Laser welding systems ACP with new laser

Laser welding systems ACP
with new laser sources UW
We decided to increase range of our laser welding sytems by introducing new lasers systems for
manual welding (type ACP A with hand travel), laser systems with mobile worktables (type ACP B
with cross worktable, working area X – Y and adjustable travel Z) and laser systems equipped with
working arms (type ACP C with 13 movement levels).
Type ACP A - for manual work
Type ACP B - with sliding table X-Y
We supply laser systems ACP A, ACP B and ACP C
with the new laser sources UW that achieve
better parameters than the previous ones KUBO
100 EVO (see page 7).We offer ACP systems with
the laser sources UW 75 and UW 150 for
welding of molds and tools. UW lasers have
better efficiency of conversion of electrical
energy to light energy and that is why they are
able to weld with a wire of diameter 1 mm (!).
Now our customers can get unique type of laser
that have the same characteristics of laser
welding but if we consider welding speed it is
very close to TIG welding – of course with totally
different penetration depth and minimal
imported heat. That is why it is now possible to
increase range of welding materials from
diameter 0,2 to 1,0 mm and to speed up welding
process in this way.
Type ACP C - for the most demanding welding
Dimensions and possible 13 (!) movement levels of tilting
and positioning systems ACP C
Examples of use:
Characteristics of new laser sources
Higher efficiency, higher energy density, larger penetration depth, lower deformation
Exact and quick setting and positioning of the laser, no overlap of red and laser spot
Greater working distance between laser head and welded area (160 mm and more)
Welding through transparent materials (glass, crystal or some of plastics ...)
Sample focusing on small welded points (from microns to mm) and high energy density.
Proportion penetration depth/welded point size could achieve 5:1 up to 10:1
Possible working with 4 laser heads in one laser source, retiming process is controlled by
time or energy sharing.
All lasers have CE marking provided by company SGS
Company UW (producer) is certificated according ISO 9001
Technical advantages:
Efficient feedback supports laser output. It compares
actual laser output to the required one and according to
the received data it regulates input power to a flash lamp
to achieve required output laser value. Feedback speed
is in microseconds.
System notat.
power feedback
Laser output,
regul. system
Power notat.
Possible setting of 20 shape points. It improves quality of
welds in different kinds of complicated welding.
Output laser heads
The user has the following types of laser heads:
Scanning laser head
Standard laser head
Rctangled laser head
Paraller laser head
Laser head could be equipped with a microscope (for manual welding) or CDD camera with
connection to LCD display.
Scan welding and electronical recognition of welded area
Image Scanning
You can use CDD camera also for workpiece exploring and
importing its image to software. Software navigates scanner to
required welded area.
 Elimination of X - Y erros on workpiece
 Announcement of missing workpiece
Machine vision and welding system with laser distance
The system locates workpiece position data. At the same time it measures
distance between workpiece and output laser head. Software uses the
received data for remote control of welding process.
 Elimination of position error X – Y – Z on workpiece
 Announcement of missing workpiece
Mechanic watching of welds
Laser beam scattering help to identify a working distance for welding by using laser triangular
principle. Multi - CDD cameras find X – Y – Z coordinates of the welds.
 Possible welding of curve surfaces and gaps between them
 Setting of welding position and working distance in real – time
 Compensation of position and dimension error
Higher efficiency of conversion of electrical
energy to light energy
Our new UW laser sources with higher efficiency of electric energy transformation to light energy.
To achieve lower losses occurred due to many improvements. It was achieved by many
iprovements, for example:
Resonator cavity is gold-coated
Strict inspection of deionised water quality
Effective filter (for solid impurities) and resin capsule (for ions) ensure quality of cooling
water. External cooling unit for working in hot summer days.
Strict vendor inspection
Each laser source is stricly inspected and tested for many electrical parameters as well as for
extraction flow, temperatures of many elements, stability of control signals and their shapes.
These mearuse are provided on digital measuring systems made by company Tektronix and many
Finally is each laser source tested on a vibrating bench. The bench is able to recognize erros in the
electronics, optical paths and so on. If it is necessary additionally settings are provided. Customer
always receives the first quality product.
Finally is each laser source tested on a vibrating bench. The bench is able to recognize erros in the
electronics, optical paths and so on. If it is necessary additionally settings are provided. Customer
always receives the first quality product.
Technical parameters of laser units
The thorough final inspection
Modern technology
Our UW laser systems have modern control sytems and the most efficient electronics.
SMD technology and the most modern elements support control systems of laser sources.
Devices are equipped with the most modern components from Japan, Germany and some other
Storage of complete laser machines
Company UW is very important world producer supplying laser sources to the companies from the
whole world.
The spare parts are always available and they are sent immediately (next day) after receiving of an
Laser sources the most modern concepts
Customer can work with 4 laser heads at the same time. It is not necessary to buy complete laser
source equipped with four optical paths for all laser heads at the beginning. He can buy more
equipment later in the future according to his demands.
Finally is each laser source tested on a vibrating bench. The bench is able to recognize erros in the
electronics, optical paths and so on. If it is necessary additionally settings are provided. Customer
always receives the first quality product. So if a customer needs to weld more complicated parts,
formations or produce complex sheet parts in the future our laser system will adapt to the demands.
Company UW has more than 400 emloyees now and seventy of them are developers. UW
cooperates with many institutes, foreign companies such as Tump or IPG and universities.
UW´s world patents for the lasers systems have better parameters than the competetive solutions.
Quality of the products, using the most modern technology and trends promise support and good
results also in the future.
Other advantages from our company:
1. Flexibility
We started to offer and take care about the ACP lasers in 2003. The lasers are very foolproof with
low operating cost and high quality of welding. In the case of any problem or fault we are ready to
lend our own laser free of charge for the whole time necessary for repair. We will supply the
standby laser the day after agreement.
2. Professional consultancy
We work in the field of precise welding of molds and tools since 1995. We are able to help our
customers with any problem including different kinds of complicated welding issues (suitable
materials and ways of welding etc.). We solve the problems free of charge online, by phone, skype,
We use our practical experiences with precise welding that are not mentioned anywhere.
3. Best prices
We offer the best prices for welding and expendable materials (exclusive agency for The Czech
Republic and Slovakia).
4. First class services
Our company has 52 employees now and it is certificated according ISO 9001:2008 by British
company NQA (this company has also cerificated for example NASA).
5. We have 20 laser systems
We have already installed 20 laser systems in our company - systems for welding, marking and
engraving of molds and tools. We use all of them and we are probably the biggest company in The
Czech Republic working in this sector. Our experinces are also benefits for our customers.
V1 (15.4.2014)
We have a wide range of products for Precision
Engineering such as (diamond, grinding etc.) tools,
devices and laser systems. All products available
representatives offer consultancy services as well
as the products and they are able to arrive as
fast as necessary . We represent 17 foreign
companies in the Czech Republic, Poland and
Youl can find and buy all our products on:
MEPAC CZ, s.r.o.
tel. /mob. /fax
Central office TŘINEC
Oldřichovice 862
739 61 Třinec
[email protected]
Branch office – VSETÍN
Průmyslový areál
Jasenice objekt 6
755 01 Vsetín
tel.: 571 417 771
mob.: 739 075 567
mob.: 739 366 619
mob.: 739 453 809
mob.: 608 710 904
Branch office – VRBNO
Jesenická 350
739 26 Vrbno p. Pradědem
tel.: 554 725 305
mob.: 603 507 946 (shop)
mob.: 739 204 755 (shop)
mob.: 775 569 917 (workshop)
fax: 554 725 035
[email protected]
Branch office – POLSKO
Czechowice - Dziedzice
tel.: 0048 910 085 519
mob.: 0048 513 041 157
[email protected]
MEPAC SK, s.r.o.
Veľký Diel 3323
Hala č.3, Žilina 010 08
tel.: 00421 910 082 933
mob.: 00421 917 120 075
mob.: 00421 905 910 944
558 348 112
603 515 357 (shop)
776 086 591 (shop)
773 784 101 (shop)
[email protected]
[email protected]
We believe that your company will find in our extensive range of useful devices or tools for your job.
Group of companies MEPAC CZ, Ltd. and MEPAC SK, Ltd.