31\§ 25 kgf?. j

March 14, 1944.
Filed April 16, 1941
‘ ‘
kgf?. j
/~ 6
Patented Mar. v14, 1944
' mm'rcs
I Charles Raymond Waseige, Bueil, France; vvested
in the Alien Property Custodian‘
Application April 16, 1941, Serial No._'388,8'l7
In France April 30, 1940
3 Claims.
(Cl. 183-453)
This invention relates to a puri?er and oil
a gas circuit with the object of separating there
from the liquid particles of-oil or the like carried
In~ancther embodiment, the said cylindrical
body is hollow and its side wall is provided with
ducts‘ opening into said groove, the oil to bedis
Said invention. more particularly'relates to
a puri?er of the kind comprising a cylindrical
charged being delivered into said body. The oil
is thus centrifugally driven through said‘ducts.
chamber in which the air or other gas to be
puri?ed is imparted a whirling motion so that -
the oil particles settle'on the walls of‘ said cham
bly driving the same into the discharge .‘channel, -’
even when acting against a substantial back-t
separating apparatus arranged to be inserted in
positive discharge of the separated oil-by forci—
10 This centrifugal separator or extractor may also
serve as a puri?er if, according to another fea-'
her, ?ow down said walls and are- then dis-' '
ture of the invention, the gases to be puri?ed.
are sodelivered into said cylindrical body that
they circulate therethrough,‘the oil particles in
escapes through an outlet provided at the uppe '
16 suspension thus being centrifugally separated in
part of said chamber.
charged by means of a‘ channel connected with
the lower part of said chamber, while the air
In apparatus of this kind as hitherto in use.
_ the cylindrical body itself and thrown uponv its
the oil discharge channel connects’ ‘directly.
peripherical wall from which-they are discharged
eventually through a valve, with the inner cham
by said ducts.
ber of the puri?er.. This arrangement, though ,
The puri?er according to thisvembodiment may not impairing the operation when the pressure 20 be constructed as an independent assembly
in this discharge channel is substantially lower
driven by a prime mover-electric or otherwise
than that obtaining in said chamber, is however
or the aforesaid rotor in accordance to a pre
disadvantageous when the oil is to be discharged
ferred embodiment may be arranged in the crank
into a sump or reservoir the pressure in which is
case of a combustion engine and driven by a
practically the same as or even greater than 25 driving connection from the engine shaft.
that obtaining in the puri?er. In this case, the
Another object of the invention is to remove
discharge of oil will not be properly effected,
as completely as possible the oil particles that
and the back-pressure in the discharge channel
may settle upon the walls of the outlet of the
impairs the operation of the apparatus as a
puri?er, which outlet may be conveniently pro-'
whole and impedes .the ?ow of the oil.
30 vided with an inner screw thread the pitch of
One object of this invention is to' provide a
which is in the opposite direction to that of the
purifying and oil separating apparatus of the
aforementioned type, which is able to operate
~properly even when the oil is to be discharged
whirl formed by the air in the puri?er. ,
In view of this object, in accordance with an
feature of this invention, also usable
into a sump or reservoir the pressure in which 35 important
independently of the features above described,
is equal to or higher than that of the gas to be
the wall of the aforesaid outlet is provided with
puri?ed. Another object is to provide a puri?er
more particularly though not solely adaptedto
a tangential passage turned in the same direction
case of the engine or to a sump or reservoir
conduitrconnected with a suction means.
as the whirling motion and opening into a small
be used in plants on board of aircraft in which
the separated oil is to be returned to the crank 40 chamber from which the oil is discharged by a
connected with said crank case; a still further
object is to provide a, puri?er of the aforesaid
kind which may conveniently forni the connec
tion between the crank case of an engine and 45
the open air so as to act as a breather.
In accordance with an important feature of
In ‘a convenient embodiment the discharge
conduit'rof the aforesaid small chamber is con
nected to the oil extractor already mentioned.
The oil contained in the‘ small chamber is thus
sucked by the aforesaid extractor acting as a
pump or the like and is discharged together with
the oil that has been separated in the body of
the invention, the connection between the inner
the puri?er.
chamber of the puri?er and the oil discharge
channel is effected through a separating device 50 ' Other objects and features of ‘e invention will
be apparent from the following d scription given
or extractor. ' In 'a preferred embodiment, this
with reference to the annexed drawing and more
extractor is in the form of a cylindrical body the
particularly pointed out in the claims.
outer side wall of which is provided with a spiral .
In the drawing are‘ shown only by way of groove and is ?tted toturn in a cylinder.
examples :
This extractor acts as a pump and effects the
Fig. Lasectionalelevationofapmi?er ac
vacuum or suction caused by the extracting
pump consisting of the worm II and the casing
cording to an embodiment of this invention;
Fig. 2, a fragmentary perspective view of a
l2, through the passage 34, into said casing, to
be directed therefrom by conduit I8.
Fig. 3, a sectional elevation of a puri?er ac
In the modi?cation shown in Pig. 2, the chan
cording to another embodiment, acting as
breather for a combustion engine;
Fig. 4, a fragmentary plan view of the rotor
of the puri?er shown inl'ig. 3.
nel 30 opens into a small chamber II. A Pitot
tube 38 arranged vertically and opening opposite
to the gas inlet 3 assures the discharge from said
chamber ii and produces therein a slight suc—
Figs. 3 and 4 relate to a puri?er the body I’ of
Aocordingtothetshowninliig. 1.
‘the purifhar comprises avertically arranged hol
which is secured in the crank case 39 of a com
sage slightly slanting downwards The inner
edwith peripherical gaps’. Behrwtheshoulder ‘I
bustion engine and has a cylindrical chamber 2'
closed by a cover 25' provided with holes ill-4|.
15 This body contains. an oil extractor in the form
of'a rotor integrally connected with a spindle 4t
mounted in ball bearings 48, 4! carried respec
tively by the body I’ and the cover 25’. The
lower end of said spindle is integrally connected
20 with a pinion gear 60 engaging with a pinion
gear 6| driven from the engine shaft. The ro
tor is in the shape of a cup. The bottom 53
thereof is provided with holes I! and webs 56 are
byacapli. Thesleejvellservesasacasingfor
provided between the spindle 48 and the annu
a worm II, a space lilbeing provided between the 25 lar wall II of said rotor. The latter is provided
chargingduct II. Thelatteropensintnacylin
dricalsleeve llcaniedbythebodylandclosed
bottomofsaidcasing. Theductllandapas
tively open into the casing m opposite sides of
saidthreadedpart. 'l‘hewormiiismountedon 30'
a spindle 2O moimied in a, bearing and project
ing outwardly. Said spindle II is provided with
a catch pin 22 for coupiingsame with the shaft
rotor forces oil downwardly. ' Opposite to the per
ipherical rim of the bottom it is an annular
groove 62 connecting through a channel III’ with
be rotatingly driven thereby. Thus the cylinder
= the inside of the crank- case. A channel 3' opens
into the lower part of the chamber 2’ and deliv
itive extractor for the oil, since the oil is forced
ers air charged with oil particles.
I‘Iprovidedwithawiregame. Theoutlet 251s
provided with an inner mew-thread the pitch
of whlchisinanopposite dimctiontothe whirl
theei. Aslantingdmt3l,openingtan
gentially into the outlet 26, connects the latter
withachamber 3i ionnedinthecover 15, said
chamber beingclosed byaplug 32. ‘Die bottom
of this chamber 3| inclines towards an outlet
passage 34 leading to the aforesaid space I6 at
_. through the holes of the wall 59 into the spaces
between the rib portions'and is driven by the
web portions into the groove 62, from‘ which it
falls back into the crank case through the chan
nel Ill’. The purified air is discharged through
i the holes 40, 4|.
The invention obviously is in nowise limited to
the embodiments shown and described by way of
Thus particularly the puri?er ac
cording to Figs. 3 and 4 may be constructed in
the form of an independent assembly and driven
_ by an electrical or other motor.
What I claim is:
l. A puri?er and oil separating device for com
pressed air and other gases including a cylinder,
a hollow cylindrical body having radial perfora
therightendofworm Ii (asshowninFig. Din
This air is
admitted by the holes 65 in the rotor, by which it
is centrifugally separated. The oil particles ?ow
cover 25 having centrally a cylindrical outlet 26
through which the puri?ed air is to be dis
charged, said outlet being surmounted by a cap
with radial holes extending throughout its an
nular wall 59 and its outer surface is provided
with a spiral rib 6| substantially engaging with
the cylindrical inner wall of the chamber 2' of
the puri?er. The rib II is a screw-thread the
pitch of which is such that the rotation of the
2 through the passage 3 causes a downward
tions cn its side walls and provided with a spiral
groove in the external face of its wall and rotat
whirling ?ow along the cylindrical wall of said
chamber, andthe particlm of oil carried in sus
ably ?tted within said cylinder, oil discharge
means from said cylinder, said hollow body hav
upon the dome ‘,being then_directed through
ing a perforated bottom, means for supplying the
tbeholeslandthepassagelltothecasingil, on gas to be puri?ed into said hollow body through
fromwhichtheyarerurwvedbytheworm l5
said perforated bottom, and means for rotating
drivenbythemotorilsothatthey are forcibly
said hollow body.
drivenintotheconduit llevenifabackpres
sureobtainsinsaid conduit, asisthe case, for
thethreadofsaidoutlda. 'nielastparticles?ow
2. A puri?er of the typedescribed including a
reservoir, a cylindrical chamber, an inlet con
dult for the material to be treated, outlet con
duits and a discharge conduit into the reservoir,
a rotatable cup shaped member having inlet ori
does in the bottom and perforations in the side
10 walls thereof journaled within the chamber, the
material to be treated entering said member
through the ori?ces in the bottom thereof and
through centrifugal action being separated
therein. the separated material passing through
TI the perforations in the side walls. and an ester
ml spiral rib on the cup shaped member having
rotary cylinder with a Ioraminous side wall ar
ranged for rotation within said chamber and a
spiral rib on the outside of the cylinder adapted
a downward pitch for forcing the separated ma
terial through the discharge conduit and into
to advance the oil passing through the cylinder
the reservoir.
3. A puri?er and oil separating device for gases 5 toward the discharge conduit.
comprising a cylindrical separation chamber, an
inlet thereto, a discharge conduit therefrom, a