S E L E C T I O N IN B E E F C A T T L E II. S E L E C T I O N RESPONSE 1,2 Robert M. Koch 3 , Keith E. Gregory4 and Larry V. Cundiff4 University of Nebraska and U.S. Department of Agriculture Clay Center 68933 Summary weaning gain or yearling weight may increase weaning gain or weight more than direct Selection response was studied in three lines selection for these traits. Response in postof Hereford cattle selected for (1) weaning weaning gain and yearling weight per unit of weight (WWL), (2) yearling weight (YWL) or selection applied was relatively large (0.37 and (3) index of yearling weight and muscling score 0.48). Correlated responses to selection in the (IXL). Selection response was evaluated by three lines suggest that a wide variety of several measures of offspring regression on selection patterns will lead to improvement in selection in parents. Average estimated reall traits even though optimum selection sponse, expressed in standard deviation units indexes may maximize improvement in particper generation, in the three lines, WWL, YWL ular traits. and IXL, were: birth weight, 0.22, 0.28 and 0.28; weaning daily gain, 0.20, 0.13 and 0.12; Introduction weaning weight, 0.23, 0.17 and 0.15; postweaning daily gain 0.28, 0.42 and 0.33; yearling Breeding objectives involving single or weight, 0.36, 0.43 and 0.33 and muscling score, multiple traits, stated in measurable aesthetic, -.03, 0.01 and 0.24, respectively. Birth weight response per unit of selection was 0.47 and economic or biological terms, form the basis of appeared highly correlated genetically with all selection programs. Selection applied is usually performance traits. Expected increase in birth measured by the observed selection differentials weight could be reduced 30% if all emphasis on or by an index that expresses the average growth was directed to postnatal growth rate relative weight given to observed selection rather than weaning or yearling weight. differentials for each trait involved in multiple Response per unit of selection applied was low trait selection. Individual sires and dams are the for weaning gain or weight (0.10 or 0.12) units selected, but the effective selection units relative to other traits. Selection for post- are the midparents, i.e., sire and dam pairs that produce each subsequent generation. Natural selection, unintended attention to traits or chance may modify actual midparent selection aPublished as Paper No. 3545, Journal Series, as compared with selection intentions. Genetic Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station. Contribu- changes from selection are reflected in phenotion from North Central Regional Project NC-1, Improvement of Beef Cattle Through .Breeding typic values of offspring from selected parents Methods. and form a basis for evaluating selection The authors gratefully acknowledge assistance of effectiveness. the late J. E. Ingalls, W. W. Rowden, J. A. This paper is an evaluation of offspring Rothlisherger and R. D. Humphrey in collection of data and supervision of livestock operations. Special response to intrayear differences in cumulative recognition is given to G. E. Dickerson for assistance midparent selection for weaning weight, yearwith numeroustheoretical aspects of the study. ling weight and muscling score in three lines of ~ of Animal Science, University of Hereford cattle. Offspring-parent regressions in Nebraska, U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay selected vs. unselected parental populations are Center, Nebraska 68933. 4 U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, North Central examined. Estimates of genetic change in Region, A.R.S., Clay Center, Nebraska 68933. various traits due to selection are presented. 459 JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, vol. 39, no. 3, 1974 460 KOCH, GREGORY AND CUNDIFF Materials and Methods Three 150-cow-6-sire selection lines were established in 1960 at the Fort Robinson Beef Cattle Research Station, Crawford, Nebraska. In one fine the selection objective was weaning weight (standardized to 200 days of age and adjusted for age of dam). In a second line the selection criterion was adjusted yearling weight (252 or 350 days post-weaning gain of bulls or heifers added to 200 day weight). An index giving equal emphasis to standardized deviations of adjusted yearling weight and a muscling score was the selection objective for the third line. Details related to line formation, measurement of performance traits, calculation of selection differentials, selection indexes in retrospect and generation interval were presented in the first paper of this series (Koch, Gregory and Cundiff, 1974). Selection and response were expressed in standard deviation units for all traits. The experimental design incorporated regular replacement of bulls and heifers, without further selection based on progeny performance, to permit intrayear comparisons of animals representing different generations and differing in accumulated selection differential. Analysis on an intrayear basis avoided year to year fluctuations caused by environmental, management or genetic causes. Phenotypic time trends were examined but selection response was estimated primarily from: (1) sire and dam selection indexes combined with estimates of genetic covariance from paternal half-sibs; (2) regression of offspring deviations on generation coefficients; (3) simple regression of offspring deviations on cumulative midparent selection differentials; (4) partial regression of offspring deviations on cumulative midparent selection differentials; (5) and regression of offspring on midparent averaged over lines and sexes used in conjunction with the midparent index in retrospect. Muscfing score was not obtained for most of the dams in this study. However, muscling scores were obtained on all heifers born since 1967. Muscling score response in these heifers was analyzed on the 178, 175 and 179 heifers born in 1967 to 1970 in the weaning weight, yearling weight and index lines, respectively. Abbreviations used are outlined below: WWL - Weaning weight line YWL - Yearling weight line IXL - Index of yearling weight and muscling score line GC - Generation coefficient A - Deviation from average as appropriate for selection differentials or genetic change I - Index of selection for sires, dams or midparents G - Average genetic value /~ - Standard partial regression coefficients BW - Birth weight WDG - Weaning daily gain WW - Weaning weight PDG - Postweaning daily gain YW - Yearling weight MS - Muscling score Results and Discussion Phenotypic Time Trends. Trait means by lines, years and sex are shown in table 1. Regressions of trait means on years, shown in table 1, include genetic and environmental trends. Average values of the annual means over all years, however, do provide estimates of relative average genetic merit of calves in each line. Division of cattle at the beginning of the experiment was at random giving each line similar expected genetic values. Birth weight increased in all lines. Rate of change was greatest in IXL. The average birth weight of bulls and heifers over these years was greatest in IXL and least in WWL, but average differences were small. The average regression of weaning weight on years was larger in IXL and WWL than YWL. However, the average regressions were similar to t h e regressions on birth weight which suggests most of the change could be accounted for by increase in birth weight. Yearling weight presents a confusing pattern. In bulls the average weight over years was highest in YWL and smallest in WWL, but the regression on years was negative in all lines. Because of the change in feeding program for bulls and heifers in 1964, the annual means for 1963 were not used in calculating the regressions of yearling weight, but are included in the average value over all years. The low performance in 1969 and 1970 were thought to be due to severe weather and disease conditions. In any case, phenotypic regressions on years were not considered good measures of genetic change in bulls partly because ad libitum feeding of a complete ration could not be accommodated (hay was offered ad libitum and concentrates were fed at 1.75 to 2.0% of average body weight) and partly due to poor feedlot conditions in 1969 and 1970. The postweaning feeding and management program used for bulls did permit assessment of genetic 461 SELECTION IN BEEF CATTLE TABLE 1. ANNUAL TRAIT MEANS AND REGRESSION OF MEANS ON YEARS a,b Item Line BW(kg) Bulls Heif. WW(kg) Bulls Heif. YW(kg) Bulls Heif. MS(units) Bulls Heif. 1963 WWL YWL IXL 35.4 36.7 36.3 34.5 34.0 33.6 200.9 203.2 199.5 185.9 176.0 185.0 444.4 459.4 449.9 352.8 340.6 355.1 81 83 82 WWL YWL IXL 1965 WWL YWL IXL 1966 WWL YWL IXL 1967 WWL YWL IXL 1968 WWL YWL IXL 1969 WWL YWL IXL 1970 WWL YWL IXL AVG WWL YWL IXL REGR c WWL YWL IXL 37,2 36.3 36.7 35.4 36.7 36.3 34.9 34.9 36.7 37.2 38.1 37.6 38.1 38.1 38.1 38.5 39.5 39.5 37.6 38.5 39.5 36.8 37.4 37.6 0.4 0.4 0.5 33.6 34.5 33.6 33.1 34.5 34.0 33.1 33.6 34.9 35.4 34.9 36.3 35.4 36.3 35.8 36.7 36.7 37.2 35.4 35.8 36.7 34.6 35.0 35.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 202.7 195.5 197.3 202.3 204.5 204.1 210.4 201.8 202.3 215.4' 215.9 209.5 211.3 198.6 208.6 203.2 199.1 195.0 201.4 202.3 205.9 206.0 202.6 202.8 0.5 0.1 0.6 185.0 185.5 182.3 192.7 184.1 191.4 192.7 185.9 191.4 205.4 197.3 195.5 195.0 186.4 194.6 190.5 183.2 187.3 185.5 182.8 184.6 191.6 185.2 189.0 0.5 0.7 0.4 431.7 434.5 434.9 423.6 444.9 439.5 451.7 449.9 446.7 437.2 449.4 429.9 470.3 461.2 470.3 416.8 415.9 409.5 415.0 420.9 427.2 436.3 442.0 438.5 -1.6 -3.1 -2.1 366.9 372.3 359.6 380.0 371.9 381.9 387.3 390.5 395.0 405.0 405.4 403.6 396.8 384.6 401.8 403.2 408.6 407.3 381.9 376.9 383.7 384.2 381.4 386.0 3.6 2.9 82 82 83 82 83 84 83 83 84 81 82 82 81 82 82 81 81 83 81 82 82 81.5 82.2 82.8 1964 81 81 82 81 80 81 81 81 83 80 81 81 80.8 80.8 81.8 4.6 a A p p r o x i m a t e standard errors for annual m e a n s for a line w e r e : BW, + .5 kg; WW, • 2.5 kg; YW, +- 4.6 kg; and MS, -+ .3 units. b B w and WW adjusted for age o f dam. WW standardized at 2 0 0 d a y s o f age, Y W at 4 5 2 d a y s o f age for bulls a n d 5 5 0 d a y s for heifers. CRegressions for yearling w e i g h t are for 1 9 6 4 t o 19"/0 due to change in feeding and m a n a g e m e n t in 1 9 6 4 , differences within years but was not conducive to direct evaluation of genetic trends between years. Beginning with 1964, heifers w~ere grown out postweaning on winter range supplemented with sufficient hay, protein and grain to achieve an average weight approximating 275 kg just prior to the breeding season and then carried unsupplemented on summer pasture to the end o f their performance period. Unrestricted grazing o f winter and summer pasture would more nearly approach ad libitum feeding conditions for heifers than for bulls. Large annual increases in yearling weight o f heifers, actually 550-day weight, were noted in all lines. The greatest rate o f change and the heaviest yearling weights were in the IXL heifers and least in the YWL heifers. Averages for muscling score were highest in IXL and lowest in WWL. Regressions were not calculated because persons doing the scoring each year a t t e m p t e d to give average animals a score o f 80 with corresponding deviations above and below average. Evaluation o f phenotypic means b y a more elaborate statistical model would be necessary for further useful statements on genetic or environmental trends. Expected Genetic Change (Method One). 462 KOCH, GREGORY AND CUNDIFF Expected genetic progress in each trait (AGi) covariance among heifers was used for estican be calculated from the selection applied in mating genetic change in dams. For example, each trait (AI'/3tpk), the genetic correlation estimated genetic chang e in weaning weight of (rGjk) and the square roots of heritability (h) as sires in WWL using 11 was [0.643 (0.160) + 0.415 (0.126) + 0.037 (-.063)1 1.582 = 0.24 AGi = .~(/3iPk'rGik'hihk)AI (Harvey and Bear- standard deviations for weaning weight. Simden, 1~62; Dickerson, 1969). Genetic change ilarly, expected change in other traits of sires expected from sire selection and from dam and traits of dams were calculated. The selection was evaluated. Sire and dam selection estimated genetic change from sires and from indexes I1 and I2 reported in Koch et al. dams were averaged to give estimates of change (1974) provided the appropriate AI and/3xp k expected in offspring per generation. The terms, where AI is the selection differential of average values are shown as method 1 in table the index in standard measure and /3ipk the 6. Regression of Offspring on Generations of standard partial regression of index on the k th Selection (Method 2). Sires of ages 3 to 5 years trait. Estimates of heritability (h 2) and genetic and dams of ages 2 to 10 years and their correlations (rGik) and genetic covariance in random mating provided considerable variation standard measure (rGik'hihk) were obtained in generations of selection represented in lines from paternal half-sib analysis within each line for any given year. Generation coefficients, GC and sexbut pooled over the three lines as shown = (GCs + GCd)/2 + 1, where GCs and GCd are the generation coefficients of sires and dams, in table 2. Except for birth weight, heritabilities in measure the average number of segregations table 2 are slightly smaller than the average back to foundation animals. The intrayear paternal half-sib estimates summarized by Petty standard deviation of generation coefficients and Cartwright (1966), which were BW, 0.44; was 0.34 indicating an expected range of about WDG, 0.34; WW, 0.32; PDG, d 0.54, 9 0.35; 1.7 generations. Regression of offspring deviYW, d 0.62, 9 0.41. Selection may have biased ations, expressed in standard measure, on estimates in this study downward as suggested generation coefficients within year, line and sex by the work of Ronningen (1972a). Estimated subclasses provide a direct estimate of genetic genetic change for weaning weight, yearl!ng change per generation of selection. These weight and muscling score utilized the Ii sire regression coefficients are shown for bulls and and dam indexes. Estimated change in birth heifers of the three lines in the top part of table weight, weaning daily gain, postweaning daily 3. There was no consistent difference between gain, and muscling score utilized the I2 sire and bulls and heifers for preweaning traits. Heifers dam indexes. Genetic covariance for bulls was generally exhibited a greater increase per used for estimating genetic gain in sires. Genetic generation than bulls for postweaning gain and TABLE 2. HERITABILITY, GENETIC CORRELATIONS AND GENETIC COVARIANCE FROM PATERNAL HALF-SIB ANALYSIS OF COVARIANCE POOLED OVER THE THREE LINES a Trait Sex BW WDG WW PDG YW MS BW Bull Heif. .51 + .09 .59 + .12 .19 -+ .19 .19 + .19 .50 + .15 .47 + .15 .58 + .12 .40 + .12 .70 + .11 .50 + .11 .24 +- .15 .07 +- .21 WDG Bull Heif. .049 .058 .13 + .07 .16 +- .10 .94 + .02 .93 + .02 .09 -+ .22 .35 + .19 .56 + .15 .61 + .10 - . 4 7 + .33 .22 -+ .42 WW Bull Heif. ,143 ,157 .136 .162 .16 + .07 .19 + .10 .27 + ,20 .44 + ,17 .72 -+ .11 .70 -+ .08 - . 3 2 + .29 .18 +- .33 PDG Bull Heif. ,194 .246 .015 .112 .051 .153 .22 + ,08 .64 + ,12 .86 + .05 .96 + .04 - . 2 9 + .22 .11 + ,21 YW Bull ,218 .088 .126 .176 .19 + .08 - . 5 0 + .26 MS Heif. Bull Heif. .260 .084 .029 .166 -.083 .048 .207 -.063 .043 .521 -.067 .048 .46 + .11 -.107 .045 .12 + .23 .24 + .08 .30 + .14 aHeritability values and standard errors are along diagonal, g e n e t i c c o r r e l a t i o n s and t h e i r standard errors are t o t h e right o f diagonal, and genetic covariance is to the left of diagonal. SELECTION IN BEEF CATTLE 463 +i+i+f +i+i+i +i+~+i +f+i+f +f+i+i +i+i+i +i +i +i 0 I I " I" I " I" ' " I" " " I' " I" I" " I. . . . 0 8 9 o o I I I II II II II I 0 o~ ~0~ u 0 o II 0 +1 ~ 0 Zz~ I ~Z~.l <z l ZZ~, ,..1> I II I I I o .~.~. 0 I I I I 9~.~. ~ I "~ r / / I I" 0 oO I 9 ~ . 0 [3 r3 464 KOCH, GREGORY AND CUNDIFF yearling weight. Genetic values of parents of bulls and heifers have the same expected value. Therefore, differences observed in response measured in bulls and heifers may be due to chance, differential expression of genetic differences or differences in the feeding and management conditions for the two sexes. Differences in the feeding and management of the two sexes and chance likely account for differences observed in these data. Average response for the two sexes are shown in table 6 as method 2. Regression of Offspring on Midparent Cumulative Selection Differentials (Method 3). In an unselected population regression of offspring deviation, expressed in standard measure, on midparent selection differential would be an estimate of total correlation and is a measure of direct or correlated response to selection. The regression includes genetic and phenotypic contributions from maternal influence if these are important sources of variation (Koch, 1972). Intrayear regressions of offspring deviation on midparent cumulative selection differentials were calculated and are presented in the lower portion of table 3. These are similar to the more frequently used offspringparent regressions except that the cumulative parental differentials include average deviations of ancestors back to foundation animals. Use of cumulative selection differentials permits evaluation of intrayear differences among offspring from parental groups that differ more widely in selection applied than would be possible among contemporary parental groups. Regression coefficients along the diagonal can be considered as selection specific estimates of heritability and off-diagonal regressions as change expected in correlated traits in each line. The expected value of the regression coefficient can be expressed as a function of the index of selection and genetic and phenotypic covariances in an unselected population (Magee, 1965; Dickerson, 1969, p. 61). In standard measure, the expected selection differential per generation for any trait, Pi is E ~ i = [~ip~'rjk]AI/oi, where A"~j is the k " average observed midparent selection differential,/3xp k is the standard partial regression of index on the kth trait, rjk is the phenotypic correlation between j and k in an unselected population, AI is the average selection differential of the index and oi is the standard deviation of the index. Expected genetic gain per generation is EzSG~= ~ (/3iv. rG.. 9 k K JK hjhk] Al/al, where hj and hk are the square roots of heritability of j and k, rGj k their genetic correlation, AI and oi as explained before. The regression of offspring on midparent has the same expectation as the ratio, ~-(]j/z~j, which is specific to each population of index /3's even when underlying genetic parameters are similar between populations. Response of offspring per generation of selection is predicted by multiplying appropriate regression coefficients in table 3 by observed selection differentials for midparents as reported earlier in Koch et al. (1974). For example, estimated change of weaning weight in the WWL is 0.35(0.958)= 0.335 for bulls and 0.22(0.958)= 0.211 for heifers and their average of 0.27 standard deviations per generation. Average response of bulls and heifers per generation estimated as outlined above is shown as method 3 in table 6. Regression as obtained among unselected parents and unselected offspring would be more useful for generalizing prediction of expected selection response than the selection specific regressions shown in table 3. Extent of selection bias and alternative methods of expressing covariation between parent and offspring in terms of an unselected population were examined. VanVleck (1968) and Ronningen (1970) used Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate selection bias in estimates of genetic correlations between two traits with various selection weightings, heritability levels and true genetic correlations between the two traits. They noted that bias increased as selection intensity increased, but for practical selection levels encountered in milk production situations they concluded the bias was likely small relative to the sampling errors of estimated genetic correlations. In Monte Carlo studies of selection effects on heritability estimated by parent-offspring regression, Ronningen (1972b) noted that when selection was on parents but not on offspring the regression gave unbiased estimates of heritability for the case of single trait selection. The effects of multiple trait selection seem to have received less attention in studies of bias than single or two trait selection. To evaluate the bias encountered here Alan Robertson (personal communication) suggested using the following formulation. For traits linearly related, say i, j and k with selection on i, COVikt = COVjk [1 _ srij rikl ri k j where COVikt is the covariance between two traits j and k in the selected population and COVjk the covariance in SELECTION IN BEEF CATTLE the unselected population; s = (oi 2 -oi2t)/ai 2, is the fraction that variance in i is reduced by selection and the r's are correlations in an unselected population. The formula given above derives from formulas first developed by Pearson (1903). Multiple trait selection can be accommodated by considering the index as a single trait with truncation selection on the index (7). Since unselected offspring are a reflection of the genetic values of parents the problem can be treated as bias affecting the regression of average genetic value (G) on phenotype (P)in the parents with selection on I. The expected value for the regression in the selected population is b~v = bGp rrGP s (riG rip) 7 Gp-S (rGp r2ip)_J and as rlGrIp --> rGpr2ip, the bias ~ 0. Thus, regression on the index or when I = P is unbiased by selection. Brown and Turner (1968) used a similar approach in evaluating selection effects on parameter estimates in Merino sheep. Evaluation of selection bias by this formula requires accurate estimates of genetic and phenotypic parameters. "Alternatively, a method estimating response free of bias was pursued. 465 contained the variables birth weight, weaning daily gain, postweaning daily gain and muscling score. Traits affecting fitness or fertility were left unmeasured but may have affected selection. The correlated portion of ignored effects could bias the partial regressions of variables included in the index in a manner similar to the bias discussed earlier. However, these biased partial regressions pick up the correlated part of the predicted value of any traits ignored in the index. Partial regression coefficients for combinations one and two are shown in table 4. Change in unselected offspring is a reflection of change in genetic value of parents, plus any direct maternal affects. Response per generation__may be estimated by Z(APk 9 b*jfi-k), where API~ is the average midparent select16a] differential and b*j~k is the partial regression of j in offspring on k in midparents. Average selection differentials of selected midparents were given in table 5, Koch et al. (1974). Response in WW, YW and MS were estimated from partial regression coefficients in combination one, while coefficients in combination two were used to estimate BW, WDG, PDG and MS. For example, estimated response for WW of bulls in the WWL was 0.1356(0.958) + 0.2555(0.886) .1015(0.257)= 0.33 and for heifers was -.0006(0.958) + 0.2395(0.886) + 0.1480(0.257) = 0.250 and their average is 0.29 standard deviations per generation. Average estimated response of bulls and heifers per generation calculated as described above is shown in table 6 as method 4. Response in muscling score is the average of estimates from combinations one and two. Partial Regression of Offspring Deviations on Midparent Cumulative Selection Differentials (Method 4). In a system of linearly related variables, such as genetic and phenotypic values of various performance traits, the multiple regression of offspring on parent should provide a more accurate evaluation or prediction of Regression of Offspring on Midparent in an offspring response or average genetic value than Unselected Population (Method 5). Partial single trait regression. Further, a theorem given regressions in table 4 can be used to estimate by Pearson (1903) states that if a trait was simple offspring-midparent regression coeffiaffected only by indirect selection (as in the cients in an unselected population. The partial case of genetic values here), then its partial regression coefficients, bojp-k, have an expected regression coefficients on any complex of other traits, provided it includes all the directly value of /~oi~k "Oo,/Off,. and the correlation selected traits, will remain unchanged by the between j in offspring and k in midparents is selection. k~(/~ojFk -r~iFk ), where rFj~k is the phenotypic Multiple regression of standardized offspring correlation between midparent values. In these deviations on cumulative midparent selection data the phenotypic correlations between j and differentials for two alternative combinations k of unselected bull and heifer offspring (Koch of traits thought to include those performance et al., 1974) were averaged to estimate the traits that contributed significantly to selection correlations between midparent values for all in the parents were obtained on an intrayear, traits except MS where correlations among bull line and sex subclass basis. Combination one offspring were used. The simple regression of j was comprised of cumulative midparent selec- in offspring on k in midparents is rojffk ~ tion differentials for weaning weight, yearling weight, and muscling score. Alternatively, Ooj/O~k = k~(~]oj-15k ~ r~j~k)Ooj/O~k = k~(bo*j~k ~ performance measured in combination two r~j~k ). For example, the regression of BW of 466 KOCH, GREGORY +l+l+l +1+1+1 +1+1+1 oo.o, qoo, q~.~. ~,o,o, +1+1+1 +1+1+1 + 1 + 1 +1 +1 @1 +1 '[email protected] C,100C,~ ",~r162 U'~ILO I" I" " " " I" "1 . . . . I" AND CUNDIFF I" " I" " o,1~o.10',~b~c--co '..0r i-..1o1.1 . . . . "'1 . . . . . I'" "'1 . . . . . I'1" "1 . . . . . O I" I" I" I''1 . . . . . . I''1 . . . . . I' " I" O'~b-c-Ob-~ I" " 9 " c-.r L~~.-~b-,:.l 0 I" I" I . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . '~ t'1" I'" I" g 0 33 .~ I'" I" "1" "1 . . . . . . I" " ~ 0 0 4o ~ ~ 2 ~ "'1 . . . . I''1" I''1 . . . . . "1"1 . . . . I'" 1''1" . . . . 1. . . . . I" "1" I" "1" "1 . . . . . . . . I" I" " I. . . . . " I" " t" "~ N e~ "1"1 . . . . . I'" . . . . . . . . . . ~.~. "1"1 . . . . ;1"" e,!.qO " qqq I I I" m. q q I 4 0 +, 0 !, SELECTION IN BEEF CATTLE 467 TABLE 5. ESTIMATED REGRESSION OF OFFSPRING ON MIDPARENT IN AN UNSELECTED POPULATION Offspring: Midparent BW WDG WW PDG YW MS BW WDG WW PDG YW MW Line Bulls Heif. Bulls Heif. Bulls Heif. Bulls Heif. Bulls Heif. Bulls Heif. WWL YWL IXL Avg WWL YWL IXL Avg WWL YWL IXL Avg WWL YWL IXL Avg WWL YWL IXL Avg WWL YWL IXL Avg .41 .52 .44 .46 .35 .10 .04 .16 .55 .06 .09 .23 .31 .25 .17 .24 .62 .20 .22 .35 .57 .06 .15 .26 -.01 -.24 .06 -.06 -.03 -.08 .17 .02 -.03 -.06 .17 .03 .04 -.08 .12 .02 .01 -.10 .18 .03 .35 .24 .32 .30 .44 .09 .01 .16 .09 .53 .01 .14 .11 .23 .47 .12 --.01 .20 .08 .48 .08 .05 .16 .13 .23 .26 .25 .30 .26 .13 - . 0 6 .01 - . 0 4 .03 .17 .14 .04 .15 .06 .18 .11 .10 .14 .12 .46 .22 .13 .30 .20 .16 - . 0 6 .17 - . 0 5 .05 .21 .16 .04 .17 .07 .28 .11 .11 .14 .11 .40 .14 .23 .19 .28 .28 .11 .17 .15 .21 .30 .26 .41 .28 .43 .33 .17 .27 .21 .31 .66 .22 .19 .32 .30 .25 .06 .14 .10 .18 .40 .31 .30 .34 .35 .44 .20 .21 .25 .27 .47 - . 0 8 .23 .03 .30 .01 .09 - . 0 7 .10 - . 0 7 .39 .00 .23 .03 .28 .29 .00 .13 .05 .17 bull offspring on BW o f midparents in WWL is 0.2920 + 0.2142(0.2250) + 0.0694(0.3265) + 0.3100(0.138) = 0.41. Similarly, the regression o f WW o f bull offspring on WW of midparents in WWL is 0.1356 + 0 . 2 5 5 5 ( 0 . 7 3 4 5 ) 0.I015(0.203) = 0.30. A summary o f these calculations is given in table 5. The difference between individual regressions in table 5 a n d corresponding regressions in table 3 estimate bias associated with selection. Although a few regressions appear biased to a sizeable extent, most estimates o f bias were small. Comparison of coefficients averaged over the three lines provides some idea of bias that may be encountered when pooling data from herds with different selection objectives. The average bias without regard to sign for the six offspring traits regressed on birth weight o f parents was 0.02 and similarly, average bias for regressions on weaning daily gain was 0.04, on weaning weight was 0.02, on postweaning daily gain was 0.03, on yearling weight was 0.04, and on muscling score was 0.05 with standard devia- .08 .21 .27 .19 .12 .23 .07 .14 .09 .24 .10 .14 .29 .32 .30 .30 .26 .36 .29 .30 .50 .07 .08 .22 .27 .29 .49 .35 .55 .41 .25 .40 .54 .43 .29 .42 .41 .55 .36 .44 .60 .66 .49 .58 .45 .14 .16 .25 .17 .20 .33 .24 .31 .14 .47 .31 .30 .14 .18 .21 .33 .31 .41 .35 .41 .30 .43 .38 .41 .10 .09 .20 .27 .40 .31 .33 .53 .33 .20 .35 .50 .37 .22 .36 .50 .48 .50 .49 .63 .56 .52 .57 .52 .11 .23 .29 -.03 -.10 .07 -.02 -.01 .17 .15 .10 --.05 .14 .16 .08 .12 .06 -.05 .04 .04 .17 .08 .10 .51 .22 .22 .32 tions of these differences approximating the magnitude of the average difference. If these differences are indicative of other selection situations it offers some hope that pooling data from many sources with varied selection objectives will provide parent-offspring regressions that may not be seriously biased, at least by selection, from those observed in unselected populations. Differences observed in the regression coefficients for the three lines may be due to sampling error, real differences in average maternal effects of the lines or possible bias from not including all important variables. In any case, the average regression over the three lines should be a better estimate o f the offspring-midparent regression in an unselected population than that o f any single line. Regressions averaged over lines were similar for preweaning traits o f bulls and heifers, but in postweaning traits regressions were consistently higher in heifers. Whether the difference in response is due to differential genetic expression for the two sexes, sampling error or 468 KOCH, GREGORY AND CUNDIFF postweaning management conditions of the two sexes is not known. In application it seems best to average the coefficients of bulls and heifers and use these to predict expected change in total calf crop even through it may understate or overstate change in either sex. One expects change in average genetic values over generations to be similar in the two sexes even though expression within a generation is related to phenotypic variation for each sex. Regression coefficients in table 5 averaged over lines and sexes and multiplied by appropriate terms o f the midparent._selection index (Koch et al., 1974) as ~(13i~k -bOj~k)Al is an estimate of response expected if selection in each line followed its index in retrospect but offspring response per unit o f selection was similar in all lines. For example, WW response in WWL is estimated by 89 + 0.11) + 0.415(0.25 + 0.27) - 0.034(0.05 + 0.17)] 0.995 = 0.19. Response estimated in this manner is summarized as method 5 in table 6. It should be noted that regressions in table 5 are not symmetric about the diagonal as expected if maternal influence was present to a different extent in the two relationships between traits of parent and offspring, i.e., boj~ k and bok~j. Also, genetic correlations estimated from these regressions were generally large or over 1.0 suggesting significant maternal effects may be present. TABLE 6. AVERAGE OFFSPRING RESPONSE PER GENERATION EXPRESSED IN STANDARD DEVIATION UNITS Trait Birth wt Wean. DG Wean. wt Post. DG Yrlg wt Combined Estimates of Offspring Response. None o f the methods used to evaluate selection response shown in table 6 seems satisfactory, yet each provides useful evidence on change due to selection. Method 1 uses sire and dam indexes and paternal half sib estimates of covariance for each sex pooled over the three lines. Paternal half sib covariances do not include maternal effects and estimates have large sampling errors. Method 2 is the intrayear regression of offspring on generation coefficient and is a direct estimate of response per generation that is independent of maternal effects or selection bias. The method is subject to sampling error due to the rather small variation (approximately 1.7 generations) present within a given year and to sampling variation in rate of increase in cumulative selection per generation for selected sires and dams. Method 3, the intrayear linear regression of offspring on cumulative midparent selection differential, measures response specific to each sex and line including maternal effects. Information on only one of the observed selection differentials is utilized in the prediction. Method 4 uses the partial regression of Musc. score Method 1 2 3 4 5 Avg 1 2 3 4 5 Avg 1 2 3 4 5 Avg 1 2 3 4 5 Avg 1 2 3 4 5 Avg 1 2 3 4 5 Avg WWL .17 .11 .16 .39 .28 .22 .13 .22 .23 .28 .16 .20 .16 .22 .27 .29 .19 .23 .13 .36 .13 .41 .36 .28 .18 .37 .41 .46 .38 .36 -.06 -.20 .10 -.02 .05 -.03 YWL .21 .34 .20 .27 .36 .28 .07 .29 -.02 .09 .24 .13 .10 .34 .01 .15 .27 .17 .20 .54 .36 .52 .47 .42 .18 .60 .45 .43 .50 .43 -.03 -.25 .14 .06 .11 .01 IXL .24 .10 .20 .41 .45 .28 -.01 .18 .04 .24 .17 .12 .02 .18 .05 .29 .22 .15 .11 .48 .28 .32 .45 .33 .04 .42 .38 .36 .44 .33 .21 .10 .29 .30 .31 .24 offspring on all midparent traits thought to be important in selection and the average midparent selection differentials. The method utilizes multiple trait information but is restricted to an evaluation of offspring response in each line. Method 5 uses the estimates of offspring-midparent regression expected in an unselected population with response averaged over all lines in conjunction with the midparent index for each line. If midparent indexes are used with regressions shown for each line instead o f the average regression over all lines, the results are identical with method 4. Methods 3, 4 and 5 include maternal effects SELECTION IN BEEF CATTLE which, to the extent they are genetically determined, form a valid part of estimated response to selection. The best combination of all methods is not clear as methods are related in different ways. Only methods 2 and 3 have straight forward estimates of sampling error. The simple average of all methods at least affords comparisons of lines which differed in selection applied but were evaluated by the same methods. Response per generation in table 6 is expressed in phenotypic standard deviation units of an unselected population and can be converted to actual units by multiplying by the phenotypic standard deviation of bulls and heifers. In these data the standard deviations of bulls and heifers were BW = 3.9 and 3.6 kg; WDG = 103 and 92 g; WW = 21.7 and 19.7 kg;PDG ---97 and 56g; YW --- 35.8 and 29.5; and MS = 2.6 and 2.5 units, respectively. Birth weight would be expected to change as a direct component of weaning and yearling weight and to the extent it is correlated with weaning or postweaning gain. Birth weight response averaged somewhat higher in the YWL (0.28) and IXL (0.28) than in WWL (0.22) and is similar to the 0.25 a reported by Brinks, Clark. and Kieffer (1965). Average regression of birth weight response (table 5 ) o n parental weaning daily gain is lower than the regression on postweaning daily gain or muscling score which received greater relative emphasis in YWL and IXL. Expected increase in birth weight could be reduced by 30% if all emphasis on growth were directed to postnatal growth instead of weaning or yearling weight. Avoiding direct selection for birth weight and even giving it negative attention sufficient to partially offset correlated response from weaning or postweaning gain may be advisable to avoid possible increase in death loss associated with relatively large birth weights. Weaning gain and weaning weight response was greater in the WWL (0.20 and 0.23) than in the YWL (0.13 and 0.17) or IXL (0.12 and 0.15). Response in these lines was lower than the estimated genetic response in weaning gain (0.250) and weight (0.280) reported by Brinks et aL (1965) whose average midparent index selection differential for performance traits was similar (0.93) to that reported in this study even though individual weighting of traits differed. Heritability for weaning gain (0.10) and weaning weight (0.12) found in this study is lower than the average of offspring-sire and offspring-dam regressions for weaning gain (0.12) or weaning weight (0.23) summarized in 469 Petty and Cartwright (1966). Average regression of weaning gain or weight on postweaning gain or yearling weight in table 5 was higher than the heritability of weaning gain or weight. This suggests that selection for postweaning gain or yearling weight would lead to more improvement in weaning traits than direct selection for these traits. The lower average estimate of response for weaning gain or weight in YWL, however, does not support this expectation. Differences in direct maternal effects related to pre- and postweaning growth in WWL and YWL could account for differences observed early in the experiment that may not be sustained in future generations. Bias in age of dam correction factors could also affect the intrayear regression, particularly for birth weight and weaning gain. Intra age of dam analyses of these data suggest the age of dam factors did not seriously bias the regressions reported here. Response for postweaning gain and yearling weight was greater in the YWL (0A2 and 0.43) than in the WWL (0.28 and 0.36) or the IXL (0.33 and 0.33). The response observed here is intermediate to those reported in other selection experiments with beef cattle. Bailey et al. (1971) reported increases of 0.28a and 0.750 in postweaning gain per generation at two locations. Brinks et al. (1965) estimated a genetic increase of 0.380 for final weight off test for bulls and 0.400 for 18 months weight of heifers. Nelms and Stratton (1967)observed an increase of 0.340 in yeading weight. Newman, Rahnefeld and Fredeen (1973) reported yearling weight increased 4.4 kg per year in bulls and 2.8 kg per year in females which corresponds to an estimated 3.3 kg per year in bulls and 2.8 kg per year in heifers in these data. Thus, most selection experiments with beef cattle have reported relatively large estimated response in postweaning or yearling growth. Muscling score response increased only in the IXL where it received major selection pressure. Selection for muscling score in parents was associated with sizeable correlated response in birth weight, postweaning gain and yearling weight and to a lesser extent weaning gain or weight. The similarity of response in birth weight, weaning weight and yearling weight in the three lines which differed markedly in the relative selection applied is evidence of strong genetic correlations between the traits under selection. This situation is fortunate in that improvement programs can utilize a wide variety of 470 KOCH, GREGORY AND CUNDIFF p e r f o r m a n c e e v a l u a t i o n p a t t e r n s as d i c t a t e d b y various m a n a g e m e n t c o n s i d e r a t i o n s t o a t t a i n improved growth performance. Literature Cited Bailey, C. M., W. R. Harvey, J. E. Hunter and C. R. Torell. 1971. Estimated direct and correlated response to selection for performance traits in closed Hereford lines under different types of environment. J. Anim. Sei. 33:541. Brinks, J. S., R. T. Clark and N. M. Kieffer. 1965. Evaluation of response to selection and inbreeding in a closed line of Hereford cattle. U.S.D.A., A.R.S. Tech. Bull. 1323. Brown, G. H. and H. N. Turner. 1968. Response to selection in Australian Merino sheep. II. Estimates of phenotypic and genetic parameters for some production traits in Merino ewes and an analysis of the possible effects of selection on them. Australian J. Agr. Res. 19:303. 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Biometrics 24:951.
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