Conductive-AFM tomography for 3D filament observation in resistive switching devices U.Celano1,2,*, L.Goux1, A.Belmonte1,2, A.Schulze1, K.Opsomer1, C.Detavernier3, O.Richard1, H.Bender1, M.Jurczak1, W.Vandervorst1,2 1 imec, Kapeldreef 75, 3001 Leuven – Belgium 2 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Belgium 3 University of Gent - Belgium * [email protected] Abstract In this paper we demonstrate a novel characterization technique for the observation of the conductive filament in conductive bridging memory devices (CBRAM). The conductive filament is observed for a scaled memory element programmed under 10µA operative current. After the electrical programing, the C-AFM tomography enables the 3D analysis of the conductive filament within the switching layer. Introduction Among different designs for non-volatile memories, the conductive bridging device offers fast switching, high endurance and good scalability (1-4). CBRAM operation relies on the voltage-induced redox-based formation and rupture of a Cu- or Ag-based conductive filament in an insulating layer acting as a solid state electrolyte (2). Although switching characteristics and reliability properties are all related to the properties of the conductive filament (CF), the observation of the CF in scaled devices is still missing. This is due to the extremely challenging local characterization and to the 3D-nature of the CF. So far, attempts using in-situ TEM, C-AFM, EDX (5-8) have obtained the observation of the CF only on dedicated test structures. In this paper, for the first time, we unveil the 3Dstructure of a conductive filament (CF) for a scaled 1T1R memory element using C-AFM tomography. We demonstrate the application of this concept by imaging the CF for a functional device as well as for a device stuck in its low resistive state (LRS). Methodology The memory device in our work is a cross-bar structure (Fig.1) stacked on top of a select transistor in a 1Transistor/1-Resistor (1T1R) scheme, as shown in Fig.2a. The drain of the transistor is connected to the memory cell by a TiN bottom electrode (BE) line which is planarized prior to Al2O3\Cu\Au processing (Fig.2,3). In order to carefully control the CF formation, we used the gate voltage to limit the current at 10μA during forming and set switching operations throughout cell cycling. A full resistive switching cycle is reported in Fig.4. The CF is formed by applying a positive voltage to the Cu electrode, the dissolution is done with the opposite polarity. A memory device was left in its LRS ~ 150kΩ before the C-AFM tomography. As 978-1-4799-2306-9/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE traditionally C-AFM is used to resolve sub-nm electronic defects in planar dielectrics (9), CF characterization by CAFM has been explored on surface observation. However this approach presents several strong limitations: (i) the analysis is confined to the surface, (ii) the CF is imaged only in 2D (in-plane image), and (iii) the CF is not formed in a real device configuration, and thus typically not representative. Indeed when forming the CF in a real device, the presence of the top electrode (Fig.5,6,7) shields the switching layer and the CF, preventing any C-AFM analysis (Fig.6). We overcome these limitations through the development of C-AFM tomography which enables to observe the conductive filament in full 3D. This is achieved by collecting C-AFM images of the conductive filament at different depths within the stack (Fig.8). Here we exploit the hardness of in-house developed (10) conductive full-diamond tips to induce a controlled material removal at each consecutive AFM-scan (Fig.8,9) implementing in essence a slice and view mode (11). To induce the controlled material removal, a strong pressure is applied between diamond-tip and sample (GPa) during the AFM scan which leads to a removal rate down to ~ 0.1-0.3nm/scan providing sub-nm depth resolution (12,13). The consecutive C-AFM images collected during the slicing of the memory cell display the evolution of the CF from the top (Fig.10) to the bottom electrode (Fig.11). Collating all those images then leads to a 3D tomogram (Fig.12,13,14). Results The C-AFM tomography starts with the removal of the 20nm-Au/20nm-Cu top electrode shielding the Al2O3. After the controlled removal of the top electrode we slice in a controlled manner through the Al2O3 with a rate of 0.7 nm/scan. The height measurements, in Fig.9, clearly indicate that we dig into the dielectric with nm-steps from 5nm down to ~1nm. After each slice the “probing C-AFM” cycle identifies the properties of the CF at the exposed surface. For instance the first C-AFM “view” on the Al2O3 (Fig.10) clearly shows the planar extent of two CFs at the interface closest to the Cu electrode. The subsequent views are collated and interpolated into the final 3D tomogram (Fig.13,14). Both figures show that the filament has a conical shape. We observe a filament composed of two branches shrinking from the Cu-top (spots ~ 20 and 12 nm) to bottom TiN-electrode (spot ~2 and 8 nm size) e.g. the filament is wider on the side of Cu. Similar shapes are found in all devices analyzed in LRS. A. Switching mechanism The wider CF cross-section at the Cu-electrode interface suggests CF growth from Cu anode down to TiN cathode during forming, that is opposite to the direction expected from the theory of electrochemical metallization memory cell (2,3). We associate this result to the use of Al2O3 as electrolyte material, and we propose the following scenario: the forming voltage VF>2V required to generate a CF not only allows injecting Cun+ ions in the Al2O3 layer but is also sufficient to generate vacancy defects along the CF (Fig15a). We previously performed ab-initio simulations (4) indicating that Cun+ cations have better stability than Cu neutral species in amorphous Al-O matrix, and that these cations drift by forming bonds with oxygen (O) and hopping along chains of O-sites (4). Such a drift process would be facilitated if Cun+ species would locally substitute Al-vacant sites. The doping by Cun+ cations would require charge compensation through hole defect or O-vacancy creation, increasing the electrical conductivity of the CF. Therefore, the forming process may correspond to a conical drift of Cun+ species embedded in a local Al-Cu-O phase whereby conical shape is induced by local field enhancement. This mechanism stops when Cufilament reaches the cathode. The final CF shape will depend on further growth depending on current compliance. In this scenario, the reset mechanism would correspond to a Jouleassisted drift back of Cun+ species. As reset voltage mainly drops on the weakest part of the CF, closer to the TiN interface (Fig.15e), reset would express as a CF recess towards Cu electrode. B. Correlation with device properties C-AFM tomography shows that the total cross-section of the CF is in the range of 10nm at the weakest part (Fig. 11,14), which may be associated to the LRS resistance of ~105 Ω measured before de-processing (note, the C-AFM artifact fig.13b it leads to overestimation of the CF size). We have reported excellent CBRAM switching functionality in this range of LRS resistance previously (4), and more recently for RLRS~1MΩ (14) which is expected to show narrower CFs. Finally we used C-AFM tomography to understand the origin of cycling degradation. Figs.17-19 illustrate the C-AFM tomography analysis study of a device stuck in LRS i.e. failing to reset. We observe the formation of a solid Cuplatelet running throughout the entire dielectric layer. This platelet formation may be attributed to thermal-activated diffusion of copper during switching, which takes place on a preferential plane direction due to local minima for Cu hopping (4). Thus creating a continuous Cu wall that does not present any narrow part for reset. Conclusion We have demonstrated 3D C-AFM tomography as a novel characterization technique for CF observation in CBRAM devices. We can successfully show the CF in devices cycled under real operative conditions and observe a conical shape with sizes shrinking from ~30nm to ~10nm in the direction of the cathode. The results are in agreement with a model taking into account the slow migration and incorporation of Cun+ species into a Al-O based switching layer. Acknowledgements Research funded by a Ph.D. grant of the Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT), we acknowledge the partial funding by IMEC’s Industrial Affiliation program on RRAM. References 1. R. Waser and M. Aono, Nature materials, 2007, 6, 833–40. 2. I. Valov, R. Waser, J. R. Jameson, and M. N. Kozicki, Nanotechnology, 2011, 22, 254003. 3. M. N. Kozicki, M. Park, and M. Mitkova, IEEE Transactions On Nanotechnology, 2005, 4, 331–338. 4. L. Goux, K. Sankaran, G. Kar, N. Jossart, K. Opsomer, R. Degraeve, G. Pourtois, G. Rignanese, and C. Detavernier, in VLSI Technology (VLSIT), 2012 Symposium on, Honolulu, HI, 2012, pp. 69–70. 5. Y. Yang, P. Gao, S. Gaba, T. Chang, X. Pan, and W. Lu, Nature communications, 2012, 3, 732. 6. K. Szot, W. Speier, G. Bihlmayer, and R. Waser, Nature Materials, 2006, 5, 312–320. 7. J. Park, W. Lee, M. Choe, S. Jung, M. Son, S. Kim, S. Park, J. Shin, D. Lee, M. Siddik, J. Woo, G. Choi, E. Cha, T. Lee, and H. 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Goux, Memory Workshop (IMW), 2013 5th IEEE International, 2013, 26 – 29. Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the cross-point memory device. The cell stack is presented in the inset. Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the cross-point memory. Fig. 3 Sectional view of the cross-point device, perpendicular and parallel to the bottom electrode. Fig. 2a Cross-sectional TEM of the integrated 1T1R device (schematic is shown in the inset). Fig. 4 I-V curves of DC switching cycle for the device under investigation, after forming the devices is reset and finally is left in LRS ~150kΩ (trace 3). The polarity to the top electrode is positive for set and negative for reset. Fig. 2b Cross-sectional HRTEM image of the memory element. Note, the area shown is the red rectangle represented in Fig.2a. Fig. 5 Traditional C-AFM on device in LRS. In (a) the topography and in (b) the current maps are presented. Note, high current levels are observed for both electrodes due to the presence of the conductive filament bridging these two terminals. Fig. 6 C-AFM detail on the cross-point of a memory device in LRS. Note, the presence of the top electrode which is shielding the filament observation. Fig. 7 Tapping mode AFM image of the device under investigation. Fig. 8 Schematic illustration of the C-AFM tomography concept. After top electrode removal, C-AFM slices are scraped at different heights of the conductive filament. Fig. 9 AFM z-value, The height evolution during the removal of the Al2O3 layer is reported for different C-AFM slices. Fig. 10 1st C-AFM slice after top electrode removal. Note, the appearance of the two branches of the conductive filament in the middle of the active area. Fig. 11 C-AFM current map close to the end of the conductive filament. This is the last image of the filament before the final removal of the Al2O3. Fig. 12 Stacking of the slices collected at different heights of the conductive filament. The consecutive images are aligned to correct for possible drifts before the interpolation. Fig. 13 (a) Sectional view of the 3D reconstructed tomogram of the conductive filament. In the bottom image the current level corresponding to the Al2O3 material is removed, in order to highlight the shape of the filament. (b) A possible broadening effect of ~ 2nm on each side of the CF can be due to the tunnel current measured by the tip in proximity of the CF. Fig. 14 Second branch of the CF showing a clear conical shape. The wider part of the filament is at the anode interface i.e. at the interface of Cu injection. Fig. 16 Superimposition of the measured conductive filament with our model illustration. Fig. 15 Proposed model for the Cu migration and filament formation in low-mobility media. (a) Under the effect of positive bias, Cu atoms are ionized and injected into the switching layer. (b) Due to the poor Cu mobility in the switching layer the migration is highly hampered. (c) The Cu migration is easier in presence of vacancy defects and along chains of O-sites of the Al-O bonding in the amorphous matrix. (d) Once the filament is formed the voltage drop is completely across the filament and the electric field in the switching layer disappears. Note, that the final CF can be constituted of different conductive species such as Cu ions, Cu , Al-Cu-O phases. (e) Under the opposite polarity the filament rupture takes place due to electrochemical and joule heating assisted processes that produce the rupture of the filament and the restoring of the high resistive state. + 0 Fig. 19 Schematic and observation of Cu-platelet in stuck LRS device. Three original CFs join together inducing the failure. This can be related to the Cu sideways diffusion during cycling. Fig. 17 1st C-AFM slice at the top surface of a device stuck in LRS. C-AFM image is taken after electrode removal. Fig. 18 By means of 3D C-AFM tomography it is possible to observe the conductive filament degeneration into a continuous conductive wall. The latter shorts bottom and top electrodes and runs through the entire switching layer as shown in the sectional views.
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