Implikasi implementasi UU Jaminan Produk Halal terhadap Dunia Industri Adhi Lukman Chairman of GAPMMI (Indonesian Food & Beverages Association) 12/15/2014 Seminar Nasional Halal Halal Science Center Universitas Djuanda , Bogor Bogor, 15 Desember 2014 1 INDONESIAN ECONOMIC & DEVELOPMENT OF FOOD INDUSTRY. Economic growth and dynamic market in the midst of globalization INDONESIA 2013 : The facts Strategic geographic location and strong global presence Total land area Indonesia is around 1.910.931 km² and sea area is around 3.544.744 km² (BPS, Feb2012) Second biggest coastline in the world with 104.000 km. (BPS, Feb 2012 ) and +/13.000 Islands Estimated more than 248,818 millions populations in 2013 (BPS, 2014). The 4th most populous Country in the World Average population growth within last 3 years 1,42% (BPS, 2014) Dynamic and youthful population (+/- 55% < 29years old) (SUSENAS, 2010) 49.65 % Women, 50.35% Man (BPS, Susenas 2012) 46.7 % living in rural area and 53.3% in urban (prediction in 2015, BPS) Population distribution : Java 57,49%, Sumatera 21,3%, Sulawesi 7,31%, Kalimantan 5,8%, Bali /Nusa Tenggara 5,5%, and Maluku/Papua 2,6% (SUSENAS ,2010) Estimates 30 millions Peoples have strong buying power 56.5% middle class income in 2010 (World Bank report, 2011; Bank Indonesia) GDP contribution: Java 57.5%, Sumatra 23.6%, Kalimantan 9.5%, Sulawesi 4.8%, Bali & Nusa Tenggara 2.4%, Maluku & Papua 2.2% (BPS, July 2012) Income distribution: 48.94% for 20% highest income population; 34.18% for 40% middle income; and 16.88% for 40% lowest income (SUSENAS , 2012) 64% of GDP is contributed by domestic consumption which helps Indonesia to buffer external exposure Average expenditure for food per capita 50.66%, in which 13.11% is contributed by processed food (BPS, March 2013) Rice as a main staple food 87% Moslem: Hallal & Thoyyiban 480 ethnics Abundance of natural resources GDP growth relatively stable around 6%. Source : BPS, 2013 Java Island contribute around 58% of GDP. However, McKinsey Global Institute predict out of P. Java will grow faster in the future 12/15/2014 4 GDP Growth in 2007 – 2014 (YoY %) Industry Sector 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013* GDP Non Oil Industry F&B + tobacco 6.28 5.15 5.05 6.06 4.05 2.34 4.58 2.56 11.22 6.22 5.12 2.78 6.49 6.74 9.14 6.26 6.42 7.57 5.78 6.1 3.34 Sm 1 2014* 5.17 5.49 9.62 F&B Contribution to GDP 7.42% in 2013 or around 36% to Non Oil Industry Sector Sector Non oil Industry F&B + tobacco *temporary 2007 22.40 6.70 Sm1 2008 2009 2010* 2011** 2012** 2013** 2014*** 23.00 22.60 21.50 20.93 20.88 20.75 20.69 7.00 7.57 7.42 7.49 Source : BPS7.50 , calculated 7.22 by Kemenperin7.37 Food Industry: Number of Establishment, Workers Engaged, Labor Cost, and The Value of Change in Fixed Capital , 2011 - 2013 Source: Statistical Year Book Indonesia 2014 10 = Food ; 11 = Beverages Large and Medium Micro & Small in millions Rp Food Industry: Value of Gross Output over 942 Trillions Rp ,2011– 2013 Source: Statistical Year Book Indonesia 2014 10 = Food ; 11 = Beverages (Large & Medium in billions Rp.) (Micro & Small in millions Rp.) Indonesia has become a favorite investment destination Indonesia is the 3rd TNC’s Top Prospective Host Economies for 2014-2015 12/15/2014 8 Investment Performance: F&B Investment Realization 2010 2011 2012 2013 INVESTMENT P DDI (Rp. Billions) FDI (USD millions) I P I P I P 166 16,405.4 258 7,940.9 222 11,166.7 434 15,080.9 194 1,025.7 308 1,104.6 347 1,782.9 797 2,117.8 Investment Realization Jan - Sept , 2014 by Sector Source: BKPM I INDONESIA in the World Rank The Global Competitive ness Index 2014 – 2015 Logistic Performance Index 2014 Productivity Database 2012 Global Food Security Index 2014 The Global Innovation Index 2014 34 of 144 Countries 53 0f 160 Countries 15 0f 23 Asia Countries 72 of 109 Countries 87 of 143 Countries #4 in ASEAN #5 in ASEAN #6 in ASEAN #5 in ASEAN 12/15/2014 10 Balanced Trade of Semi processed & Processed Food in 2013 In USD . Source: BPS/ Ministry of Trade Export 2012 2013 Import June 14 5,128,507,709 5,705,938,189 3,161,394,762 Country 2012 2013 Balanced June 14 2012 2013 June 14 6,741,606,893 7,326,879,578 3,713,925,689 (1,613,099,184) (1,620,941,389) (552,530,927) MALAYSIA PHILIPPINE SINGAPORE VIETNAM CAMBODIA THAILAND BRUNEI DARUSSALAM MYANMAR LAOS Export 922,857,982 385,771,704 348,972,076 225,522,740 224,476,072 200,818,087 13,464,903 8,834,973 267,540 Import 435,059,764 75,796,001 250,723,148 23,526,734 6,479,684 835,434,702 375,223 6,721,880 Balanced 487,798,218 309,975,703 98,248,928 201,996,006 217,996,388 (634,616,615) 13,464,903 8,459,750 (6,454,340) JAPAN RRC SOUTH KOREA NEW ZEALAND AUSTRALIA INDIA 229,437,584 222,396,248 197,983,736 140,040,654 132,631,408 40,197,791 22,973,052 608,667,685 97,645,994 91,760,672 508,285,694 186,801,269 206,464,532 (386,271,437) 100,337,742 48,279,982 (375,654,286) (146,603,478) USA CANADA 710,248,304 37,716,059 844,230,941 65,039,134 (133,982,637) (27,323,075) 11 Opportunities & Challenges of Halal Food Halal System in Indonesia An evolution in the Food Industry and Trade Consumption World Population Clock: 7,059,081,624 AT 04:34 UTC (EST+5) Jan 12, 2013 Lifestyle changes More concern about food safety, health, Halal, Double Burden of malnutrition, NCD, etc Supply Decreasing of agricultural land & natural resources Era “cheap price” is over, related to global climate change, reduction of productive land, increasing demand of food & energy Competitiveness & struggling to reduce High cost economy Trade Liberalization Tariff is on going , unbalanced & sometimes unfair Food Regulation is more stringent & NTMs increased, related to Food Safety, Standard Eco-friendly products. (APEC 2012) (max 5% Tariff) Food Fight: Impact of Politic Misleading information, Chemical phobia Advances in technology >double-edged sword: Support innovation and competitiveness or Encourage NTMs 12/15/2014 Development of IT: Interconnected and easier 13 to access information Global Halal Food Market Global halal food and beverage market to hit US$1.6 trillion by 2018 August 12, 2014 • The Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry forecasts that the global halal food and beverage (F&B) market will grow from US$1.1 trillion in 2013 to US$1.6 trillion by 2018 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 6.9. • The halal F&B market includes raw chicken and beef, processed foods, and cold drinks. In 2012, it accounted for 16.6 of the global F&B market, as per the report. • Halal meat is an important part of the market, led by unpackaged meat which had a market share of an estimated 78.7 in 2013, while packaged meat represented a 21.3 share, according to the report. • The halal food industry is growing mainly in countries in the Middle East and North Africa, South and South East Asia, with Indonesia being the biggest halal food market, valued at US$197 billion in 2012, followed by Turkey (US$100 billion), according to the report. In the Middle East, Saudi Arabia is the largest halal food market in the region, followed by the UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain. Moslem Population in the World Continent Population (in million) Africa Asia Europe North America South America Oceania Total Source: Total Population in 2014 (in million) 1,096.60 4,319.96 739.31 469.10 488.50 38.04 7,151.51 Muslim Percentage 53.04% 32.16% 7.6 % 1.8 % 0.42% 0.67 % 28.26% Muslim Population in 2014 (in million) 581.58 1,389.50 56.18 8.04 2.07 1.77 2,038.04 Moslem Population in ASEAN & RCEP Country Brunei Darussalam Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam Total Population (millions) 0.40 14.40 248.50 6.70 29.80 53.30 96.20 5.40 66.20 89.70 Total ASEAN Japan Korea, South China India Australia New Zealand Total Source: Muslim (%) 67 7 88 1 60.4 15 10 16 10 1 610.60 127.30 50.20 1,357.40 1,276.50 23.10 4.50 4,060.20 Muslim Population (millions) 0.27 1.01 218.68 0.07 18.00 8.00 9.62 0.86 6.62 0.90 264.03 0.14 0.9 10 20 2.25 1.2 0.18 0.45 135.74 255.30 0.52 0.05 920.30 Japan Food Companies concern about Halal Food for Indonesia Market in 2013 Japan Halal Food Project The concept of "comfortable, safe and clean" according to the halal concept , so it is safe for consumption. Present Halal Japanese Food at Asian Food Show Osaka , October 2014 Halal Certification Process Business/ Company 2 1 3 LPPOM MUI 5 4 5 1. Company apply Halal certification to LPPOM MUI 2. LPPOM MUI audit Company 3. LPPOM MUI report to MUI to get Fatwa Halal 4. MUI release Fatwa Halal 5. LPPOM MUI release Halal Certificate The company to get permission from BPOM to put Halal logo on the label MUI (Ulama Council) HALAL CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (before new Halal Product Assurance Act) HAS 23000:2 LPPOM MUI of Indonesia has approved 39 Halal Certification Bodies all around the world. However, Industry need more to facilitate the growth of Food Business 1. LPPOM MUI recognize halal certificates issued by approved halal certification body only for product produced in the country where the halal certification body located, except for product produced in Europe can be used halal certificate by any approved halal certification body located in Europe. 2. There are still possibilities for LPPOM MUI to ask supporting document to clarify the critical points of certain certified products. 3. The MUI decree regarding list of approved foreign halal certification body is effective for 2 (two) years as of the date it is stipulated and it will be monitored and evaluated once a year. 4. There are 39 Halal Certifier Bodies approved by LPPOM MUI from 23 country, contain 31 bodies approved for (cattle) slaughtering category, 32 bodies approved for food processing category, 14 bodies approved for flavor category. 21 5. 12/15/2014 Up dated April 2014. UU No 33 /17 October 2014 Halal Product Assurance (JPH) Business/ Company 3 Halal Audit Institution (LPH) 2 1 Halal Audit Institution (LPH) 4 Halal Products Assurance Agency (BPJPH) 5 MUI (Ulama Council) 6 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Company apply Halal certification to BPJPH BPJPH appoint LPH to audit Company LPH audit Company LPH report to BPJPH BPJPH ask MUI MUI release Fatwa Halal to BPJPH BPJPH release Halal Certificate and Label to Company UU No 33 /2014 Halal Product Assurance (JPH) Notes: 1. Halal is mandatory for all product (article 4), except Haram (article 26) : Halal or Haram 2. Product : goods and/or services related to food, beverages, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, chemicals, biological and GMO, as well as the goods to be used or utilized by community (article 1.1) 3. Additional procedure and institution be involved (Minister of Religion Affairs, BPJPH, LPH, MUI) 4. BPJPH (article 6): • Formulate and determine JPH • Determine standard , norm, criteria and procedure of JPH • Accredit LPH • Certify and guide Halal Auditor • Supervise JPH • Determine Halal Label (article 37) 12/15/2014 23 UU No 33 /2014 Halal Product Assurance (JPH) 5. More choices of Halal Audit Institution (LPH), but BPJPH will appoint LPH . The process of appointing JPH will be done no later than 5 working days (article 30). 6. Fatwa Halal Council has to decide halal products no later than 30 working days after MUI receive the BPJPH examination results. (article 33 point 4) 7. Halal certificate will be issued by BPJPH no later than 7 working days since BPJPH receive Fatwa Halal from MUI (article 35) 8. Imported Halal Product is not necessary to get Halal certification as long as it has Halal Certificate from the Halal Institution that was recognized by BPJPH. But still have to register to BPJPH (article 47) 9. BPJPH manage fund in the financing of Halal Certification under Minister of Religion Affair Decree (article 45) 10. Halal certificate is valid for 4 years from the date of issuance (article 42) UU No 33 /2014 Halal Product Assurance (JPH) 11. Sanction for incompliance Halal procedure according article 25: warning letter, administrative penalty, or Halal Certificate revocation (article 27) 12. Entrepreneurs who miss use the “Halal” label according to the provisions, are subject to administrative sanctions: verbal warning, written warning or halal certificate revocation(article 41) 13. Criminal sanctions (5 years imprisonment or penalty up to 20 billion rupiah) for those who has the Halal Certificate , but do not act according to article 25 b (article 56) 14. BPJPH has to be established no later than 3 years after the law was enacted (article 64) 15. Current LPH, Auditor, Supervisor Halal has to comply to new law with grass period 2 years since this law was enacted 16. Mandatory halal certificated will come into force after 5 years since this law was enacted. Before mandatory halal is enforced, Government has a right to implement mandatory halal gradually through Government Regulation (article 67) Thank you 12/15/2014 26
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