Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, 1978, 15, 77-85 An evaluation of the Hyland laser nephelometer PDQ system for the measurement of immunoglobulins J. T. WHICHER, D. E. PERRY, AND J. R. HOBBS From the Specific Protein Reference Unit, Department of Chemical Pathology, The Westminster Hospital, London The Hyland laser nephelometer PDQ system for the assay of specific proteins is described. The results of evaluating the system to measure immunoglobulins IgA, IgG, and IgM are summarised. Within-batch and between-batch precision, accuracy, reliability, and safety are discussed. This instrument represents an important development in the immunochemical assay of proteins in clinical medicine. The speed, precision, and convenience of this new generation of discrete nephelometric analysers make such systems attractive to the clinical chemist. SUMMARY The immunochemical measurement of proteins, first described in the 19205, has now become an indispensable tool in clinical chemistry. Quantitation of proteins based on the light scattering properties of specific immune complexes was first described in the late 19305 (Libby, 1938). Since then many studies have been performed culminating in the development of the continuous-flow nephelometric system (Kahan and Sundblat, 1967). A new generation of instruments is now appearing on the market incorporating a laser as a radiation source and measuring forward light scatter. Such instruments are manual or automated discrete analysers with a high degree of sensitivity and a wide measurement range (Caputo, 1976; Deaton et al., 1976). Similar nephelometric systems have been incorporated into centrifugal analysers (Buffone et al., 1975). The purpose of this work was to evaluate the Hyland laser nephelometer PDQ system under routine laboratory conditions. The evaluation was carried out along the lines suggested by the IFCC Committee on Standards (Buttner et al., 1976). and IgG may also be measured in cerebrospinal fluid samples. The system comprises a discrete digital readout laser nephelometer with accessory equipment, such as dilutors and the necessary reagents. The technique is based on the production of immune complexes by the reaction of antigen and monospecific antibody in the presence of polyethylene glycol which enhances immune complex formation (Lizana and HeUsing, 1974). The resultant complexes scatter an incident beam of light, the amount of light scattered being proportional to the concentration of antigen. THE LASER NEPHELOMETER The nephelometer consists of a control and display section which houses the instrument electronics with the laser radiation source and an optics section containing the cuvette compartment and photomultiplier tube (PMT). Sample handling is discrete, each cuvette being placed in the light path by hand. The cuvettes are disposable glass test-tubes with no special optical properties. The radiation source is a low powered (0'5 mW) helium neon gas laser tube, producing a highly collimated beam of radiation 0·9 mm in diameter at 632·8 om. The light beam strikes the cuvette at 90°, the resultant light scatter is detected at a forward scattering angle of 31 ° by a photomultiplier tube (spectral response type 4), the coUection angle is set by two fixed slits (Fig. 1). The forward scatter angle makes use of the Mei scatter produced Description of the Hyland PDQ system The Hyland laser nephelometer PDQ system contains all that is required to measure a number of specific proteins. The range at present includes serum IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C4, albumin, alpha-lantitrypsin, haptoglobin, and transferrin; albumin Correspondence should be addressed to I. T. Whicher 77 Downloaded from by guest on January 20, 2015 78 J. T. Whicher, D. E. Perry, and J. R. Hobbs fixpdslits \0 '\ r - -----00 radialion trap cUW'tte Fig. 1 Diagram of optics section of the instrument showing the detection offorward light scatter by the photomultiplier tube PMT. by large molecules; the angle chosen is said to minimise error caused by the scattering produced by stress defects and minor scratches on the cuvettes. The scattered radiation is collected over a variable (operator controlled) 'compute' period (between 5 and 90 seconds). During this period, a pulse height analyser detects and rejects spurious large amplitude scattering pulses from falling dust particles. The final relative light scatter (RLS) is displayed on a 4-digit digital display to one decimal place. Mode of operation of the analyses 1. The samples and standards are diluted into filtered blank diluent (0'15 mol/I sodium chloride) and antiserum in the cuvettes. After suitable incubation, the light scattering is read on the nephelometer. The incubation period must be greater than one hour, the tests are stable for four hours. 2. After the initial instrument warm-up period, the nephelometer is electrically cancelled. 3. The RLS of the blank diluent is measured (buffer blank) and the instrument is reset to zero. 4. The sensitivity of the instrument is set using the highest standard concentration in use. The sensitivity range is wide. 5. The RLS of the antibody solution is measured (antibody blank); this is held electronically by the nephelometer. 6. The test blank is read, the RLS is held electronically by the nephelometer memory. 7. The test is read, the final RLS value displayed in this mode is the actual test RLS corrected for both the antibody blank RLS and the individual test blank RLS. Two readings are therefore required for each test; usually the compute time used is 15 seconds. ACCESORY EQUIPMENT Two dilution systems are supplied, their use depen- ding on the final dilution required for the assay. Dilutions of 1:1000 or less are made directly into the antibody or blank solution. One millilitre of the reagent is delivered directly into the cuvettes using the SMI micropettor (Alpha Laboratories, Greenford, Middlesex), 1-5 Jkl of sample is then placed in the cuvette using the positive displacement type SMI micropettor. Dilutions of greater than 1:1000 are made using a preliminary dilution in 0'15 mol/l sodium chloride; this is made with an Oxford pipette (Boehringer i Sussex) and a dispensette (Brand, Wertheim, Germany), followed by a dilution into the reagent or blank solution using an Oxford and 8MI micropettor. Nucleopore filters (0'4 Jkm) and filter holders are supplied for filtering the reagents (Nucleopore Corp., California, USA). Four invertible cuvette racks, each holding 48 cuvettes are supplied. REAGENTS Each specific protein reagent package contains the following: 1. Sixty-five millilitres of prediluted, specific goat antiserum. This is diluted with an equal volume of 'buffer'-a sodium chloride solution containing polyethylene glycol and a wetting agent. 2. Six reference sera calibrated in mg/dl (Hyland) mg/dl (WHO) and iu/rnl (WHO). The ranges are shown in Table 1. 3. A pack of disposable cuvettes. Reagents are sufficient for 120 assays. Table 1 Approximate range covered by reference sera Parameter Unit IgA mg/dl (Hyland) m,l/dl(WHO) iu/ml(WHO) 25- 50 15- 490 11- 360 IgG mg/dl (Hyland) mild] (WHO) iu/ml (WHO) 100-2500 100-2300 12·280 IgM mg/dl (Hyland) mg/dl(WHO) iu/ml(WHO) 10- 250 10- 250 12- 300 Rang~ A regression of RLS against antigen concentration produces a slightly sigmoidal curve. The results may be calculated manually from this or by using an on-line Hewlett Packard 9815 calculator interfaced to the nephelometer. The HP 9815 allows automatic data acquisition and calculates the results using a third order polynomial curve fitting procedure. (The programme is supplied by Hyland). Downloaded from by guest on January 20, 2015 An evaluation of the Hyland laser nephelometer PDQ system for the measurement of immunoglobulins Materials and methods IgG AND IgA ASSAY. AUTOMATED IMMUNOPRECIPITATION (AlP) The AlP system used was constructed from standard Technicon modules, the flow diagram is shown in Fig. 2. The entire manifold was washed through with sodium hypochlorite followed by sodium hydroxide before and after each run (Hall, 1973). Serum samples were diluted 1:100 with 0'15 mol/I sodium chloride containing 0·5 mill Tween 20 (Koch Light Ltd) using a MicroMedic dilutor. SAMPLER 1/1 lOO/h ml/min • 0'8 from FC • air 0:32 antiserum 1{) scrr(lier wash • • waste 0·1 "0 scrrole • saline. Tween FC to PJmp FUJORONEPHELOMETER 355 nm Fig. 2 Manifold diagram for AlP system. The antisera IgG assay: sheep antihuman IgG FC (Department of Experimental Pathology, Birmingham University), diluted 1:70. 19A assay: goat antihuman 19A (Atlantic Antibodies, Maine, USA), diluted 1 :40. The antisera were diluted in a solution containing polyethylene glycol 6000 (BDH, London), 40 gil, made up in the sodium chloride solution with Tween. The diluted antisera were allowed to stand for 30 minutes at room temperature before being filtered through a 0'22 p.m Millipore membrane filter. Blank assays were performed by substituting the antiserum diluent for the antiserum. The sampling rate was 100 an hour with a sample wash ratio of 1:1. Standard curves (PDQ standards) were run every 40 samples, a pooled serum QC was run every 10 samples. Blanks were performed on the entire test series. With the exception of the low dilutions of the WHO (World Health Organisation) 67/99 preparation, these were never more than 10 to 15 % of the test peak height. Peak heights were measured in 79 millimetres and the blank peak heights subtracted from the test peaks. The standard curves were plotted manually to check the curve profile; the results were calculated usinga third order polynomial curve fitting procedure, programmed into a Hewlett Packard 9815 calculator. IgM ASSAY RADIAL IMMUNODIFFUSION (RID) RID was chosen as the comparator method for the IgM assay because of the unsuitability of AlP owing to the high blanks obtained with the WHO 67/99 preparation at the dilution used for the AlP IgM assay. The method used was a modification of that described by Mancini (Hobbs, 1970). The RID plates were prepared in our laboratory as follows: Glass plates (10 em x 15 em) were placed on a level surface. The agarose solution containing the antibody was carefully poured on to the methanolcleaned surface of the plate. The agarose was a 10 gil solution of Litex HSA agarose (International Enzymes, Windsor) made up in 0·06 mol/I barbitone buffer pH 8·6. Antihuman IgM (Dakopatts AIS, Copenhagen) was used at a final concentration of 3'3%. The prepared plates were kept at 4°C for at least two hours before use. When used, the plates were allowed to stand at room temperature for 15 minutes to enable the surface moisture to evaporate. Wells 1'5 mm in diameter were cut using a bevelled edge stainless steel cutter and suction. The 3 p.l sample volumes were placed in the wells using a Hamilton syringe as soon as possible after the wells had been cut. When all of the wells had been filled the plates were incubated at 37°C for 16 hours in a sealed wet box. After incubation the plates were squashed, dried, and stained with Coomassie blue. The precipitin ring diameters were measured to the nearest 0·1 rom in two axes using a magnifying eyepiece (Matchless Machines Ltd). Sera and standards were assayed undiluted. The PDQ standards and the pooled QC material were distributed over the plate to give indications of non-uniformity of the gel thickness. The regression of log diameter against antigen concentration gave a slightly curved line, being more non-linear at the highest antigen concentrations. Practicability SPEED Two variables are important: the rate at which samples can be processed and the interval between presentation of the sample and the availability of the result. Downloaded from by guest on January 20, 2015 J. T. Whicher, D. E. Perry, and J. R. Hobbs 80 1. A batch of some 70 samples can be analysed in four hours for the measurement of one parameter. This time comprises approximately 90 minutes for manual sample dilution, one hour for incubation, and 90 minutes for measuring the results and calculations. 2. The time needed to analyse one specimen from the moment of the arrival of the sample in the laboratory to the availability of the result varies between 30 (JgG) and 90 minutes (JgM). The important point when compared with some other immunological techniques is that the results are available on the same day. is easy to set up and remains stable for at least eight hours without the need for reealibration. Precision (Table 2) Within-batch precision was assessed by performing duplicate analyses of patients' samples. This has the advantage of evaluating more of the factors WITHIN-BATCH PRECISION Table 2 Within-batch precision, assessed by 50 duplicate assays ofpatients' samples Parameter Mean iulml Standard deviatto« Coefficknt 0/ 'aritltion ("'l lIlA IIIG 111M 140 123 144 "6 3'9 6'7 4 3·2 4·7 COST Although the capital cost of the nephelometer is high (£5000), it is probable that the cost per test as far as reagents are concerned will be lower than that of currently available commercial Mancini plates. The instrument is able to perform small numbers of tests-for example, 'one off' estimations -with little wastage of reagents. TECHNICAL SKILL REQUIREMENTS The ability to handle automatic pipettes or automatic diluting systems are the only technical requirements needed. The use oftheoptionalon-linedeskcalculator lessens imprecision caused by manual curve fitting. DEPENDABILITY The instrument is robust, although the alignment of the optical system should be checked after transit. During 10 months of use there was one failure of a component in a printed circuit. No problems were encountered with the laser or the photomultiplier tube. contributing to imprecision than does replicate analysis of control material. The effects of imprecision at the extremes of the measurement range and potentially interfering factors such as lipaemia and paraproteinaemia are taken into account. (Table 3) Between-batch precision was assessed by using three materials: 1. The WHO immunoglobulin preparation 67/99. This is a freeze-dried material which is distributed in sealed ampoules. Once reconstituted, this was stored in sealed containers at 4°C in the presence of 0·01 mol/l sodium azide. 2. The IFCC putative immunoglobulin standard IFCC 74/1. This is a frozen serum preparation. A new ampoule was used for each batch. BETWEEN-BATCH PRECISION SAFETY 1. The nephelometer is powered by a 220 volt supply derived from a stabilised transformer. The output connection from the transformer is not a UK standard connector. The main connections and the 220 volt connections were examined for earthing characteristics and found to be satisfactory. The transformer generates heat and it is therefore important to ensure that there is adequate ventilation. 2. The handling of reaction mixtures in individual cuvettes presents a significant advantage over gel techniques in terms of processing infected material such as hepatitis-positive samples. GENERAL COMMENTS The information provided with the instrument and reagents by the manufacturer is more than adequate and contains some background data. The instrument Table 3 Between-batch precision, assessed on 20 separate batches Parameter Control material Mean iulml Standard deviation Coefficient 0/ varia/Ion ("'l lIlA WHO 67/99 IFCC 74/1 Behrinll standard serum 10"6 108 12·6 10'8 157 15'5 12 10 9'9 liG WHO 67/99 IFCC 74/1 Behrinll standard serum 93-6 105'6 140'7 5·6 7'0 9,' 6·0 6'6 6'8 IgM WHO 67/99 IFCC 74/1 Behrinll standard scrum 99'6 146 130 8'0 10'0 9·4 8'0 6'8 7·2 Downloaded from by guest on January 20, 2015 A~ evaluation of the Hyland laser nephelometer PDQ system for the measurement of immunoglobulins 3. A commercially available standard serum (Behring Standard Human Serum Batch No. B 975). Analysis of method variance INSTRUMENT VARIANCE This comprises the sum of the error of measuring the light scattering of the test and the blank. Both measurements are influenced by the computing time and sensitivity setting. The influence of computing time is shown in Table 4. Table 4 The influence of computing time on precision ofreading the test RLS of a single tube (sensitivity setting 2) Computinl time (seconds) Mean RLS Standard deviation Coefficient of variation (X) IS 172-9 1'7 1'0 S 170'8 1'1 0'6 30 173'6 4'3 2·S 81 assays both require a final sample dilution of 1 :4000" IgM requires a final sample dilution of 1 :1000. Dilutions of 1:1000 or less were made using a SMI micropettor, the sample being diluted directly into the antibody or blank solution. Dilutions greater than 1 :1000 were made using two dilutions. The first in 0·15 mol/l sodium chloride solution and the second into antibody or blank solution. Thus for the IgG and 19A assays an initial 1:100 dilution was made using an Oxford pipette (50 ILl) and a dispensette (5 ml). A subsequent dilution of 1 :41 was made using an Oxford pipette (25 ILl) and an SMI micropettor (l ml), see Table 5. The precision of the two diluting systems was assessed using a solution of 1251 in serum. Table 5 Precision ofpipetting steps Mode of J : 100 dilution Mean coum« per minute Standard deviation Coefficlen' of .0rlotI01l (Xl SMI micropettor I III + SMI micropettor I ml 88478 1402 I·S8 Oxford sampler SO III Dispensette S ml Oxford 100 III SMI micropettor I ml S2ll6O 2091 4·0 2'0 5Pr6itivity 5!'tti1gs I·e ······· .. 2 ------ 3 16 --~ 1'~ 2. 1-2 ; '·0 Ac:c:uracy u 0'8 0·6 O·~ n O+-~-~--~-~-~~~~~- o 2O~060 8J 100 120 1~0 __-:-:- EO 8l RLS Fig. 3 The effect of sensitivity setting on the precision of reading the RLS of the reference sera (1-6). In the absence of a definitive method for immunoglobulin measurement, accuracy was assessed (a) by comparing the results with those obtained using conventional methods, (b) measuring the reference materials, (c) testing for parallelism between various test materials, (d) assessing the reference range. COMPARISON WITH OTHER METHODS, USING The influence of sensitivity setting is shown in Fig. 3. It is clear from the results shown in Fig. 3 that the precision of measurement is best at high RLS values and is largely independent of the actual light scattering properties of the solution and the instrument sensitivity setting. It is thus desirable to measure the light scatter at the highest possible sensitivity setting, thereby obtaining the maximum RLS values. For example, a sample giving a reading of 3·1 RLS with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 4·7 % at sensitivity setting 3 gave a RLS of 23·7 with a CV of 2'36% at sensitivity setting 5. DILUTION ERROR Two dilution systems are available from the manufacturers for making manual sample dilutions. The choice between them depends on the final dilution required for the assay. The IgG and 19A SAMPLES FROM PATIENTS The methods used for comparison were radial immunodiffusion for IgM and automated immunoprecipitation for IgG and 19A. The results are shown in Table 6 and Figs 4, 5, and 6. The samples from patients came from a wide range of different disease states. Paraproteins were excluded as we do not quantitate them immunochemically. Discrepancies between immunochemical methods Table 6 samples Comparison of results on 150 patients' Parameter lnl.rcepl (iulml) IIA IIG 11 M (IS) 10·6 0 Downloaded from by guest on January 20, 2015 Slope (0'76) 0·99 0'98 Correlation COt!fficlen' 0'92 0·89 0'91 J. T. Whicher, D. E. Perry, and J. R. Hobbs 82 4SO 3'.iO 400 300 3SO 250 300 -:. ~250 E ~ 200 ~ 150 « .' 100 .-: 50 ../::...::: : .: o ' . . Cl lSO 0: 100 : . so r.. ,.' .. 50 iu/ml Laser 100 150 200 o¥--~-~~-~-..-----,--~--r-.,.-o SO 100 150 200 25O:IX) ~ 400 4SO 250 Loser (ju/ml) Fig.4 IgA: comparison of AlP and laser nephelometer. Fig.6 IgM: comparison of RID and laser nephelometer. 180 300 ....--/-_.-.--. 0 - / 160 120 .2 0- / 100 « 100 ~: .. '.,. \I) ...J 80 -: /0 ° 140 200 0---.----- / ./ _0 _0 . • 19A • IgM • IgG 0: Oh-."""""""""""--"--"""""""""""""""""""""""""""T""T"T""TT""T""-rT" o 100 200 300 60 Laser iu/ml Fig. 5 IgG: comparison of AlP and laser nephelometer. 40 ° I 20 may be method dependent or antiserum dependent. Both factors are known to influence the measurement of C3 (Alper and Rosen, 1975) and haptoglobin (Laurell, 1972), but have not yet been fully studied for the measurement of immunoglobulins (Grubb, 1973). It was not possible to evaluate the relative contributions of the two factors. ° 0 a ~ 40 60 80 100 .120 (min) Fig. 7 The effect of incubation time on the development ofRLS. Downloaded from by guest on January 20, 2015 An evaluation of the Hyland laser nephelometer PDQ system for the measurement of immunoglobulins The method comparison data for the IgA are not well described by a linear regression and are best described by a curve (Fig. 4). This is probably owing to the fact that the high IgA samples had not reached completion of reaction during the incubation time of one hour (Fig. 7) and are consequently producing lower results at antigen concentrations above 150 iu/rnl, The slope of the regression for samples above this value is 1·4. A regression of the samples with values below 150 iu/rnl has a slope of 1·0. The data given in Table 6 are thus of little use for IgA. The IgG and IgM results show a good correlation between laser nephelometry and RID. MEASUREMENT OF REFERENCE MATERIALS The reference materials were assayed in 10 separate batches. The mean values achieved using the Hyland PDQ standards are shown in Table 7. The values obtained for IgA are all significantly greater (by Student's t test, P > 0'001) than the ascribed values. The mean values obtained for IgG are lower and those for IgM are inconsistent. Table 7 Assay of other reference material Parameter Reference material IgA WHO 67{99 IFCC 74/1 Behring standard serum Value obtained (iulml) Percentage deviation 149 105'6 108 157 +9'7 +1'8 +5·3 Ascribed value (iulml) 96'2 106 IIG WHO 67/99 IFCC 74/1 Behring standard serum 96'2 107 148 93'6 105·6 140'7 -2'7 -1'3 -5-1 11M WHO 67/99 IFCC 74/1 Behring standard serum 96'2 145 133 99·6 146 130 +3'5 +0'7 -2'3 83 180 160 140 120 100 • PDQ Standards '" ..J 60 - WHO 67/99 • IgA ParaproI,,;n "'60 40 20 ,.1,- a .,.0a 200 300 400 iu/ml The IgA content of the paraprotein containing serum was calculated from the lowest dilution shown. Fig. 8 IgA assay: laser nephelometer readings obtained for the Hyland PDQ reference sera (PDQ standards) and serial dilutions of WHO 67/99 and an IgA paraprotein containing serum. kindly provided by Dr Kirrane of the Mater Hospital, Dublin. These were obtained from 182 normal healthy blood donors in the age range 18 to 65 years (Table 8). The normal range was derived using a log gaussian distribution. The validity of the assumption was tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (Massey, 1951), there being no significant deviation at the 5 % level. A non-parametric method gave comparable results (Reed et al., 1971). These normal ranges are similar to those obtained by radial immunodiffusion (Maddison and Reimer, 1976). Normal range for IgA, IgG, and IgM using the Hyland laser nephelometer PDQ system Table 8 Parameter Unit IgA gil iu/ml gil iu/ml gil iu/ml IgG TESTS FOR PARALLELISM BETWEEN VARIOUS TEST MATERIALS The Hyland PDQ standards, WHO 67/99, and a number of sera containing paraproteins all gave parallel dilution curves for the three immunoglobulins. An example of the curves obtained for IgA is shown in Fig. 8. It is interesting that the paraproteins show similar behaviour, in this system, to sera with polyclonal immunoglobulins. NORMAL RANGE The normal range data for IgG, IgM, and 19A derived using the Hyland laser nephelometer were IgM 95 % confidence interval 0'85-3'35 62'5-246 6-51-15'0 8Q.-185 0'65-3,\3 73'5-381 FACTORS AFFECTING ACCURACY Antibody specificity is clearly important in any immunochemical method. The Hyland antisera were found to be monospecific when tested by crossed immunoelectrophoresis. All nephelometric techniques for protein measurement suffer from the potential problem of immune complex solubility at extreme antigen excess. This may result in high antigen concentrations giving Downloaded from by guest on January 20, 2015 84 J. T. Whicher, D. E. Perry, and J. R. Hobbs a falsely low result. In immunoglobulin assays this applies particularly to unsuspected paraproteins giving apparently normal or low results. We found no problems with polyclonal hypergarnrnaglobulinaemias with levels up to three times that of the highest reference. We did observe the problem with one IgG paraprotein which gave a level of 1304 iu/rnl (104·8 gil) when assayed at a 1:5 dilution but gave a value of 254 iu/rnl when assayed directly. This problem is thoroughly discussed in the information sheet provided by Hyland (Technical Discussion Document No. 32) and by Deaton et al. (1976). The diluent used for the blank determinations in this evaluation was 0'15 mol/l sodium chloride. It is apparent, however, that there is a substantial difference between the blank values obtained using the sodium chloride diluent and those obtained using a solution containing polyethylene glycol at the same concentration as is present in the test reagent (Table 9). This difference is much more pronounced for some samples than others and does not relate to the presence of obvious turbidity. We feel that the use of a polyethylene glycol containing blank diluent is essential; this will be available in future reagent packages from Hyland. High concentrations of antigen take longer to reach maximum RLS than low concentrations. In the case of IgG and IgM all the reference sera had reached plateau values by the end of the one-hour incubation period. This is not the case for 19A, it is thus important that an adequate incubation period of more than two hours is used for this assay. It is probable that this problem could be overcome by using a higher affinity antibody. Sensitivity The sensitivity of the system is limited only by the high blank values obtained at low sample dilutions. For serum immunoglobulins the range of measurement is very wide at the recommended sample dilution on a single instrument sensitivity setting. Table 9 Blank values achieved using 0·15 moll I sodium chloride and polyethylene glycol containing diluent (1 :1000 sample dilution) Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0'/5 molll sodium chloride 9 6'7 10'8 29·1 166'7 9'3 4·4 3·6 5'9 2·2 Polyethylene glycol 14'4 10'3 13'6 46'5 189'3 29 9'6 6'7 7·0 35 Precision is improved, however, by assaying low concentrations at a higher sensitivity setting than is used for normal assays (see Fig. 3). IgG may be measured in both urine and cerebrospinal fluid by employing a lower sample dilution (1 :400); this is possible owing to the low blank values obtained with these fluids. We successfully measured IgA in saliva using a 1:400 sample dilution. The lower limit of the reference range under these circumstances is 0·015 gil with the expected normal range for saliva being 0'03-0'2 gil. Sensitivity is thus more than adequate for measuring low levels of immunoglobulins in fluids other than serum. Subjective assessment The instrument is quick, reliable, and easy to use. Very little training was required to operate the system competently. Regular 'same day' reporting of results was achieved, in line with other biochemical measurements performed within the laboratory. The wide reference range and high sensitivity eliminates the need for special 'low level' assay systems. The use of the on-line Hewlett Packard 9815 calculator removed much of the tedium associated with reading and calculating the results. The dilution systems supplied with the instrument were somewhat slow and tedious in use and we now make all dilutions using a fully automatic MicroMedic dilutor. The use of a five-second rather than a 15-second computing time improved the precision and increased the speed of the analysis. The sample size required is small, 1-5 fIoI, making the instrument suitable for paediatric work. It is expected that a fully automated sample handling system will be available soon to run in conjunction with the present nephelometer using a flow-through cuvette: this will almost double the price of the system but will make a substantial improvement in the practicability of the instrument for handling large workloads. We should like to thank the Hyland Division of Travenol Laboratories Inc. for supplying reagent kits, Mr J. Hunt for arranging the computer processing of the data, and Dr J. A. Kirrane and Dr M. Buggy for the normal range data. References Alper, C. A., and Rosen, F. S. (1975). Clinical application of complement assays. Advances in Internal Medicine, 20, 61-88. Buffone, G. J., Savory, J., and Hermans, J. (1975). Evaluation of kinetic light scattering as an approach to the measurement of specific proteins with the centrifugal analyser. II. Theoretical considerations. Clinical Chemistry, 21, 1735-1746. Downloaded from by guest on January 20, 2015 An evaluation of the Hyland laser nephelometer PDQ system for the measurement of immunoglobuhns Buttner, J., Borth, R., Bostwell, J. H., Broughton, P. M. G., and Bowyer, R. C. (1976). International Federation of Clinical Chemistry Committee on Standards: Provisional recommendation on quality control in clinical chemistry. Assessment of analytical methods for routine use. Clinica chimica acta, 69, FI-FI7. Caputo, M. J. (1976). In Clinical Evaluation of Serum Protein Quantitation by a New Laser Nephelometer. Protides of Biological Fluids. 24th Colloquium, pp. 677-685. Edited by H. Peeters. Pergamon Press: Oxford. Deaton, C. D., Maxwell, K. W., Smith, R. S., and Creveling, R. L. (1976). Use of laser nephelometry in the measurements of serum proteins. Clinical Chemistry, 22,1465-1471. Grubb, A. (1973). Immunochemical quantitation of IgG: influences of the antiserum and antigenic population. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, 31, 465-472. Hall, C. C. (1973). Polyethylene mixing coils in automated immuno-nephelometric assay. Clinica chimica acta, 46, 21-2.5. Hobbs, J. R. (1970). Simplified radial immunodiffusion. Association of Clinical Pathologists Broadsheet, 68, 1-8. Kahan, J., and Sundblat, L. (1967). Automated Immuno- 85 chemical Determination of {J-Lipoprotein. Techicon International Symposia 196.5-1967-Automation in Analytical Chemistry, volume 2, pp. 361-364. Medaid Inc. : New York. Lauren, CoB. (1972). Electroimmunoassay. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, 29, Supplement 124, 21-37. Libby, R. L. (1938). The photonreflectometer; an instrument for the measurement of turbid systems. Journal of Immunology, 34, 71-73. Lizana, J., and Hellsing, K. (1974). Manual immunonephelometric assay of proteins with the use of polymer enhancement. Clinical Chemistry, 20, 1181-1186. Maddison, S. E., and Reimer, C. B. (1976). Normative values of serum immunoglobulins by single radial immunodiffusion. A review. Clinical Chemistry, 22, .594-601. Massey, F. J. (1951). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of goodness of fit. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 46, 68-78. Reed, A. H., Henry, R. J., and Mason, W. B. (1971). Influence of the statistical method used on the resulting estimate of normal range. Clinical Chemistry, 17,27.5-284. Accepted for publication 21 September 1977 Downloaded from by guest on January 20, 2015
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