HIGH LEVEL (780) 926 - 5262 NORTHERN FORT McMURRAY (780) 743 - 7254 GRIMSHAW District Office (780) 332 - 2243 REGION Out-of-Province Scale Fort St. John, British Columbia Out-of-Province Scale Pouce Coupe, British Columbia DEMMITT (780) 356 - 3868 GRANDE PRAIRIE SLAVE LAKE District Office (780) 538 - 6444 District Office (780) 849 - 7380 LAC LA BICHE Region / District Office (780) 623 - 5381 WESTLOCK (780) 349 - 8617 ST. PAUL (780) 645 - 6216 WHITECOURT District Office (780) 778 - 7138 EDSON (780) 723 - 8311 ARDROSSAN STONY PLAIN District Office (780) 922 - 4445 District Office (780) 968 - 4200 VERMILION District Office (780) 853 - 4411 HINTON Out-of-Province Scale Marshall, Saskatchewan LEDUC (780) 866 - 3775 N CENTRAL REGIO District Office (780) 986 - 2611 DRAYTON VALLEY (780) 621 - 4014 Out-of-Province Scale Tete Jaune, British Columbia CAMROSE Stetter District Office (780) 679 - 1798 Out-of-Province Scale / MIS Macklin, Saskatchewan RED DEER Region / District Office (403) 340 - 5213 ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE (403) 845 - 1890 STETTLER RED DEER (403) 740 - 4183 CVE Head Office (403) 340 - 5225 Justice and Solicitor General OLDS (403) 556 - 4313 Out-of-Province Scale Kindersley, Saskatchewan MORRIN (403) 772 - 3866 AIRDRIE HANNA District Office (403) 226 - 0168 District Office (403) 854 - 5555 Out-of-Province Scale Golden, British Columbia COCHRANE (403) 932 - 2344 Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Branch STRATHMORE HIGH RIVER Region Boundary SOUTHERN REGION and DISTRICT BOUNDARIES November 2014 Calgary District Office (403) 934 - 3111 BROOKS Region Office (403) 652 - 8359 District Boundary (403) 793 - 6525 Head Office: Red Deer CENTRAL REGION: NORTHERN REGION: Region Office: Red Deer District Offices: Grimshaw Lac La Biche Slave Lake Grande Prairie Whitecourt Androssan District Offices: Stony Plain Red Deer Camrose Leduc Vermilion Hanna Sub - Offices: St. Paul Westlock Fort McMurray High Level SOUTHERN REGION: Region Office: High River District Offices: Airdrie Calgary Medicine Hat Coutts Lethbridge V V.I.S Location MEDICINE HAT Sub - Offices: Stettler Drayton Valley Rocky Mountain House Edson Out-of-Province Scale Sparwood British Columbia LETHBRIDGE M Out-of-Province Scale Swift Current, Saskatchewan District Office (403) 529 - 3540 REGION Region Office: Lac La Biche BURMIS (403) 564 - 5244 M.I.S Location District Office (403) 382 - 4135 Prepared by Highway Geomatics Section, Corporate Services and Information Division From Transportation Infrastructure Management System (TIMS) Digital Data Base map data provided by Spatial Data Warehouse Ltd. Copyright c 2014, Alberta Transportation Sub - Offices: Cochrane Olds Brooks Region / District data information provided by Commerical Vehicle Enforcement Branch Alberta Justice and Solicitor General 0 30 60 90 120 Kilometers North American Datium 1983, 10° Transvers Mercator 150 Out-of-Province Scale Shelby, Montana COUTTS District Office (403) 344 - 3755 Out-of-Province Scale Harve, Montana HEAD OFFICE COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT STEVE CALLAHAN, CHIEF #401, 4920 – 51 Street Red Deer, AB T4N 6K8 Phone: Fax: 403-340-5225 403-340-5074 JACQUIE DAUMONT, DEPUTY CHIEF Phone: Fax: 403-340-5225 403-340-5074 Don Bobinec, Sergeant Project Facilitator Phone: 780-980-2604 Wes Roth, Sergeant CVSA Programs Phone: 403-528-2245 Dean Vollmer, Sergeant Training & Professional Standards Phone: 403-340-5281 Patrick Zaph, Strategic Enforcement Analyst Phone: 403-340-5196 NORTHERN REGION COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT WALTER CARDINAL, SUPERINTENDENT PO Box 414 5025 – 49 Avenue St. Paul, AB T0A 3A4 Phone: Fax: 780-645-6216 780-645-6746 Vacant, Inspector Suite 80, 11039 – 78 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8W 2J7 Phone: Fax: 780-538-6444 780-538-6462 Ardrossan District Office Dan McCormack, Sergeant c/o Family and Children Services 121 Crimson Drive Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T5 Phone: Fax: 780-922-4445 780-922-4687 St. Paul Office PO Box 414 5025 – 49 Avenue St. Paul, AB T0A 3A4 Phone: Fax: 780-645-6216 780-645-6746 NORTHERN REGION COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT Grande Prairie District Office Fred Carpenter, Sergeant Suite 80, 11039 – 78 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8W 2J7 Phone: Fax: 780-538-6444 780-538-6462 Demmitt Office Suite 80, 11039 – 78 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8W 2J7 Phone: Fax: 780-356-3868 780-356-2956 Grimshaw District Office Mitchell Stukings, Acting Sergeant Box 739 Grimshaw, AB T0H 1W0 Phone: Fax: 780-332-4742 780-332-1567 High Level Office 2nd Floor Provincial Building Box 984, 10106 – 100 Avenue High Level, AB T0H 1Z0 Phone: Fax: 780-926-5262 780-926-2664 NORTHERN REGION COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT Lac La Biche District Office Vacant, Sergeant P.O.Box 666 9503 Beaverhill Road Lac La Biche, AB T0A 2C0 Phone: Fax: 780-623-5381 780-623-5400 Fort McMurray Office Box 9, Room 604, Provincial Building 9915 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2K4 Phone: Fax: 780-743-7254 780-788-6444 Radway Office c/o Provincial Building 108 Wheatland Avenue Smoky Lake, AB T0A 3C0 Phone: Fax: 780-736-3535 780-736-2259 Slave Lake District Office Rob Livingston, Sergeant Box 1726 Slave Lake, AB T0G 2A0 Phone: Fax: 780-849-7380 780-849-2921 NORTHERN REGION COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT Whitecourt District Office Brian Davyduke, Sergeant Box 986 Whitecourt, AB T7S 1N9 Phone: Fax: 780-778-7138 780-778-6811 CENTRAL REGION COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT DAVE TIPPE, SUPERINTENDENT #401, 4920 – 51 Street Red Deer, AB T4N 6K8 Phone: Fax: 403-340-5225 403-340-4340 Kathy Golem, Inspector 4604 – 62 Street Red Deer, AB T4N 6T3 Phone: Fax: 403-340-5213 403-340-4340 Hanna District Office Larry Cardinal, Sergeant 401 McCrea Drive Hanna, AB T0J 1P0 Phone: Fax: 403-854-5549 403-854-3086 Morrin Office Drumheller Provincial Building 201 Centre Street Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0 Phone: Fax: 403-772-3866 403-772-3830 CENTRAL REGION COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT Leduc District Office John Jackson, Sergeant Room 223, Provincial Building 4709 – 44 Avenue Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1N4 Phone: Fax: 780-986-2611 780-986-2748 Red Deer District Office Dan de Melo, Sergeant 4604 – 62 Street Red Deer, AB T4N 6T3 Phone: Fax: 403-340-5213 403-340-4340 Drayton Valley Office Provincial Building 5136 – 51 Avenue Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1R3 Phone: Fax: 780-621-4014 780-621-4016 Rocky Mountain House Office 4934 – 50 Street Rocky Mountain House, AB T4T 1A2 Phone: Fax: 403-845-1890 403-845-1892 CENTRAL REGION COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT Stettler District Office Glenn Munden, Acting Sergeant PO Bag 600, Provincial Building 4705 – 49 Avenue Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Phone: Fax: 403-740-4183 403-740-4184 Camrose Office 4910 – 52 Street Camrose, AB T4V 2V4 Phone: Fax: 780-679-1798 780-679-1771 Stony Plain District Office Rob Sapinsky, Sergeant Room 223, Provincial Building 4709 – 44 Avenue Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1N4 Phone: Fax: 780-968-4200 780-963-1995 Edson Office Room 202, Provincial Building 111 – 54 Street Edson, AB T7E 1T2 Phone: Fax: 780-723-8579 780-723-8266 CENTRAL REGION COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT Hinton Office (Yellowhead) Room 223, Provincial Building 4709 – 44 Avenue Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1N4 Phone: Fax: 780-866-3775 780-866-2238 Vermilion District Office Maurice Steen, Sergeant Bag 28 Provincial Building 4701 – 52 Street Vermilion, AB T9X 1J9 Phone: Fax: 780-853-4411 780-853-5217 SOUTHERN REGION COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT MATT ZAZULA, SUPERINTENDENT 5, 710-Centre Street SE High River, Alberta T1V 0H3 Phone: Fax: 403-652-8359 403-652-8382 Russ Fikowski, Inspector 1st Floor, Administration Building 909 – 3 Avenue North Lethbridge, AB T1H 0H5 Phone: Fax: 403-382-4135 403-382-4413 Airdrie District Arlen Masson, Sergeant PO Box 10314 Airdrie, AB T4A 0H6 Phone: Fax: 403-226-0168 403-226-0457 Calgary District Office Kayla Myra, Sergeant 325-3 Avenue Strathmore, AB T1P 1B4 Phone: Fax: 403-934-3111 403-934-5228 SOUTHERN REGION COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT Cochrane Office 213-1 Street West Main Floor Provincial Building Cochrane, AB T4C 1A5 Phone: Fax: 403-932-2344 403-932-7765 High River Office 5, 710-Centre Street SE High River, Alberta T1V 0H3 Phone: Fax: 403-652-8359 403-652-8382 Olds Office Main Floor, Provincial Building Box 202, 5030 – 50th Street Olds, AB T4H 1S1 Phone: Fax: 403-556-4313 403-556-7313 Coutts District Office Chris Wehlage, Sergeant 1st Floor, Administration Building 909 – 3 Avenue North Lethbridge, AB T1H 0H5 Phone: Fax: 403-344-3755 403-344-3044 SOUTHERN REGION COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT Lethbridge District Office Arthur Anderson, Sergeant 1st Floor, Administration Building 909 – 3 Avenue North Lethbridge, AB T1H 0H5 Phone: Fax: 403-382-4026 403-382-4413 Burmis Office Provincial Building 12501 – 20 Avenue Blairmore, AB T0K 0E0 Phone: Fax: 403-564-5244 403-564-4066 Medicine Hat District Office Don Kartz, Sergeant Box 11, Provincial Building 346 – 3 Street SE Medicine Hat, AB T1A 0G7 Phone: Fax: 403-504-2161 403-529-3684 Brooks Office Room 137, Government Service Centre 220 – 4th Avenue W Brooks, AB T1R 0E9 Phone: Fax: 403-793-6525 403-793-6526 SOUTHERN REGION COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT Dunmore Office Box 11, Provincial Building 346 – 3 Street SE Medicine Hat, AB T1A 0G7 Phone: Fax: 403-529-3540 403-529-3684
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