DDS Course Inventory 2014-15 Course Number BAS01-DN.1508 D1: Four Year Building Blocks of Life Coordinator Credit Grade Start Date End Date Joseph Guttenplan 3.0 L 9/2/14 12/18/14 BAS01-DN.1509 Cellular Organelles and Functions Kathleen Kinnally 2.6 L 10/1/14 12/18/14 BAS01-DN.1510 Basic Tissues Elisabeth Lopez 2.9 L 1/5/15 5/28/15 BAS01-DN.1608 Head & Neck Anatomy Eric Baker 5.9 L 9/2/14 12/18/14 BAS01-DN.1609 Organ Systems 4.9 L 3/2/15 5/28/15 BAS01-DN.1612 Neuroscience Joel Schiff Jean-Pierre SaintJeannet 3.1 L 1/5/15 5/28/15 BAS01-DN.1613 Craniofacial Biology Ron Craig 3.7 L 3/16/15 5/28/15 BEH03-DN.1511 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention I: Fundamentals Rima Sehl 1.7 L 9/3/14 11/19/14 BEH03-DN.1609 Skills in Assessing the Professional Literature TBD 1.3 H/P/F 3/3/15 5/21/15 BEH03-DN.1610 Mark Wolff 1.6 H/P/F 8/25/14 5/22/15 Andrew Spielman Mary Northridge / Stefanie Russell 0.0 L 10/22/14 5/29/15 BEH05-DN.1509 Assessment Skills Toward Professional Growth Faculty Evaluation - Academic Affairs Certification for Promotion Epidemiology and Critical Thinking in the Practice of Dentistry 2.7 L 9/5/14 12/15/14 BEH05-DN.1512 Professionalism and Ethics in Health Care Frederick More 2.1 L 8/25/14 12/5/14 BEH05-DN.1708 Healthcare Informatics Elise Eisenberg 1.9 P/F 8/25/15 8/29/14 CLS03-DN.1509 Integrated Basic and Clinical Case Presentations 0.7 L 9/2/14 5/22/15 CLS03-DN.1510 Multidisciplinary Experience in Patient Care Andrew Spielman Harry Meeker / Marie Congiusta 1.2 L 9/2/14 4/2/15 CLS09-DN.1608 Pediatric Dentistry for the New Dentist Jill Fernandez 0.4 P/F 1/5/15 5/22/15 DGS07-DN.1608 CPR Certification 0.3 P/F 10/18/14 10/26/14 PCL03-DN.1612 Clinical Foundation and Single Tooth Restoration Deborah Granger Barnett Bucklan / Gerald Klaczany 9/3/14 5/19/15 BAS01-DN.1515 Honors in Research Kathleen Kinnally 6.0 L 9/2/14 5/22/15 BAS01-DN.1705 Honors In Research Summer Intensive Kathleen Kinnally 0.0 P/F 6/1/14 8/15/14 BEH01-DN.1543 Elective in History of Dentistry Andrew Spielman 0.4 P/F/H 1/5/15 5/22/15 ETH05-DN.1609 Leadership Elective Charles Bertolami 1.0 P/F 9/2/14 5/22/15 BEH03-DN.1612 10.1 L Additional Elective Courses for D1 students DDS Course Inventory 2014-15 Course Number D2: Four Year Coordinator NEW Credit Grade PPLSoft Start Date PPLSoft End Date BAS01-DN.2508 Microbiology Yihong Li 1.7 L 7/1/14 BAS01-DN.2510 Infectious Diseases Robert Boylan 3.3 L 10/31/14 2/6/15 BAS01-DN.2610 Pharmacology Simone Duarte 4.7 L 1/6/15 5/8/15 BAS06-DN.2509 General Pathology Joan Phelan 4.0 L 6/30/14 12/1/14 BAS06-DN.2609 Systemic Pathology Anthony Vernillo 4.1 L 1/23/15 5/15/15 BEH03-DN.2509 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention II: Applications Rima Sehl 1.2 L 1/9/15 3/3/15 BEH03-DN.2510 Intro to Communications Skills in Health Care 0.3 P/F 5/13/15 5/21/15 BEH03-DN.2610 Fundamentals of Behavior Faculty Evaluation - Academic Affairs Certification for Promotion Hillary Broder Amy Slep / Richard Heyman 1.5 L 2/4/15 5/18/15 Andrew Spielman 0.0 L 11/21/14 5/22/15 0.8 L BEH03-DN.2612 8/8/14 7/2/14 8/1/14 0.4 H/P/F 7/25/14 5/8/15 Ralph Katz 0.5 H/P/F 6/30/14 7/3/14 Introduction to General Clinic - Lecture and Observation Mark Wolff 0.9 P/F 6/30/14 5/22/15 CLS03-DN.2510 Integrated Basic and Clinical Case Presentations Andrew Spielman 0.7 L 9/2/14 5/22/15 CLS03-DN.2609 Comprehensive Patient Care Dave Hershkowitz 3.1 P/F 1/5/15 6/26/15 CLS06-DN.2608 Introduction to Patient Care Techniques - Simulation Harry Meeker 0.3 P/F 6/30/14 12/19/14 CLS09-DN.2509 Initial Clinical Experience - Pediatric Outreach Jill Fernandez 0.2 P/F 9/2/14 12/19/14 DGS03-DN.2610 Diagnosis and Treatment of Oral Disease Kenneth Allen 6.3 L 6/30/14 12/19/14 DGS03-DN.2611 Practice Management I Eric Studley 0.4 P/F 4/3/15 5/14/15 DGS06-DN.2508 Radiology Rajinder Jain 1.5 L 7/1/14 8/11/14 DGS06-DN.2509 History and Physical Examination Arlene Curry 1.7 L 9/2/14 12/5/14 ETH05-DN.2508 Case Studies and Seminars in Ethics 1.0 L 9/5/14 4/3/15 PCL03-DN.2608 General Dentistry Simulation II - Esthetic Dentistry Frederick More Josephine LomanginoCheung 1.7 L 1/5/15 5/27/15 PCL03-DN.2611 General Dentistry Simulation II - Restorative Dentistry David Glotzer 1.5 L 7/7/14 12/15/14 PCL07-DN.2512 Introduction to Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Marci Levine 0.7 L 1/5/15 5/22/15 BEH05-DN.2508 Diversity, Attitude and Health Beliefs Frederick More BEH05-DN.2609 Skills in Assessing the Professional Literature Ananda Dasanayake BEH05-DN.2708 Public Health Issues and Policy for Dental Practitioners CLS03-DN.2508 PCL08-DN.2510 Introduction to Orthodontics Joana Forsea 1.2 L 9/5/14 11/4/14 PCL08-DN.2612 Interdisciplinary Case Discussions George Cisneros 0.5 P/F 4/4/15 5/6/15 PCL09-DN.2508 General Dentistry Simulation II - Pediatric Dentistry Serena Kassam 0.4 L 3/5/16 4/27/15 PCL09-DN.2511 Introduction to Pediatric Dentistry Neal Herman 1.2 L 11/14/14 3/9/15 PCL11-DN.2509 Simulation - Fixed & Implant Prostheses 6.8 L 7/1/14 4/23/15 PCL11-DN.2609 Simulation - Removable & Implant Prostheses Lisa Antonoff Bijan Moghadam / Igor Chikunov 3.3 L 7/9/14 3/4/15 PCL11-DN.2613 Advanced Prosthodontics I Paola Cohen Imach 0.5 L 4/10/15 5/12/15 BEH03-DN.2511 Assessment Skills for Professional Growth Kenneth Allen 0.5 H/P/F 8/7/14 5/22/15 Additional Elective Courses for D2 students BAS01-DN.2515 Fall Honors in Research Kathleen Kinnally 3.0 L 9/2/14 12/19/14 BAS01-DN.2525 Fall Independent Research Program Kathleen Kinnally 1.0 L 9/2/14 12/19/14 BAS01-DN.2615 Spring Honors in Research Kathleen Kinnally 3.0 L 1/5/15 5/22/15 BAS01-DN.2625 Spring Independent Research Program Kathleen Kinnally 1.0 L 1/5/15 5/22/15 BEH05-DN.2611 Elective in Public Health Issues and Policy TBD 3.0 H/P/F 7/1/14 8/15/14 DDS Course Inventory 2014-15 Course Number BAS06-DN.3508 BEH03-DN.3509 BEH03-DN.3612 D3: Four Year and Advanced Placement Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Radiology Communication in Health Care: Working with Diverse Populations Faculty Evaluation - Academic Affairs Certification for Promotion Coordinator NEW Credit Grade PPLSoft Start Date PPLSoft End Date Ross Kerr 5.1 L 9/8/14 6/18/15 Hillary Broder 1.1 L 9/11/14 4/1/15 Andrew Spielman 0.0 L 11/25/14 6/26/15 0.4 H/P/F BEH05-DN.3609 Skills in Assessing the Professional Literature Stefanie Russell CLS03-DN.3508 Comprehensive Patient Care David Hershkowitz CLS03-DN.3513 Cariology and Operative Dentistry Clinic Gerry Klaczany 2/5/15 6/24/15 7.3 L 6/30/14 6/26/15 4.4 L 6/30/14 6/26/15 CLS04-DN.3518 Endodontics Clinic Leigh Busch 0.7 L 6/30/14 6/26/15 CLS06-DN.3516 Oral Medicine/Diagnosis and Radiology Clinic Debra Ferraiolo 2.2 L 6/30/14 6/26/15 CLS07-DN.3510 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Seminars and Clinic Kenneth Fleisher 2.3 L 9/2/14 6/26/15 CLS09-DN.3608 Pediatric Dentistry Clinic Ramin Kashani 1.9 L 9/2/14 6/26/15 CLS10-DN.3509 Periodontics Clinic 1.7 L 6/30/14 6/26/15 CLS11-DN.3514 Clinical - Fixed and Implant Prostheses 3.1 L 6/30/14 6/26/15 CLS11-DN.3515 Clinical - Removable and Implant Prostheses Vera Tang Marjan Moghadam / Michael Ferguson Esther Kuyinu / Igor Chikunov 1.9 L 6/30/14 6/26/15 DGS06-DN.3610 Care of the Medically Complex Patient Miriam Robbins 2.4 L 9/3/14 1/28/15 DGS06-DN.3611 Orofacial Pain - Neurosensory Disorders David Sirois 1.4 L ETH05-DN.3608 Seminars in Ethics Frederick More 0.5 P/F PCL02-DN.3511 Advanced Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials TBD PCL04-DN.3508 Advanced Endodontics Samuel Kramer PCL08-DN.3608 Advanced Orthodontics I George Cisneros PCL08-DN.3609 Orthodontics Seminars Mitchell Lipp PCL08-DN.3610 Advanced Pediatric Dentistry Linda Rosenberg PCL10-DN.3510 Advanced Periodontics Michael Bral PCL11-DN.3512 Advanced Prosthodontics II Paola Cohen Imach 3/5/15 5/20/15 5/26/15 6/17/15 1.6 L 1/6/15 5/6/15 1.1 L 3/17/15 6/1/15 1.4 L 1/6/15 5/18/15 0.8 L 9/9/14 4/30/15 1.1 L 9/2/14 12/15/14 1.8 L 1/8/15 6/25/15 2.2 L 9/9/14 2/26/15 Additional Mandatory Courses for 4-Year Students ONLY BAS01-DN.3509 NBDE Part I Review Elena Cunningham DGS07-DN.3609 CPR: Re-certification Deborah Granger 1.1 P/F 7/7/14 7/17/14 0.3 P/F 1/11/15 1/26/15 BAS01-DN.3515 Fall Honors in Research Kathleen Kinnally 3.0 L 9/2/14 12/19/14 BAS01-DN.3525 Fall Independent Research Program BAS01-DN.3615 Spring Honors in Research Kathleen Kinnally 1.0 L 9/2/14 12/19/14 Kathleen Kinnally BAS01-DN.3625 Spring Independent Research Program 3.0 L 1/5/15 5/22/15 Kathleen Kinnally 1.0 L 1/5/15 5/22/15 Additional Elective Courses for D3 students BEH03-DN.3511 Selective in Teaching Skills Maria Marin P/F 7/1/14 6/30/15 CLS03-DN.3500 Clinical Experience for Dual Degree Students Mark Wolff 12.0 P/F 7/1/14 6/30/15 CLS06-DN.3610 Elective in Catastrophe Preparedness Arlene Curry 0.5 P/F 9/2/14 6/30/15 CLS06-DN.3611 Elective in Clinical Pharmacology Silvia Spivakovsky 0.8 P/F 9/2/14 6/30/15 DGS06-DN.3613 Elective in Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Diagnostics Joan Phelan 1.6 P/F 9/2/14 6/30/15 2.1 DDS Course Inventory 2014-15 Course Number BAS06-DN.4508 BEH03-DN.4612 D4: Four Year and Advanced Placement Senior Comprehensive Care Certification Faculty Evaluation - Academic Affairs Certification for Graduation Coordinator NEW Credit Grade PPLSoft Start Date PPLSoft End Date Silvia Spivakovsky 1.8 L 9/2/14 3/26/15 Andrew Spielman 0.0 L 10/30/2014 5/22/2015 BEH05-DN.4609 Skills in Assessing the Professional Literature Richard Niederman 0.4 H/P/F 9/16/14 3/19/15 CLS03-DN.4508 Comprehensive Patient Care David Hershkowitz 8.0 L 6/30/14 5/22/15 CLS03-DN.4512 Cariology and Operative Dentistry Clinic James Lopresti 4.1 L 6/30/14 5/22/15 CLS04-DN.4516 Endodontics Clinic Leigh Busch 1.5 L 6/30/14 5/22/15 CLS06-DN.4518 Oral Medicine/Diagnosis Clinic Silvia Spivakovsky 1.0 L 6/30/14 5/22/15 CLS06-DN.4520 Clinical Management of Special Needs Patients James Toppin 0.8 L 6/30/14 5/22/15 CLS06-DN.4620 Urgent Care Clinic Laurie Fleisher 1.4 L 6/30/14 5/22/15 CLS06-DN.4622 Oral Facial Pain & Medicine Dharti N. Patel 1.2 L 6/30/14 5/22/15 CLS07-DN.4510 Oral Surgery Hospital and Clinic Rotations Leslie Abraham 1.9 P/F 6/30/14 5/22/15 CLS09-DN.4511 Pediatric Dentistry Clinic Ramin Kashani 1.8 L 6/30/14 5/22/15 CLS10-DN.4509 Periodontics Clinic 1.5 L 6/30/14 5/22/15 CLS11-DN.4513 Clinical - Fixed and Implant Prostheses 6/30/14 5/22/15 CLS11-DN.4514 Clinical - Removable and Implant Prostheses Vera Tang Marjan Moghadam / Michael Ferguson Esther Kuyinu / Igor Chikunov 6/30/14 5/22/15 DGS03-DN.4509 Practice Management II Eric Studley 1.3 P/F 7/7/14 8/14/14 3.8 L 1.4 L DGS03-DN.4609 Practice Management III Eric Studley 1.3 P/F 1/5/15 3/5/15 DGS03-DN.4611 Disaster Preparedness David Glotzer 0.8 P/F 2/9/15 4/1/15 PCL03-DN.4708 General Dentistry Licensing Preparation-- NERB Prep Arnold Ray 0.2 P/F 6/30/14 8/15/14 PCL08-DN.4608 Advanced Orthodontics II Mitchell Lipp 0.2 P/F 10/20/14 1/30/15 CLS03-DN.4510 Community Health Dentistry Andrew Schenkel 2.1 P/F 6/30/14 5/22/15 DGS07-DN.4610 CPR Re-certification - AP Only 1/11/15 1/26/15 Additional Mandatory Courses for AP Students ONLY Deborah Granger P/F Additional Elective Courses for D4 students BAS01-DN.4515 Honors in Research Kathleen Kinnally 3.0 L 9/2/14 12/19/14 BAS01-DN.4525 Independent Research Program Kathleen Kinnally 1.0 L 9/2/14 12/19/14 BEH05-DN.4610 Elective in Bioethics Alexander Schloss 0.8 H/P/F 9/2/14 5/1/15 CLS01-DN.4517 Honors in Head & Neck Anatomy Elena Cunningham 1.0 H/P/F 6/30/14 7/17/14 CLS03-DN.4521 Fellowship in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Marci Levine 2.3 H/P/F 9/2/14 5/1/15 CLS03-DN.4522 Honors in Esthetics John Calamia 2.3 H/P/F 9/2/14 5/1/15 CLS03-DN.4532 Elective in Clinical Patient Assessment Andrew Schenkel 2.3 H/P/F 6/30/14 8/15/14 CLS03-DN.4614 Elective at Student Health Center Wen-Ing Kao 5.0 P/F 6/30/14 5/22/15 CLS03-DN.4617 Practicum Clinical Teaching Skills Maureen McAndrew 2.3 P/F 9/2/14 5/1/15 CLS03-DN.4621 Elective in Dental Care for Survivors of Torture June Weiss 6.3 P/F 6/30/14 5/22/15 CLS04-DN.4525 Honors in Endodontics Manju Gopinathan 1.3 H/P/F 9/2/14 5/1/15 CLS05-DN.4612 Senior Selective in Dental Informatics Elise Eisenberg 1.6 H/P/F 9/2/14 5/1/15 CLS06-DN.4529 Honors in Oral Medicine and Pathology Sonal Shah 2.3 H/P/F 9/2/14 5/1/15 CLS06-DN.4608 Honors in Orofacial Pain/TMJ Marcela Romero-Reyes 2.3 H/P/F 9/2/14 5/1/15 CLS06-DN.4609 Honors in Special Patient Care Miriam Robbins 2.3 H/P/F 9/2/14 5/1/15 CLS08-DN.4523 Honors in Orthodontics 2.3 H/P/F 9/2/14 5/1/15 CLS09-DN.4524 Honors in Pediatric Dentistry Edmund Khoo David Tarrab / Neal Herman 2.3 H/P/F 9/2/14 5/1/15 CLS10-DN.4526 Honors in Periodontics Roya Afshar-Mohajer 2.3 H/P/F 9/2/14 5/1/15 CLS10-DN.4531 Honors in Implant Dentistry Mazen Natour 2.3 H/P/F 9/2/14 5/1/15 CLS11-DN.4610 Honors in Prosthodontics Farhad Vahidi 2.2 H/P/F 9/2/14 5/1/15 CLS03-DN.4603 Introduction to Dental Forensics Nicholas Vernice 1.0 P/F 9/2/14 5/1/15 DDS Course Inventory 2014-15 Course Number Coordinator D5: Four Year and Advanced Placement NEW Credit Grade PPLSoft Start Date PPLSoft End Date CLS03-DN.5500 General Dentistry Clinic - Fall Mark Wolff 12.0 P/F 9/2/14 12/19/14 CLS03-DN.6500 General Dentistry Clinic - Spring Mark Wolff 12.0 P/F 1/5/15 5/22/15 Dept. Basic Sci Basic Sci Basic Sci Basic Sci Basic Sci Basic Sci Basic Sci CCC Epi/HP CCC CCC Epi/HP Epi/HP Epi/HP CCC CCC Pediatrics OMFS CCC Bas. Sci Bas. Sci Bas. Sci Epi/HP Dept. Basic Sci Basic Sci Basic Sci OMPRM OMPRM CCC CCC CCC CCC Epi/HP Epi/HP Epi/HP CCC CCC CCC CCC Pediatrics CCC CCC OMPRM OMPRM Epi/HP CCC CCC OMFS Ortho Ortho Pediatrics Pediatrics Prosth Prosth Prosth CCC Bas. Sci Bas. Sci Bas. Sci Bas. Sci Epi/HP Dept. OMPRM CCC CCC Epi/HP CCC CCC Endo OMPRM OMFS Pediatrics Perio Prosth Prosth OMPRM OMPRM Epi/HP CCC Endo Ortho Ortho Pediatrics Perio Prosth Basic Sci OMFS Bas Sci Bas Sci Bas Sci Bas Sci CCC CCC OMPRM OMPRM OMPRM Dept. OMPRM CCC Epi/HP CCC CCC Endo OMPRM OMPRM CCC OMPRM OMFS Pediatrics Perio Prosth Prosth CCC CCC CCC CCC Ortho CCC OMFS Bas Sci Bas Sci Epi/HP Bas Sci OMFS CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC Endo Epi/HP OMPRM OMPRM OMPRM Ortho Pedo Perio/Impl Perio/Impl Prosth CCC Dept. CCC CCC
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