Title: Dairy Overseas Date Released: December 29, 2014 Contact: Liz Fitzsimmons at 608-444-3820 News Release: TAKING DAIRY KNOWLEDGE ACROSS THE OCEAN Nutritionist Travels Overseas To Train Madison, Wisc. – For Gary Geisler, regional calf and heifer specialist for Purina Animal Nutrition, his days are usually spent on Wisconsin dairy farms giving guidance on young herd health management. “As a calf and heifer specialist I work with dairy farmers to build better heifers. I work with sales people, feed dealers that have clients and it’s all about improving health and growth of calves.” Geisler explained. Yet, for the past two years, Geisler has also traveled halfway across the world to assist farmers in Lebanon with the Land O’Lakes Farmer-to-Farmer program. “The Farmer to Farmer program is funded through the US Aid for International Development, and the program that I was on was facilitated by Land O’Lakes International Development.” said Geisler. This is not only being an incredible experience, it’s an opportunity to offer insight and share knowledge to other producers. “There’s a lot of innovation being implemented, new technologies, new innovations in dairy throughout the state of Wisconsin, and I think it serves as a good model for implementing those technologies throughout the world.” Geisler stated. Beyond the Farmer-to-Farmer program, other Wisconsin dairy farmers are traveling overseas to assist those in different areas of the world. Dairy farmer, Katie Grinstead from Vir Clar Farms in Fond Du Lac, Wisc. recently returned from a trip to China where she discussed information about calf hutches. “I pretty much gave them a virtual tour of the farm and talked to a lot of them about the differences farming in China versus farming in the US and it was a wonderful learning experience. I really enjoyed it.” Grinstead said. For Geisler and Grinstead, they both realize that assisting farmers in overseas is the right thing to do and hope to gain more support for their efforts. “One of my goals is that I can motivate a farmer in Wisconsin, or several farmers in Wisconsin, to be interested and participate and be willing to share their knowledge and experience with dairymen in another country.” Geisler explained. Learn more about the Land O’Lakes Farmer to Farmer program at their website: http://www.idd.landolakes.com/Where-We-Work/Middle-East/Lebanon/Farmer-to-Farmer. . ###
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