February 2014 Updated HEADCORN Welcome to Headcorn Welcome to the updated Headcorn Information Pack. We have tried to gather as much useful information as possible regarding key services and the many clubs and societies that operate within our village. We would be pleased to hear from you, if you feel that we have missed something out. Further information can also be found on our two Parish websites www.headcornpc.kentparishes.gov.uk or www.headcornvillage.org.uk Lyn Selby, Chairman of Headcorn Parish Council Information Pack HEADCORN PARISH COUNCIL Contents History of Headcorn 2 Parish Council Members 3 Other Village Representatives 4 Churches 5 Police and Education 6 Health, Vets and Library 7 Clubs and Associations Village Shopping 8-9 10-12 H E A D C O R N Food And Drink Farmers Market 13 Other Key Services 14 Travel 15 P A R I S H C O U N C I L “A S U C C E S S F U L RURAL VILLAGE WITH PLENTY OF COMMUNITY SPIRIT” History of Headcorn Headcorn is one of the largest villages in the area, with about 3,300 residents. It is one of the 5 rural service centres in the Maidstone area and has a good range of shops and a main street boasting several half-timbered houses. The Old Cloth Hall reminds us that our Wealden Community benefitted from the boom in woollens that followed the 14th Century arrival of Flemish immigrants and lasted until the industry moved north during the 17th and 18th centuries. Our ancient village can be best appreciated by a stroll along Church Walk, this quiet footpath with its medieval cottages was once the main road out of Headcorn. Neolithic to Roman Times The discovery of polished flint axes in the Headcorn area attest to the presence of a community during the new stone age. There is also evidence to suggest the occupation of farmsteads from that period until Roman times, with more than 30 roman coins being discovered at one site alone. Dark and Middle Ages The earliest written records are references in charters of King Wihtred and King Offa, respectively to Wick Farm724 and Little Southernden 785. Headcorn must have started in the days of the Kingdom of Kent as a den or clearing, to which pigs were driven from the northern parts of the County to feed on acorns and beechmast, in the Wealden Forest. Although Headcorn does not figure in the Doomsday Book of 1086, the Domesday monachorum, the ecclesiastical survey made about the same time, records the existence of a church at Hedekaruna. According to the Oxford Names Companion, the name possibly means “tree trunk (used as a footbridge) of a man called Hydeca” The Headcorn Oak The remains of the Headcorn Oak is situated near the south door of the Parish Church. It was extensively damaged by fire on the 25th April 1989 but continued to produce new growth until July 1993. Its age has been estimated at up to 1200 years, however Ian Mitchell of the Forestry Commission, an expert on old oaks compared his measurements taken 1n 1967, with those made by Mr Robert Furley FSA in 1878 and estimated its age at 500 years. Historic Buildings The 1986 list of buildings of architectural or historic interest has 88 entries including the Parish Church (Grade 1), the former Old Vicarage (II*) renamed Headcorn Manor in 1960, the Cloth Hall (II*) and Shakespeare House (II). To find out more about Headcorn History there is a dedicated book available from the library or why not join the Local History Society. Page 2 I N F O R M A T I O N P A CK Your Parish Council Members (2012- 2016) Cllr Lyn Selby Chairman Cllr Dave Fox Vice Chairman Cllr Dave Andrews Tel 01622 890730 Tel:01622 890939 Tel 01622 890686 Cllr Jenefer Gibson Cllr Caroline James Cllr Tracey Jewsbury Tel: 01622 890200 Tel:01622 891647 Tel:01622 624427 Cllr Bridget Dungey Tel:01622 890505 Vacancy Cllr Penny Kemp Tel:01622 890601 A picture will appear shortly. Cllr Sally Lewer Cllr Nigel Pyman Cllr Martin Round Cllr John Russell Tel:01622 890728 Tel:01622 890933 Tel:01622 890276 Tel:01622 891726 Mrs Helen Anderson (Clerk) Tel:01622 892496 Parish Office Details— c/o 41 Oak Farm Gardens, Headcorn, Kent, TN27 9TZ Telephone/Fax: 01622 892496 Email: [email protected] The Parish Council meets at the Village Hall (Longmeadow) every second Wednesday at 8.15pm (except December when it is held on the third Wednesday). The Planning Committee and Open Spaces also meet on a regular basis, please see our website www.headcornpc.kentparishes.gov.uk or view our notice board situated at the rear of Sainsbury’s for forthcoming agenda’s. F E B R U A R Y 20 1 4 U P D A T E D Page 3 Other Village Representatives County Councillor Mrs Jenny Whittle (Conservative) The Cottage, Sutton Road, Bearsted, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 4HP Telephone: 01622 734897 Email: [email protected] District Councillor Mr Richard Thick (Conservative) Four Oaks, Four Oaks Road, Hawkenbury, Kent, TN27 9PB Telephone: 01622 891224 Email: [email protected] District Councillor Mr Martin Round (Conservative) Timberden, 60 Oak Lane, Headcorn, TN27 9TB Telephone: 01622 890276 Email: [email protected] Member of Parliament Hugh Robertson MP (Conservative) 8 Faversham Road, Lenham, Kent. ME17 2PN Telephone: 01622 851616 Email: [email protected] Village Hall The Village Hall is the centre for many village events and is available for private hire. It is located on an unnamed road, just off the High Street in between St Peter & St Paul Church and the Methodist Church. Bookings: Ann Holmes Tel:01622 890708 Chairman: Margarette Gilham Tel:01622 891281 Website : www.headcornvillage.org.uk Page 4 I N F O R M A T I O N P A CK Churches St Peter and St Paul Parish Church—is situated at the far end of the High Street. The Reverend Brian Curnew can be contacted on 01622 860403 Or Jenny Munt (Chuchwarden) on 01622 891724. A full list of services can be found on the church notice board or by contacting the church wardens above. To subscribe to the Church Magazine annually and receive it monthly contact Jean Hammond on 01580 891377. The Catholic Church of St Thomas of Canterbury—is situated in Station Road by Becket Court. The contact is George Swift on 01622 891256. There is a 9am Sunday Mass with Children’s Liturgy, a 9.30a.m Weekday Mass Tuesday and Holy Days of Obligation at 7.30. The Baptist Church—is situated in Station Road (opposite Rushford Close). There is a Sunday Morning service at 10.30am and Sunday evening at 6.30pm. Every Tuesday at 10.30am Meeting Point for coffee and chat. Friday at 8pm Youth Club. Visit www.headcornbaptist.org.uk for more details or contact Jean May on 01622 890271 or Richard Page on 01622 890464. Methodist Church - is situated at the far end of the High Street (opposite the Kings Arms Public House). The contact is Reverend Peter Hills on 01580 762315. There is a Sunday Morning service at 10.30am. Cathedrals—The nearest are at Canterbury (25 miles) and Rochester (18.5 miles) Canterbury Cathedral, Precincts, Canterbury, CT1 Telephone 01227 762 862 Rochester Cathedral, The Precinct, Rochester, Kent, ME1 1SX Telephone 01634 843366 F E B R U A R Y 20 1 4 U P D A T E D Page 5 Police The Headcorn area is covered by Maidstone Police Station. We have a police officer, a police community support officer (PCSO) and a Community Warden assigned to look after us. PCSO Alan Beech Tel :0798 999 2449 email [email protected] Stuart Ellesmere (Community Warden) Tel: 07969 583923 email Stuart.ellesmere.kent.gov.uk Remember 999 should be used in urgent matters. To report non urgent items then please contact the help desk at Maidstone Police Station by ringing 101 Education Pre-School Headcorn Pre-School (Oftsed Ref EY340577) meets at the village hall 5 mornings a week 9am to 12pm. It is a registered pre-school with fully qualified and caring staff. For more information contact Paula Skilton on 07801 0120386 The Old School House (Headcorn) (Oftsed Ref 127701) is based at Station Approach, it is a Montessori based nursery catering for children from 1 years old. They also provide before and after school drop off and collection service for any pupils who attend Headcorn Primary School as well as holiday care. For more information contact Daryl King on 01622 890057. Primary Headcorn County Primary School (Ofsted Ref 118291) Kings Road, Headcorn, TN27 9QT Telephone 01622 891289 Email [email protected] Head Teacher : Ms Julie Barker Secondary There are no secondary schools in Headcorn, but we are served by various schools in Maidstone, Tenterden, Cranbrook and Lenham. For more information visit www.kent.gov.uk/education-and-learning/schools-and-sixth-form/ Page 6 I N F O R M A T I O N P A CK Health General Practioner Headcorn Surgery, Clerksfield. Telephone 01622 890294. Hospitals with Accident and Emergency Maidstone Hospital, Hermitage Lane, Maidstone, ME16 9QQ Tel: 01622 729000 William Harvey, Kennington Road, Willesborough, Ashford, TN24 0LZ Tel:01233 616107 Dentists The Wealden Dental Practice 25 Station Road, Headcorn Tel:01622 890512 Orchard House Dental Practice 6 Kings Road, Headcorn Tel:01622 890574 Smiles Dental Care 11a High Street, Headcorn Tel:01622 891009 Alternative Therapies including osteopaths/homeopathy etc Headcorn Natural Health Centre 1-2 Franks Bridge Cottages, Smarden Road Tel:01622 890803 Vets Pierson, Stewart and Partners, Roland House, Station Road, Headcorn Tel:01622 890351 Green Lane Vet Clinic, Shenley Farm, Shenley Road, Headcorn Tel:01622 890245 Headcorn Library Headcorn Library is located in Kings Road between the new and old buildings of the primary school. There is a wide range of books both fiction and non fiction for both children and adults, as well as a range of DVD’s for hire. There are also 3 computers complete with colour printer and scanner, photocopier and fax machine available for use. The telephone number is 01622 890566 and it is open as follows. Tuesday 1.15—6pm Thursday 1.15—6pm Friday 9am—1.30 pm Saturday 10am-2pm The Citizens Advice Bureau hold outreach sessions every 1st Tuesday between 1.15 and 3.15pm. No appointment is necessary. F E B R U A R Y 20 1 4 U P D A T E D Page 7 Clubs and Associations Allotments Association Jo Barker 01622 890836 Angling Club Steve Bowen 01622 890321 Badminton Club Sandra Mepham 01622 890130 British Legion Men & Women Alan & Jean Port 01622 890514 Cricket Club Richard Daking 01622 890877 East Sutton Youth Theatre Mike Dyer-Ball 01622 844321 Football Club (Juniors & Seniors) Ian Barker 01622 890680 Footpaths Group Christine Dutton 01622 890142 Friends of Headcorn Church Jenny Munt 01622 891724 Gardeners Society Alistair Harding 01622 890127 HEADARA (Headcorn Active Retirement Assoc) Ken 01622 890397 Headcorn Bowls Club Christina Goss 01622 861857 Headcorn Eldercare Eileen Hale 01622 890400 Headcorn Flower Arrangers Jay Hayes 01622 890116 Headcorn Bell Ringers Tim Munt 01622 891724 Headcorn Handbell Ringers Joyce Vidler 01622 880201 (www.headcorncc.org.uk) Headcorn Parachute Club 01622 890862 Headcorn Short Mat Bowls Peter White 01622 891232 Headcorn Sustainability Group Penny Kemp 01622 890268 Judo (Juniors & Seniors) Richard Armstrong 01622 891526 Ladies Netball Jo Barker 01622 890836 Local History Society Tim Thomas 01622 890270 Modern Sequence Dancing Mr Hoult 01580 712534 Morris Dancers Jackie Gaynor 01233 714622 Page 8 I N F O R M A T I O N P A CK Clubs and Associations continued Stardust Studios Dancing School Natalie Bates www.starduststudios.co.uk 01233 625786 0r 07899 844956 Table Tennis Mrs Gilham 01622 891281 Tennis Club Cristine Brunger 01622 890560 Weald of Kent Bridge Club Valerie Golding 01580 763499 W.I Barbara Allcock 01622 892339 Air Training Corps Owen Shorne 01622 892229 R.A.F.A Mary Baker 01622 891091 Scouts Mike Foster 01580 241382 Cub Scouts Kieron Bird 01622 890169 Beaver Scouts Adele Govett 01233 820761 Guides Naomi Dickins 01622 890207 Brownies Zanna Brown 01622 891425 Rainbows Fay Westerbeek 01622 892240 Uniformed Organisations Headcorn Village Hall is always busy with lots of other activities including Yoga Sue Wainwright 01622 890746 Pilates P Whyte 01622 890306 Lindy Hop Carol Elsmore 01622 890915 Acrylic Art Geoff Thornley 01580 241904 Knit & Sew Margarette Gilham 01622 891281 Belly Dancing L Coombs 01622 691966 Karate S McMachan 07900 894458 Fun Train (Under 5’s) Peggy Heron 01580 895326 Merry Go Round (Under 5’s) Sue Bishop 01580 292428 Water Colour Art Classes Graham Findley 07779 968756 Weight Watchers 08457 123000 For more information on the Village Hall activities then please feel free to pop along and have a look around, there are 3 large notice boards in the entrance foyer or otherwise contact Margarette Gilham on 01622 891281. F E B R U A R Y 20 1 4 U P D A T E D Page 9 Village Shopping Animal Feed & Garden Products The Emporium, Barradale Farm, Maidstone Rd 01622 890446 www.petemporium.co.uk Art Gallery and Local Artist West End House Gallery, High St, Smarden 01233 770261 Bakers Waltons, High Street 01622 891217 Sainsbury’s Local, High Street 01622 892072 Bank/Post Office National Westminster, High Street 0870 240 3355 Post Office 01622 890227 Beauty Therapy Escape 01622 891790 Natural Beauty by Design 01622 891181 Butchers Hollamby’s, High Street 01622 890379 Cabinet Makers Tim Smith, Forge Lane 01622 891025 Car Accessories & Spares Premier Supply/SOC Autoparts, Wheeler St 01622 891777 www.socautoparts.co.uk Heart of Kent Hospice, High Street 01622 891892 www.hokh.co.uk Sue Ryder Care, Foreman’s Walk 01622 891117 www.suerydercare.org Cash Machines Outside Sainsbury’s Local, High Street Inside the Post Office, High Street Charity Shops Chemist with Pharmacy Doctors Surgery, Grigg Lane 01622 890758 Photo Shop Headcorn Photo Factory Page 10 01622 730730 www.headcornphotofactory.co.uk I N F O R M A T I O N P A CK Village Shopping Convenience Stores Cost Cutter, Kings Road 01622 890336 Sainsbury’s Local, High Street 01622 892072 Cycle Shop Woods, North Street 01622 890664 Delicatessen Curds & Whey, High Street 01622 890108 Dry Cleaning Headcorn Dry Cleaners 01622 890823 Estate Agents Simon Miller & Company, High Street 01622 890089 www.simonmiller.co.uk Turnill & Company, Ringles, Grigg Lane 01622 890969 www.turnillandco.com Ward & Partners, High Street 01622 890435 www.wardandpartners.co.uk Fashion & Clothes The Factory Shop, Foreman’s Centre 01622 891651 Grays Country & Clays Ltd 01622 890212 Fish Mongers Headcorn Village Fishmongers, 19 High Street 01622 890438 Florist Sweet William , Foreman’s Walk 01622 891767 Furniture Shop Peppercorn, High Street 01622 891773 Garden Ornaments & Plants Homes & Gardens, High Street 01622 890682 www.homes-gardens.co.uk Gift Shop Village Tea Rooms, High Street 01622 890682 Bowjangles gifts and accessories 01622 853852 Headcorn Gifts and Music 01622 891169 Green Grocers Village Grocers, High Street F E B R U A R Y 20 1 4 U P D A T E D 01622 891155 Page 11 Village Shopping Hairdressers Beau Belle, High Street 01622 890296 Beauty Box, High Street 01622 890460 Cut Above, High Street 01622 890644 HQ Hair & Beauty, Foreman’s Walk 01622 892466 Masons, The Old Stonemasons, North Street 01622 890996 Hardware Headcorn Hardware, High Street 01622 890409 Health Centre (Alternative) Forstal Holistic Health, High Street 01622 892266 Headcorn Natural Health, Smarden Road 01622 890803 Kitchens Kitchen Connections 01622 890611 Newsagents Oldfields, High Street (paper delivery) 01622 890437 Costcutters, Kings Road 01622 890336 Sainsbury’s Local, High Street 01622 892072 Headcorn Railway Station Shop (Monday-Saturday Mornings Only) Petrol Headcorn Service Station, Station Road 01622 892282 Travel Agents Go Cruise (Local ABTA Cruise Consultants) 01622 891895 www.gocruisetnt.co.uk Wines & Spirits Costcutter Stores, Kings Road 01622 890336 Sainsbury’s Local, High Street 01622 892072 Wine Rack, North Street 01622 890288 www.winerack.co.uk Large Supermarkets Tesco, Small Hythe Road, Tenterden TN30 7LN 0845 677 9803 WM Morrison, Sutton Road, Maidstone, ME15 9AE 01622 687280 Page 12 I N F O R M A T I O N P A CK Food and Drink Public Houses The George & Dragon, High Street 01622 890239 The White Horse, North Street 01622 890206 The Hawkenbury, Hawenbury Road 01580 890567 Restaurants/Tea Shops 3 Indian Restaurant, High Street 01622 890101 McCoys Fish and Chips, 7 High Street 01622 891816 Homes and Gardens Tea Room, High Street 01622 890682 Krishna Indian Restaurant, High Street 01622 890665 Coffee Corner, Foremans Walk 01622 411234 Lizzys Coffee Shop (10am—4pm), Krishna Restaurant 01622 890665 The George and Dragon PH, High Street 01622 880239 Waltons Bakers, High Street 01622 891217 The Hawkenbury, Hawkenbury Road 01580 891507 Weald of Kent Golf Club, Maidstone Road 01622 891671 Takeaway Leas Garden, Chinese, High Street 01622 890875 Krishna, Indian, High Street 01622 890665 Headcorn Farmers Market Headcorn Farmers Market is held on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 9.30am to 12.30pm at the Village Hall. The Farmers Market is a member of Produce in Kent and there are a wide range of goods and produce for sale. For more information contact Penny Kemp, Headcorn Sustainability Group on 01622 890601. F E B R U A R Y 20 1 4 U P D A T E D Page 13 Other Key Services Builders and Decorators A&N Baughurst 01622 758783 N A Caselton Building Services 01622 890839 J R Building Services 01622 891032 A T Palmer 01233 770077 Graham Waters Building Contractors 01622 891125 R J Sunnucks Plastering Ltd 01622 890311 Mordons Ltd Building Contractors 01622 891073 Building Surveyor Jefferey A Wade MCIOB, MBEng 01622 890532 Carpenter S F Carpenter 01622 890168 Central Heating and Plumbing A Kitts 01233 625786 / 07919 191367 Headcorn Heating 01622 891299 / 07801 989110 Fahrenheit Heating 01622 298868 Millbourne Kitchen and Bathrooms (Plumber) 01622 892498 Electrician Sturgeon Electrical 01622 890523 Fencing P Tassell 07941 906615 Tarmac Surfacing Wilson Tarmac 01622 890049/891082 Waste/Rubbish Disposal T Skilton Page 14 07714 729229 I N F O R M A T I O N P A CK Travel Headcorn Railway Station, Station Approach—Regular Services to Ashford International and London Stations of Charing Cross and Cannon Street via Tonbridge and Sevenoaks. See www.southeasternrailway.co.uk for more information on train fares, times etc. Bus Services—Operated by Arriva www.arrivabus.co.uk , the number 12 service operates from Tenterden to Maidstone hourly. Bus stops are situated in the High Street, Station Road and Station Approach (by railway). On a Sunday the No 12 starts and terminates at Headcorn. A 12RL service operated by Clarkes Minibuses (01580 765099) from Tenterden to Headcorn Railway Station in the early mornings/afternoons. A timetable is available at the Library or by contacting the Parish Clerk on 01622 892496. Car Hire P & L Executive Car Hire 01622 891633 or 07764 678991 Taxis MTC Taxis based at the Railway Station Streamline, Barradale Farm, Maidstone Road 01622 890003 www.maidstonetaxicompany.co.uk 01622 750000 www.streamline.travel/headcorn.php Driving Instruction Tony Loft School of Motoring 01622 891001 Hatley Driving Tuition 01622 891716 Headcorn Aerodrome A busy centre for pleasure flights, hot air ballooning, parachuting, helicopter flights and the Lashenden Air Warfare museum. Visitors are welcome to bring a picnic and watch the planes within yards of the runway. A café is also on site. For more information contact 01622 890226 or visit www.headcornaerodrome.co.uk F E B R U A R Y 20 1 4 U P D A T E D Page 15
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