIKE DON BOSCO: To say “Like Don Bosco” means first of all coming to know, and rediscovering in all its fullness the spirit of Don Bosco. The Rector Major underlines just two of its aspects: Pastoral Love (or the heart of the “Good Shepherd”) as the driving force behind everything that Don Bosco was and did. His ability to interpret “Today” in order to prepare for “Tomorrow”. The heart of Jesus the Good Shepherd is the essential point of reference for us. Don Bosco’s happy expression, ‘that you are young is enough to make me love you very much’ was something that came directly from his pastoral heart. It was this special love for the young, for each young person, that led him to do everything that was possible, to break every mould, to confound every stereotype in order to reach out to them. As Fr. Francis Dalmazzo, at Don Bosco’s “canonical process of holiness”, declared under oath in 1892: “One day I saw Don Bosco leave Don Rua and me who were accompanying him to give a helping hand to a young builder’s labourer who was in The Citadel, 45 Landons road, Kilpauk – Chennai 600 010 Page 1 of 8 tears because he was unable to pull an overloaded cart; and this was on one of the main roads of the city.” This special love for the young led Don Bosco to put his whole being into finding ways to help his boys in their growth and development, their human welfare and their eternal salvation. This same zeal led him to try to find a solution to the problems of young girls, with the support and cooperation of the Co-Foundress Mary Mazzarello and the group of young women united with her and in a parochial setting dedicated to the Christian formation of girls. His pastoral heart led him in the same way to rely on other collaborators, men and women, those ‘consecrated’ with formal vows, ‘co-operators’ associated in sharing his pedagogical and apostolic ideals.” For Don Bosco, this pastoral love meant that God held the first place in his life. God was the one who gave meaning to his life, to his activity, to his priestly ministry, to such an extent that he abandoned himself to Him to the point of recklessness. Because he felt that he was a part of the plan of God, this pastoral charity meant loving young people whatever might be their condition or circumstances, in order to lead them to the fullness of that human life that was found in the Lord Jesus and which took practical form in the possibility of living as an upright citizen and a child of God. All of this enabled him to understand the present as though he already lived in the future! Don Bosco viewed the present with the eyes of ‘God’s historian’, the eyes of someone who knows how to look at history and to recognise in it the signs of the Presence of God. We too are called today to ask Don Bosco to teach us to read the signs of the times in order to help the young. 2) WITH THE YOUNG: being with them and among them. We say “with the young”, because the starting point for our making flesh and blood (INCARNATING) the Salesian charism is by our BEING WITH THE YOUNG, being with them and among them, being in contact with them in their daily lives, knowing their world, loving their world, encouraging them to be the protagonists of their own lives, reawakening their sense of God, helping them to live with high aims. This challenge begins with our having the ability to listen and having the courage and the daring to enter into a dialogue that is “horizontal,” without entrenched positions, without considering ourselves ‘a priori’ in possession of the truth. When we take up the position of the “apprentice” we learn a great deal about them and about the image of the Church we are incarnating for them. We never emerge from an encounter with them unscathed but rather mutually enriched and stimulated. And we say WITH THE YOUNG because what fills our hearts is the special pastoral love for boys and girls, youngsters, young men and women; a special love that will show itself in us as it did in Don Bosco, as a real ‘passion’, seeking what is best for them, putting into this all our energies, every effort and every last breath we have. Our communities should seek to acquire “visibility” among the young in our own locality. This visibility requires discernment, choices and self-sacrifice. Above all it means generosity in service, joyful, friendly relationships, in a community project of prayers, gatherings and service. More than that, it needs an “open house policy”, with a variety of initiatives for bringing people together and with proposals that respond to the problems that young people in the local area have. Being really significant will demand that our communities experience a healthy tension, which leads on to enquiry, discernment and the making of decisions that have to be constantly assessed, prayed about and confirmed in fraternal life and pastoral practice. The Citadel, 45 Landons road, Kilpauk – Chennai 600 010 Page 2 of 8 3) FOR THE YOUNG, especially the poorest. On different occasions the Rector Major has said that when Pope Francis talks about “going to the peripheries”, he is challenging us Salesians in a very real and direct way because he is asking us to be present on the peripheries with the young who are there, cut off from almost everything, excluded and without opportunities. The Rector Major goes on to say, “the periphery forms an integral part of our Salesian DNA.” What was Don Bosco’s Valdocco if not the periphery of a large city? What was Mornese if not a rural periphery? The Rector Major goes on to say that we need to make sure our examination of conscience as individuals and as the Salesian Family makes us face up to the strong demand from the Church. It will be necessary to question ourselves about being with and for the young, especially the poorest, the needy, the excluded.… The Rector Major points out that the most characteristics feature of our charismatic identity is to be found among the least, the poorest, those who have the most need of us. And it is against this charismatic identity that we need to measure ourselves in order to find our place, our way of responding today to the mission, in the “here and now.” FOR THE YOUNG, because they have the right to meet role models of believers and adults. It is constantly becoming ever more evident that our service to young people, to a large extent, consists in being role models of believers and adults to look up to. Young people are looking for and want to meet up with good Christians who are also “normal”, people they can not only admire but also imitate. In this as in other areas of their lives “under construction”, they need to be able to see themselves reflected in others, they want to find their own identity and learn to live their own faith but by “contagion’ (through a life witness) rather than by indoctrination. It is for this reason that our pastoral activity cannot follow a uniform, one-directional model, given that the circumstances of adolescents and young people are so varied. Especially for us men and women educators, this has very serious implications such as being ready to “lose one’s life’ giving it up for the Kingdom, accepting poverty, austerity, a sober lifestyle as a freely chosen pastoral approach at personal and community level, always putting in the first place people, encountering them and being of service to them. FOR THE YOUNG for whom a personal encounter will be the opportunity to feel accompanied. Working with and for the young always has been not only a privilege of being in contact with people who are alive, filled with potential, with dreams and freshness … but, above all, an opportunity that is given to us to walk with them in returning to Jesus in order to make our own his life and his message, without filtering out its radical nature. We are convinced that the Gospel, today as always, has all the potential of being listened to, heard and accepted anew as Good News in the world of the young. In this being listened to and accepted, the Gospel presents us with the challenge of committing ourselves decisively to the personal encounter, personal spiritual accompaniment in which every Salesian educator can propose pathways, and suggest choices. Following the example of Don Bosco, we have a great need for men and women educators open to something new, ready to innovate, experiment, to take the risk of being personally genuine witnesses in the lives of the young. We are being asked to approach them individually, spontaneously, showing genuine interest in “the things they like” without presuming to invade their personal space. A form of accompaniment that is based preferably on a positive and affectionate respect for the other person, and one that should take the form of a role of “facilitating” , “appreciating” and “guiding”. When we talk about undertaking “processes of education to the faith” these consist not so much The Citadel, 45 Landons road, Kilpauk – Chennai 600 010 Page 3 of 8 in bringing into young peoples’ lives something from the outside, as in helping them to throw light on their deepest inner selves where God dwells, and to develop the potential and the capabilities that they have within themselves. It is a matter of accompanying them in their lives, helping them to discover their deepest inner identity and their plan of life. 4) FOR THE YOUNG, because the young, especially the poorest, are a gift for us. It was Fr. Juan Vecchi who wrote that “poor young people have been and still are a gift for us.” It is certain that if we are with them and among them, it is they who first of all are good for us, who evangelise us and help us to really live the Gospel in what is the most typical feature of the Salesian charism. It is the young, and especially the poorest and those most in need, who will save us, helping us to emerge from our routine, from our apathy and from our fears. Often we are more concerned with maintaining our own security than opening our hearts, our ears and our minds to what the Spirit may be asking of us. For their sake and in their presence we cannot escape the urgent demands that knock on our doors from the youth situation itself. We collaborate through our manifold works and services in promoting the young, listening to their silent cries: young people alone, victims of violence, with family squabbles, with emotional wounds, confused, with suffering and sorrow. The Good News urges us to listen to and to accept without pre-conditions their needs, desires, fears and dreams. Likewise it urges us to understand their indignation in the face of opportunities that are being closed to them, to encourage them to dream once again, to promote action, to collaborate, to seek a better society. To accept “God’s embrace” as a gift, learning to weep with Him and to smile with Him. After recalling the celebration of the first centenary of Don Bosco’s birth in 1915, Don Angel reminds us that the Bicentenary of his birth is a jubilee year, a “year of Grace” that we want to live with a profound sense of gratitude to the Lord. It is a jubilee year not only for the thirty groups which now make up the great Salesian Family, but also for many others who taking their inspiration from Don Bosco, from his charism, from his mission and spirituality, are hoping to be recognised as members of that Family. It is a jubilee year also for the whole Salesian Movement which in one way or another relates to Don Bosco and his initiatives, activities, and moves ahead sharing a spirituality and in its efforts on behalf of the young especially those most in need. It is a precious occasion for us to look at the past with gratitude, the present with trust and to dream the future of the evangelising mission of our Salesian Family with the vigour and the novelty of the gospel, with courage and a prophetic outlook. It is also an opportunity for renewal for the entire Salesian Family. On 23rd January 2015, at 5.30 p.m. the region-wise presentation of the Strenna 2015 will take place in the following places: Chennai Region- St. Mary’s, George Town, Vellore Region- Don Bosco Orphanage, Gandhinagar – Vellore, Tirupattur Region- Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur and Pondicherry Region - Holy Spirit Church, Pondicherry. Conclusion The Rector Major concludes his commentary on the strenna by making a reference to two mothers, Mamma Margaret and Mary Most Holy, both of whom were “mother and teacher’ to Don Bosco. To ignore or be silent about his mother, Mamma Margaret, says Fr. Angel, is to ignore the fact that so many of the natural gifts that we recognise in Don Bosco have their origin, certainly in God , but through the human mediation of his family and in a special way of his mother. Referring to Our Blessed Mother, the Rector Major recalls a beautiful passage addressed to the Salesians by St. John Paul II in his 1988 Letter Juvenum Patris, “To her I entrust you, and with you the whole world of youth, that being attracted, animated and guided by her, they may be able to attain through the mediation of your educative work, the stature of new men for a new world: the world of Christ, Master and Lord.” The Citadel, 45 Landons road, Kilpauk – Chennai 600 010 Page 4 of 8 Congratulations! Bishop-Elect Most. Rev. Jeromedhas Varuvel SDB The Salesian Province Chennai rejoices at the appointment by Pope Francis of our confrere Fr. Jeromedhas Varuvel as the Bishop of the newly erected diocese of Kuzhithurai, which has come into existence by the bifurcation of the diocese of Kottar. The new diocese of has around 100 parishes and a Catholic population of around 260,000. The announcement of the erection of the diocese and the appointment of its bishop was made at the Vatican at 4.30 p.m. on 24 December 2014. The bishop-elect was born on 21 October 1951 at Kallutharai, in Kanyakumari district, in the diocese of Kottar. After completing his Pre-University Course, in 1968 he joined the St. Aloysius Minor Seminary at Nagercoil as a candidate for the diocese of Kottar. He did his philosophical studies at the Sacred Heart Seminary, Poonamallee, Chennai (1970-73. Thereafter, he did his bachelor’s degree in Economics from Arulanadar College, Karumathur (1973-76) before joining the Salesian Novitiate at Yercaud in 1977. He made his first profession on 24 May 1978 and his perpetual profession on 24 May 1981. His theological studies were done at the Salesian Pontifical University, Rome, (1981-85). He was ordained a priest on 2 June 1985 by St. John Paul II at St. Peter’s Basilica, in the Vatican. After his priestly ordination, the bishop-elect completed his Masters degree in Pedagogy from the Salesina Pontifical University in Rome before returning to India. Fr. Jerome has held many important responsibilities in the Province and at the time of his elevation to Episcopacy, he was the Master of Novices at Idayadeepam, Yellagiri. In a sense, his appointment as Bishop is a loss for the province, but on the other hand, it is a great honour for us to give one more bishop to the Church. With him, we have currently five Salesian bishops in Tamil Nadu. Bishop-elect Jerome is known for his gentle, humble and affable manners, deep trust in God, tender devotion to Our Blessed Mother, spirit of hard work, and compassionate love for the poor. As he is getting ready to take charge of his flock, we extend to him our heart-felt sentiments of fraternal love, support and assurance of prayers. Fr. Jose Mathew Koorappallil: Provincial of New Delhi Fr. Jose Mathew Koorappallil SDB has been nominated as the new Provincial of New Delhi, by the Rector Major. We extend to him our hearty congratulations and wish him every blessing as he takes up the important ministry of animating and leading the geographically largest Salesian Province in India. Born on 22 January 1964 at Koorachund in Kerala, Fr. Jose Mathew joined the Salesian aspirantate at Mannuthy in 1976, from where he was sent to Bandel in Kolkata Province. He made his first profession as a Salesian on 24 May 1983, and was ordained a priest on 9 January 1993. From 2009, he has been the Provincial Economer of Delhi Province. Fr. Joyce Francis SDB: New Provincial of Bangalore The Rector Major has appointed Fr. Mathew Thonikuzhiyil (Joyce Francis) SDB as the seventh Provincial of the Salesian Province of Bangalore. At the time of his appointment he was the Rector of Don Bosco Cultural Centre, Vennala, Kochi. We congratulate Fr. Joyce and assure him our prayers as he takes up this important ministry of animation and leadership in the Province of Bangalore. Born at Teekoy, Kerala, on 10 October 1963, Fr. Joyce joined the Salesian aspirantate at Don Bosco, Mannuthy, in 1976. He made his first profession on 24 May 1982. He was ordained a priest on 3 January 1992. From 2007 to 2013 he served as the Novice Master at Mount Don Bosco, Padivayal. The Citadel, 45 Landons road, Kilpauk – Chennai 600 010 Page 5 of 8 Obituary Fr. Joseph Edakkudan SDB (84 years) of Dimapur Province passed away on 22 December and was laid to rest on 26th at the Salesian cemetery in Dimapur. As a missionary he worked over 60 years in northeast India. He was born at Kadamakkudy, Kerala, on 20 August 1931 and joined the Salesian congregation on 16 April 1953 as one of the first Indian missionaries to the northeast. Ordained priest on 8 December 1963 Fr. Edakkudan worked in Assam, Manipur and Nagaland as a missionary, pastor and educator. We express our heartfelt condolences to Fr. Nestor Guria, the Provincial, the confreres of IND and the members of his bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace. NEWS FROM THE PROVINCE 1. Priestly Ordinations Our two Deacons - Martin Sawriappan and Augustine Arulraj - were ordained priests at Don Bosco Shrine, Ayanavaram, on 28th December 2014, by Most Rev. Dr. George Antonysamy DD, Archbishop of Madras-Mylapore. I am grateful to the Archbishop for his availability and his pastoral love for us salesians. I thank in a special way Fr. Vice Provincial for coordinating the whole programme along with the Salesian community at Becchi Don Bosco Theologate, and Fr. Economer for looking into all the arrangements. In a special way, I thank Fr. A. T. James, the Rector, and the Salesians and the parish community for organising the whole event so well. I extend my best wishes to the new priests as they begin their priestly ministry in Basin Bridge and Veeralur. My appreciation to Fr. Antony Christy, for the formation of DB youth choir – DB Voices - and all the young people who form the choir. 2. Provincial Community Day at Sagayathottam The Provincial Community Day will be held on 17th January 2015 at Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Sagayathottam, at 9.30 am. Let us make it a fitting moment to thank God for the gift of each other and the province and a moment to share our love and brotherhood in a tangible manner. The contributions received on the occasion of the Provincial Community Day this year will be given to the Community at Sagayathottam for its developmental initiatives. A lot of structural and infrastructural developments are needed for the educative mission. Once again, I exhort all the communities to be generous in showing our solidarity and appreciation in promoting this centre. 3. Retreat for Student Brothers at Ennore The Annual Retreats for the College-going confreres will be held from 10 to 15 January at DBYAC, Ennore. Fr. K.M. Jose will be the retreat preacher. I exhort all the clerics to make good use of this moment of spiritual renewal in total silence and contemplation. 4. Consultation for Rectors, Novice Master and Provincial Councillor It is time to discern and find new rectors and novice master. Fr. Lourdusamy Don Bosco, Provincial Councillor, is finishing his first term. A separate letter is attached along with the Circular. Kindly go through the letter attached and furnish your opinions to reach the provincial office by 12th January 2015. I exhort every one of you to take part in the consultation - a sign of sense of belonging. 5. Golden Jubilee of Don Bosco Beatitudes, Vyasarpadi The Golden Jubilee of the establishment of Don Bosco Beatitudes, Vyasarpadi will be on 29th January 2015. This multi-faceted mission for the poorest of the poor was pioneered by the great missionary Fr. Mantovani and it was further consolidated by Fr. Francis Schlooz. At present, the community reaches out to the poorest and the needy through varied ministries – schools, boardings, parish, old-age home, health care, youth centre, self-help groups, vocational training courses, etc. We are grateful to all the rectors and Salesians who built up the mission in the past. In a special way I appreciate Fr. Joy Panackel, the present rector, and the community for taking forward the mission with much dedication and care. We also appreciate and remember with grateful hearts the benefactors who have supported the mission at the Beatitudes. The Citadel, 45 Landons road, Kilpauk – Chennai 600 010 Page 6 of 8 6. Quatroseptocentenial Jubilee of St. Mary’s, George Town St. Mary’s Anglo Indian Hr. Sec. School, Armenian Street, Chennai, is officially concluding its 175 years anniversary on 30th January 2015. This institution was founded as St. Mary’s Seminary and Day School in 1839 by the Vicar Apostolic of Madras, Rt. Rev. Joseph Carew, D.D. The school was entrusted to the Salesians of Don Bosco in 1929. A series of events were organized to commemorate the post-centenary platinum jubilee. We wish God’s choicest blessings upon Fr. Rector and the Salesian community, the school community and parents of this illustrious institution. We offer a special word of appreciation to Fr. Gregory Devarajan, the principal, for all the initiatives and activities in the jubilee year. With grateful hearts, we remember and thank all those Salesians who built up this wonderful institution. Condolences Frs. Vincent Mariapragasam SDB and John Louis SDB, lost their elder sister, Mrs. Alphonsa Mary, (aged 75) on 24 December, in Chinnappanpatti - Salem. While we pray for the repose of the soul of the departed, we assure our confreres and the members of the bereaved family our fraternal affection and prayerful support. NEWS FROM THE PROVINCIAL COUNCIL Our Ministry to the Orphans, poorest semi-orphans and poorest Dalits In the last meeting of the Provincial Council, we reflected on ways to strengthen our ministry to the orphans, poorest semi-orphans (particularly those without fathers) and poorest dalits through better coordination and follow up. I give below some suggestions. Dear confreres, you are requested to give your comments on these proposals and also give further suggestions so that we can arrive at a sound and holistic approach in our ministry, in the bicentenary year of Don Bosco, Father of Orphans and the poorest. 1. We accompany the orphans in our various centres or boarding houses by taking full charge of their education, not only till they complete schooling, but till they qualify themselves, as far as they are able, with academic, technical or higher education for suitable employment and settle down in life with a job. 2. The children could be given the freedom to choose their “guardian” who will be a Salesian. 3. The role of the guardian will be to follow up the individual orphan, but they will belong to the Province and will be considered “our children” by the Province. 4. There will be one confrere at the province level to coordinate this ministry. 5. The financial requirements for the orphans will be met by the Province with the help of the local institution where the student will study. The confreres in charge of the orphans (guardians) will only accompany them in their journey of life, giving them moral and spiritual support. For the moment it will be limited to boys only. The next move will be to take care of the girls too with the help of sisters of the Salesian family and VDBs. Requests from Communities 1) Pannur Don Bosco: Permission granted to undertake the following works:Re-doing the weathering course above the dormitory and the community room; Installing of CCTV cameras to be installed in the hostel premises as per the JJ Act stipulations; Renovation of the kitchen and the dining hall of the Salesians, with a rest room for the guests and wash place; Constructing a garage for the vehicles. 2) Talavadi: Permission granted to study the possibility to upgrade the school to Higher Secondary level and gave the following directions: to verify if they already have sufficient classrooms and that The Citadel, 45 Landons road, Kilpauk – Chennai 600 010 Page 7 of 8 the building works to be started only after getting the Planning Permission from the competent authorities. 3) Pondicherry: Tagore Nagar: permission granted for the cycle shed for the school and A Parish Youth Block adjacent to the car shed by modifying the existing shed. 4) Veeralur Mission: The Council also discussed the feasibility and the advisability of handing over the main parish at Veeralur to the diocese of Vellore, in which case we Salesians will limit ourselves to the sub-stations and the school in Adamangalam-Pudur. The reasons given for this change are the following: i) At present the community is separated by some 7 km (the distance between Veeralur and Adamangalam). The Rector/Parish priest remains in Veeralur, while the Headmaster and the Administrator remains in Adamangalam. The Council agreed that such a situation is not at all healthy from the viewpoint of Salesian community life; 2) If we give up the main parish, we can focus on the villages of the sub-stations and develop those areas; 3) Some of the sub-stations have lands in our name, which we can put to good use for building chapels or other works. After the discussion the Council came to the following conclusion: We could propose to hand over the parish to the diocese of Vellore. We could keep Adamangalam as the centre and then develop the other sub-stations. This line of action could be presented at the meeting of the Rectors and leaders of communities in March 2015 and before that the opinions of the Salesians who have worked there as parish priests could be got. 5) Andaman: The Council accepted the requests for financial help for meeting the salary of the employees of DISHA and Financial help for Parish (toilets). This is in addition to the financial assistance (for the renovation of the hall; and for classrooms) approved in the last month’s council. 6) Deepagam: Granted the financial assistance for the vehicle insurance, for Christmas bonus for the staff; for production of an Original Track for Sound & Light programme 7) Sagayathottam: Food Processing Unit - Fr. Johnson, Director of SURABI, mentioned that an agency was interested in taking some of our land (10 acres) in Sagayathottam on lease in order to put up a Food Processing Unit, for which they would pay us rent. The Council accepted this idea and asked him to submit the details in the next council. P R O VI N C E PR O G R A MM E S f o r J A N U A R Y 20 1 5 10-15 11 15-16 17 23 31 Sat-Thu Sun Thu-Fri Sat Fri Sat 1st (Guided) Retreat for College Brothers at Ennore Scouts Executive Committee meeting Provincial Council Provincial Community Day - Sagayathottam Salesian Family Day and Presentation of Strenna-2015 in Regions Feast of Don Bosco Conclusion: Already in 1929, the year of the beatification of Don Bosco, Fr Eugenio Ceria, in the preface to the first edition of his Don Bosco con Dio, had affirmed with great feeling: “Let no one fool himself into thinking he understands Don Bosco if he does not know him as a man of prayer. Anyone who concentrates only on the biographical details, without seeking to penetrate the intimate inner movements of his soul, will draw very meagre fruit from his admirable life.” Wishing you a Bright and Fruitful New Year 2015 an d a very Happy Feast of our Father Don Bosco, Affectionately yours in Don Bosco, Fr. Jayapalan Raphael SDB Provincial The Citadel, 45 Landons road, Kilpauk – Chennai 600 010 Page 8 of 8
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