Dr. Howard Qi - Michigan Technological University

Dr. Howard Qi
Michigan Technological University
School of Business & Economics
(906) 487-3114
Email: [email protected]
Ph D, Syracuse University, 2005.
Major: Finance
Dissertation Title: Personal Taxes, Default, Liquidity and Risky Bond Yield Spread
Ph D, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2002.
Major: Physics
MS, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1997.
Major: Physics
BS, Nanjing University, 1993.
Major: Physics
Professional Positions
Current Academic Rank
Associate Professor - School of Business & Economics.
Professional Memberships
Academy of Finance. (February 2007 - Present).
Midwest Finance Association. (January 2006 - Present).
American Financie Association. (October 2005 - Present).
Society for Financial Studies. (October 2005 - Present).
Financial Management Association International. (September 2003 - Present).
Western Finance Association. (January 2003 - Present).
Published Intellectual Contributions
Refereed Journal Articles
Han, G., Qi, H. (2014). "The Economic Value of a New Technology in Growing Potatoes: The
Hilling Method," (vol. 8, # 2, pp. 53-61) . The International Journal of Business and
Economics Perspectives. www.iabpad.com/IJBEP/
Liu, S., Qi, H., Shi, J., Xie, Y. A. John Doukas (Ed.), "Predict Default Correlation from Equity
Correlation," European Financial Management.
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Johnson, D. L., Qi, H. "Explaining Bond Spreads via Default Risk, Taxes and Rating Transition,"
Financial Decisions.
Qi, H., Liu, S., Johnson, D. L. (2012). "A Model for Risky Cash Flows and Tax Shields," (vol. 36,
pp. 868-881) . Journal of Economics and Finance.
Huang, H., Huang, J.-W., Qi, H., Ouyang, P. (2012). "Bivariate Option Pricing Under RegimeSwitching Copulas," (vol. 20, # 3,) . Kent, Ohio: Review of Futures Markets.
Qi, H. (2011). "Value and Capacity of Tax Shields: An Analysis of the Slicing Approach," (vol. 35,
# 1, pp. 166-173) . Evansville, Il.: The Journal of Banking and Finance.
Qi, H., Han, G. (2010). "Is APV better than WACC for Non-Stationary Debt Ratio," (vol. 8, # 2,
pp. 79-88) . Chicago: Journal of Academy of Finance.
Qi, H., Liu, S., Wu, C. (2010). "Structural Models of Corporate Bond Pricing with Personal
Taxes," (vol. 34, # 7, pp. 1719-1728) . Journal of Banking and Finance.
Qi, H. (2010). "Valuation Methodologies and Emerging Markets," (vol. 5, # 1, pp. Article 2) .
Berkeley Electronic Press: Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis.
Qi, H., Xie, Y. A., Liu, S. (2010). "Credit Risk Models: An Analysis of Default Correlation," (vol. 4,
# 1, pp. 189-208) . Hilo, Hawaii: Internal Journal of Business and Finance Research.
Xie, Y. A., Qi, H. (2010). "Job Security and Personal Investment Portfolio," (vol. 4, # 1, pp. 17-27)
. Hawaii: Global Journal of Business Research.
Johnson, D. L., Qi, H. (2009). "Is a Project's Initial Investment Riskfree? A Decision Tree
Paradox," (vol. 2, # 2, pp. 76-82) . Upland, California: International Journal of Global
Business and Economics.
Qi, H., Liu, S., Wu, C. (2009). "On the calibration of structural credit spread models," (vol. 5, # 2,
pp. 189-209) . Springer Berlin/Heidelberg: Annals of Finance.
Conference Proceedings
Han, D., Qi, H. (2014). Monzurul Hoque (Ed.), "On Equivalent Annual Cost and Corporate
Investment," Chicago, IL: Academy of Finance.
Johnson, D. L., Qi, H. (2009). "Is a Project's Initial Investment Risk Free? A Decision Tree
Paradox," Las Vegas, Neveda: International Conference of the Global Business
Development Institute.
Journal Articles
Qi, H., Shi, J. (2010). "Pricing Stock with Constant Dividend Growth Model," (vol. 17, # 1, pp. 1-6)
. Journal of Contemporary Business and Issues.
Presentations Given
Liu, S. (Co-Author), Qi, H., Shi, J. (Co-Author), Xie, Y. A. (Co-Author), 2013 Midwest Finance
Association Conference, "A Structural Approach for Predicting Default Correlation," Midwest
Finance Association, Chicago. (March 13, 2013).
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Han, G. (Co-Author), Qi, H., 2013 International Academy of Business and Public Administration
Disciplines (IABPAD) Conference, "With or Without Hilling and Value of Technology,"
International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines, Orlando, FL.
(January 2, 2013 - January 5, 2013).
Qi, H., 2012 US-Vietnam Workshop on Multiple-hazard, "Valuation of Insurance: Insurance, SelfInsurance, or Maintenance," NSF of the USA and the Vietnamese Government, Hanoi,
Vietnam. (December 10, 2012).
Qi, H., Han, G. (Co-Author), 2011 Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA) Conference,
"Project Valuation by the FCF Framework: Theoretical Issues on Cost of Capital,"
Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA), Houston, TX. (March 9, 2011 - March 12, 2011).
Xie, Y. A. (Presenter & Author), Qi, H. (Co-Author), Liu, S. (Co-Author), 2010 FMA International
Conference, "Executives’ Characteristics and Capital Structure," Financial Management
Association International, New York City. (October 20, 2010 - October 23, 2010).
Liu, S. (Co-Author), Qi, H. (Co-Author), Xie, Y. A. (Presenter & Author), 2010 FMA International
Meeting, "Duration, Taxes, and Bond Yield Spread," Financial Management Association
International, New York City. (October 20, 2010 - October 23, 2010).
Qi, H. (Presenter & Author), Xie, Y. A. (Co-Author), Liu, S. (Co-Author), 2010 FMA International
Meeting, "Inferring Default Correlation from Equity Return Correlation," Financial
Management Association International, New York City. (October 20, 2010 - October 23,
Qi, H. (Presenter & Author), 2010 Academy of Finance Conference, "Is APV Better than WACC
for Non-Stationary Debt Ratio?," Midwest Business Administration Association International,
Chicago. (March 24, 2010 - March 26, 2010).
Qi, H. (Presenter & Author), 2010 MFA Annual Meeting, "The Nature of WACC Viewed in Light of
Spot and Forward Rate," Midwest Finance Association International, Las Vegas. (February
24, 2010 - February 27, 2010).
Qi, H. (Author Only), Xie, Y. A. (Presenter & Author), Liu, S. (Co-Author), Wu, C. (Co-Author),
2009 European Financial Management Symposium on Risk Management in Financial
Institutions, "Inferring Default Correlation from Equity Return Correlation," European
Financial Management Association, Nantes, France. (April 23, 2009).
Johnson, D. L. (Presenter & Author), Qi, H. (Co-Author), 2009 International Conference of the
Global Business Development Institute, "Is a Project's Initial Investment Riskfree? A Decision
Tree Paradox," Global Business Development Institute, Chicago, IL. (March 22, 2009).
Qi, H. (Presenter & Author), Shi, J. (Co-Author), 2009 Academy of Finance Annual Conference,
"Constant Dividend Growth Model and Capital Structure," Midwest Business Administration
Association International, Chicago. (March 18, 2009 - March 20, 2009).
Editorial and Review Activities
Editorial Board Member, (Editorial Board) * Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss
Analysis. (March 2013 - Present).
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Associate Editor, (Associate Editor) * International Journal of Economics and Management
Sciences (IJEMS). (June 11, 2010 - Present).
Editor, Journal Editor, (Technical Editor) * American Journal of Economics and Business
Administration. (December 30, 2009 - Present).
Editorial Board Member, (Editorial Board) * ICFAI Journal of Financial Risk Management.
(October 2008 - Present).
Associate Editor, (Associate Editor) * African Journal of Business Management. (October 2006 Present).
Associate Editor, "(2011) Enciphering the social costs of social networking sites (SNSS) for
university students," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (January
17, 2011 - January 18, 2011).
Associate Editor, "(2011) The impact of hospital brand image on service quality, patient
satisfaction and loyalty," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233).
(January 17, 2011 - January 18, 2011).
Associate Editor, "(2011) Optimal capital structure decision with credit rating management,"
African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (January 14, 2011 - January
15, 2011).
Associate Editor, "(2011) Quantitative model of multi-criteria analysis for the needs of selecting a
new product," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (January 13,
2011 - January 14, 2011).
Associate Editor, "(2011) Perishable Inventory System with Joint Ordering Policy," African
Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (January 12, 2011 - January 13, 2011).
Associate Editor, "(2011) Study of the earnings management and audit quality," African Journal
of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (January 12, 2011 - January 13, 2011).
Associate Editor, "(2011) Does Thinking Change with Roles: Dynamic Process of E-Learners, ELearning Managers and Leaders in International Accounting Firms," African Journal of
Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (January 11, 2011 - January 12, 2011).
Associate Editor, "(2011) A new aggregation method for strategic decision making and its
application in assignment theory," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 19938233). (January 10, 2011 - January 11, 2011).
Associate Editor, "(2011) Epistemological evolution of corporate social responsibility in
management: an empirical analysis of 35 years of research," African Journal of Business
Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (January 10, 2011 - January 11, 2011).
Associate Editor, "(2011) The application of the capital asset pricing model: A South African
perspective," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (January 10,
2011 - January 11, 2011).
Associate Editor, "(2011) Prevalence of entrepreneurial management practices in technologybased firms in Malaysia," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233).
(January 9, 2011 - January 10, 2011).
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Associate Editor, "(2011) How does perceived risks complement switching costs in ecommerce?," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (January 8, 2011
- January 9, 2011).
Associate Editor, "(2011) Study on E-commerce Workforce Demand of Small and Medium
Enterprises in Taiwan," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233).
(January 8, 2011 - January 9, 2011).
Associate Editor, "(2011) The multidimensional impacts of external price shocks on
macroeconomic variables: Malaysian experiences from recession to economic instability,"
African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (January 8, 2011 - January 9,
Associate Editor, "(2011) Evaluation of job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour:
Case study of selected organisations in Zimbabwe," African Journal of Business
Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (January 7, 2011 - January 8, 2011).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Customer behavior in the culture of fear and short attention," African
Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (December 23, 2010 - December 24,
Associate Editor, "(2010) The Relationship between Job Satisfaction of Academicians and
Lifetime Satisfaction," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233).
(December 23, 2010 - December 24, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Optimal inventory polices with order-size dependent trade credit under
delayed payment and cash discount," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 19938233). (December 15, 2010 - December 16, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Sustaining Competitive Advantage through Effective Knowledge
Management," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (December 15,
2010 - December 16, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Necessity for Reengineering Qualitative Characteristics of Financial
Reporting Arrangement to Reduce Information Asymmetry: Evidence of Iran," African Journal
of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (December 13, 2010 - December 14, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Implications of financial literacy in developing countries," African
Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (December 9, 2010 - December 10,
Associate Editor, "(2010) A Stochastic Facility Layout Model in Cellular Manufacturing Systems,"
African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (December 8, 2010 December 9, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Analysis of the predictive ability of the components of economic value
added in predicting next period’s operating profit: Evidence from Iran," African Journal of
Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (December 7, 2010 - December 8, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Mixed methods: A review of literature and the future of the new
research paradigm," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233).
(December 6, 2010 - December 7, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Developing Africa: Trade Barriers, Liberalization and Inequality in the
World Trade Organisation," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233).
(December 3, 2010 - December 4, 2010).
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Associate Editor, "(2010) Corporate Sustainability Disclosure Practices of Selected Banks: A
Trend Analysis Approach," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233).
(December 2, 2010 - December 3, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Impact of some contextual factors on entrepreneurial intention of
university students," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233).
(December 2, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) A supply chain model for deteriorating items with time discounting
under trade credit and quantity discounts," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN:
1993-8233). (December 1, 2010 - December 2, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Optimal strategy of performance creation: Evidence from audit firms in
China," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (November 30, 2010 December 1, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Team Management: The Islamic Paradigm," African Journal of
Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (November 29, 2010 - November 30, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) On The relationship between Savings and Investment in Iran: Testing
Feldstein's and Horioka's Theory," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 19938233). (November 25, 2010 - November 29, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) The Importance of Project Management in SMEs for the Development
of New Products through E-Collaboration," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN:
1993-8233). (November 19, 2010 - November 20, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Measuring competitive advantage with an asset-light valuation model,"
African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (November 16, 2010 November 17, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Reward economics and organization: The issue of effectiveness,"
Journal of Banking and Finance (ISSN: 0378-4266). (November 10, 2010 - November 11,
Associate Editor, "(2010) The interaction of self-leadership and psychological climate on job
performance," Journal of Banking and Finance (ISSN: 0378-4266). (November 10, 2010 November 11, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty in Pakistan," African Journal of
Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (November 9, 2010 - November 10, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) International Entrepreneurship: State-of-the-art of Current Research –
A Citation Analysis," Journal of Banking and Finance (ISSN: 0378-4266). (November 9, 2010
- November 10, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Postmodernism and Consumer Culture: Image-production via
Residential Architecture in Post-1980s Turkey," African Journal of Business Management
(ISSN: 1993-8233). (November 7, 2010 - November 9, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Hype Matters Applicant Attraction: Study on Type of Publicity and
Recruitment Advertising," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233).
(November 2, 2010 - November 3, 2010).
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Associate Editor, "(2010) Marketing strategy, business environment and performance: An
empirical study of construction SMEs in China," African Journal of Business Management
(ISSN: 1993-8233). (November 1, 2010 - November 2, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) A Bargaining Model for Supporting Business Pricing Strategies in Joint
Venture Projects," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (October
26, 2010 - October 27, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) The Impacts of Unexpected Changes in Exchange Rate on Firms’
Value: Evidence from a Small Open Economy," African Journal of Business Management
(ISSN: 1993-8233). (October 24, 2010 - October 26, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Development of an approach to coordinate the objectives for members
of a supply chain," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (October
21, 2010 - October 23, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Environment for innovation: Gaining competitive advantage," African
Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (October 20, 2010 - October 21, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Corporate Social Responsibility and Universities: A Study of Top 10
World Universities’ Websites," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233).
(October 19, 2010 - October 20, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Mobile advertising: An investigation of factors creating positive attitude
(a study of Iranian customers)," African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 19938233). (October 18, 2010 - October 19, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Determinants of low-income non-users’ attitude towards WIG mobile
phone banking: Evidence from South Africa," African Journal of Business Management
(ISSN: 1993-8233). (October 17, 2010 - October 18, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Determinants of low-income non-users’ attitude towards WIG mobile
phone banking: Evidence from South Africa," African Journal of Business Management.
(October 14, 2010 - October 15, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Perception of Organizational Politics and Lmx: Linkages in Distributive
Justice and Job Satisfaction," African Journal of Business Management. (October 8, 2010 October 9, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Project Portfolio Management Implementation Review," African Journal
of Business Management. (October 7, 2010 - October 8, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) The Effects of Project’s Social Capital, Leadership Style, Modularity,
and Diversification on New Product Development Performance," African Journal of Business
Management. (October 6, 2010 - October 7, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) The Impact of Brand Class, Brand Awareness and Price on two
Important Consumer Behavior Factors: Customer Value and Behavioral Intentions," African
Journal of Business Management. (September 29, 2010 - September 30, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Evaluating the Efficiency of Intellectual Capital Management for Taiwan
IC Design Industry," African Journal of Business Management. (September 26, 2010 September 28, 2010).
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Associate Editor, "(2010) The Economic Determinants of Firms Issuing Employee Stock Options:
Evidence from Taiwan," African Journal of Business Management. (September 24, 2010 September 26, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Economic Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Comodity
Producing Sector: A Case Study of Pakistan," African Journal of Business Management.
(September 22, 2010 - September 26, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Maximizing Knowledge Preservation and Transformation in
Organization," African Journal of Business Management. (September 23, 2010 - September
24, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) TQM Perception in Turkey: A Comparison of Industries," African
Journal of Business Management. (September 22, 2010 - September 23, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) The Evaluation of Economic Investments’ Efficiency in Intensive Breed
of Game: A Study Case for European Deer (Cervus Elaphus L.) and Wild Boar (Sus Scrofa
L.) in the Context of the Best Investment Decision," African Journal of Business
Management. (September 16, 2010 - September 20, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) The Evaluation of Economic Investments Projects in Intensive Breed of
Game: A Study Case for European Deer (Cervus Elaphus L.) and Wild Boar (Sus Scrofa L.)
in the Context of the Best Investment Decision," African Journal of Business Management.
(September 16, 2010 - September 17, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Does Corporate Governance Matter to Technical, Commercial and
Economic Success?," African Journal of Business Management. (September 1, 2010 September 3, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Critical assessment of the performance and sustainability of land bank
customers among emerging farmers in South Africa," African Journal of Business
Management. (September 1, 2010 - September 2, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) A two-echelon inventory model for fuzzy demand mutual beneficial
pricing approach in a supply chain," African Journal of Business Management. (August 29,
2010 - August 30, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Fuzzy Investment Decision Based on Economic and Strategic Factors
– In Case of Air Logistics Service Provider," African Journal of Business Management.
(August 25, 2010 - August 26, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Evaluation of Performance in Manufacturing Organization Through
Productivity and Quality," African Journal of Business Management. (August 23, 2010 August 24, 2010).
Editor, "(2010) Strategic Marketing Strategies on the Performance of Firms in Nigerian Oil and
Gas Industry," The International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences. (August
14, 2010 - August 15, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Intellectual Capital and Performance: Mediating Effect of Competitive
Advantage in Microfinance Institutions," African Journal of Business Management. (August
10, 2010 - August 11, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Mandatory Restatements, Family Ownership and the Forced Turnover
of Related Parties of Financial Statements: Evidence from Taiwan," African Journal of
Business Management. (July 28, 2010 - August 1, 2010).
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Associate Editor, "(2010) Job Creation Versus Job Shedding & the Role of SMME’s in Economic
Development," African Journal of Business Management. (July 28, 2010 - July 30, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Socio-Economic Analysis of the Migrant Labourers in Punjab: An
Empirical Analysis," African Journal of Business Management. (July 21, 2010 - July 22,
Associate Editor, "(2010) Analysis and Establishment of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) On Customer
Satisfaction in Tehran," African Journal of Business Management. (July 14, 2010 - July 17,
Associate Editor, "(2010) The elements of organizational culture which influence the
maintenance of ISO 9001: a theoretical framework," African Journal of Business
Management. (June 29, 2010 - July 2, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Designing an organization assessment model based on EFQM using
MCDM," African Journal of Business Management. (June 30, 2010 - July 1, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) The relationships of cruise image, perceived value, satisfaction, and
post-purchase behavioral intention on Taiwanese tourists," African Journal of Business
Management. (June 29, 2010 - July 1, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) The comparison and analysis of employee satisfaction improvement in
the hot spring and financial industries," African Journal of Business Management. (June 25,
2010 - June 26, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Conceptual frameworks of university students regarding accounting
Mustafa AY," African Journal of Business Management. (June 10, 2010 - June 12, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) The impact of matriculation results on management abilities of school
principals: A South African case-study," African Journal of Business Management. (June 8,
2010 - June 10, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Ownership concentration ownership control and enterprise
performance: Based on the perspective of enterprise life cycle," African Journal of Business
Management. (June 8, 2010 - June 9, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) A note on A mixed integer programming formulation for multi floor
layout," African Journal of Business Management. (June 8, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) The Economic Determinants of Firms Issuing Employee Stock Options
Evidence from Taiwan," African Journal of Business Management. (June 6, 2010 - June 8,
Associate Editor, "(2010) Stress in Banker’s Life: Demands-Control Model as Predictors of
Employee’s Activity Participation," African Journal of Business Management. (June 1, 2010 June 4, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) The analysis of small and medium-sized forest products enterprises in
Turkey based on production, capacity usage, machine park and technology," African Journal
of Business Management. (May 28, 2010 - June 4, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Critical Factors Influencing Customer Value for Global Shipping Carrierbased Logistics Service Providers Using Fuzzy AHP Approach," African Journal of Business
Management. (May 25, 2010 - June 1, 2010).
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Associate Editor, "(2010) An empirical investigation of customer loyalty and customer satisfaction
in the mobile services industry - a modified American Customer Satisfaction Model," African
Journal of Business Management. (May 10, 2010 - May 15, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Total Quality Management in Financial Services Industries: The
Malaysian Perspectives," African Journal of Business Management. (May 10, 2010 - May 15,
Associate Editor, "(2010) An Analysis of the Relationship between Forward Freight Agreements
and Steel Price Index─An Application of the Vector ARMA Model," African Journal of Business
Management. (May 5, 2010 - May 10, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Currency Crises, Fundamentals and Speculative Pressure: An
Empirical Analysis," African Journal of Business Management. (May 1, 2010 - May 10, 2010).
Editorial Board Member, "(2010) The FX Smile," Icfai Jounal of Risk Management. (April 28,
2010 - May 1, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Bibliometric analysis of the Financial Crisis Research," African Journal
of Business Management. (March 29, 2010 - April 5, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Critical Factors Influencing Customer Value for Global Shipping Carrierbased Logistics Service Providers Using Fuzzy AHP Approach," African Journal of Business
Management. (February 15, 2010 - February 18, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Board Independence and Corporate Performance: Evidence from
Malaysia," African Journal of Business Management. (February 10, 2010 - February 15,
Associate Editor, "(2010) The Customer Lifetime Value in Taiwanese Credit Card Market,"
African Journal of Business Management. (February 3, 2010 - February 4, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) The study of current residents’ cognition, place attachment and
community sense of tourism impacts towards casino industry development," African Journal
of Business Management. (February 1, 2010 - February 2, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Management Ownership and Corporate Performance," African Journal
of Business Management. (January 22, 2010 - February 2, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Optimal decision-making for suppliers-buyer’s maximum profit in a two
echelon supply chain," African Journal of Business Management. (January 20, 2010 February 1, 2010).
Associate Editor, "(2010) Impact of Labour Quality on Labour Productivity and Economic
Growth," African Journal of Business Management. (January 1, 2010 - January 7, 2010).
POSITIONS," African Journal of Business Management. (January 3, 2010 - January 6, 2010).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, The Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, 2014 MBAA International Conference. (March 24, 2014 - March 26,
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Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Banking and Finance. (November 15, 2013 - December 25,
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis.
(September 8, 2013 - October 1, 2013).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis. (May 8,
2013 - June 18, 2013).
Reviewer, Journal Article, American Journal of Economics and Business Administration. (March
27, 2013 - March 31, 2013).
Reviewer, Journal Article, American Journal of Economics and Business Administration. (March
5, 2013 - March 27, 2013).
Reviewer, Conference Paper, Mdwest Finance Asociation International. (January 1, 2013 March 12, 2013).
Reviewer, Journal Article, The Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis.
(February 7, 2013 - February 17, 2013).
Reviewer, Journal Article, The Journal of Banking and Finance. (January 5, 2013 - February 2,
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Operating Research Society. (August 10, 2012 - September
27, 2012).
Reviewer, Journal Article, American Journal of Economics and Business Administration.
(September 22, 2012 - September 26, 2012).
Reviewer, Journal Article, American Journal of Economics and Business Administration.
(September 20, 2012 - September 26, 2012).
Reviewer, Journal Article, The Journal of Banking and Finance. (August 15, 2012 - September
15, 2012).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, American Journal of Economics and Business Administration. (July
1, 2012 - July 10, 2012).
Reviewer, Journal Article, The Journal of Operating Research Society. (May 26, 2012 - May 30,
Reviewer, Journal Article, American Journal of Economics and Business Administration. (May
14, 2012 - May 21, 2012).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Banking and Finance. (December 10, 2011 - December
15, 2011).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Banking and Finance (ISSN: 0378-4266). (November 7,
2011 - December 1, 2011).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, The Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management
Sciences. (September 10, 2011 - September 23, 2011).
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Invited Manuscript Reviewer, African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (July
29, 2011 - August 5, 2011).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, African Journal of Business Management (ISSN: 1993-8233). (July
28, 2011 - August 2, 2011).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis (ISSN:
1932-9156). (December 14, 2010 - February 1, 2011).
Reviewer, Journal Article, The Financial Review (ISSN: 0732-8516). (December 3, 2010 January 28, 2011).
Reviewer, Journal Article, ICFAI Journal of Financial Risk Management (ISSN: 0972-916X).
(December 9, 2010 - December 15, 2010).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Banking and Finance (ISSN: 0378-4266). (November
14, 2010 - November 30, 2010).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Banking and Finance (ISSN: 0378-4266). (November 1,
2010 - November 20, 2010).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, ICFAI Journal of Financial Risk Management (ISSN: 0972-916X).
(October 20, 2010 - October 27, 2010).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, 2010 Financial Management Association Internation Conference.
(August 10, 2010 - October 17, 2010).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, The Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis.
(August 1, 2010 - September 10, 2010).
Ad Hoc Reviewer, African Journal of Business Management. (September 1, 2010 - September 5,
Reviewer, Journal Article, The African Journal of Business Management. (August 18, 2010 August 20, 2010).
Reviewer, Journal Article, African Journal of Business Management. (August 18, 2010 - August
19, 2010).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Economics and International Finance. (August 12, 2010 August 13, 2010).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Economics and International Finance. (August 10, 2010 August 11, 2010).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Economics and International Finance. (August 9, 2010 August 10, 2010).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Academy of Finance. (August 1, 2010 - August 3, 2010).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Academy of Finance. (July 28, 2010 - August 1, 2010).
Reviewer, Journal Article, The Journal of Banking and Finance. (July 13, 2010 - July 23, 2010).
Reviewer, Journal Article, African Journal of Agricultural Research (ISSN: 1991-637X). (June 28,
2010 - July 3, 2010).
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Reviewer, Journal Article, African Journal of Business Management. (June 15, 2010 - June 25,
Ad Hoc Reviewer, (FMA) Financial Management Association International Conference. (May 17,
2010 - May 25, 2010).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, The 2010 Midwest Finance Association International Conference
(MFA). (January 2010 - February 2010).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, The 2010 Midwest Finance Association International Conference
(MFA). (January 2010 - February 2010).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, 2010 Academy of Finance Conference (MBAA). (December 2009 February 2010).
Invited Manuscript Reviewer, African Journal of Business Management. (January 25, 2010 February 5, 2010).
Reviewer, Journal Article, African Journal of Business Management. (December 25, 2009 January 10, 2010).
Reviewer, Grant Proposal, National Science Foundation (NSF). (December 25, 2009 - January
7, 2010).
Reviewer, Journal Article, African Journal of Business Management. (December 20, 2009 January 1, 2010).
Reviewer, Journal Article, ICFAI Journal of Financial Risk Management. (May 2, 2009 - May 17,
Reviewer, Journal Article, Quantitative Finance (Journal). (March 12, 2009 - April 14, 2009).
Reviewer, Journal Article, African Journal of Business Management. (March 31, 2009 - April 10,
Reviewer, Conference Paper, 2009 (MBAA) Academy of Finance Conference. (February 1, 2009
- March 1, 2009).
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