SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY ELSEVIER Sedimentary Geology 90 (1994) 77-93 Sedimentology and palaeo-environment of the Upper Visean anhydrite of the Franco-Belgian Carboniferous Basin (Saint-Ghislain borehole, southern Belgium) Thierry De Putter a, Jean-Marie Rouchy b, Alain Herbosch a, Eddy Keppens c, Catherine Pierre d Eric Groessens e Universit~ Libre de Bruxelles, D~pt. des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Environnement, CP 160 / 02, 50, av. F.D. Roosevelt, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium b Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, Laboratoire de G~ologie (CNRS URA 723), 43, rue Buffon, F- 75005 Paris, France c Vrije Universiteit Brusse~ Geochronologie, Pleinlaan, 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium a Universit~ Pierre et Marie Curie, L.O.D.Y.C, 4, Pl. Jussieu, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France e Service G~ologique de Belgique, 13, rue Jenner, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium a (Received January 27, 1993; revised version accepted September 27, 1993) Abstract The Upper Visean (Carboniferous) evaporitic basin of the Franco-Belgian Variscan domain is represented by the thick anhydrite series cored at Saint-Ghislain (Hainaut, southern Belgium) and Epinoy 1 (northern France). Although the sedimentary record has been modified by post-depositional events (early and late diagenesis, tectonics), a study based on sedimentology, stable isotope data (sulphates and carbonates) and micropalaeontology of the Upper Visean (V3) stratigraphic interval from Saint-Ghislain, allows reconstruction of the evaporitic sedimentation processes and the establishment of a palaeogeographic framework. Most of these Ca-sulphate deposits were subtidal. Deposition occurred in a shallow-water, marine-fed lagoon or "salina" filled by a cyclic shoaling-upward sequence mainly composed of Ca-sulphates associated with carbonates. 1. Introduction The Lower Carboniferous of Belgium is composed essentially of carbonate deposits which formed a large platform running along the London-Brabant massif. Since the beginning of the century, it has been the object of numerous studies, mainly palaeontologic and stratigraphic in nature (Conil and Lys, 1964; Conil et al., 1990). Delmer (1972) predicted the existence of Palaeozoic evaporites in the region covered today by the Cretaceous deposits of the Haine Basin. Delmer considered that the morphology of the bottom of the basin resulted from the halokinetic deformation and dissolution of Middle Devonian (Givetian) evaporites known laterally in the boreholes of Annapes, Tournai and Vieux-Leuze, located to the northwest of Saint-Ghislain (Legrand, 1960; Van Tassel, 1960). The Visean evaporites were discovered four years later in the SaintGhislain borehole (Fig. 1) (Dejonghe et al., 1976). The cumulated thickness of the Devonian-Di- 0037-0738/94/$07.00 © 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved SSDI 0037-0738(93)E0121-U 78 T De Putter et aL ~Sedimentary Geology O0 (1994) 77 03 • °00, JC;ta., I I ~4 e " • Sf-Omer ~'-~c, ,~,//,,,~ ~'\ ". KEY: - - I ~L .... . . . . . . . T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S/ ~ /'~ a S .Mons C h a r L e r e i / ~ . . . ~ n~ h ROCROI I'~ ) : ~t;>--~ ~ l--v- . ° "4 ~ ST- GHISLAIN ~ 0 . ,~ ' 'j ., ~ Liege / . [ STAVELOT,~x'~,~ Z MASSIF __ _w~._..,L.~ ~'d l A IV I I L L/ ". . . . . . . . . . . POE~. u ' ~ _\~UlVUNtVt ~ -.~x~.~"-'-,~.~,~. - \__. V ~ - ! ..... ~'~ , "MASSIF ~"<-'-'¢4"./-/CZc~" sta~,,,° o,,,~t,~,,~ Anticline axis .... Pateozoic ~ Am~,,~ ~ ~AlE ..._~ ~ / ~--- 7 " /' ~ .... ~, Fig. 1. Locationmap. nantian beds (5300 m) did not allow verification of the extent of the Middle Devonian evaporites because the borehole ended in the Upper Devonian (Frasnian) at a depth of 5403.25 m. Delmer (1977) suggested that the great thickness of the Dinantian beds (2550 m), by comparison with the 600-700 m of the same formations usually observed in outcrops, indicated a high rate of sedimentation in a trough subsequently named the "Sillon borain" by Michot (1980). The southern border of this trough remains unknown because the sediments are buried beneath the Dinant thrust sheet whose northern limit corresponds to the "Midi Overthrust" (or Variscan front) (Fig. 1). Seven years later the petroleum borehole of Epinoy 1 (50 km to the southwest of SaintGhislain), drilled to the south of the Variscan front, revealed an anhydrite-bearing formation, more than 900 m thick, occurring in an overturned position under the Midi Overthrust and cut by a system of internal thrust sheets (Laumondais et al., 1984). This discovery showed that the Visean evaporites occupied an area larger than the "Sillon borain" and were affected by Hercynian compressive deformations (Rouchy et al., 1984; Laumondais et al., 1984). These evaporites, and their lateral equivalents (represented by carbonate a n d / o r siliceous pseudomorphs of Ca-sulphate minerals within the carbonate platform deposits), have been the subject of several stratigraphic, sedimentologic and geochemical studies (Rouchy et al., 1984, 1987; Pierre et al., 1984; Pierre, 1986; Pierre and Rouchy, 1986). Their discovery revived the debate about the formation of certain major Visean (V3a) breccias in this area, especially the "Grande Br~che", favouring the hypothesis of in-situ collapse-solution of evaporites, although the chronology of the dissolution varies from author to author (Rouchy et al., 1984, 1987; Mamet et al., 1986; de Magn6e et al., 1986). Synthesis of the currently available data shows that further progress will only be possible through a study of the evaporitic facies, and their lateral equivalent carbonate rocks, within a defined stratigraphic interval. The good stratigraphic resolution available for these formations, and the continuous coring across the Visean series, offer an exceptional opportunity for such an approach. It also offers an opportunity to study the continuous sedimentation record, thus providing a reference succession for the interpretation of thick Fig. 2. Lithologiccolumnand sedimentologicdata of the Saint-Ghislainborehole, includingsedimentarystructuresof the anhydrite and carbonate layers,carbonate-calciumsulphateratio, sequentialanalysisusingthe majorcarbonate mierofaciesdescribedin the text and gamma-raydata. T. De Putter et al. / Sedimentary Geology 90 (1994) 77-93 COMPOSITION %100|0 llO 40 20 0 calcium s u l f a t e ,c. .0:040so a0,00~ SEQUENTIAL ANALYSIS Ii JJ,I~, Microfacl6s ! 2 s 4 s 6 T a . 910 e e anhydrite LITHOLOGY STRUCTURES ANHYDRITE ~ STRUCTURES CARBONATES ~ ~iii~carbonates nodular ~ s t r e t c h e d nodules highly d e f o r m e d ~enterolitic ~ mosaic ieminated carbonates I [massive carbonates ~breccies conglomerates ~siumps ~mud-cracks ~bird's eyes teepees (~ g o n l a t i t e s (~ c r i n o i d s gypsum <> p o r p h y r o t o p i c ~ poikilotopic .~.siiicifi^ ^ ^ ^ paeudomorphs anhydrlte anhydrlte "" c a t i o n s 79 80 T. De Putter et al. ~Sedimentary Geology 90 (1994) 77 ~93 evaporitic sequences formed in intra-platform lagoons. The study, carried out on both the anhydrite and carbonate deposits, is mainly based on high-resolution observations of the sedimentology and microfaunal assemblages, and stable isotope measurements on the sulphates and carbonates. 2. Stratigraphic background The 760 m thick evaporite bearing formation is situated within the predominantly carbonate Dinantian sedimentary succession of more than 2500 m (Groessens et al., 1979). In this interval, the evaporites appear as massive layers of anhydrite, although thinner beds and scattered pseudomorphs are still present in the underlying deposits. The studied sequences correspond to the V3 foraminiferal biozone of the European Visean which occurs between 2100 m and 1936.50 m (Groessens et al., 1979) (Fig. 2). This stratigraphic zone of the Dinantian in the Franco-Belgian basin is equivalent to the Holkerian and to the base of the Asbian (U.K. stratigraphy), and to the base of the Upper Missisippian (U.S. stratigraphy). The formation is composed of about 85% anhydrite and 15% carbonate (Fig. 2). 3. Ca-sulphate deposits: petrography and stable isotope composition 3.1. Petrography Nodular anhydrite. The anhydrite generally occurs as dm- to m-thick layers characterized by a dominant nodular facies (Fig. 3). The cm- to dm-sized nodules generally display ellipsoidal to subspheric shapes. All the structures classically described for nodular anhydrite (Maiklem et al., 1969; Holliday, 1971) may be observed in the cores. These are: scattered or coalescent nodules, mosaic or chicken wire, wispy, massive, sometimes enterolithic (Groessens et al., 1979; Rouchy et al., 1984, 1987; De Putter et al., 1991). The nodular structures have been obliterated locally as a result of tectonically induced defor- Fig. 3. Common nodular facies observed within the massive anhydrite. Where the nodules are in contact with each other they give rise to a chicken-wire-like pattern (lower part of the photo) while other nodules display angular to elongated shapes which could indicate gypsum precursors. Saint-Ghislain borehole, 2002.60 m. mation which produced: (1) elongation of the nodules along a plane oblique to the stratification; (2) mechanical lamination, microfolds and, with increasing deformation, textures evoking a gneissic facies (Groessens et al., 1979; Rouchy et al., 1984, 1987). At places, the undeformed cmsize nodules are truncated by a generation of stratiform stylolites. Pseudomorphs after gypsum (1) Lenticular crystals appear as biconvex lenses of several 100/xm to 2 mm in length and are mainly observed in the homogeneous or laminated micrites (Fig. 4). This gypsum habit usually grows interstitially within a host sediment in both emergent (phreatic and vadose conditions) and subaqueous conditions. They are replaced by clear equigranular sparite a n d / o r by clear anhydrite. T. De Putter et al. / Sedimentary Geology 90 (1994) 77-93 81 (2) Relics of selenite gypsum may be recognized through cm-size nodules of anhydrite which exhibit preferred orientation sub-perpendicular to the original bedding of the carbonate (Rouchy et al., 1984). The tops of individual nodules show a triangular shape with the apex pointing upwards (Fig. 5). This suggests that the former gypsum was monocrystalline rather than twinned (Loucks and Longman, 1982; Shearman, 1983; Warren and Kendall, 1985). The pseudomorphs are either scattered, or grouped, to form layers of vertically oriented nodules resembling those of selenitic crusts. Locally, they are associated with relics of lenticular crystals. The formation of selenite is now well documented in modem and ancient evaporitic settings where it results mainly from subaqueous precipitation of crystals nucleated at the bottom of evap- Fig. 5. Nodular anhydrite in which the nodules are elongated in a vertical to subvertical direction (dashed lines) indicating that they represent pseudomorphs after selenitic gypsum crystals. These crystals may be interpreted as resulting from primary subaqueous growth. Saint-Ghislain borehole, 2080.40 m. Fig. 4. Triangular-shaped crystals (gypsum pseudomorphs) developed in laminated limestones of possibly algal origin. The overlying calcareous laminae are usually deformed and some laminae may compensate the induced relief indicating a very early diagenetic growth. Saint-Ghislain borehole, 1958.93 m. oritic pools (Shearman and Orti Cabo, 1978; Rouchy, 1982; Warren, 1982; Orti Cabo et al., 1984; Schreiber, 1988, among others). Because the Visean rocks have been buried as deeply as 2500 m, we may consider that the dehydration of gypsum to anhydrite was due to an increase in temperature and pressure with burial. This replacement may partially preserve the former crystalline morphologies, or obliterate them, leading to the development of nodular to mosaic facies which are similar to the structure of the early diagenetic anhydrite (Rouchy, 1980; Shearman, 1983). Accordingly, it is difficult to estimate the relative proportions of anhydrite resulting from the two processes. Moreover, the tectonism has contributed to the destruction of the original gypsum fabric. (3) The gypsum cement is represented by cm- 82 T. De Putter et at/Sedimentao' Geology 90 (1994) 77-03 sized irregular masses of poikilotopic anhydrite within carbonate sediments (Fig. 2, symbol to the right of the carbonate structure column). The anhydrite masses are aggregates of hypidiotopic anhydrite laths of a few 100/zm in length and do not display any preferred orientation or mechanical deformation. They are easily recognized on a polished surface because of their iridescence, which is similar to that of labradorite. The host sediment is generally composed of highly porous carbonates, such as packstone or grainstone, with "micropeloids", peloids or ooids. The poikilotopic anhydrite is often developed in laminated carbonates, occurring at the top of shallowing-upward sequences (described below). The anhydrite commonly includes particles of uncemented carbonate in which it grew, except at 2054.60 m, where an isopachous siliceous cement surrounds the ooids (De Putter, 1991). The characteristics of these anhydritic masses (irregular boundaries, inclusive growth) are similar to those of the monocrystalline gypsum cements which generally develop in coarse-grained carbonates (with ooids, peloids or shells). This gypsum cement incorporates, and partially replaces, the carbonate components, and it generally plugs the porosity. The formation of such gypsum cements may be related to processes of capillary concentration of interstitial solutions in exposed sediments. These cements could be compared with those described by Logan (1987) in the upper part of outcropping sedimentary profiles in Lake MacLeod (Western Australia). The further transformation of gypsum into anhydrite could also result from burial-controlled dehydration. (4) Miscellaneous pseudomorphs occur throughout the laminated carbonates as different varieties of undeformed anhydrite: (1) ram- to cm-sized arborescent crystalline structures; (2) crystals with triangular shapes and apices oriented upwards. These crystals are sometimes replaced by calcite (Fig. 4). The plastic deformation of the host sediment, and the compensation of the resultant relief through the deposition of the overlying layers, indicates that growth of these crystals took place early. They are inferred to have had a gypsum precursor. Porphyrotopic anhydrite and "lined" fissures These anhydrite facies are usually developed within micritic deposits through the incorporation of a significant fraction of the host sediment. They are composed of ram- to mm-sized idiotopic monocrystals. The faces of the crystals are commonly emphasized by a rim of limpid anhydrite of several tens of micrometres, while the crystal centres contain abundant inclusions of micrite. These crystals can be scattered within the carbonates, surrounding the deformed anhydritic nodules, emphasizing glide surfaces or microfolds in the deformed carbonate layers. The "lined" fissures, 100 t~m to 2 mm in width, are filled by anhydrite crystals whose size generally equals the width of the fissure. These crystals are devoid of micritic inclusions while the fissures are lined by an approximately 150 Izm thick layer of micrite-rich porphyrotopic crystals growing centripetally into the carbonate from the border of the fissure (Fig. 6). Porphyrotopes and "lined" fissures are always devoid of any trace of tectonic deformation. They can be associated with both sedimentary discontinuities or stylolitic joints which seem to cut the anhydrite (Fig. 7). A decrease in crystal size is observed locally as one moves away from these discontinuities. Rouchy et al. (1984, 1987) considered this anhydrite to be of late diagenetic origin, its growth having occurred within fine-grained carbonates by incorporation and replacement of the matrix. The close relationships with diagenetic and tectonic discontinuities (stylolites, edges of deformed nodules, microfolds, glide planes) indicates that their growth was favoured by post-depositional events. In contrast, the apparent truncation of the porphyrotopic and fissure-filling anhydrite by stylolites would suggest an early diagenetic formation. Nevertheless, the higher concentration of porphyrotopic and fissure-filling anhydrite along stylolites (or glide planes) as well as their decrease in size and concentration with increasing distance from these discontinuities, suggest that such discontinuities controlled the growth of the anhydrite. As in Finkel and Wilkinson (1990), who considered the stylolites as a source of the cements, we suggest that the diage- T. De Putter et aL / Sedimentary Geology 90 (1994) 77-93 83 netic and tectonic discontinuities acted as conduits for the cementing fluids. 3.2. Stable isotope data (180/s4S) Previous isotopic data (~180//834S) on the sulphates of the Visean anhydrites from the SaintGhislain and Epinoy 1 boreholes clearly indicated their marine origin (Pierre et al., 1984; Pierre, 1986; Pierre and Rouchy, 1986). For this study, six samples characteristic of the different facies (nodular, laminated, pseudomorphs after gypsum) were selected from the V3 anhydrite, between 2082 m and 1960 m. The measured values (13.0 < 8 1 s O ~ S M O W < 15.4; 15.3 < ~34SO~o CDT < 17.4) fall within the range of 8 values characteristic of Visean marine sulphates (Fig. 8). Fig. 7. Porphyrotopic anhydrite (arrows) developed within limestone layers separated by styloliticjoints. Note that the carbonate layers can be entirely invaded by the anhydfite. Saint-Ghislain borehole, 2100.63 m. The highest values, measured in the upper part of the interval, may be related to increased bacterial activity at the time of anhydrite deposition. 4. Carbonate deposits 4.1. Macrofacies Fig. 6. Lined fissures. The fissures are filled by limpid anhydrite while a layer of dirty micritic-rich crystals of porphyrotopic anhydrite lines the fissure. Note the thin peripheral rim of limpid anhydrite which emphasizes the limit of the lining. The idiotopic crystal on the fight is quartz. Saint-Ghislain borehole, 2057.65 m. The carbonates, which represent about 15% of the sediments over the interval studied, appear as decimetre-thick intercalations generally composed of grey, black or beige homogeneous or laminated mudstone. The beige layers are dolomitic. Both the basal and the uppermost parts of the section are characterized by dark-coloured facies, richer in bioclasts, and by the presence of cherts. These cherty occurrences appear either as centimetre-size, black, kidney-like nodules in the 84 7~ De Putter et al. /Sedimentary Geology 90 (1994) 77-93 basal deposits or as black, grey or beige centimetre-thick stratiform ribbons near the top. The lower half of the interval contains twelve sequences, each 10 to 20 cm in thickness and each showing a similar succession of facies from base to top: (1) black wackestone with small bioclasts, 2) wackestone or packstone with large bioclasts and mm- to cm-size subspheric coated grains, and (3) laminated oolitic grainstone (mmthick laminae). Goniatites are occasionally present in the first two layers of these sequences (Fig. 9). They belong to the MiJnsteroceratide genera, probably to Miinsteroceras or Dzhaprakoceras (D. Korn, pers. commun., 1990). Various sedimentary structures are present in the laminated carbonates: breccias, "microtepees", desiccation cracks. The breccias are of two main types: (1) micro-breccia composed of millimetre- to centimetre-size flakes of light-grey laminated carbonates within a black fine-grained matrix (Fig. 10); and (2) breccia made up of layered and centimetre-size fragments of carbonates with small anhydrite nodules. The microtepees and the desiccation cracks have no more Fig. 9. Miinsteroceratid goniatite (cross-section) in grey bioctastic carbonate (brachiopods). Saint-Ghislain borehole, 2056.20 m. than a few centimetres in amplitude (Fig. 11). Stratiform stylolites and two generations of millimetre- to centimetre-wide fissures are commonly observed. The younger set corresponds to oblique fissures while the later one is composed of vertically oriented fissures filled by anhydrite or carbonates (calcite or dolomite), sometimes associated with native sulphur. I.- 20 O U In 11) qr g IS 4.2. Microfacies 0 o o D • D~e 41,, • ee e e 13 6~eO SMOW Fig. 8. Sulphur and oxygen isotope composition of sulphate from anhydrite deposits. The six samples from Saint-Ghislain (SG 01 to SG 06) analyzed for this study are represented by squares while data previously obtained on Saint-Ghislain and Epinoy 1 cores (Pierre et al., 1984; Pierre, 1986; Pierre and Rouchy, 1986) are indicated, respectively, by diamonds and dots. Ten microfacies have been recognized in the Saint-Ghislain cores. Six of them (MF1 to MF6) are scarce in the interval studied (Fig. 2) while four which are classified MF7 to 10 are more frequent and are characteristic of the Visean in the Franco-Belgian basin. Bioturbated and cross-bedded bioclastic wackestone (MF1), This laminated wackestone is composed of small non-micritized debris of a wide variety of marine fossils (including brachiopods, echinoderms, ostracods, trilobites) and rare fragments of palaeoberesellids which together indicate a normal marine environment. Sporadic T. De Putter et al. / Sedimentary Geology 90 (1994) 77-93 ! Fig. 10. Micro-breccia with desiccation flakes of beige laminar (algal) carbonate displaced by the growth of anhydrite nodules. Saint-Ghislain borehole, 1973.45 m. cross-bedding points to a variable energy rate. The bioturbation features (horizontal galeries and burrows) indicate subtidal conditions. This micro- i i~ Fig. 11. Tepee structure ("micro-tepee") in dark grey laminated carbonate. Saint-Ghislain borehole, 1992.50 m. 85 facies could be compared with that of distal tempestites (Tucker, 1981). Bioclastic wakestone or packstone (MF2). This highly bioturbated sediment contains numerous organisms and bioclasts (brachiopods, mollusks, foraminifers, echinoderms, calcispheres, dissociated valves of ostracods, trilobites) associated with fragments of palaeoberesellids and issinellids. Shells and fragments are often bioeroded and micritized. A shallow open marine environment may be inferred. Bioclastic wackestone with oncoids (MF3). The organisms and bioclasts comprise brachiopods, mollusks, echinoderms, foraminifers and ostracods (with dissociated valves). The oncoids, a few hundred tzm to mm in diameter, are made up of a dense, cryptalgal, concentric laminated cortex developed around organisms, bioclasts or bioclastic lumps. These features, and specifically the structure of the oncoid coating, indicate a relatively high-energy marine environment (Peryt, 1983; Dahanayake, 1983). Bioclastic wackestone (or pack,stone) with algal lumps and intraclasts (MF4). Though abundant, the bioclasts are composed of less diversified organisms than in the previous microfacies (MF1-3). They often appear coated by cryptalgal micrite and sometimes form the nuclei of irregular-shaped oncoids approximately 500/zm in size. The environment becomes more restricted and the presence of algal intraclasts and lumps results from the mechanical disintegration of algal mats in the vicinity, during more energetic events. Bioturbated mudstone (or wackestone) with algal micropeloids and coated bioclasts (MF5). The poorly diversified assemblage of organisms comprises brachiopods, ostracods with connected valves and calcispheres associated with scarce trilobites and archeogastropods. Shells and bioclasts are often strongly coated and micritized. Small algal micritic peloids (20-30/xm in diameter, "micropeloids") are abundant. All these characteristics argue for a restricted lagoonal environment. Laminated wackestone (or packstone) with algae and algal peloids (MF6). This laminated sediment contains recrystallized fragments of palaeoberesellids and issinellids, micritic peloids, 86 T. De Putter et aL / Sedimentary Geology 90 (1994) 77-93 fragments of brachiopods and rare calcispheres. This microfacies is rare in the interval studied and probably results from the disintegration of palaeoberesellid and issinellid bafflestones in the intertidal zone. Conglomeratic wackestone or packstone with algal micrite intraclasts (MF7). The abraded and subrounded algal micritic intraclasts of about 100 #m to 1 mm in size are usually included in a sediment whose micritic matrix contains numerous micropeloids which occasionally constitute the nuclei of ooids (cf. below, MF8). The microfauna is scarce, poorly diversified, endemic and mainly composed of small ostracodes, sponge spicules and numerous archeogastropods, these latter organisms indicating intertidal conditions (Burchette and Riding, 1977). Algal boundstone and packstone with micropeloids (MF8). This microfacies, relatively common in the cores as well as in the laterally equivalent outcrops, is composed of an algal boundstone (the so-called "spongiostrome" boundstone in Franco-Belgian terminology, see Giirich, 1906) which has frequently decayed to a packstone with micritic micropeloids (20-30 tzm in diameter). The algal mats are typically made up of an alternation of dark micritic and lighter microsparitic laminae. The dark laminae consist of elongated or elliptical micritic peloids (40-500 /zm). Their elongation is generally parallel to stratification. The lighter microsparitic laminae are richer in micropeloids and in various forms of fenestrae (10 ~m to several mm). The algal mats themselves excepted, the microfauna is limited to a few bioclasts (ostracodes, mollusks) and the microflora is rare and poorly preserved. The packstones are composed exclusively of micritic micropeloids (20-30 /xm) surrounded by calcitic microspar, which locally form the nuclei of radial ooids (500/xm in diameter). Sometimes, this microfacies shows radiaxial fibrous calcite crusts and asymmetric radial cements similar to those observed in the Corenne borehole by De Putter and Herbosch (1990). The algal mats are classically reported in shallow restricted to hypersaline conditions and intertidal settings, while the abundance of fenestrae and the occasional occurrence of micritic bridges and glaebules indicate that this sediment was subaerially exposed and even sporadically subjected to pedogenetic processes (Shinn, 1968; Purser, 1980). Mudstone with ostracodes and sponge spicules (MF9). This microfacies consists of a homogeneous mudstone including a few small bioclasts, usually less than 150 to 200 /xm and mainly composed of ostracodes, abundant sponge spicules and rare fragments of brachiopods. The abundance of organisms tolerating high salinity rates in this muddy microfacies could be indicative of the intertidal zone. Laminar mudstone (MF10). The laminar mudstone is sometimes dolomitized and can be altered to fine-grained microspar or cloudy dolomite composed of hypidiotopic crystals less than 50 /xm in size. It is devoid of organisms a n d / o r bioclasts and shows occasionally small irregular fenestrae, several 10 ~m in size. Diffuse clouds of a black material (100/xm) occur occasionally. The laminites are made of alternating homogeneous mudstone and wackestone/ packstone with small recrystallized bioclasts. This laminated mudstone could represent micritized algal mats or storm sediments deposited periodically over the coastal plain. 4.3. Depositional conditions Based on the abundance of microfacies 8, 9 and 10, the application of the criteria generally used for the reconstruction of the carbonate platform system (Wilson, 1975; Fliigel, 1982) suggests that the carbonates were deposited in the upper subtidal zone or in the inter- to supratidal zones. Nevertheless, the dark laminites with gypsum pseudomorphs evoke the algal laminites described in most modern hypersaline lagoons. The poor diversity of the faunal assemblages (rare ostracodes, sponge spicules) and the high micrite content are also commonly observed in such restricted settings (Guelorget and Perthui~t, 1983; Orti Cabo et al., 1984; Rouchy et al., 1984; Knoll, 1985). The diversification of the fauna (e.g. foraminifers, echinoderms, goniatites) observed at the base of the sequences indicates episodic reftUing by normal marine water. Individual shallowing- T. De Putter et al. / Sedimentary Geology 90 (1994) 77-93 upward sequences record the progressive restriction of a marine setting due to eustatic variations of small amplitude (De Putter and Pr6at, 1989). The increasing restriction is responsible for the reduction of the biological diversity, the growth of algal mats and, finally, the precipitation of evaporites. 87 4' 2, 00 0' -2 al I~, B -4~ C =A' -6 II -a-' 4.4. Cathodoluminescence and stable isotope data (180, lsC) =A -10£ -12 ¸ m = l w l ~ l w l l l l l l -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 The carbonate cements are (1) a rare nonluminescent first phase which predates the formation of (2) a frequent dull luminescent second phase. The samples analyzed for stable isotope composition have been extracted by drilling from the surface of the sample which has been used for thin-section making, after accurate selection of the appropriate areas on both the thin-section and the sample, based on CL (cathodoluminescence) and microscope photographs. The non-luminescent phase is found in three major types of cavities: (1) fenestrae in the packstones with "micropeloids" which are cemented by cloudy microspar; (2) ghosts of dissolved lenticular gypsum crystals; (3) equigranular clear sparite containing minute inclusions of Casulphate in interparticle pores (10-100 /~m in width) between breccia fragments. The difficulties in sampling such cements allowed only two isotopic analyses in this study. A previous result obtained on the sparitic filling of a lenticular gypsum ghost gave 8 1 8 0 = -9.5%o PDB and 813C = -8.5%o PDB (Pierre, 1986) (A in Fig. 12); the measurement performed for this study on sparite filling a fissure gave 8180 = -12.5%o PDB and 813C = -5.2%0 PDB (A' in Fig. 12). These 81aO values are consistent with either meteoric diagenesis (i.e. meteoric waters and low temperatures) or burial diagenesis (i.e. lSO-enriched formation waters and moderately high temperatures) (A and A' in Fig. 12). However, the lack of petrographic evidence in support of meteoric diagenetic processes leads us to favour the second alternative. The low 813C values indicate that oxidation of organic carbon possibly related to bacterial sulphate reduction occurred l l -6 l l -4 l l -2 0 2 4 ~ 1So*/. pDB Fig. 12. Oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions of carbonate cements. A and A' represent non-luminescent cements, B and C dull luminescent calcites and dolomites, respectively. The non-designated values correspond to erratic values which are difficult to interpret. in the solutions from which these carbonates precipitated (Pierre, 1986). The dull luminescent phase characterizes the carbonate matrix of the sediment including the small crystals of cloudy hypidiotopic dolomite. It is also represented by the clear equigranular sparite with anhydrite inclusions which constitutes the single phase filling of the vertical or subvertical fissures. The isotopic composition of these cements has been measured on 9 samples; the values range between -13.3 a n d - 4.9 for the 8180 and between - 0 . 7 and +2.1 for 813C, with average values 8180 = - 9 . 5 and 813C = +0.5 (B in Fig. 12). The values obtained on the dolomites (7 samples) cover a wide range of variation both for 180 and 13C ( - 1 1 . 1 < 8 1 8 0 % o P D B < + 0 . 5 , -10.3 < 813C%0 PDB < +0.9) (C in Fig. 12). These values fall within the range of values for dull luminescent carbonates for which a deep burial origin has been suggested (Grover and Read, 1983; Moore, 1989). The 8180 values of the dolomites are about 4.5%0 higher than the carbonate values. This difference is at least 1%o larger than the experimental enrichment factor between cogenetic calcite and dolomite precipitated in the temperature range 80-100°C, i.e. thermal conditions slightly higher than the pre- 8~ "l~ De Putter et al. / SedimentaD, Geology 90 (1994) 77-93 sent-day ones in the borehole (Fritz and Smith, 1970; Matthews and Katz, 1977). This means that the dolomites and the calcites are not cogenetic and that carbonates precipitated at lower temperatures. The isotopic composition of these two carbonate cements, as well as their relative quantitative importance, clearly indicate that the cementation processes took place mainly during burial diagenesis. These conclusions are consistent with the regional pattern of "trough" sedimentation undergoing continuous subsidence. 5. Discussion The anhydritic sequence of Saint-Ghislain occurs within an extensive marine carbonate platform (Fig. 13). The marine origin of the brines from which the sulphate evaporites were precipi- ................... EOGRAPHY OF NORTH-WESTERN EUROPE. POSITIVE AREAS m DEEP MARINE SHALES g ELASTICS DEEP MARINE SHALES ~ENISH ;, BASIN ii,~ X "\~ ~ ~ "~" .~ .,~k..~v>4 ~ ~" ~ ' ~ SHALLOWMARINE SHALES & CARBONATES DELTAIC.COASTAL & SHALLOWMAR,NE CLAST,CS SHALLOWMARINE CARBONATES & ELASTICS SHALLOWMARINE CARBONATES I OOLITES EVAPORITES \ _*30os \ (~,o Latitude ) PALAEOGEOGRAPHI£ SKETCH OF THE CARBONATE & LONDON-BRABANT BOULOGNEAREA ~ ' - - ~ (Northern France) , ~ - ~ "- :-'," -' ~ OEEpER~ ~ ; "' :",-,2,'c"-~" " ~}='L','-'',~' ~'':, '-, ~ l l l ~l ALGAL FACIES ' ~ ~ I~N/~BONATE, l ~ ~ ~ .... --~ (?) ~. ; ~ EVAPORffE BELGIANPLATFORM ( UPPERVISEAN ) SHALLOW SHALLOW MARINE NAMUR LAGOONAL___T___ ~ INCLUDING SUPRATIOALCARBONATES PLATFU ~ ~ INCREASED SUBSIDENCE RATE Modified from Zieg[er ( 1982 } with data from B~esset at (1984), Habich f (1979), Le 5atl el, at (1992), Ramsay (1991) & West el" at ( 1968 ) l~ l l , ~ ~ l,~ I l ~ ~ ~ ' F A C I ~ Ee eR ARINE (aE~MAN'~ULM''FA~IE~) SEILLES AREA _, sok~ verl,icat scale exaggerated. Th DE PUTTER ; 1991 ~/ Fig. 13. Paleogeographic sketch (upper figure) of northwestern Europe during the Dinantian. Modified from Ziegler (1982), with data from West et al. (1968), Habicht (1979), Bless et al. (1984), Ramsay (1991) and Le Gall et al. (1992). The studied area forms the southeast part of a large carbonate platform surrounding an elongated massif composed of the Welsh high and the London-Brabant massif. The outer limit of the platform is unknown as it is buried under Hercynian age thrusting but it could be represented by discontinuous structural highs such as the Normannian and Mid-German highs (Ziegler, 1982). The lower figure is a possible model of the Franco-Belgian carbonate platform and evaporitic basins in the Visean. The evaporitic basins of Saint-Ghislain and Epinoy 1 could be interpreted as shallow subsiding areas within the platform. T. De Putter et aL / Sedimentary Geology 90 (1994) 77-93 tated is demonstrated by the sedimentology, the stable isotope composition of the sulphates, and the microfauna. The evaporitic depositional environments could be interpreted by two different hypotheses: (1) early diagenetic evaporites formed in supratidal settings; (2) mostly subaqueous deposition in hypersaline coastal lagoons or basins. The abundance of nodular facies could argue for early diagenetic anhydrite formed within a supratidal sabkha system. However, the pure composition of some anhydrite intervals over thicknesses of several decametres does not correspond with the sedimentary characteristics expected for such a hydrological system. Continuous sabkha deposition, probably enhanced by subsidence, would give a superposition of anhydrite layers within a carbonate matrix and not massive anhydrite. Moreover, the ghosts of selenite and lenticular gypsum crystals clearly indicate that gypsum was a major component of the seN 1° HIGHSTAND LONDON BRABANT MASSIF I 89 quence before its dehydration during burial diagenesis. The presence of predominantly vertically standing selenite crystals shows that at least part of this gypsum crystallized subaqueously, at the bottom of hypersaline pools. Nevertheless, this does not preclude episodes of aerial exposure responsible for the precipitation of evaporites in the phreatic and capillary zones (monocrystalline gypsum cements, nodular anhydrite, some lenticular gypsum crystals), mud cracks and asymmetric cementation of the carbonate interlayers. Moreover, evaporites may also have been deposited simultaneously in subaqueous conditions in the residual brine ponds and from underground waters in the carbonate deposits exposed nearby. Episodic phases of lateral progradation of the sabkha, toward the lagoon, as has been commonly reported in modern supratidal fiats in the Persian Gulf, could also explain the alternation of subaqueous conditions and subaerial exposures. S SHALLOW CARBONATE PLATFORM [ SILL "AVESNES RIDGE" I SHALLOW BASIN (~SILLON B O R A I N " ) I free inflow 2 ° LOWSTAND LONDON BRABANT MASSIF E~ f ~ SABKHA I \ ~ ~ . . . BARRIER ? "AVESNES RIDGE" SALINA ( H Y P E R S A L I N E BRINE ) LEGEND [~ shallow platform carbonate (mostly laminated) biociesUc limestone gypsite (coarse-grained selenite gypsum) lenticular gypsum crystal nodular enhydrite i , 50kin I i I I Fig. 14. Interpretative N-S profile through the France-Belgian carbonate platform showing the relations between the carbonate and evaporitic depositional environments during periods of free connection with the open sea (A) and of restriction (B). 90 T. De Putter et al. ~Sedimentary Geology 90 (1994) 77-93 The occurrence in the sedimentary succession of shallow marine deposits, evaporites and organisms of open marine and deeper affinities (goniatites) indicate that large fluctuations in water depth and composition took place. Gypsum precipitation from shallow subperennial brines characterizes periods of lowstanding water occurring when the basin was isolated or closed from the open sea. As in many modern evaporitic lagoons, the level of the brines was thus lower than that of the marine reservoir. Reduced inputs of marine water continued to enter the lagoon by direct inflow through narrow straits, or by underground seepage across the barrier. Nevertheless, normal marine conditions were episodically re-established in response to sea level rises which refilled the lagoon by marine water passing over the barrier. Although its extent could be larger than that suggested by the few known occurrences of anhydrite, the Saint-Ghislain evaporitic basin must be considered as a relatively shallow lagoon (salina) experiencing alternating periods of restriction, responsible for evaporitic conditions and even desiccation stages, and refills by marine water (Figs. 13 and 14). The high frequency of these fluctuations could be due to shallow-water conditions coupled with small-amplitude eustatic variations rather than tectonic factors. Evaporitic lagoons in extensive carbonate platforms have no equivalent in modern environments. Although there is a tremendous difference in size, the organization of the sedimentary environments in the SaintGhislain area during the evaporitic stages could, nevertheless, be compared to the sedimentary systems described on Bonaire in the Netherlands Antilles (Lucia, 1968) and along the Persian Gulf (Purser, 1985), where hypersaline ponds are surrounded by extensive peripheral supratidal flats. In addition to the alteration of the sedimentary record by post-depositional events, the palaeogeographic reconstruction remains difficult due to the disappearance of the southern limit of the basin beneath the Midi Overthrust. The regional thickening of the Devonian and Carboniferous series and the thickness of the SaintGhislain anhydritic formation (760 m) are classically considered as the indication of a highly subsiding area beginning in the Devonian (Delmer, 1977). According to Ziegler (1982), the area was part of an east-west elongate gulf located between the London-Brabant massif to the north and the Normannian high and the Mid-German high to the south and to the southeast, respectively (Fig. 13). These highs may have been islands of an archipelago (i.e. morphologic barriers contributing to the restriction and isolation of lagoons during negative eustatic variations). Nevertheless, the position of the southern highs remains highly speculative and they could have been located farther to the south. It is clear that the area occupied by the evaporitic deposits (Saint-Ghislain and Epinoy 1) was part of a depression which existed from Devonian to Mesozoic times, but the size of the basins may vary from that of small pull-apart basins (A. Khatir, pers. commun., 1992) to that of a larger subsiding area between the Brabant high and a southern fault system (Nord-Artois and Faille Bordi~re (M. Hennebert, pers. commun., 1991). Two hypotheses may be proposed for the morphology of the evaporitic basin: (1) A " minimalist" hypothesis would propose that the Saint-Ghislain region was occupied by a small subsiding depression of several km to tens of km in width, isolated within the carbonate platform. (2) Alternatively, the Saint-Ghislain area could have been a large evaporitic domain located south of the carbonate platform and subdivided into large evaporitic lagoons and shoals covered with carbonate deposits (Fig. 14). This hypothesis is supported by the significant thickness of the Saint-Ghislain (and Epinoy 1) evaporitic formations and by the presence of thick breccia resulting partially from the dissolution of the evaporites. The local deformation of these evaporites by the Hercynian compression provides further support (Rouchy et al., 1987). The anhydritic sequence of the Saint-Ghislain borehole demonstrates that this area, as well as its southern counterpart represented by the series of the Epinoy 1 borehole, constitute the remains of an evaporitic basin of great size. Although there are difficulties in accurately interpreting the sedimentary record, this study allows the re- T. De Putter et al. / Sedimentary Geology 90 (1994) 77-93 construction of the depositional conditions of the shallow-water evaporites in a lagoon located within a large marine carbonate platform. Fluctuations in the water level explain the coeval deposition of evaporites by subaqueous precipitation in hypersaline ponds and by crystallization within supratidal fiats bordering the lagoons. 6. Acknowledgements Cores and thin sections of the Saint-Ghislain borehole have been kindly provided by L. Dejonghe, Director of the Belgian Geological Survey. 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