Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Downloaded from by Hug Belle Idee For personal use only. J . OF RECEPTOR & SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION RESEARCH, 15(1-4), 365-378 (1995) IDENTIFICATION OF A NEURONAL CALCIUM SENSOR (NCS-1) POSSIBLY INVOLVED IN THE REGULATION OF RECEPTOR PHOSPHORYLATION S. Nef, H. Fiumelli, E. de Castro, M-B. Raes', and P. Nef* 'lnstitut Pasteur de Lille, URA 1160 1, rue Calmette, 59019 Lille, France START Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Geneva 30, quai Ernest-Ansermet, 1211 Geneve 4, Switzerland ABSTRACT Persistent stimulation of G protein-coupled receptors by agonists leads rapidly to reduced responses, a phenomenon described as desensitization. It involves primarily the phosphorylation of receptor sites by specific kinases of the G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) family. The P-adrenergic receptor kinase 1 (GRK2) desensitizes agonist-activated P2-adrenergic receptors, whereas rhodopsin kinase (GRK1) phosphorylates and inactivates photon-activated rhodopsin. Little is known about the role of calcium in desensitization. Here we report the characterization of a novel neuronal calcium sensor (NCS) named NCS-1 possibly involved in the regulation of receptor phosphorylation. NCS-1 is a new member of the EF-hand superfamily, which includes calmodulin, troponin C, parvalbumin, and recoverins. By Northern analysis and in situ hybridization, we discovered that NCS-1 is specifically expressed in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Chick NCS-1 has 72% of amino acid identity with Drosophila frequenin, a protein found in the nervous system and at the motor nerve terminals of neuromuscular junctions. By analogy with the reported function for two other members of the NCS family, we discuss whether G protein-coupled receptors or GRKs are the targets of neuronal calcium sensors. 365 Copyright 0 1995 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Downloaded from by Hug Belle Idee For personal use only. 366 NEF ET AL. FIG. 1 Schematic representation of the neuronal calcium sensor NCS-1, with 4 putative EF hand calcium binding domains. N and C represent the N-terminus and the C-terminus of the protein, respectively. EF1 (white box) has a cysteine residue (at position Y, see Fig. 2) instead of the consensus aspartic acid, and therefore, represents a non-functional calcium binding site. EF2, 3 and 4 (black or gray boxes) represents potential calcium binding sites. INTRODUCTION Calcium is an important regulator of many cells, including neurons. Recently, a novel subfamily of neuronal calcium sensors (NCS) has been identified. The first member of this subfamily of EF-hand calcium binding proteins to be discovered was visinin ( l ) , followed by recoverin (2),vilip (3),and S-modulin (4). To date, nine full-length cDNAs encoding neuronspecific proteins compose this family of neuronal calcium sensors. Recoverin is expressed in photoreceptors and in the pineal gland (5), and is a globular protein whose three-dimensional structure has been solved by crystallography studies (6). Recoverin crystals contained only 1 calcium although 4 putative EF-hands are predicted from the primary structure (Fig. 1). Homologues of bovine, mouse and human recoverins have been characterized from frog (S-modulin), and chick (visinin) retinas. S-modulin and recoverin are the best functionally characterized neuronal calcium sensors. They both stimulate, in a calcium-dependent manner, the cGMP-phosphodiesterase in frog rod photoreceptors (7) via the inhibiton of rhodopsin phosphorylation (8). Calcium-dependent effects on receptor desensitization mediated by neuronal calcium sensors have not yet been fully documented. Could other neuronal calcium sensors, beside those expressed in the retina, influence G protein-coupled receptor desensitization in the central and peripheral nervous system? To answer this question, we decided to search for neuronal calcium sensors related to the recoverin subfamily, that are specifically expressed Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Downloaded from by Hug Belle Idee For personal use only. NEURONAL CALCIUM SENSOR 367 in the nervous system. Here we report the identification of NCS-1, a novel member of the neuronal calcium sensor family. Its expression is neuronspecific, and can be found in several structures of the central and peripheral nervous systems. NCS-1 shares 72% of amino acid identity with Drosophila frequenin (9). Preliminary data indicate that, at high calcium, NCS-1 inhibits G protein-coupled receptor phosphorylation; this suggests an important role for NCS-1 in signal transduction and perhaps in synaptic potentiation mediated by calcium. MATERIALS AND METHODS Highly degenerated primers were used for PCR amplification. They code for conserved amino acid sequences of three members of the recoverin subfamily (vilip, visinin, and recoverin). The sense primer (5'-3 'sequence: GGGAATTC-T A T/C I G/C I A A I T T T/C T T T/C C C) and the antisense primer (CGGGATCC-A T/C 6 A T T/C T T A/G T/A A I A T I G C) contained a restriction site for EcoRl and BamHI, respectively. Chick brain cDNA was prepared from 1 pg of total RNA with the reverse transcriptase (RT) enzyme. 1/10 of the cDNA was amplified by PCR using a slow ramp (IOU6 seconds) program for the first five cycles (steps were 1' at 92°C 1' at 35"C, slow ramp to 72"C, 3' at 72"C), followed by 35 cycles (1' at 92°C 1' at 50"C, 3' at 72°C) using a normal ramp. The RTPCR product was analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis, and DNA with the expected size was eluted from the gel, digested with the restriction enzymes EcoRl and BamHI, and subcloned in the pBluescript (pBSK-) vector (Stratagene). Both strands were sequenced according to the dideoxy method of Sanger (10) using T3 and T7 primers. cDNA Library Screening lo6 phages from a chick brain cDNA library were plated on the E. Coli strain LE392, and screened at high stringency (68°C) with a [32P] radioactive NCS-1 probe obtained from the RT-PCR experiment. 10 368 NEF ET AL. positive phages were characterized and their insert DNA subcloned in pBSK- (Stratagene), and sequenced using the Sanger method (10). Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Downloaded from by Hug Belle Idee For personal use only. Phvloaenetic Tree Analvsis Progressive alignments of amino acid sequences were obtained with Pileup (Genetics Computer Group, Madison, Wisconsin, USA). The calculated branch lengths were obtained with the TREE program (R.F. Doolittle, UCSD, La Jolla, USA) running on an AXPNMS system; distance scores between each pair of aligned sequences was determined by using the Minimum Mutation Matrix of Dayhoff (1 1). mRNA Blot Analvsis 6 pg of total RNA obtained from diverse adult chick tissues were electrophoresed on a 0.8% formaldehyde/agarose gel, and transferred to Nylon membrane (Genescreen Plus). The blot was hybridized with a [32P]-labelled chick NCS-1 probe at high stringency (68°C) for 18 hours and washed at 50°C in 0.1 XSSC. Autoradiography was performed with an intensifying screen for 3 days at -70°C. The autoradiogram was scanned and a value of 1 was assigned to the signal obtained with brain. In Situ Hvbridization Chick brains were dissected from E l 8 embryos, slowly freezed in dry ice, and sectionned on a cryostat at -20°C. 10 pm sections were fixed for 15 minutes in 4% paraformaldehyde, rinced in 1XPBS, dehydrated in ethanol, and stored at 4°C in 95% ethanol until use. Before hybridization, sections were re-hydrated, digested for 15 minutes at 37°C with proteinase K at 1pg/ml, post-fixed for 15 minutes in 4% paraformaldehyde, acetylated for 10 minutes in O.1M triethanolamine, and dehydrated in ethanol. [ass] radioactive antisense or sense RNA were produced by in vitro transcription with T3 or T7 RNA polymerase from the linearized RL25 cDNA clone (930 base pairs) encoding chick NCS-1. The denatured probe was added to the hybridation mix (NaCI 0.3M, Tris-HCI 0.02M pH 8.0, Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Downloaded from by Hug Belle Idee For personal use only. NEURONAL CALCIUM SENSOR 369 EDTA 5 mM, Dextran sulfate lo%, Denhardt's lX,tRNA 0.5 mg/ml, DTT O.lM, formamid 50%, and the radioactive probe at 50'000 cpm/ml) and the sections were hybridized for 16 hours at 60"C, washed for 30 minutes at 65°C in a stringent wash solution (NaCI 0.15M, Tris-HCI 0.02M pH 7.6, EDTA 5 mM, DTT 0.1M), followed by RNAse treatment for 1 hour at 37°C with RNAse A at 20 pg/mI. Final washes were done in 0.1X SSC for 15 minutes at 60"C, and the sections were dehydrated in ethanol, dipped in NTB2 (Kodak) emulsion for 4-7 days, developed, mounted and photographed using a Zeiss inverted microscope. Control sections were prepared with a sense NCS-1 probe. RESULTS By PCR of chick brain cDNA with highly degenerated primers derived from conserved amino acid sequences of three members of the recoverin subfamily, we have amplified and sequenced several partial sequences encoding neuronal calcium sensors. One of the PCR product encoded a new calcium binding protein. Using this probe, we have screened a cDNA library obtained from chick brain. We have isolated and characterized several full-length cDNA clones. All of them, like the cDNA clone RL25, had an open reading frame of 573 nucleotides from the start codon (AUG) to the stop codon (TGA); it encodes a neuronal calcium binding protein named NCS-1. Alignment of NCS-1 with nine other members of this subfamily is shown in Fig. 2. Comparison of amino acid sequences (Table 1) revealed that Drosophila frequenin has the highest homology (72% of identity) with chick NCS-1, suggesting that they are probably species variants. The lowest homology (40%) is with chick visinin. Evolutionary tree analysis (Fig. 3) indicates that all members of the recoverin subfamily evolved from a common ancestoral gene, with probably 4 EF-hand Ca" binding sites (Fig. 1). EF-hand site 1 is quite divergent from the EF-hand consensus sequence but is very well conserved in this subfamily (Fig. 2). One branch of the tree represents members (Visinin, S-modulin, Recoverin) expressed only in the retina and the pineal gland, another branch represents calcium sensors with broader neuronal distribution except for hippocalcin uniquely expressed in the hippocampus. NEF ET AL. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Downloaded from by Hug Belle Idee For personal use only. 370 1 x Y VISININ (Chick) MGnsrSsaLs rEvlqeLras TryTEeEisr WeGFqrqCa RgCOVERIN (Bovine) MGnskSgaLs kEileeLqlr TkFTEeElss VILIP (Chick/Rat) MGKqnS.KLa pEvmedivks TeFnEhElkq NEUROCALCIN (Rat) MGKqnS.KLr pOjmqdLles TdFTEhE1q.s S-MODULIN (Frog) MGntkSgaLs kEileeLqln TkFTqeElc: HIPPOCALCIN (Rat) MGKqnS.KLr pEm1qdLre:- TeFaE1EiGe MGKkaS.Kik qdtidrlttd TyYP?EZEir5 PREQWNIN (Droao.) MGKnnS.Kia pZeledLvqr TeE‘aZqZlkG VILIP-2 (Rat) VILIP-3 (Rat) MGKqnS.KLr pEv?qdLreh TeF?&?Ziqe -53 MGKsnS.Uk pEweeLtrk TyFTEXEvqq NCS-1 (Chick) Consensus MGK-nS-KL- -Evl-dL--- T-XE-Ei-- W Y K G P X X S x Y c;1 VISININ (Chick) RECOVERIN (Bovine) VILIP (Chick/Rat) NEUROCALCIN (Rat) S-MODULIN (Frog) AIPPOCALCIN (Rat) PREQWNIN (Droso.) VILIP-2 (Rat) VILIP-3 (Rat) NCS-1 (Chick) Consensus r1YgnFFPr.s tIYskFFPea qlYvkFFPyG kIYgnFFFyG aIYskFFFda kIYanFF?yG kIYkqFFPqG qlYikFFPyG kIYanFFPyG kIYkqFFFfG kIY--PPP-G .01 x KLeWAFsifD VISININ (Chick) KLeWAFslYD RECOVERIN (Bovine) KLnWAFnmYD VILIP (chick/Rat) KLkWAFsmYD NEUROCALCIN (Rat) S-MODULIN (Frog) KLeWAFclYD KLmWAFsmYD HIPPOCALCIN (Rat) KLqWAFrlYD PREQWNIN (Droso.) KLnWAFemYD VILIP-2 (Rat) KLkWAFsmYD VILIP-3 (Rat) KLrWAFklYD NCS-1 (Chick) consensus KL-WAF-1YD 151 VISININ (Chick) RECOVERIN (Bovine) VILIP (Chick/Rat) NEUROCALCIN (Rat) 9-MODULIN (Frog) HIPPOCALCIN (Rat) PRBQWNIN (Droso.) VILIP-2 (Rat) VILIP-3 (Rat) NCS-1 (Chick) Consensus x RadKlwayfn RaeKIwgffg RvdKIFskMD RteKIFrqMD RtnKIwvyfg RteKIFrqMD RvdKIFdqMD RvdKIFkkMD RtdKIFrqMD RvdrIFamMD R-dKIF--MD epqgyArHVF 3pkayAqHVF DaskFAqHaF DaskFAeHVF DpkayAqHVF DaskFAeHVF DpskFAslVF DaskFAqHaF DaskFAeHVF DptkFAtfVF DpskFA-HVP EF2 2-Y -x -2 EF1 2-Y-x - 2 5 5 dGrircdeFe sGqLdaagE; SG-L---eP- . .. - L r hlTSaGkthl hmTSaGKtn; SiTSrGsfes: SvTSrGkleq mm?SsGkanc IDFrEFIikL SvTSrGriiC RfeDeNnDGs IeFeEFIrh: SvTSkr;nlde RiF;):kVgDGT IDFrEFicAL S-JTSrGsfe,:: KtFDtNsDGT I3FrEF::AL SvTSrt2kles nvFDeNkDGr IeFaEFIqAL Sv3rSi:de F.-?D-N-DDT IDPrEFIiAL SVTSZG-le; RsFCtNdDGT RsF3aPjsDGT Rt?C!d’g3GT RtF3aNgDGT RsFDaNn3GT RcF3:NaDGT EF3 Y 2-Y-x - 2 vDrnGevsks E v L E T i t A i f vDgnGtIskn EvLEIvtAIf lDgdGkItrv EMLEZleAiY iDgnGyIska EMLEIvqAIY vDgnGtInkk EvLEIitAIf 1DgnGyIsre EMLEIvqAZY vDndGyItre EMynivdAIY lDgdGrItr1 EMLEIieAIY lDgnGyIsrs EMLEIvqAiY lDndGyItrn EMLdIv6AZY 1Dg-Q-I-r- BMLEIV-AIY EF4 Y 2-Y-x - 2 kgendKiaeg E ? : d m n d kkdDdKLtek ZF;ejtiank knkDdqitLd EFktaaiCsDP tnrDgKLaLe EFirqaKsDP kkdDdKLteg EFiggivknk tnnDgKLsLe EFirgaKs3P knhDgKLtLe EFregsKaD? qdkDdqitLe EFkeaaKsD? tnnDgKLaLe EFikgaKsDP knaDgKLtLq EFqegsKaDP kn-D-KLtLe EPiegaiC-DP 1DFrEYI;AL 1DFkEXviAL :DFrEFIcAL IDFrEFIiAL 1DFkEYm:AL ~ : r _ _ < KMipeeerlq IPEDEnaPqK IcMiSpe”,t<r.;ZEDEnT?ES KMVgtv;?;lk nnE3glT?Eq KMVssv..:.k aPEDEaT?HX KMinaedr;<:. 1PEDEnTFEK sZEDE8XZR KMVSSV..T;,X qMVgqq..gc, .sZ3,Er2TPqK KMVgCviT>,r PaqDglTPqq KMVSSV..T,< .:?ZDEa?PSR qMVgnt . .:-e :?EeEn??ER KMV------- -PEDE:.TPZR ... L L aImrLi>!e; - ~f........... eIlrLicfey; , ; s v X i k l s t L < l sIViLL3c61 5 ,. .~. . . . . . . . siVrliCcc~saaJq: . . . . . . eIlrLiQyep znvkdk;kt.<kr SIVriLCicJs ssasqf . . . . . . rIVqaLaigg J........... sIVlLL2cdm y i x . . . . . . . . . . s1VrLLC;cdp ssasqf . . . . . . sIVqaLalyd glv . . . . . . . . . sIVrLLQ--p - - - - - - - - - - - - FIG. 2 Alignment of ten neuronal calcium sensor amino acid sequences. Sequences were obtained from EMBL and Swissprot data bases; NCS-1 accession number is L27420. X, Y, Z and -X, -Y, -Z represent the positions of amino acids around a calcium ion in an EF-hand. NEURONAL CALCIUM SENSOR 37 1 Table 1. Percentage of amino acid identity between ten members of the neuronal calcium sensor subfamily. NCSl VILIB VILIPZ FREQUENIN SMOOULIN NEUROCALCIN VlLlPl 40 46 49 51 40 46 30 43 47 51 62 RECOVERIN 83 49 51 VILIP-1 57 69 89 53 67 46 69 NEUROCALC IN 58 90 66 57 87 49 SMODULIN 43 48 45 41 47 HIPPOSALC IN 93 50 67 68 53 57 VILIP-2 57 72 55 VILIP-3 59 VlSlNlN Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Downloaded from by Hug Belle Idee For personal use only. HIPPEALGIN FREQUENIN 41 47 RECOVERIN 63 I I I I I Common Ancestor FIG. 3 Phylogenetic tree for the neuronal calcium sensor (NCS) subfamily. The relationship of a set of genetic sequences was deduced from a tree analysis which gives more information than analysis based on percent identity or homology. The general topology of the tree gives information on how the sequences should be grouped, while evolutionary distances separating different sequences are shown by the branch lengths. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Downloaded from by Hug Belle Idee For personal use only. 372 NEF ET AL. Using RNA blot analysis with the NCS-1 probe (Fig. 4) and PCR (data not shown) we observed that neuronal tissues exhibit strong NCS-1 mRNA expression, whereas liver, heart, muscle, and lung do not. We observed also a faint signal with intestines, probably due to the peripheral nervous ganglia present in this tissue. In brain and eye extracts, a single protein of 22kDa was detected by protein blot analysis with immunopurified polyclonal antibodies against recombinant NCS-1 (data not shown). Only one copy of the NCS-1 gene was found in the chick genome after extensive PCR amplification, cDNA screening, and genomic DNA blot analysis. Using in situ hybridization, we observed that antisense RNA NCS-1 probes labelled intensively several structures in the central (Fig. 5-7) and peripheral nervous system such as spinal ganglia, and motoneurons (data not shown). A sagittal section of the chick brain (Fig. 5a) clearly indicated that NCS1 mRNA is present in the cerebellum, the forebrain, the brain stem, and the midbrain. Control experiment with a NCS-1 sense probe (Fig. 5b, 6b, 7b) indicated, as expected, no signal in these structures. In the retina at E l 8 (Fig. 6a), a strong signal for NCS-1 was detected in three different layers: the ganglion cell layer (GCL), the inner nuclear layer (INL), and the outer nuclear layer (ONL). The control section hybridized with a sense NCS-1 probe was negative (Fig. 6b). In the optic tectum (Fig. 7a) a strong patchy signal was detected in the stratum griseum centrale (SGC), and a faint signal in the laminae c, g, and i of the stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale (SGFS). The lowest structure of the optic tectum, the neuroepithelium gave also a patchy signal. In the cerebellum, when observed at higher magnification (data not shown), NCS-1 mRNA was mostly detected between the granular layer (GL) and the molecular layer (ML) which correspond either to Purkinje cells or to basket cells. DISCUSSION In this work, we have reported the RT-PCR cloning and the neuronal distribution of chick NCS-1, a novel calcium binding protein of the 373 Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Downloaded from by Hug Belle Idee For personal use only. NEURONAL CALCIUM SENSOR FIG. 4 Tissue distribution of NCS-1. An abundant signal corresponding to mRNA of 3000 bases is present in chick brain, cerebellum, and at a lower level in eye. A faint signal (-1-3% of the brain signal) was reproducibly detected either by Northern analysis or by PCR with total RNA from intestines. A scan of the autoradiogramm is shown. NEF ET AL. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Downloaded from by Hug Belle Idee For personal use only. 374 Fia. 5 NCS-1 in situ hybridization to the avian brain. Sagittal sections through the telencephal, mesencephal and cerebellum of E l 8 chick brain were hybridized with antisense (A) and sense (B) NCS-1 probes. 375 Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Downloaded from by Hug Belle Idee For personal use only. NEURONAL CALCIUM SENSOR FIG. 6 NCS-1 in situ hybridization to the avian retina. Sections of the chick retina at E l 8 were hybridized with antisense (A) and sense (B) NCS-1 probes. GCL, ganglion cell layer; IPL, inner plexiform layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; OPL, outer plexiform layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer; photoreceptor layer; PE, pigmented epithelium. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Downloaded from by Hug Belle Idee For personal use only. 376 NEF ET AL. FIG. 7 NCS-1 in situ hybridization to the avian optic tectum. Antisense (A) and sense (B) NCS-1 probes were hybridized with sections from the chick optic tectum at E18. NE, neuroepithelium; SAC, stratum album centrale; SGC, stratum griseum centrale; SGFS, stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale (laminae c, g, i); SO, stratum opticum. recoverin subfamily. To date, ten members of the neuronal calcium sensor family have been identified. Each member appears to be expressed by a unique combination of neurons. A good illustration is hippocalcin which is present only in the hippocampus. In the cerebellum, vilip is abundant in the granular layer but absent from basket or Purkinje neurons (3), whereas it is the opposite for NCS-1 mRNA which is abundant in basket or Purkinje cells and less abundant granular cells (Fig. 5). In the retina, visinin is restricted to the outer nuclear layer (ONL) ( l ) ,vilip is present in the gangion cell layer (GCL) and in the inner nuclear layer (INL) (3), Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Downloaded from by Hug Belle Idee For personal use only. NEURONAL CALCIUM SENSOR 377 whereas NCS-1 is present in all three layers (ONL, INL, GCL) (Fig. 6). It remains to be determined by electronic microscopy studies where these neuronal calcium sensors are located within a neuron (presynaptic?, cell body?, post-synaptic densities?). NCS-1 is probably the avian homologue of Drosophila Frequenin (72% of amino acid identity) whose central and peripheral neuronal location has been reported (9). The overexpression of frequenin in transgenic flies produces a shaker-like phenotype; it has been proposed that it is due to an enhanced facilitation of neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular junction. However, it is not yet clear how a neuronal calcium sensor such as frequenin could function at the synapse between a motor neuron and a muscle; does frequenin regulate the phosphorylation of a voltage-gated calcium channels or play a role in the calcium-dependent fusion of synaptic vesicles with the pre-synaptic membranes? Among the neuronal calcium sensor subfamily, frog S-modulin and bovine recoverin (43 to 47% of amino acid identity with chick NCS-1) are the best characterized neuronal calcium sensors with respect to function. At high Ca2' concentrations, they increase the light sensitivity and lifetime of cyclic GMP-phosphodiesterase in frog rod photoreceptors (7). These effects are mediated by the inhibition of rhodopsin phosphorylation in a calcium-dependent manner (8). If NCS-1 exhibits the same function as Smodulin and recoverin, it is very likely that these neuronal calcium sensors act on G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs). Indeed, it has recently been demonstrated that bovine p26 kDa recoverin can form a calciumsensitive complex of 94 kDa with a protein the size of rhodopsin kinase (67 kDa) (12) and that up to the last stage of rhodopsin kinase purification, recoverin is present as the main contaminant (13). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by a grant from the Swiss National Foundation (31.32623.91). P.N. is a START fellow of the Swiss National Foundation. We would like to thanks Bernard Vandenbunder to help us with the in situ experiments, and Marie-Claire Velluz for the subcloning and DNA sequencing. NEF ET AL. 378 Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction Downloaded from by Hug Belle Idee For personal use only. REFERENCES 1. Yamagata, K.; Goto, K.; Kuo, C. H.; Kondo, H. and Miki, N. Visinin: a novel calcium binding protein expressed in retinal cone cells. Neuron 4, 469-76, 1990 2. Dizhoor, A. M.; Ray, S.; Kumar, S.; Niemi, G.; Spencer, M.; Brolley, D.; Walsh, K. A.; Philipov, P. 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