Royal Herald January 9, 2015 Know a Future Royal? Do you know a family with a potential Royal in the household? Do you know a family through work or sports teams who has a current 5th grader but attends a school outside of the Xavier Catholic Schools? Have a neighbor or fellow parishioner who would be a great addition to our school? Want to help increase our Regis Enrollment and be rewarded for it? Send contact information to Tracy Lynn Murphy of a family (outside of our Xavier Catholic schools) you think would have a future Royal! If that family attends our “Explore Regis” (formerly Regis Open House) on Saturday, January 24th, then we will reward you with a gift in return for your referral! Remember that as our enrollment increases, the burden of the cost of tuition is shared across more families! Recent VIRTUS Article Many of our families have a VIRTUS trained adult in the household. VIRTUS Training is required for employees of Catholic schools, and teachers receive regular updates and readings regarding how to keep students and dependent adults safe. Many of the readings recently have related to electronic communications and the most recent VIRTUS Update provides some good warnings for parents regarding the nature of relationships of teenagers with electronic communication. Here is an excerpt from the most recent VIRTUS Update: From : Cyberbullying as a Form of Teen Dating Violence There are many ways in which teens can exploit technology to cause harm to a romantic partner. For instance, a person may be excessively meanspirited to their significant other when communicating with them online. There have also been incidents where teens utilize content stored on their cell phones or computers to blackmail, extort, or otherwise manipulate their partner into saying or doing something against their will. This content can be shared with a very large audience—a classroom of students, the entire student body, a neighborhood, the town, the entire world with ease and great speed either through the forwarding of a text message, or through its uploading to a site like Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. Its "viral" nature, then, can greatly expand the extent of victimization a partner suffers, knowing that the embarrassing or harmful content is being viewed and shared—perhaps repeatedly—by so many. An adolescent can quickly send a cruel email or instant message to a girlfriend or boyfriend solely because they are on an emotional edge, without taking the time to calm down and react rationally to a feeling or situation. What Can be Done about Electronic Teen Dating Violence? It is clear that electronic dating violence affects a meaningful proportion of teenagers. There is a great need for more conversations and consistent dialogue between adults and teens about what healthy dating looks like and what dysfunctional dating looks like. A deeper understanding of the emotional and psychological mindset—and the situational circumstances—of teenaged victims may help inform how law enforcement and other adults (like educators) deal with cases of teen dating violence. These issues are perhaps made worse when the violence is perpetrated via technology, as adults unfamiliar with cyberbullying and/or dating violence may not appreciate their significance and simply disregard them as nonserious issues. While educators naturally (and correctly) hesitate to get too involved in the personal lives of their students, we simply need to spread the message to youth that if they are dealing with a major relationship problem (like abuse in any way, shape, or form), we are here to help. That message must be proclaimed loud and clear, and presented against the backdrop that dating violence is always unacceptable and that no one deserves to be disrespected and mistreated in that manner. Math Department AMC Award Winners The Regis math department would like to congratulate 5 students on their AMC (American Mathematics Competition) award. The awards are for the top 3 students at Regis based on score; this year we had a tie for the bronze and silver awards. The following awards will be announced on Wednesday (next week) to the Regis student body. Congratulations and thanks to everyone who participated! Congratulations Joanne Lee! A HUGE congratulations goes out to Regis 6th grader Joanne Lee for taking second place (out of 45,000 entries) in the Scholastic Writing contest This is How I Shake It Off! Joanne will be awarded a guitar signed by Taylor Swift and a copy of Taylor’s cd. Congratulations again Joanne! Royal T Night Meeting Get on the Bus! Regis is in GREAT NEED of a new school bus and we want to raise the funds to buy a “NewtoUs” Regis bus! Our current buses run our students constantly to events, activities, and local field trips. Without a bus, parents would need to provide transportation to these activities, and we know that would be a huge inconvenience to them! So… Let’s Get On the Bus for a great night of Tailgating Fun at the Regis Royal T Night! We need a few good planners and organizers to help with our event. Our first RTN Meeting this year will be next Friday, January 16th at Noon at Regis. Come one, come all! Influenza Currently Circulating in Linn County Flu vaccination is still best protection against illness The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) says all three viruses covered by this year’s influenza vaccine, including Influenza A (H3N2), A (H1N1), and B are currently circulating in Iowa. An additional drifted strain of Influenza A (H3N2) is also in circulation in the United States. This strain has accounted for about half the illness seen across the country so far this year. Earlier this month, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that the current influenza vaccine is not as effective in protecting against the drifted strain. However, the vaccine does provide protection against the other circulating strains of influenza. Despite the reduced ability of the current influenza vaccine to protect against the drifted H3N2 strain, Linn County Public Health (LCPH), IDPH, and CDC are strongly recommending that Iowans get vaccinated. Like in past years, the vaccine provides some protection against the drifted strain and will continue to protect against the strains already being detected. As more cases of influenza are being seen in Linn County, LCPH is reminding community members that it is not too late to get the flu vaccine. Influenza vaccines are still available at Linn County Public Health, many provider offices, and select pharmacies. It is important to protect yourself and those you come into contact with by getting a flu shot each year. The flu is a respiratory illness caused by viruses. The flu comes on suddenly and symptoms may include fever, headache, tiredness, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, and body aches. Illness typically lasts two to seven days. Influenza may cause severe illness or even death. If you do become ill, it is important to remember that antiviral medications, such as Tamiflu (oseltamivir) and Relenza (zanamivir), are an effective second line in defense to reduce potentially severe complications. However, the medications are most effective if started within 48 hours of when you become ill. The LCPH clinic (501 13th St. NW, Cedar Rapids) can provide the flu vaccine via walkin or through an appointment. To learn more information please call 319.892.6065. 5th Grade Explore Regis: Save the Date! Explore Regis (for prospective students currently in 5th grade) will be held on Saturday, January 24th from 9 11:30 AM. This is a great way to learn more about Regis and all the opportunities available here at our Catholic Middle School. All three Regis Show Choirs will perform one song each and many of our students will be asked to help demonstrate what learning looks like at our school. Be sure to save the date and spread the news! 8th Grade Parents: Save the Date for Discover Xavier Night on January 20th! Eighth grade students and their parents are invited to explore all that Xavier High School has to offer at "Discover Xavier Night" on Tuesday, January 20th! The evening will include information sessions for both parents and students along with an activity fair to give students an opportunity to meet and visit with the coaches, directors and moderators who lead Xavier's outstanding teams and organizations. Registration will begin at 6:30 p.m. and programs will start at 7 p.m. A formal invitation will follow in the coming weeks. Remember to submit your application to Xavier High School. Eighth graders are reminded to submit their applications to attend Xavier High School next year. Applications can be sent... By mail to: Xavier High School 6300 42nd Street NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52411 By FAX to: 319.294.6712 By Email to: [email protected] For questions about Discover Xavier Night or the application process, visit or contact Cara Joens, Xavier High School Admissions & College Coordinator at 3192946635 | [email protected]. Honor Roll Certificates The 1st Trimester Honor Roll Certificates will be handed out following Liturgy on Wednesday January 14. Students who received all A’s on their 1st Trimester report card will receive a Gold Honor Roll Certificate. Students who received all A’s and B’s on their 1st Trimester report card will receive a Red Honor Roll Certificate. Save the Date On Wednesday February 11, Brandis Negrin, a licensed mental health therapist with Cedar Centre will present Eating Disorder Awareness and Prevention in Adolescent Teens for Parents from 6:30 7:30 p.m. at Regis. Brandis specializes in treating patients with eating disorders for a range of ages. She also works with anxiety, depression and selfharm. She is a very strong advocate for prevention in these areas. This presentation is for all parents and we encourage you to come learn more about these issues. There will be time for Questions and Answers following the presentation. Brandis will be speaking to the students on Monday February 9. She will speak to each grade level separately on the topic of Awareness for Healthy Living. From the Regis Library Welcome back to a new year! Many students checked out books that were due on Monday January 5th. Unfortunately, Ms. Bryan was sick that day and the rest of the week was crazy! Any fines accrued from this week will be waived, but students must stop in the library to return any materials they have out! If you need to renew a book you can email Ms. Bryan. ([email protected]) Hy Vee General Mill/FuelSaver promo! Buy any 10 of the participating General Mills products (click the link) and get a 50 cent FuelSaver discount. January 713 only. Remember to clip the Box Tops off the General Mills products to turn into your students homeroom teacher and then turn that receipt in to the Main office at Regis for the Cash 4 Students Program! Click here for full details. >> Lands’ End Free Logo Sale Starts Today! This weekend (January 911th) Lands’ End will be having its Free Logo Sale on uniform apparel. You can access the Lands’ End Regis store by clicking here. All Saints SCRIP Sales All Saints will be selling SCRIP at Regis Middle School between 7:30 a.m.8:00 a.m. on Friday, January 23rd. Most SCRIP items will be cash and carry. Any backorders will be available for pick up in the All Saints parish office the following Friday. From the Metro Catholic Food Pantry “I can not say enough about our volunteers who brave the cold temperatures and distributed 72 boxes of food this week. We have a very dedicated group of volunteers that take the MCO mission very seriously and I am so grateful for that. These boxes will feed 202 people. While we are continuing to take phone calls for food boxes for the evening distribution we do not expect a large number to sign up with these cold temperatures. Our pantry needs are: Rice, Jelly, Canned Fruit, Spagettios, Crackers, and Muffin Mix. This week besides our normal nonperishable items we were able to provide chicken baskets to all the boxes. It is always nice to be able to add meat to our boxes and our clients appreciate the extra item. Thank you for all you do to help support MCO's mission.” Activities » Scores and results are provided by the coaches/moderators 7th Grade Girls Basketball Regis vs. LaSalle A team: Regis 44, LaSalle 24 B team: Regis 11, LaSalle 15 no C game Regis vs. North Central A team: Regis 33, North Central 18 B team: Regis 21, North Central 10 C team: 2 quarters 8th Grade Girls Basketball Regis vs. LaSalle A team: Regis 37 LaSalle 23 5th Quarter: Regis 16 LaSalle 4 Regis vs. North Central A team: Regis 38 North Central 17 B team: Regis 24 North Central Calendar of Events » Monday, Jan 12 » Day 5 7th & 8th Grade MAP Testing Eclipse Show Choir Practice 2:553:30pm First Tech Challenge2:45pm 7th Grade Girls Basketball @ Regis vs. Harding 3:15pm 8th Grade Girls Basketball @ Harding 3:30pm Tuesday, Jan 13 » Day 6 7th & 8th Grade MAP Testing Pizzazz Practice 77:45am Radiance Show Choir Practice 2:553:30pm Wednesday, Jan 14 » Day 1 7th & 8th Grade MAP Testing Liturgy planned by Mrs. Feltman’s Homeroom 10am Thursday, Jan 15 » Day 2 7th & 8th Grade MAP Testing Eclipse Practice 77:55am 7th Grade Girls Basketball @ Excelsior 3:15pm 8th Grade Girls Basketball @ Regis vs. Excelsior 3:15pm Friday, Jan 16 » Day 3 7th & 8th Grade MAP Testing Exploratory A Radiance Practice 77:55am Boys Swimming @ LinnMar 3:45pm Saturday, Jan 10 » Marion Honor Band
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