David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 1 CURRICULUM VITAE Part I: General Information Date Prepared: December 2014 Name: David A. Sullivan Office Address: Schepens Eye Research Institute, 20 Staniford Street, Boston, MA 02114 E-Mail: [email protected] Place of Birth: Medford, MA FAX: 617-912-0101 Education: 1972 A.B., Biology 1976 M.S., Physiology 1980 Ph.D., Physiology Boston University, Boston, MA University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH Postdoctoral Training: Research Fellowships: 1980-1982 1982-1983 1982-1983 Research Fellow, Department of Physiology, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH Research Fellow, Schepens Eye Research Institute Research Fellow, Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School Professional Appointments: Academic Appointments: 1983-1986 1986-1995 1995- Instructor in Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School Assistant Professor in Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School Associate Professor in Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School Institute Appointments: 1983-1986 1986-1991 19912007- Assistant Scientist, Schepens Eye Research Institute Associate Scientist, Schepens Eye Research Institute Senior Scientist, Schepens Eye Research Institute Margaret S. Sinon Scholar in Ocular Surface Research, Schepens Eye Research Institute Major Administrative Responsibilities: David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 2 National and International: 1984-1986 1987-1991 1988-1996 1990-2000 1994 1996-2001 2000-2001 2001-2013 2001-2013 20012003 2003-2004 2003-2004 2005-2007 2005-2007 2005-2007 2005-2006 2007 2008 2008-2011 2008-2011 2009-2010 Member, International Advisory Committee, First International Conference on Hormones and Immunity, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Chairman, Graduate Education Committee, Dartmouth Medical School Alumni Council Founding Member, Lacrimal Gland Study Group (Sarasota, FL) Organizer, 1st (Bermuda, 1992), 2nd (Bermuda, 1996) and 3rd (Maui, 2000) International Conference on the Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film and Dry Eye Syndromes: Basic Science and Clinical Relevance Participant, National Eye Institute/Industry Workshop on Clinical Trials in Dry Eyes Medical and Scientific Advisory Board, Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation; 20002001, Chair Board of Directors, Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation President, Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) President, TFOS Governing Board Organizer/Director, 4th (Puerto Rico, 2004), 5th (Taormina, 2007), 6th (Florence, 2010) and 7th (Taormina, 2013) International Conference on the Tear Film & Ocular Surface: Basic Science & Clinical Relevance Co-Organizer, Immunology of the Ocular Surface and Tear Film WorkShop, Bavaria, Germany Organizer, Symposium on Sex Differences in Ocular Surface Biology, International Congress of Eye Research, Sydney, Australia Consultant and Fundraiser, International WorkShop for the Definition, Diagnosis and Classification of Dry Eye Syndromes (DEWS) Co-Organizer, TFOS International Dry Eye WorkShop (DEWS) Chair, Industry Liaison Subcommittee, TFOS DEWS Co-Organizer, 2007 TFOS Report of the International Dry Eye WorkShop (DEWS), published in The Ocular Surface, Volume 5, Number 2, pp. 65-204, 2007; additional material placed online at www.TearFilm.org Organizer, Symposium on Immunology of Dry Eye, International Congress of Eye Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina Organizer, Special Interest Group Meetings, Conclusions and Recommendations of the TFOS International Dry Eye Workshop (DEWS), Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, FL, and European Association for Vision and Eye Research Annual Meeting (EVER), Portoroz, Slovenia Organizer, TFOS Corporate Advisory Board and Associate Corporate Sponsor Meeting Organizer and Steering Committee Member, TFOS International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction Chair, Industry Liaison Subcommittee, TFOS International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction Co-Programmer and Co-Chair, Ocular Surface Disease session, World Cornea Congress, Boston David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 3 2009-2010 2009-2010 20112011 20112011-2012 2011-2013 2012-2013 201320132014- Organizer, International Regulatory Officials and Experts Meeting, “Global Treatments for Dry Eye Syndrome: An Unmet Need,” Florence, Italy Organizer, Special Interest Group Meetings, Conclusions and Recommendations of the TFOS International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, ARVO (Fort Lauderdale, FL), British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference and Exhibition (Birmingham, UK), World Ophthalmology Congress (Berlin, Germany), EVER (Hersonissos, Crete) and the International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Macau, China) Member, ARVO Program Committee (Cornea Section) Co-Organizer, ARVO 2012 Minisymposium on Surgical Innovations for the Treatment of Eye Disease Chair, TFOS Young Investigator Committee Organizer, Session on Surgery-Induced Dry Eye, World Ophthalmology Congress 2012, Abu Dhabi Organizer, TFOS International Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort Chair, Industry Liaison Subcommittee, TFOS International Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort Member, TFOS Board of Directors Chairman, TFOS Board of Directors Organizer, TFOS International Dry Eye WorkShop II (DEWS II) Harvard Medical School: 1982-1984 1997-1998 1998- 2001 Co-Organizer, Mucosal Immunology Seminar Series, involving Schepens Eye Research Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, Shriners Burns Institute, Children’s Hospital and Tufts Medical Center (Boston) Founding Member, Joint Clinical Research Center of the Schepens Eye Research Institute and the Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary Founding Member, Joint Governance Committee, Joint Clinical Research Center of the Schepens Eye Research Institute and the Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary Schepens Eye Research Institute: 1990-1994 1990-1994 1995-2006 2003-2004 2007-2012 2008-2010 Head, Immunology Unit Research Council (Faculty Senate); 1993-1994, Head Chair, Technology Transfer Committee Founding Member, Corporate Alliance Program Chair, Distinguished Alumni Committee Director, Center for Corneal and External Eye Disease Research Major Committee Assignments: National and International: 1989-1991 1990 Reviewer of research grant proposals, Veteran's Administration and the North Carolina Biotechnology Center Member, Ad hoc NIH Study Section David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 4 1992-1995 1995 1996 1997 1998-2001 1998-2001 1999 2000 2001 2001 20022003 2003-2008 2004 2005-2006 2005, 2006 2007-2008 20082008 2009 2010 2011-2012 2012 - Member, Fellowship Review Panel for the Fight for Sight Research Division of the National Society to Prevent Blindness Consultant, National Eye Institute/Industry Dry Eye Epidemiology Project, Washington, DC Consultant, CIBA Vision Ophthalmic’s 1st International Advisory Board Meeting on Dry Eye, Bermuda Reviewer of research grant proposal, The Wellcome Trust, England Member, Fund Raising Committee, Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation Member, Research Grant Program Committee, Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation Adjunct Faculty Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee of the State University of New York at Stony Brook Consultant, Novartis’ International Advisory Board Meeting on Dry Eye, Maui Participant, 1st National Eye Institute Initiative Workshop, Florida Reviewer of research grant proposal, Concerted Action Program of the Ministry of Education of Flanders Member, Advisory Board of the Women's Eye Health Task Force Consultant, Dry Eye / Contact Lens Blue Ribbon Panel of the Vistakon Division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Member, Scientific Advisory Board, OcuSense Consultant, Novartis’ Advisory Board Meeting, Florida Member, Organizing Committee, 9th International Symposium on Sjögren's Syndrome, Washington, DC Ad hoc member, NIH Anterior Eye Disease Study Section Member, International Advisory Committee, 9th Congress of International Society of Dacryology and Dry Eye, Istanbul, Turkey Scientific Advisor, TearLab Consultant, Pfizer Advisory Board Meeting, New York City, NY Consultant, Pfizer Advisory Board Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL Consultant, Pfizer Advisory Board Meeting, Florence, Italy Consultant, Forest Pharmaceutical Advisory Group, Jersey City, NJ Member, Organizing Committee, 12th International Symposium of Sjögren’s Syndrome, Kyoto, Japan Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School: 1989-1997 1992 1997-1998 2002 20042006 2008-2009 2010-2011 Member, Organizing Committee, 16th, 18th, 19th and 20th Biennial Cornea Research Conference Member, Research Retreat Steering Committee Member, Schepens Eye Research Institute / Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary/Harvard Medical School Human Studies Center Committee Member, Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary Cornea Fellowship Review Committee Participant, NIH grant for Harvard Vision Clinical Scientist Development Program Judge, Basic Science Poster Contest, HMS Department of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting Co-Chair, 26th Biennial Cornea Research Conference, Boston, MA Member, Organizing Committee, 27th Biennial Cornea Research Conference, Boston, MA David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 5 2014-2015 2012- Member, Organizing Committee, 29th Biennial Cornea Research Conference, Boston, MA Member, Distinguished Achievements Department Awards Committee Schepens Eye Research Institute: 1984-1990 1985-1994 1986 1987-1990 1988 1990-1999 1991-1996 1993 1994-1995 1994-1995 1995 1995, 2002 1995-1997 1996-1997 1996 1996 1998 1999-2000 1998-2002 1998-2004 1999-2001 2000 2000-2001 2002-2003 2003-2004 2003-2006 2004 2004-2005 2005-2010 2005-2006 2006-2012 2006 2007-2010 20072009 2009 Radioisotope Safety Committee; 1988-1990, Chair Member, Broadhurst Lecture Committee Member, Search Committee for an Institute Molecular Biologist Member, NIH Shared Instrument Grants Committee Member, Search Committee for a Mast Cell Biologist Member, Postdoctoral Fellow Training Committee Member, Appointments and Promotions Committee Member, Technology Transfer Committee Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Indirect Costs Member, Training Advisory Group to the Director of Research Member, Visiting Professor Committee Presenter, seminars for Development Department in Andover (MA) and Florida Leader, Immunity, Inflammation and Transplantation Focus Group Member, Research Advisory Group to the Director of Research Member, Public Relations and Development Advisory Group to the Director of Research Member, Public Relations and Development Committee Member, Ad Hoc Telescience Center Committee Coordinator and Co-Program Chairperson, Schepens Eye Research 50th Anniversary Clinical Science Symposium Member, Dry Eye Focus Group Scientific Communications Center Committee; 1998, Chair Member, Strategic Issue Subcommittee Member, Ad Hoc Committee on a Proposed Center for Development and Testing of Ophthalmic Therapeutics Member, DNA Microarray Committee Member, Seminars Committee Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Corporate Sponsorship Program Invited presenter, research overview to Trustees and Corporators Participant, Planning Grant for Exploratory Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Blinding Diseases Member, Governance Evaluation Committee Member, Faculty Retreat Committee Member, Committee to explore possible joint interests of the Schepens Eye Research Institute and the Retina Associates Member, Human Studies Committee Co-Organizer, Cornea & External Disease Focus Group Member, Seminars Committee Presenter, dry eye treatment overview for Corporate Alliance Program visitors Member, Committee to address Director of Research position description Invited presenter, Center for Corneal and External Eye Disease Research seminar series David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 6 2010 2010-2011 2013 20132014- Invited presenter, SERI Faculty Retreat Member, Faculty Recruitment Committee Judge, SERI “Best Paper” contest Member, Training Committee Chair, Distinguished Lecture Series Committee Massachusetts Eye and Ear: 2013 Invited presentation to the Leadership Group Harvard Medical School Department of Ophthalmology: 2013 Invited presentation for the November New Frontiers in Corneal Research meeting Memberships, Offices and Committee Assignments in Professional Societies: 19821984-2011 1984-1993 1984-1995 1987-2001 1990-1991 1996-2012 2000- 2013- Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology The American Association of Immunologists The New York Academy of Sciences The American Association for the Advancement of Science Society for Mucosal Immunology International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation Endocrine Society Founding Member, Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS); 2001-2013, President. The purpose of this Society is to [a] advance the research, literacy, and educational aspects of the scientific field of the tear film and ocular surface; [b] organize and coordinate international conferences, meetings, seminars, events and workshops to promote better understanding of the tear film and ocular surface; and [c] stimulate interactions among members, and attract new members with diverse disciplinary interests and expertise throughout the world. Since the Society’s incorporation, and during the course of my Presidency, I organized 4 International Conferences, organized 3 International Workshops on Dry Eye Disease, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Contact Lens Discomfort, oversaw the awarding of more than 200 Young Investigator Travel Awards and helped raise over 5.0 million dollars from industry to fund the Society. The Society has also sponsored, and promoted the growth and recognition of, the peer-reviewed journal, The Ocular Surface. This Society has a distribution to ~ 5,000 basic scientists, clinical researchers and industry representatives from over 80 countries. I receive no compensation for my TFOS service. Chair, TFOS Board of Directors Community Service: 19832000 Speaker and Participant, Lion's Club meetings and events in Acton (MA), Springfield (MA), Boston, and the Schepens Eye Research Institute Invited speaker; Eastern Massachusetts Sjögren’s Syndrome Chapter; Brookline, MA David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 7 2004 2006 Invited speaker & Moderator; Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation Regional Seminar, Braintree, MA Invited speaker; Fall meeting of the Greater Boston Chapter of the Sjogren’s Syndrome Foundation, Boston Editorial Boards: 1983- 2001-2004 2002-2013 2003 2006-2008 2011- Ad Hoc Reviewer and/or Guest Editor: Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavia, Archives of Ophthalmology, Arthritis Journal, Arthritis Research & Therapy, Biochimie, Biology of Reproduction, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, British Journal of Ophthalmology, Cornea, Current Eye Research, Drugs, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Experimental Eye Research, Human Reproduction, International Archives Allergy & Immunology, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, JAMA Ophthalmology, Journal of Anatomy, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Journal of Immunology, Journal of Nutrition, Journal of Rheumatology, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Life Sciences, Lupus, Maturitas, Molecular Vision, Ocular Immunology & Inflammation, Ophthalmic Research, Ophthalmology, Optometry & Vision Science, Oral Diseases, Physiological Genomics, PLoS ONE, Psychiatry Research, Regional Immunology, Survey of Ophthalmology Editorial Board Member, Cornea Editorial Board Member, The Ocular Surface Editorial Board Member, Middle East Journal of Ophthalmology Editorial Board Member, Eye & Contact Lens Editorial Board Member, Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia Awards and Honors: 1974 1974-1977 1997 1997 20072009 2010 2011 2013 2013 University of Minnesota Graduate School Academic Scholarship Dartmouth College Graduate School Academic Scholarships Inductee, Matignon High School Achievement Hall of Fame, Cambridge, MA Invited participant, Research to Prevent Blindness National Science Writers Seminar Margaret S. Sinon Scholar in Ocular Surface Research, Schepens Eye Research Institute Best Paper of Ocular Surface Disease Session, Middle East and African Congress of Ophthalmology, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Lifetime Achievement Award, Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society Carel C. Koch Memorial Medal Award, American Academy of Optometry Silver Fellow Honor, ARVO Class of 2013 Honorary Member, French Society of Ophthalmology David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 8 Part II: Research and Teaching Contributions A. Narrative Report of Research and Teaching Contributions I am a medical research scientist with training in physiology, endocrinology and immunology. I was recruited into ophthalmology in 1982. To summarize my laboratory’s research accomplishments, I would like to place them in the context of our overall hypotheses and discoveries. Thus, we have discovered that sex and sex steroid hormones are critical factors in the regulation of ocular surface tissues, as well as in the pathogenesis of dry eye disease. We have also discovered that androgens may suppress, and that estrogens may promote, aqueous-deficient and/or evaporative dry eye. More specifically: • we have shown that sex and sex steroids, as well as neuropeptides and cytokines, regulate the secretory immune system of the eye. This system is designed to protect the ocular surface against bacterial colonization, viral adhesion, parasitic infestation and toxin-induced damage, thereby preserving corneal integrity and preventing severe visual impairment. Our results support our hypothesis that the endocrine, neural and immune systems govern ocular mucosal immunity. To help conduct these experiments we developed a defined culture system for the long term maintenance of responsive acinar epithelial cells from the lacrimal gland. This accomplishment was commended as one of the foremost achievements in ocular surface research by an NEI National Plan for Vision Research. • we have shown that androgens reduce the inflammation in, and enhance the functional activity of, lacrimal glands in mouse models of Sjögren’s syndrome. These findings are extremely significant, given that no clinical therapy currently exists for this debilitating autoimmune disease, which occurs almost exclusively in women and is one of the leading causes of aqueous-deficient dry eye disease in the world. The mechanism(s) involved in this androgen-induced immunosuppression is unknown. However, our evidence indicates that this hormone action is a unique, tissue-specific effect, that is initiated through androgen binding to receptors in lacrimal gland epithelial cells. In addition, we hypothesize that this androgen interaction then causes the altered expression and/or activity of specific genes and proteins in lacrimal tissue, resulting in the reduction of immunopathological lesions and an improvement in glandular function. Our research has supported this hypothesis, which, if true, may lead to the development of unique, therapeutic strategies to safely and effectively treat this chronic and visionthreatening disease; • we have shown that androgens regulate the meibomian gland, which is the primary tissue involved in maintaining tear film stability and preventing tear film evaporation. This finding is also very significant, given that almost no other information exists concerning the physiological control of this tissue, and that meibomian gland dysfunction is the major cause of evaporative dry eye disease throughout the world. Based upon our research, we hypothesize that: [a] androgens regulate meibomian gland function, improve the quality and/or quantity of lipids produced by this tissue and promote the formation of the tear film’s lipid layer; and [b] androgen deficiency, such as occurs during menopause, aging, Sjögren's syndrome, complete androgen insensitivity syndrome and the use of anti-androgen medications, leads to meibomian gland dysfunction, altered lipid profiles in meibomian gland secretions, decreased tear film stability and evaporative dry eye. Our data support these hypotheses, and have significantly increased our understanding of the physiological mechanisms controlling the meibomian gland in both health and disease; • in collaboration with Drs. Debra A. Schaumberg, M. Reza Dana and Julie E. Buring, we have shown that dry eye disease occurs predominantly in women and that estrogen replacement therapy increases David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 9 the prevalence of dry eye signs and symptoms in postmenopausal women. This latter finding is extraordinary, given that many millions of women worldwide are prescribed estrogen to alleviate menopausal symptoms and are therefore at heightened risk of developing dry eye. The precise mechanism(s) underlying the sex-related difference in, and the estrogen effect on, dry eye prevalence is unclear. However, we hypothesize that: [a] androgen deficiency and estrogen use are key factors in the predominance of dry eye disease in women; and [b] sex, androgen and estrogen effects are mediated through the regulation of gene expression in the cornea and the lacrimal and meibomian glands. Our research supports these hypotheses, which, if correct, may be translated into new insights into how estrogens influence ocular tissues, and how these hormones may contribute to the etiology of dry eye disease. • in addition to these findings, we have discovered that: [a] lubricin, a boundary lubricant, is transcribed, translated, and expressed by human ocular surface epithelia; [b] lubricin presence significantly reduces friction between the human cornea and conjunctiva; and [c] lubricin deficiency may play a role in promoting corneal damage. Overall, we believe that lubricin may be an important barrier to the development of corneal and conjunctival epitheliopathies that may occur in dry eye disease and contact lens wear. In summary, our research has addressed the sex steroid regulation of the ocular surface and adnexa, the interrelationships between sex, sex steroids and dry eye disease, as well as the role of a boundary lubricant on the ocular surface. Our studies have involved basic, clinical and epidemiological aspects, and have required the establishment of new and unique experimental approaches (e.g. lipid analytical, proteomic and molecular biological methods). Of particular interest, our research findings have led to the development of topical treatments (i.e. androgen, lubricin) that may serve as a potential therapy for both aqueous-deficient and evaporative dry eye disease. In terms of teaching, I have served as a preceptor for 27 postdoctoral fellows and 4 students, been invited to present numerous research seminars, organized 7 International Conferences on the tear film and ocular surface, and acted as a Chairman of the Graduate Education Committee of the Dartmouth Medical School Alumni Council. I am also a Founding Member and President of the Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society, which we created to advance the research, literacy, and educational aspects of the scientific field of the tear film and ocular surface throughout the world. B. Research Funding Information: Past: 1983-1988 NIH/R01 Associate Investigator The secretory IgA system of the eye 1985-1988 NIH/R01 PI Endocrine control of the ocular secretory immune system 1988-1994 NIH/R01 PI Endocrine control of the ocular secretory immune system 1988-1991 NIH/R01 Co-PI The secretory IgA system of the eye 1991-1993 NIH/R01 PI David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 10 The secretory IgA system of the eye 1991-1993 MA Lion's Fund PI Ocular immunology and immunopathology 1992-1994 Allergan Inc. PI Ocular androgen therapy for dry eye in Sjögren's syndrome 1994-1996 Allergan Inc. PI Ocular androgen therapy for dry eye in Sjögren's syndrome 1994-1998 NIH/R01 PI Neuroendocrinimmune control of lacrimal gland immunity 1996-1997 MA Lion’s Fund Co-PI New strategies for controlling ocular inflammation 1996-1999 Allergan Inc. PI Ocular androgen therapy for dry eye syndromes 1998-2001 NIH/R01 PI Gender, sex steroids and dry eye syndromes 1999-2000 Allergan Co-PI Prevalence of dry eye syndromes 1999-2000 SERI/MEEI Co-PI Gender and dry eye syndromes 1999-2005 Allergan Inc. PI Ocular androgen therapy for dry eye syndromes 2000-2001 NIH/SERI PI Influence of estrogen and progesterone on gene expression in the lacrimal and meibomian glands 2001-2005 NIH/R01 PI Gender, sex steroids and dry eye syndromes 2005 NIH/R01 (Supplement) PI Gender, sex steroids and dry eye syndromes 2005-2010 NIH/R01 PI Sex, sex steroids and dry eye syndromes 2007-2010 Alcon Laboratories PI Regulation of the meibomian gland in health & disease David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 11 Current: 2010-2014 NIH/R01 PI Sex, sex steroids and dry eye syndromes 2014 GlaxoSmithKline PI Modulation of human meibomian gland epithelial cells C. Report of Current Research Activities: Project Role Sex, sex steroids and dry eye syndromes PI Modulation of human meibomian gland epithelial cells PI D. Report of Teaching: 1. Local Contributions a. Local invited teaching presentations 1981-1982 Lectures on clinical endocrinology to critical care nurses of New Hampshire and Vermont, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Hanover, NH 1981-1982 Instructed in a laboratory course devoted to methodological techniques in physiology and immunology, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH 1982- Schepens Eye Research Institute Seminar Series 1982-1984 Mucosal Immunology Seminar Series, Massachusetts General Hospital 1988 Combined Program in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition at Massachusetts General and Children's Hospitals 1989 Immunology Department, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary 1989 Immunology Graduate Student Lecture Series, Harvard Medical School 1991 Forsyth Dental Center 1991 Department of Ophthalmology Retreat, Harvard Medical School 1993 Department of Pathology, Beth Israel Hospital 1995 19th Biennial Cornea Research Conference 1998 Clinical Research Jumpstart Program, New England College of Optometry David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 12 1999 Schepens Eye Research Institute Symposium on Sjögren’s Syndrome and Allied Disorders 1999 21st Biennial Cornea Conference 1999 Research Lecture Series, New England College of Optometry 2000 1st International Congress For Research on the Aging Eye, Boston 2001 Second Symposium on Sjögren’s Syndrome, Boston 2003 Cornea Department, Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary 2003 Invited discussant, Women's Eye Health Task Force meeting, Boston 2005 Harvard Department of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting 2006 1st Annual Ocular Immunology & Uveitis Foundation Physician Education Conference, Boston 2012 Harvard Department of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting b. Advisory and supervisory responsibilities 1987-1992 Preceptor for 3 NIH Training Grant Fellowship Awards 1988-1991 Preceptor for 3 Fight for Sight-Prevent Blindness Fellowship Awards 1992-1993 Preceptor for Sjögren's Syndrome Foundation Fellowship Award 1992-1993 Sponsor for Bausch & Lomb Postdoctoral Fellowship Award 1994-1995 Sponsor for Uehara Memorial Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship Award 1995-1996 Preceptor for Sjögren's Syndrome Foundation Fellowship Award 1999 Invited jury member of a graduate student’s Ph.D. thesis (addressing androgenresponsive enhancers and gene regulation), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium 1999-2000 Preceptor for Sjögren's Syndrome Foundation Fellowship Award 1999-2001 Preceptor for Allergan Postdoctoral Fellowship Award 1999 -2001 Sponsor for Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Postdoctoral Fellowship Award 2000-2003 Preceptor for Allergan (Japan) Postdoctoral Fellowship Award David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 13 2002-2003 Preceptor for Bausch & Lomb Postdoctoral Fellowship Award 2002-2003 Preceptor for Japanese Eye Bank Association Postdoctoral Fellowship Award 2008-2009 Preceptor for Fellowship Award from the Harvard Medical School Postdoctoral Training Program in the Molecular Bases of Eye Disease 2009-2011 Preceptor for Turkish Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2009-2010 Preceptor for ARVO/Pfizer Postdoctoral Fellowship Award 2012-2013 Preceptor for AFER/Vistakon Dry Eye Fellowship Award 2013-2014 Sponsor for ARVO/Merck Collaborative Research Fellowship Award to Geeta K. Vemuganti, DNB, FAMS, MD (University of Hyderabad, India) c. Professional leadership roles related to teaching 1975-1976 Organizer, graduate/medical student course on parturition, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH 1982-1984 Co-Organizer, Mucosal Immunology Seminar Series, involving Schepens Eye Research Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, Shriners Burns Institute, Children’s Hospital and Tufts Medical Center (Boston) 1989-1990 Director, Immunology Unit Research Series, Schepens Eye Research Institute 1991-1992 Organizer, Journal Club series on Ocular Inflammation, Schepens Eye Research Institute d. Names of advisees or trainees Postdoctoral Fellows: 1987 Marie T. Girard, Ph.D. Project: Development of rat/mouse hybridomas and monoclonal antibodies Current Position: Associate Director, R&D Project Management, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Ridgefield, CT 1988-1989 Hiroko Ariga, M.D. Project: Androgen influence on lacrimal gland autoimmune disease Current Position: Ophthalmologist, National Hospital, Sapporo, Japan 1988-1990 Robin S. Kelleher, Ph.D. Project: Neural, endocrine and immune regulation of the ocular secretory immune system Current Position: Senior Scientific Associate, Schepens Eye Research Institute, Boston David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 14 1988-1989 Ana Cristina Vendramini, M.D. Project: Androgen impact on lacrimal gland autoimmune disease Current Position: Ophthalmologist and Eye Bank Coordinator, Hospital Ofir Loyola, Belem, Brazil 1989-1991 Elcio H. Sato, M.D. Project: Effects of immunosuppressive agents on lacrimal gland autoimmune disease Current Position: Professor, São Paulo Federal University, São Paulo, Brazil; Medical Director, São Paulo Hospital Eye Bank; President, Pan-American Association of Eye Banks 1990-1993 Ross William Lambert, Ph.D. Project: Neuroendocrinimmune control of secretory component production by lacrimal gland epithelial cells Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL 1991-1993 Zhiyan (James) Huang, M.D. Project: Impact of viral infection on the ocular secretory imune system Current Position: Associate Professor, Oakland University-William Beaumont School of Medicine; Pathologist and Associate Medical Director, Flow Cytometry, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI 1991-1992 Flavio Jaime Rocha, M.D. Project: Endocrine influence on the normal and autoimmune lacrimal gland Current Position: Chairman & Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Uberlandia Medical School, Uberlandia, Brazil; Director of the Eye Bank - University Federal of Uberlandia 1992-1994 Masafumi Ono, M.D. Project: Regulation of androgen receptors in the lacrimal gland Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan 1993-1994 Janethe D.O. Pena, M.D., Ph.D. Project: Hormonal control of the lacrimal gland Current Position: Senior Medical Scientific Expert, Novartis Pharma, Florham Park, New Jersey 1994-1997 Ikuko Toda, M.D. Project: Sex and androgen influence on lacrimal gland autoimmune disease Current Position: Director, Minamiaoyama Eye Clinic, Tokyo, Japan 1995-1996 Kathleen L. Krenzer, O.D., Ph.D. Project: Effect of androgen deficiency on the human meibomian gland and ocular surface David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 15 Current Position: Principal Scientist, Bausch and Lomb, Rochester, NY 1995-1997 Eduardo M. Rocha, M.D., Ph.D. Projects: Androgen regulation of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the lacrimal gland; Identification of androgen receptors in human ocular suface tissues Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, São Paulo University, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil 1997-1999 Jennifer M. Cermak, Ph.D. Project: Influence of complete androgen insensitivity syndrome on the human meibomian gland and ocular surface; Nutrient intake in women with Sjögren’s syndrome Current Position: Senior Director, Portfolio Management at Sirtris, Director of Portfolio Management at Sirtris, GSK Company, Cambridge, MA 1998-2000 Hiroko Yamagami, M.D., Ph.D. Project: Sex and androgen influence on gene expression in the meibomian gland Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School, Omiya Medical Center, Saitama, Japan 1999-2001 Meng Liu, M.D., Ph.D. Project: Androgen regulation of gene expression in the lacrimal gland Current Position: Director of Molecular Pathology, General Manager, OriGene Beijing eTown Site, OriGene Technologies, Inc, Rockville, MD 1999-2002 Frank Schirra, M.D., Ph.D. Project: Androgen regulation of gene expression in the meibomian gland; Identification of steroidogenic enzyme mRNAs in the lacrimal gland, meibomian gland, cornea and conjunctiva Current Position: Attending in Ophthalmology and Director of Outpatient Division, Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes, Homburg, Germany 2000-2003 Tomo Suzuki, M.D., Ph.D. Project: Estrogen and progesterone influence on gene expression in the meibomian gland; Effect of estrogens on human corneal epithelial cells Current Position: Ophthalmologist, Kyoto Municipal Hospital, and Researcher, Department of Ophthalmology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan 2002-2005 Nathaniel S. Treister, D.M.D., D.MSc. Project: Sex and androgen influence on gene expression in the salivary glands Current Position: Assistant Professor, Division of Oral Medicine, Infection, and Immunity at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA; Associate Surgeon, Division of Oral Medicine and Dentistry, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA 2004-2005 Patricia S. Tsai, M.D. Project: Proteomic analysis of human meibomian gland secretions David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 16 Current Position: Ophthalmologist, Cornea and External Diseases, Kaiser Permanente, Woodland Hills, CA 2006-2011 Shaohui Liu, M.D., Ph.D. Project: Regulation of the meibomian gland in health and disease Current Position: Ophthalmology Resident, Louisiana State University Health Science Center, Shreveport, LA 2008-2010 Payal Khandelwal, Ph.D. Project: Endocrine regulation of the ocular surface and adnexa Current Position: Product Manager, BioVision, Milpitas, CA 2008-2009 Shaun Murphy, Ph.D. Project: Identification, function and regulation of surfactant-associated proteins on the ocular surface and adnexa Current Position: Preclinical studies consultant, Abpro, Woburn, MA 2009-2011 Raheleh Rahimi Darabad, M.D. Project: Immortalization and physiological control of human corneal epithelial cells Current Position: Anesthesiology Resident, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, IL 2009-2011 Afsun Sahin, M.D. Project: Analysis of inflammatory pathways in human ocular surface epithelial cells Current Position: Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Eskisehir Osmangazi University Medical School, Eskisehir, Turkey 2011-2013 Juan Ding, Ph.D. Project: Influence of retinoic acid on the meibomian gland Current Position: Investigator, Schepens Eye Research Institute, and Instructor, Harvard Medical School 2012- Yang Liu, M.D. Project: Endocrine regulation of ocular surface and adnexal tissues 2014- Bing Niu, PhD Project: Identification, function and regulation of surfactant-associated proteins and collectins on the ocular surface and adnexa 2015- Chi Zhang, M.D. Project: To be determined Visiting Scientists: 2012 Hikmet Basmak, M.D. Medical Students: David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 17 1999 Ward R. Bijlsma, Dutch Medical Student Project: Androgen influence on lymphocyte gene expression Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands 1999 Bart A. R. Tonino, Dutch Medical Student Project: Androgen influence on lymphocyte gene expression Current Position: Radiologist, Nijmegen, Netherlands College Students: 1992-1994 Amy Gallant Sullivan, Acton, MA Project: Translation of French medical literature (book, articles) into English Current Position: Executive Director, Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society, Paris, France 2010 Kimberly Topilow, Barnard, NYC, NY Project: Leukotriene B4 in ocular surface epithelial cells High School Students: 1986 Linda A. Block, Scarsdale Alternative School, NY Project: Hormonal influence on lacrimal gland morphology 1991-1993 Benjamin D. Sullivan, Acton, MA Project: Computer assistance, graphics and slide generation, image and statistical analyses Current Position: Founder, Chief Scientific Officer, TearLab, Corp, San Diego; Founder and Director, Singularis/Lµbris LLC; Founding Inventor, Biological Dynamics, Inc., Founder and Director, Code Fluidics LLC; Earned MS and PhD degrees in Biomedical Engineering from the University of California San Diego 2. Regional, National and International Contributions a. Invited presentations 1986 Invited speaker; First International Conference on Hormones and Immunity, Toronto, Canada 1987 Invited speaker; Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Wayne State University Medical School 1988 Invited speaker; International Symposium on Interactions Between the Neuroendocrine and Immune Systems, Montepaone Lido, Italy Invited speaker; Immunology Workshop, American Uveitis Society and the American Society of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Las Vegas, Nevada David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 18 1989 Invited speaker; Eighth International Symposium of the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry, Las Palmas, Grand Canary Island Invited speaker; Lacrimal Gland Study Group Lecture Series, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Meeting, Sarasota, Florida Invited speaker; Fifth International Congress of Mucosal Immunology, London, England 1990 Selected presenter; 1st International Congress on Neuroimmunomodulation, Florence, Italy Invited participant; Workshop on Research Perspectives in Psychoneuroimmunology, Rochester, NY 1992 Invited speaker; Hans Selye Symposium on Neuroendocrinology and Stress, Budapest, Hungary Invited speaker; Allergan, Los Angeles, CA Invited speaker; International Conference on the Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film and Dry Eye Syndromes: Basic Science and Clinical Relevance, Southampton, Bermuda 1993 Selected presenter; 11th International Symposium of the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Seefeld, Austria Invited speaker; Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan Invited speaker; 4th International Symposium on Sjögren's Syndrome, Tokyo, Japan Invited speaker; Allergan, Los Angeles, CA Invited speaker; American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Boston, MA 1994 Invited speaker; Special Minisymposium/Workshop, entitled "New Insights into the Cause of Tear Deficiency," Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Meeting, Sarasota, FL 1995 Invited speaker; International Conference on Ocular Infections, Jerusalem, Israel Invited keynote speaker; Ocular Cell & Molecular Biology Symposium II, San Diego, CA Invited speaker; International Workshop on the Immunology of Oculo-MucoCutaneous Disorders, Berlin, Germany Invited speaker; Allergan, Los Angeles, CA David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 19 Invited speaker; American Academy of Optometry Meeting, New Orleans, LA 1996 Invited speaker; Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI Invited speaker; Special Minisymposium/Workshop, entitled "Ocular Changes Associated with Normal Physiological Variation in Women," Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL Invited speaker; MGI PHARMA, Minnetonka, MN Invited keynote speaker; Second International Conference on the Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film and Dry Eye Syndromes: Basic Science and Clinical Relevance, Southampton, Bermuda Invited speaker; CIBA Vision Ophthalmic’s 1st International Advisory Board Meeting on Dry Eye, Bermuda 1997 Invited keynote speaker; 9th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology, Sydney, Australia Invited speaker; Cooperative Research Centre for Eye Research and Technology, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Invited speaker; Special Minisymposium/Workshop, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL Invited speaker; Allergan, Los Angeles, CA Invited speaker; Research to Prevent Blindness National Science Writers Seminar, Los Angeles, CA Invited keynote speaker; International Symposium on Sjögren’s Syndrome, Avon, Connecticut Invited speaker; Ocular Mucosal Immunology Meeting, Bavaria, Germany 1998 Invited speaker; OHSA/Casey Eye Institute, Portland, Oregon Selected presenter; The First International Conference on the Neuroendocrine Immune Basis of Rheumatic Diseases, Genoa, Italy 1999 Invited participant; Roundtable discussion entitled “Classification, Diagnosis and Treatment of Dry Eye,” sponsored by Ocular Surgery News and Allergan, Kona, HI Invited keynote speaker; Association for Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Irvine, CA David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 20 Invited speaker; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Invited speaker; Workshop on the Meibomian Gland and its Disease, Coral Gables, FL Invited keynote speaker; Dry Eye Research Meeting, Japanese Academy of Ophthalmology, Tokyo, Japan Invited keynote speaker; Symposium on the Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue of the Ocular Surface, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Selected presenter; 5th International Congress of The International Society of Dacryology, Jerusalem, Israel Invited keynote speaker; VIIth International Symposium on Sjögren’s Syndrome, Venice, Italy 2000 Invited speaker; Allergan, Los Angeles, CA Invited speaker; University of Florida School of Dentistry, Gainesville, FL Invited speaker; Meibomian Gland Conference, Boca Raton, FL Invited speaker; International Congress of Eye Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico 2001 Invited speaker; The Second International Conference on the Neuroendocrine Immune Basis of Rheumatic Diseases, Santa Margherita, Italy 2002 Invited speaker; Imunology of the Ocular Surface and Tearfilm Workshop, Bavaria, Germany Invited speaker; Conference on Sex and Gene Expression, San Jose, CA Invited speaker; Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan Invited keynote speaker; VIIIth International Symposium on Sjögren’s Syndrome, Kanazawa, Japan Invited speaker; Novartis Ophthalmics, Basel, Switzerland Invited speaker; Societa Industria Farmaceutica Italiana SpA, Aci Sant’ Antonio, Sicily, Italy Invited speaker; Symposium on Functional Anatomy of the Ocular Surface, Joint European Research Meetings in Ophthalmology and Vision, Alicante, Spain Invited speaker; Symposium on Major Advances in Dry Eye Research, Joint European Research Meetings in Ophthalmology and Vision, Alicante, Spain David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 21 Invited speaker; The Third International Conference on Sex Hormones, Pregnancy and the Rheumatic Diseases, New Orleans, LA 2003 Invited speaker; Dry Eye / Contact Lens Blue Ribbon Panel of the Vistakon Division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Jacksonville, FL Invited speaker; First Singapore Eye Research Institute-Association for Research and Vision and Ophthalmology Meeting, Singapore (note: given by fellow) Invited speaker; Allergan's American Androgen Tears Investigators Meeting, New Orleans, LA Invited speaker; European Research Group of Oral Biology meeting, Fislisbach, Switzerland Invited speaker; L'Oreal Recherche, Paris, France Invited speaker; Allergan's European Androgen Tears Investigators Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal Invited speaker; American College of Rheumatology Sjögren's Syndrome Study Group Meeting, Orlando, FL Invited speaker; ARVO/AAO Research Symposium of the American Academy of Optometry, Dallas, TX 2004 Invited speaker; Vistakon Division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Jacksonville, Florida Invited speaker; Mexican Congress of Ophthalmology, Vera Cruz, Mexico Invited speaker; International Congress for Eye Research, Sydney, Australia Invited speaker; 40th Annual Meeting of the Department of Ophthalomology, Ribeirao Preto Medical, School, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil 2005 Invited speaker; Seminars in Basic Ocular Biology Series, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City Invited speaker; Societa Industria Farmaceutica Italiana SpA, Aci Sant’ Antonio, Sicily, Italy 2006 Invited speaker; Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, TX Invited speaker; Symposium on Dry Eye, Fermo, Italy David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 22 Invited speaker; Symposium on Immunology of Dry Eye, International Congress of Eye Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2007 Invited speaker; The 2nd World Congress on Gender-Specific Medicine and Aging: The Endocrine Impact, Rome, Italy Invited speaker; Pfizer, La Jolla, CA Invited introductory speaker; International Dry Eye Workshop Symposium, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL Invited speaker; Resolvyx Pharmaceuticals, Bedford, MA Invited speaker; Pfizer, New York City, NY Invited speaker; International Dry Eye WorkShop Symposium, European Association for Vision and Eye Research Meeting, Portoroz, Slovenia Invited speaker; American Academy of Optometry/Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Symposium on Advances in Dry Eye Disease: Women, Nutrition, and Impact on Vision and Quality of Life, Tampa, FL 2008 Invited speaker; Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland Invited Conference speaker; 9th Congress of the International Society of Dacryology and Dry Eye, Istanbul, Turkey Invited keynote speaker; Brazilian Research Association of Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Brazil Invited Speaker; Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, MA Invited Speaker; Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society Corporate Advisory Board and Associate Corporate Sponsor meeting, Rome, Italy Invited Speaker; Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, TX Invited Speaker; Inaugural Steering Committee Meeting of the International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, Atlanta, GA Invited Speaker; Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Headquarters, Rockville, MD 2009 Selected speaker; Middle East and African Congress of Ophthalmology, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 23 Invited speaker; Meet the Experts Breakfast, sponsored by Pfizer Ophthalmics for the Vision Care Media, Fort Lauderdale, FL 2010 Invited speaker; World Ophthalmology Congress, Berlin, Germany Introductory speaker; International Regulatory Officials and Experts Meeting (“Global Treatments for Dry Eye Syndrome: An Unmet Need”), Florence, Italy Invited speaker; European Association for Vision and Eye Research Meeting, Hersonissos, Crete Invited speaker; American Academy of Optometry Meeting, San Francisco, CA Invited Keynote speaker; Japanese Dry Eye Society Meeting, Kobe, Japan Invited speaker; International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Macau, China 2011 Invited Speaker; ARVO Foundation for Eye Research Investor Seminar, Fort Lauderdale, FL Invited Speaker; Ocular Surface Society of Optometry Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT Invited Speaker; American Optometric Association Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT Invited Speaker; Vistakon, Jacksonville, FL Invited Speaker; 16th Congress of Chinese Ophthalmological Society, Guangzhou, China Invited Speaker; Shandong Eye Institute, Qingdao, China Invited Speaker; Eye and ENT Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai, China Invited Speaker; Ocular surface disease: A problem seeking an innovative treatment, Vienna, Austria Invited Speaker; 11th International Symposium on Sjögren’s Syndrome, Athens, Greece Invited Speaker; Optometric Council on Refractive Technology Meeting, Boston Invited Speaker; European Regulatory Ophthalmology Meeting, sponsored by the European Medicines Agency and the Swedish Medicinal Agency, London, UK Invited Speaker; Global Contact Lens Summit: Past & Current Perspectives, New Research and Future Implications, Seattle David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 24 Invited Speaker; Genzyme, Cambridge, MA Invited Speaker; New England Ophthalmology Society Meeting, Boston 2012 Invited Speaker; Greater Boston Sjögren’s Syndrome Support Group Meeting, Boston Invited Speaker; Journées de Réflexions Ophtalmologiques (JRO) Congress, Paris, France Invited Speaker; Symposium on Dry eye: New scientific concepts and novel solutions, Paris, France Invited Speaker; TFOS Asia 2012 Meeting, Kamakura, Japan Invited Speaker; Santen Symposium, Kamakura, Japan Invited Speaker; Steering Committee meeting of the TFOS International Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort, San Diego, CA Invited Speaker; Neurobiology of discomfort and pain Subcommittee meeting, TFOS Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort, New York City Invited Speaker; Trial design and outcomes Subcommittee meeting, TFOS Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort, Boston Invited Speaker; Contact lens materials, design & care Subcommittee meeting, TFOS Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort, Boston Invited Speaker; Management & therapy Subcommittee meeting, TFOS Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort, Boston Invited Speaker; Contact lens interactions with the ocular surface & adnexa Subcommittee meeting, TFOS Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort, London, UK Invited Speaker; Contact Lens Interactions with the tear film Subcommittee meeting, TFOS Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort, London, UK Invited Speaker; Epidemiology Subcommittee meeting, TFOS Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort, New York City Invited Speaker; Definition & classification Subcommittee meeting, TFOS Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort, Houston Invited Speaker, European Association for Vision and Eye Research Congress, Nice, France Invited Speaker; Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran, Iran (date to be determined) David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 25 Invited Speaker; The 3rd Biennial Scientific Meeting of the Asia Cornea Society, Manila, Philippines 2013 Invited Speaker; Industry Liaison Subcommittee meeting, TFOS Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort, Houston Invited Speaker; Boynton Colloquium Series, Center for Visual Science, University of Rochester, NY Invited Speaker; Distinguished Lecture and Grand Rounds, Jules Stein Eye Institute, Los Angeles Invited Speaker; University of Southern California, Los Angeles Invited Speaker; French Society of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Paris, France Invited Speaker; 7th International Conference on the Tear Film & Ocular Surface: Basic Science & Clinical Relevance, Taormina, Sicily Invited Speaker; Romanian National Congress of Ophthalmology, Sinaia, Romania 2014 Invited Speaker; 14th International Congress of Ophthalmology and Optometry China, Shanghai, China Invited Speaker; Optician’s Association of Massachusetts Education Meeting, Worcester, MA Invited Speaker; Dompé, Milan, Italy Invited Speaker; Conference on Ocular Surface Science and Dry Eye, Sydney, Australia Invited Speaker; New Zealand National Eye Centre, Auckland, New Zealand Invited Speaker; Sanofi Fovea Pharmaceuticals, Paris, France Invited Speaker; The 19th Congress of the Chinese Ophthalmological Society, Xi’an, China Invited Speaker; The 17th Afro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology, Xi’an, China Invited Keynote Speaker; European Association for Vision and Eye Research Congress, Nice, France Invited Speaker; Department of Ophthalmology, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 26 Invited Speaker; Henry Schroeder Visiting Scientist, Department of Physiology and Neurobiology, Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, NH 2015 Invited Speaker; Grand Rounds, Department of Ophthalmology, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston (January 2015) Invited Speaker; National Congress of the Argentine Council of Ophthalmology, Buenos Aires, Argentina (May 2015) b. Professional leadership roles related to teaching 1990-1992 Organizer, International Conference on the Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film and Dry Eye Syndromes: Basic Science and Clinical Relevance (Bermuda, 1992) 1994-1996 Organizer, Second International Conference on the Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film and Dry Eye Syndromes: Basic Science and Clinical Relevance (Bermuda, 1996) 1998-2000 Organizer, Third International Conference on the Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film and Dry Eye Syndromes: Basic Science and Clinical Relevance (Maui, 2000) 2002-2004 Organizer, 4th International Conference on the Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film, Ocular Surface and Dry Eye Syndromes: Basic Science and Clinical Relevance (Puerto Rico, 2004) 2003 Co-Organizer, Immunology of the Ocular Surface and Tear Film WorkShop, Bavaria, Germany 2003-2004 Organizer, Symposium on Sex Differences in Ocular Surface Biology, International Congress of Eye Research, Sydney, Australia 2005-2007 Organizer, 5th International Conference on the Tear Film & Ocular Surface: Basic Science and Clinical Relevance (Taormina, Sicily, 2007) 2005-2007 Organizer, Symposium on Immunology of Dry Eye, International Congress of Eye Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2007 Organizer, Special Interest Group Meeting, Conclusions and Recommendations of the TFOS International Dry Eye Workshop (DEWS), ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, FL 2007- Co-Organizer, 2007 TFOS Report of the International Dry Eye WorkShop (DEWS), published in The Ocular Surface, Volume 5, Number 2, pp. 65-204, 2007; additional material placed online at www.TearFilm.org 2007 Organizer, Special Interest Group Meeting, Conclusions and Recommendations of the TFOS International Dry Eye WorkShop (DEWS), EVER, Portoroz, Slovenia 2008-2010 Director, 6th International Conference on the Tear Film & Ocular Surface: Basic Science and Clinical Relevance (Florence, Italy, 9/10) David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 27 2009-2010 Co-Programmer and Co-Chair, Ocular Surface Disease session, World Cornea Congress, Boston 2009-2010 Organizer, Special Interest Group Meeting, Conclusions and Recommendations of the TFOS International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, FL 2009-2010 Organizer, Special Interest Group Meeting, Conclusions and Recommendations of the TFOS International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference and Exhibition, Birmingham, UK 2009-2010 Organizer, Special Interest Group Meeting, Conclusions and Recommendations of the TFOS International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, World Ophthalmology Congress, Berlin 2009-2010 Organizer, Special Interest Group Meeting, Conclusions and Recommendations of the TFOS International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, European Association for Vision and Eye Research Annual Meeting, Hersonissos, Crete 2009-2010 Organizer, Special Interest Group Meeting, Conclusions and Recommendations of the TFOS International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, ISOPT, Macau, China 2011 Co-Organizer, ARVO 2012 Minisymposium on Surgical Innovations for the Treatment of Eye Disease 2011-2012 Organizer, Session on Surgery-Induced Dry Eye, World Ophthalmology Congress 2012, Abu Dhabi 2011-2013 Director, 7th International Conference on the Tear Film & Ocular Surface: Basic Science and Clinical Relevance (Taormina, Italy, 9/13) Note: These series of 7 “Tear Film” Conferences were designed to: [a] Assess the current knowledge and 'state of the art' research on the structure and function of tear film-producing tissues, tears and the ocular surface in both health and disease; and [b] Promote an international exchange of information that would be of value to basic scientists involved in eye research, to clinicians in the eye care community, and to pharmaceutical companies with an interest in the treatment of lacrimal gland, tear film or ocular surface disorders. The first 3 Conferences were also created to generate books, which would contain summaries of the Conference's presentations, and provide an educational foundation and scientific reference for research on the tear film, ocular surface and dry eye syndromes. These books were published, cited in Index Medicus, and contained 729 (1992), 1,051 (1996) and 1,385 (2004) pages. Participation in these Conferences grew from 1992 (n ~ 175 people), to 1996 (n ~ 235), to 2000 (n ~ 335), to 2004 (n ~ 380), to 2007 (n ~ 500) and to 2010 (n ~ 600). The number of participants in 2013 exceeded 500 people. Numerous travel awards have been given in these Conferences to students, fellows and young investigators. David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 28 2013-2014 Organizer, Special Interest Group Meeting, Conclusions and Recommendations of the TFOS International Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort, Orlando, FL David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 29 Part III: Bibliography Original Articles: 1. Sullivan DA, Wira CR. Sex hormone and glucocorticoid receptors in the bursa of Fabricius of immature chicks. J Immunology 1979;122:2617-2623. 2. Wira CR, Hyde E, Sandoe CP, Sullivan DA, Spencer S. Cellular aspects of the rat uterine IgA response to estradiol and progesterone. J Steroid Biochem 1980;12:451-459. 3. Sullivan DA, Wira CR. Estradiol regulation of secretory component in the female reproductive tract. J Steroid Biochem 1981;15:439-444. 4. Sullivan DA, Wira CR. Hormonal regulation of immunoglobulins in the rat uterus: Uterine response to a single estradiol treatment. Endocrinology 1983;112:260-268. 5. Sullivan DA, Wira CR. Variations in free secretory component levels in mucosal secretions of the rat. J Immunology 1983;130:1330-1335. 6. Sullivan DA, Underdown BJ, Wira CR. Steroid hormone regulation of free secretory component in the rat uterus. Immunology 1983;49:379-386. 7. Wira CR, Sullivan DA, Sandoe CP. Epithelial cell involvement in the estradiol-stimulated accumulation of IgA in the rat uterus. J Steroid Biochem 1983;19:469-474. 8. Sullivan DA, Richardson GS, McLaughlin DT, Wira CR. Variations in the levels of secretory component in human uterine secretions during the menstrual cycle. J Steroid Biochem 1984;20:509513. 9. Sullivan DA, Wira CR. Hormonal regulation of immunoglobulins in the rat uterus: Uterine response to multiple estradiol treatments. Endocrinology 1984;114:650-658. 10. Sullivan DA, Bloch KJ, Allansmith MR. Hormonal influence on the secretory immune system of the eye: Androgen regulation of secretory component levels in rat tears. J Immunology 1984;132:11301135. 11. Sullivan DA, Bloch KJ, Allansmith MR. Hormonal Influence on the secretory immune system of the eye: Androgen control of secretory component production by the rat exorbital gland. Immunology 1984;52:239-246. 12. Sullivan DA, Allansmith MR. Source of IgA in tears of rats. Immunology 1984;53:791-799. 13. Wira CR, Sullivan DA. Estradiol and progesterone regulation of IgA, IgG and secretory component in vaginal secretions of the rat. Biol Reprod 1985;32:90-95. 14. Gudmundsson OG, Sullivan DA, Bloch KJ, Allansmith MR. The ocular secretory immune system of the rat. Exp Eye Res 1985;40:231-238. David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 30 15. Sullivan DA, Allansmith MR. Hormonal influence on the secretory immune system of the eye: Androgen modulation of IgA levels in tears of rats. J Immunology 1985;134:2978-2982. 16. Cornell-Bell AH, Sullivan DA, Allansmith MR. Gender-related differences in the morphology of the lacrimal gland. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1985;26:1170-1175. 17. Sullivan DA, Allansmith MR. Hormonal modulation of tear volume in the rat. Exp Eye Res 1986;42:131-139. 18. Sullivan DA, Colby E, Hann LE, Allansmith MR, Wira CR. Production and utilization of a mouse monoclonal antibody to rat IgA: Identification of gender-related differences in the secretory immune system. Immunol Invest 1986;15:311-318. 19. Sullivan DA, Allansmith MR. Hormonal influence on the secretory immune system of the eye: endocrine interactions in the control of IgA and secretory component levels in tears of rats. Immunology 1987;60:337-343. 20. Allansmith MR, Gudmundsson OG, Hann LE, Keys C, Bloch KJ, Sullivan DA. The immune response of the lacrimal gland to antigenic exposure. Curr Eye Res 1987;6:921-928. 21. Sullivan DA. Influence of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis on the androgen regulation of the ocular secretory immune system. J Steroid Biochem 1988;30:429-433. 22. Sullivan DA, Allansmith MR. The effect of aging on the secretory immune system of the eye. Immunology 1988;63:403-410. 23. Sullivan, DA, Hann LE, Vaerman JP. Selectivity, specificity and kinetics of the androgen regulation of the ocular secretory immune system. Immunol Invest 1988;17:183-194. 24. Hann LE, Allansmith MR, Sullivan DA. Impact of aging and gender on the Ig-containing cell profile of the lacrimal gland. Acta Ophthalmologica 1988;66:87-92. 25. Gudmundsson OG, Bjornsson J, Olafsdottir K, Bloch KJ, Allansmith MR, Sullivan DA. T cell populations in the lacrimal gland during aging. Acta Ophthalmologica 1988;66:490-497. 26. Hann LE, Tatro J, Sullivan DA. Morphology and function of lacrimal gland acinar cells in primary culture. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1989;30:145-158. 27. Harmatz PR, Carter EA, Sullivan DA, Hatz RA, Baker R, Breazeale E, Grant K, Bloch KJ. Effect of thermal injury in the rat on transfer of IgA protein into bile. Annals Surgery 1989;210:203-207. 28. Ariga H, Edwards J, Sullivan DA. Androgen control of autoimmune expression in lacrimal glands of MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr mice. Clin Immunol Immunopathol 1989;53:499-508. 29. Sullivan DA, Hann LE. Hormonal influence on the secretory immune system of the eye: endocrine impact on the lacrimal gland accumulation and secretion of IgA and IgG.J Steroid Biochem 1989; 34:253-262. David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 31 30. Sullivan DA, Hann LE, Yee L, Allansmith MR. Age- and gender-related influence on the lacrimal gland and tears. Acta Ophthalmologica 1990;68:188-194. 31. Entwistle ML, Hann LE, Sullivan DA, Tatro JB. Characterization of functional melanotropin receptors in lacrimal glands of the rat. Peptides 1990;11:477-483. 32. Taubman MA, Halazonetis TD, Stack SE, Smith DJ, Sullivan DA. Thyroid influence on the salivary secretory immune system. In: Advances in Mucosal Immunology. London: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1990. p.497-499. 33. Sullivan DA, Yee L, Conner AS, Hann LE, Olivier M, Allansmith MR. Influence of ocular surface antigen on the postnatal accumulation of immunoglobulin-containing cells in the rat lacrimal gland. Immunology 1990;71:573-580. 34. Sullivan DA, Kelleher RS, Vaerman JP, Hann LE. Androgen regulation of secretory component synthesis by lacrimal gland acinar cells in vitro. J Immunology 1990;145:4238-4244. 35. Kelleher RS, Hann LE, Edwards JA, Sullivan DA. Endocrine, neural and immune control of secretory component output by lacrimal gland acinar cells. J Immunology 1991;146:3405-3412. 36. Hann LE, Kelleher RS, Sullivan DA. Influence of culture conditions on the androgen control of secretory component production by acinar cells from the lacrimal gland. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1991;32:2610-2621. 37. Sullivan DA, Hann LE, Soo CH, Yee L, Edwards JA, Allansmith MR. Neural-immune interrelationship: effect of optic, sympathetic, temporofacial or sensory denervation on the secretory immune system of the lacrimal gland. Regional Immunology 199l;3:204-212. 38. Vendramini AC, Soo C, Sullivan DA. Testosterone-induced suppression of autoimmune disease in lacrimal tissue of a mouse model (NZB/NZW F1) of Sjogren's Syndrome. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1991;32:3002-3006. 39. Cappeller WA, Bloch KJ, Hatz RA, Carter EA, Fagundes J, Sullivan DA, Harmatz PR. Reduction in biliary IgA after burn injury: Role of diminished delivery via the thoracic duct and of enhanced loss from the systemic circulation. Annals Surgery 1992;215:338-343. 40. Sato EH, Ariga H, Sullivan, DA. Impact of androgen therapy in Sjögren's syndrome: Hormonal influence on lymphocyte populations and Ia expression in lacrimal glands of MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr mice. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1992;33:2537-2545. 41. Cappeller WA, Bloch KJ, Fagundes J, Carter EA, Sullivan DA, Harmatz PR. Effect of thermal injury on transfer of IR22 IgA myeloma protein into bile in the rat. Liver 1992;12:124-131. 42. Sullivan DA, Vaerman JP and Soo C. Influence of severe protein malnutrition on rat lacrimal, salivary and gastrointestinal immune expression during development, adulthood and aging. Immunology 1993;78:308-317. David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 32 43. Rocha FJ, Wickham LA, Pena JDO, Gao J, Ono M, Lambert RW, Kelleher RS, Sullivan DA. Influence of gender and the endocrine environment on the distribution of androgen receptors in the lacrimal gland. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1993;46:737-749. 44. Lambert RW, Kelleher RS, Wickham LA, Vaerman JP, Sullivan DA. Neuroendocrinimmune modulation of secretory component production by rat lacrimal, salivary and intestinal epithelial cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1994;35:1192-1201. 45. Sato EH, Sullivan DA. Comparative influence of steroid hormones and immunosuppressive agents on autoimmune expression in lacrimal glands of a female mouse model of Sjögren’s syndrome. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1994;35:2632-2642. 46. Rocha FJ, Sato EH, Sullivan BD, Sullivan DA. Effect of androgen analogue treatment and androgen withdrawal on lacrimal gland inflammation in a mouse model (MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr) of Sjögren’s syndrome. Reg Immunol 1994;6:270-277. 47. Gao J, Lambert RW, Wickham LA, Banting G, Sullivan DA. Androgen control of secretory component mRNA levels in the rat lacrimal gland. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1995;52:239-249. 48. Ono M, Rocha FJ, Sullivan DA. Immunocytochemical location and hormonal control of androgen receptors in lacrimal tissues of the female MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr mouse model of Sjögren’s syndrome. Exp Eye Res 1995;61:659-666. 49. Sullivan DA, Edwards JA, Wickham LA, Pena JDO, Gao J, Ono M, Kelleher RS. Identification and endocrine control of sex steroid binding sites in the lacrimal gland. Curr Eye Res 1996;15:279-291. 50. Huang Z, Lambert RW, Wickham A, Sullivan DA. Analysis of cytomegalovirus infection and replication in acinar epithelial cells of the rat lacrimal gland. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1996;37:11741186. 51. Sullivan DA, Block L, Pena JDO. Influence of androgens and pituitary hormones on the structural profile and secretory activity of the lacrimal gland. Acta Ophthalmol Scand 1996;74:421-435. 52. Sullivan DA, Edwards J. Androgen stimulation of lacrimal gland function in mouse models of Sjögren's syndrome. J Ster Biochem Mol Biol 1997;60:237-245. 53. Wickham A, Huang Z, Lambert RW, Sullivan DA. Effect of sialodacryoadenitis virus exposure on acinar epithelial cells from the rat lacrimal gland. Ocular Immunol Immunopathol 1997;5:181-195. 54. Toda I, Wickham LA, Sullivan DA. Gender and androgen treatment influences the expression of proto-oncogenes and apoptotic factors in lacrimal and salivary tissues of MRL/lpr mice. Clin Immunol Immunopath 1998;86:59-71. 55. Haendler B, Toda I, Sullivan DA, Schleuning W-D. Expression of cysteine-rich proteins (CRISPs) in the murine lacrimal gland. J Cell Physiol 1999;178:371-378. David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 33 56. Sullivan DA, Krenzer KL, Sullivan BD, Tolls BD, Toda I, Dana MR. Does androgen insufficiency cause lacrimal gland inflammation and aqueous tear deficiency? Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1999;40:1261-1265. 57. Toda I, Sullivan BD, Rocha EM, Silveira LA, Wickham LA, Sullivan DA. Impact of gender on exocrine gland inflammation in mouse models of Sjögren’s syndrome. Exp Eye Res 1999;69:355-366. 58. Toda I, Sullivan BD, Wickham LA, Sullivan DA. Gender and androgen-related influence on the expression of proto-oncogene and apoptotic factor mRNAs in lacrimal glands of autoimmune and non-autoimmune mice. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1999;71:49-61. 59. Rocha EM, Wickham LA, Silveira LA, Krenzer KL, Yu FS, Toda I, Sullivan BD, Sullivan DA. Identification of androgen receptor protein and 5a-reductase mRNA in human ocular tissues. Brit J Ophthalmol 2000;84:76-84. 60. Wickham LA, Gao J, Toda I, Rocha EM, Ono M, Sullivan DA. Identification of androgen, estrogen and progesterone receptor mRNAs in the eye. Acta Ophthalmologica 2000;78:146-153. 61. Sullivan DA, Sullivan BD, Ullman MD, Rocha EM, Krenzer KL, Cermak JM, Toda I, Doane M, Evans JE, Wickham LA. Androgen influence on the meibomian gland. 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Diagnostic Template 11 (http://www.tearfilm.org/dewsreport/), Appendix of Methodologies to diagnose and monitor dry eye disease, Report of the International Dry Eye WorkShop (DEWS), Volume 5, Number 2, 2007. 206. Abelson MB, Sullivan DA, Ousler GWIII, Smith L, Maffei C. What you missed at the TFOS Meeting: A thorough update on the latest research in corneal and external disease. Rev Ophthalmol 2007;14(12):56-61. 207. Sullivan DA. Historical Perspective: Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society Conferences. Ocul Surf 2011;9:2. 208. Nichols KK, Foulks GN, Bron AJ, Sullivan DA. Meibomian gland dysfunction: What is it, why does it occur, and how do I treat it? Ophthalmology Management, Optometric Management and Contact Lens Spectrum 2011. 209. Gomes JA, Rocha EM, Freitas D, Sullivan DA. Workshop sobre Disfunção das Glândulas Meimobius. Arq Bras Oftalmol 2011;74:157-160. 210. Sullivan DA. New approaches and challenges for the treatment of dry eye disease. Frontiers Dry Eye 2012;7:48-49. 211. Efron N, Brennan NA, Bright FV, Glasgow BJ, Jones LW, Sullivan DA, Tomlinson A, Zhang J. 2. Contact lens care and ocular surface homeostasis. Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2013;36 Suppl 1:S9-13. 212. Liu Y, Ding J, Sullivan DA. An additional explanation for azithromycin’s efficacy in treating meibomian gland dysfunction. Brit J Ophthalmol, Published Online First: 19 August 2014 Books: 213. Sullivan DA, Bromberg BB, Cripps MM, Dartt DA, MacKeen DL, Mircheff AK, Montgomery PC, Tsubota K, Walcott B, editors. Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film and Dry Eye Syndromes: Basic Science and Clinical Relevance. New York: Plenum Press; 1994. 214. Sullivan DA, Dartt DA, Meneray MM, editors. Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film and Dry Eye Syndromes 2. Basic Science and Clinical Relevance. New York: Plenum Press; 1998. 215. Sullivan DA, Tsubota K, Dartt DA, Stern ME, Sullivan RM, Bromberg BB, editors. Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film and Dry Eye Syndromes 3. Basic Science and Clinical Relevance. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press; 2002. David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 45 216. Zierhut M, Stern ME, Sullivan DA, eds. Immunology of the Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film and Ocular Surface. London, Great Britain: Taylor & Francis, 2005. Thesis: Sullivan DA. Pulmonary immaturity in the respiratory distress syndrome and glucocorticoid induced acceleration of lung maturation [M.S. project]. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Medical School; 1975. Sullivan DA. The role of estradiol in the regulation of the secretory immune system of the female reproductive tract [Ph.D. dissertation]. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth Medical School; 1980. Patents: 1. Ocular Androgen Therapy in Sjögren’s Syndrome. Patent No. 5,620,921, Issued 4/15/97. 2. Ocular Therapy in Sjögren’s Syndrome Using Topically Applied Androgens or TGF-b. Patent No. 5,688,765, Issued 11/18/97. 3. Ocular Therapy in Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca Using Topically Applied Androgens or TGF-b. Patent No. 5,958,912, Issued 9/28/99. 4. Ocular Therapy in Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca Using Topically Applied Androgens or TGF-b. Patent No. 6,107,289, Issued 8/22/00. 5. Sullivan B, Schmidt TA, Sullivan DA. Therapeutic replenishment and enrichment of ocular surface lubrication. Pub. No. WO/2009/137217. 6. Sullivan B, Schmidt TA, Sullivan DA. Therapeutic modulation of ocular surface lubrication. Pub. No. WO/2009/137602. 7. Sullivan B, Schmidt TA, Sullivan DA. Ophthalmic device, and method of use thereof, for increasing ocular boundary lubrication. Patent No. 12,940,454, Issued 6/13. 8. Sullivan B, Schmidt TA, Sullivan DA. Replenishment and enrichment of ocular surface lubrication. Pub. No. WO/2011/050287. 9. Sullivan B, Schmidt TA, Truitt E, Truitt NBJ, Sullivan DA. Application and uses of PRG4 and therapeutic modulation thereof. Pub. No. WO/2010/135736. 10. Truitt E, Sullivan B, Sullivan DA. Therapeutic modulation of vaginal epithelium boundary lubrication. Pub. No. WO/2010/083239. 11. Sullivan B, Schmidt TA, Sullivan DA. Ophthalmic device, and method of use thereof, for increasing ocular boundary lubrication. Patent No. 14/032,233, Issued 9/14. Abstracts: David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 46 Articles submitted by November 2014 1. Liu Y, Sullivan DA, Lost EO, Kopchick JJ, Ding J. Regulation of mouse meibomian gland size by the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor-1 axis. To be submitted, January 2015. 2. Kam WR, Rahimi Darabad R, Suzuki T, Sullivan DA. Suppressive effects of 17β-estradiol on immortalized human meibomian gland epithelial cells. To be submitted, January 2015. 3. Sullivan DA, Cermak JM, Sullivan RM, Papas AS, Dana MR, Krenzer KL. Comparative signs and symptoms of dry eye in primary and secondary Sjögren’s syndrome and meibomian gland disease. To be submitted, January 2015. Abstracts to be converted to original articles 4. Sullivan DA, Richards SM. Sex and endocrine influence on surfactant protein gene expression in ocular and salivary tissues. 5. Rocha EM, Sullivan BD, Toda I, Wickham, LA, Silveira LA, Sullivan DA. Sex and androgen effects on cytokine mRNA levels in lacrimal tissues of mouse models of Sjögren’s syndrome. 6 Sullivan DA, Richards SM. Mechanism(s) involved in the androgen-induced suppression of lacrimal gland inflammation in Sjögren’s syndrome. 7. Sahin A, Kam WR, Rahimi Darabad R, Sullivan DA. Lipopolysaccharide induction of proinflammatory gene expression in human corneal, conjunctival and meibomian gland epithelial cells. 8. Kam WR, Rahimi Darabad R, Sullivan DA. Membrane steroid receptors are expressed by human meibomian gland epithelial cells. 9. Sullivan DA, Rahimi Darabad, Liu S, Kam WR. Are mice relevant models for understanding sexrelated differences in the human meibomian gland? Part IV: Personal Narrative I am a Ph.D. graduate of Dartmouth Medical School (Hanover, NH), an Associate Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School and a Senior Scientist at the Schepens Eye Research Institute (SERI; Boston, MA). During the past 32 years, my research has focused upon the interrelationships between sex, sex steroids and dry eye disease, and has led to authorship on over 200 scientific articles and 11 patents, as well as to the development of potential therapies for aqueous-deficient and evaporative dry eye disease. I have continually been awarded research grants from NIH throughout my career, and have served as a preceptor for 28 postdoctoral fellows. I have been invited to give presentations at numerous international meetings on ophthalmology, immunology, endocrinology and autoimmunity, as well as at various medical institutions, around the world. I was recently awarded The Carel C. Koch Memorial Medal Award from the American Academy of Optometry for “outstanding contributions to the enhancement and development of relationships between optometry and other professions.” David A. Sullivan, Ph.D. 47 I am a Founder, recent President, and current Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS), a non-profit organization, which was created to advance the research, literacy, and educational aspects of the scientific field of the tear film and ocular surface throughout the world. I have organized 7 International Conferences, overseen the awarding of more than 200 Young Investigator Awards, and organized the TFOS International Workshops on Dry Eye (“DEWS”), Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Contact Lens Discomfort. These global Workshops involved the efforts of 50 to 80 scientific and clinical experts, each required 2 to 3 years to complete, and all led to the publication of major reports. Through TFOS I have helped to promote increased international awareness of external eye diseases, enhance governmental funding for tear film and ocular surface research, stimulate the development of therapeutic drugs and diagnostic devices, and influence the design and conduct of clinical trials of novel treatments for ocular surface disorders. My efforts for TFOS are voluntary, and I receive no compensation from this Society. TFOS has a distribution to ~5,000 basic scientists, clinical researchers and industry representatives in more than 80 countries. Within SERI I have served as the Head of the Research Council (i.e. Faculty Senate), the Director of the Center for Corneal and External Eye Disease Research, the Head of the Immunology Unit, and the Leader of the Immunity, Inflammation and Transplantation Focus Group. I also chaired the SERI Technology Transfer Committee for over 10 years, and helped to create the Joint Clinical Research Center of SERI and the Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, and the SERI Corporate Alliance Program. Outside SERI I have chaired the Medical and Scientific Advisory Board of the Sjögren's Syndrome Foundation, and was recently a Co-Chair of the Cornea Program Committee of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. I have acted as a reviewer for research grant proposals for NIH, the Concerted Action Program of the Ministry of Education of Flanders and the USA Veterans Administration, served on the Fellowship Review Panel for the Fight for Sight Research Division of the National Society to Prevent Blindness, and assisted as an editorial referee for many ophthalmic, immune and endocrine journals.
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