Sponsorship Brochure - Georgia Hospital Association

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he Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) has an excellent reputation for providing quality educational programs to its
members at a reasonable cost. GHA’s sponsors play an integral part in the success of these educational programs through
their generous contributions. GHA’s sponsorship program is valuable for the sponsoring organizations and Georgia’s hospitals.
Organizations that participate in GHA’s sponsorship program profit from:
• Face-to-face contact with key decision makers in Georgia’s multi-billion dollar healthcare industry.
• Access to healthcare CEOs, COOs, and others who have input into purchasing decisions.
• Year-long exposure at GHA’s major annual educational events, including the Trustee Conference, Annual Membership
Meeting, Nurse Leadership Institute, Summer Meeting and Center for Rural Health Conference.
• Three “levels” of commitment from which to choose. The specific benefits and advantages of each level are outlined below.
To participate in GHA’s valuable sponsorship program, look at the specifics for each level of sponsorship and DECIDE TODAY
which level is best for you and your organization.
GHA limits the number of sponsoring companies as follows: Gold - 10; Silver - 25; Bronze - 30.
Should you need more information, please call Mallory Garrett at (770) 249-4514.
Please go to this link to become
a GHA sponsor for 2015
Gold Sponsor - $10,000
Silver Sponsor - $5,000
Bronze Sponsor - $2,500
10 companies
25 companies
30 companies
• Two complimentary registrations to the
Annual Membership Meeting and Annual
Summer Meeting
• Year-long prominent exposure on GHA’s
Meetings App
• Individual feature in the GHA weekly
mailing including company logo, name
and brief company description
(on a rotating basis)
• Full-page camera-ready ad in:
2015 GHA Annual Summer Meeting
Pocket Program
2015 GHA Annual Membership
Meeting Pocket Program
• Logo, company description & contact
information in 2016 Membership
• Logo listing on GHA website, plus a link
to your site
• Gold Sponsor ribbon with name badge at
each meeting attended
• Recognition at GHA Annual Membership
Meeting and Summer Meeting
• Printed recognition at all five
statewide meetings
• One complimentary registration to the
Annual Membership Meeting and Annual
Summer Meeting
• Individual feature in the GHA weekly
mailing including company logo and
name (on a rotating basis)
• One complimentary registration at either
the Annual Summer Meeting or the
Annual Membership Meeting
• One-Half page camera ready ad in:
• Listing on GHA website, plus a link to
your site
• Listing in 2016 GHA Membership
2015 GHA Annual Summer Meeting
Pocket Program
2015 GHA Annual Membership Meeting
Pocket Program
• Logo, contact information in 2016
Membership Directory
• Listing on GHA website, plus a link to
your site
• Silver Sponsor ribbon with name badge
at each meeting attended
• Recognition at GHA Annual Membership
Meeting and Summer Meeting
• Printed recognition at all five
statewide meetings
• Listing in 2015 GHA Annual Summer
Meeting and 2015 GHA Annual
Membership Meeting Pocket Programs
• Bronze Sponsor ribbon with name badge
at each meeting attended
• Recognition at GHA Annual Membership
Meeting and Summer Meeting
• Printed recognition at all five
statewide meetings