Glulam Beam Connectors TOP FLANGE HANGERS – GLULAM BEAM These products are available with additional corrosion protection. Joist or Purlin Size 3 1⁄8 LAM 5 1⁄8 LAM C-C-2015 © 2015 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. PRINTED 12/14 5 1⁄2 LAM 6 ⁄4 LAM 3 7 LAM 8 3⁄4 LAM Dimensions Ga Fasteners Allowable Loads W H B TF Header Joist Uplift (160) Floor (100) Snow (115) Roof (125) GLT3 7 3 1⁄4 7 1⁄2 MIN 5 2 1⁄2 10-N54A 6-N54A 1865 8165 8165 8165 HGLT3 7 1 3 ⁄4 7 ⁄2 MIN 6 1 2 ⁄2 18-N54A 6-N54A 1865 12265 12685 12750 GLS3-58 7 3 1⁄4 8 1⁄2 MIN 5 5 1⁄4 6-N54A 6-N54A 1865 11555 11695 11785 GLS3-78 7 3 1⁄4 8 1⁄2 MIN 5 6 7⁄8 6-N54A 6-N54A 1865 11555 11695 11785 GLS3-98 7 3 1⁄4 8 1⁄2 MIN 5 8 7⁄8 6-N54A 6-N54A 1865 11555 11695 11785 HW3.25 11 3 ⁄4 5 MIN HHB3 7 3 1⁄4 7 1⁄2 MIN GB3 7 3 1⁄4 HU3.25/12TF 12 HU3.25/16.5TF 1 4 1 2 ⁄2 4-10d 2-10d — 5285 5285 5285 3 2 1⁄2 10-N54A 6-N54A 1950 6085 6225 6235 7 1⁄2 MIN 3 1⁄2 2 1⁄2 14-N54A 6-N54A 1950 7795 8030 8185 3 1⁄4 12 2 1⁄2 2 1⁄2 16-16d 6-10d 1125 4310 4335 4335 12 3 ⁄4 1 16 ⁄2 1 2 ⁄2 1 2 ⁄2 20-16d 8-10d 1500 4860 5275 5545 GLT4 7 3 9⁄16 7 1⁄2 MIN 5 2 7⁄8 10-N54A 6-N54A 1865 8165 8165 8165 HGLT4 7 9 3 ⁄16 7 ⁄2 MIN 6 2 7⁄8 18-N54A 6-N54A 1865 12265 12685 12750 GLT5 7 5 1⁄4 7 1⁄2 MIN 5 2 1⁄2 10-N54A 6-N54A 1865 8165 8165 8165 HGLT5 7 1 5 ⁄4 7 ⁄2 MIN 6 1 2 ⁄2 18-N54A 6-N54A 1865 12265 12685 12750 GLS5-58 7 5 1⁄4 8 1⁄2 MIN 5 5 1⁄4 6-N54A 6-N54A 1865 14685 14685 14685 GLS5-78 7 5 1⁄4 8 1⁄2 MIN 5 6 7⁄8 6-N54A 6-N54A 1865 14685 14685 14685 HGLS58 7 5 1⁄4 10 1⁄2 MIN 6 SPEC 14-N54A 8-N54A 2500 16835 16835 16835 HW5.25 11 5 1⁄4 5 MIN 2 1⁄2 2 1⁄2 4-10d 2-10d — 5285 5285 5285 HHB5 7 1 5 ⁄4 7 ⁄2 MIN 3 1 2 ⁄2 10-N54A 6-N54A 1950 6085 6225 6235 GB5 7 5 1⁄4 7 1⁄2 MIN 3 1⁄2 2 1⁄2 14-N54A 6-N54A 1950 7795 8030 8185 HGB5 7 5 1⁄4 7 1⁄2 MIN 4 2 1⁄2 14-N54A 6-N54A 1950 8580 8815 8970 HU5.25/12TF 12 5 1⁄4 12 2 1⁄2 2 1⁄2 16-16d 6-16d 1325 4310 4335 4335 HU5.25/16.5TF 12 5 ⁄4 1 16 ⁄2 1 2 ⁄2 1 2 ⁄2 20-16d 8-16d 1765 4860 5275 5550 GLT6 7 5 9⁄16 7 1⁄2 MIN 5 2 7⁄8 10-N54A 6-N54A 1865 8165 8165 8165 HGLT6 7 5 9⁄16 7 1⁄2 MIN 6 2 7⁄8 18-N54A 6-N54A 1865 12265 12685 12750 HHB7 7 6 7⁄8 7 1⁄2 MIN 3 2 1⁄2 10-N54A 6-N54A 1950 6085 6225 6235 GB7 7 7 6 ⁄8 7 ⁄2 MIN 1 3 ⁄2 1 2 ⁄2 14-N54A 6-N54A 1950 7795 8030 8185 HGB7 7 6 7⁄8 7 1⁄2 MIN 4 2 1⁄2 14-N54A 6-N54A 1950 8580 8815 8970 GLT7 7 6 7⁄8 7 1⁄2 MIN 5 2 1⁄2 10-N54A 6-N54A 1865 8165 8165 8165 HGLT7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 6 7⁄8 7 1⁄2 MIN 6 2 1⁄2 18-N54A 6-N54A 1865 12265 12685 12750 8 GLS7-7 7 7 6 ⁄8 8 ⁄2 MIN 5 7 6 ⁄8 6-N54A 6-N54A 1865 14685 14685 14685 GLS7-98 7 6 7⁄8 8 1⁄2 MIN 5 8 7⁄8 6-N54A 6-N54A 1865 14685 14685 14685 HGLS78 7 6 7⁄8 10 1⁄2 MIN 6 SPEC 14-N54A 8-N54A 2500 16835 16835 16835 HGLT7.12 7 7 1⁄8 7 1⁄2 MIN 6 2 7⁄8 1865 12265 12685 12750 HGLT9 7 8 ⁄8 7 ⁄2 MIN HGLS98 7 8 7⁄8 10 1⁄2 MIN 1 7 1 18-N54A 6-N54A 6 1 2 ⁄2 18-N54A 6-N54A 1865 12750 12750 12750 6 SPEC 14-N54A 8-N54A 2500 16835 16835 16835 Code Ref. I19, F18, L14 I10, F9, L11 I19, F18, L14 170 I19, F18, L14 Glulam Beam Connectors 3 1⁄2 LAM Model No. I10, F9, L11 I19, F18, L14 170 I19, F18, L14 I19 I19, F18, L14 1.N54A fasteners are supplied with hangers. For GLS and HGLS saddle hangers only, Simpson Strong-Tie® 1⁄4" x 2 1⁄2" Strong-Drive® SDS Heavy-Duty Connector screws (sold separately) may be substituted using full table loads. 2.Uplift loads have been increased for wind or earthquake loading with no further increase allowed. Reduce where other loads govern. 3.GLT, HGLT, GLS, HGLS uplift loads only apply when “H” is 28" or less. 4.Allowable loads for glulam sizes are based on 650 psi wood bearing. 5.“Min H” is the minimum H dimension that may be specified. For GLT, HGLT, GLS, HGLS hanger heights that exceed the joist height, allowable load is 0.50 of the table load. 6.Allowable loads are shown for each stirrup. 7.GLS, HGLS fasteners listed are for one side only. Fasteners supplied are for both sides of the saddle. 8.SPEC: Specify the header dimensions for the saddle hangers. (“S” dimension is illustrated on page 104.) 9.NAILS: 16d = 0.162" dia. x 3 1⁄2" long, 10d = 0.148" dia. x 3" long, N54A = 0.250" dia. x 2 1⁄2" long - annular ring. See pages 22-23 for other nail sizes and information. CODES: See page 12 for Code Reference Key Chart. 105
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