Indian Journal of Chemistry Vol. 53B, March 2014, pp.332-338 Generation and characterization of complex bioactive oligosaccharides from flax meal by a combination of enzyme hydrolysis, HPAEC and MALDI-TOF-MS Sayani Ray, Utpal Adhikari & Bimalendu Ray* Natural Products Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan 713 104, India E-mail: [email protected] Received 17 December 2012; accepted (revised) 20 September 2013 This study aimed at analyzing complex neutral and acidic oligosaccharides generated from the hemicellulosic polysaccharides (4A and 4B) of flax meal. A 86 kDa xyloglucan rich population (4Baq) purified from soluble 4B fraction by anion exchange chromatography was digested with endo-(1→4)-β-D-cellulase. Analysis of the resulting fragments by chemical methods as well as high performance anion exchange chromatography (HPAEC) and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) showed the presence of penta(1)-, hexa(2)-, hepta(3)-, octa(4)-, nona(5,6)-and deca(7)-saccharides as the building sub-units. Hemicellulose 4A is composed of a linear chain of β-D-xylopyranosyl units, bonded together by (1→4)-glycosidic links, containing a single D-xylopyranosyl, 4-Omethyl-D-glucopyranuronosyl, D-glucopyranuronosyl residues joined by glycosidic links to position 2 of the xylose units of the main chain, in proportions of one branch to every eight units of xylose. Keywords: Flax meal, enzyme hydrolysis, oligosaccharides, GC-MS, HPAEC, MALDI-TOF-MS In a preceding paper1 it was shown that 30% of the flax meal (FM) could be solubilised during sequential extraction with water at 30-35°C (WE), 1,2-cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid (CT), water at 100°C (fraction named HWE) and 1M KOH (B). Partial chemical characterization of the polysaccharides present in WE, CT, HWE and B fractions revealed the presence of high molar-mass mucilage-like polysaccharides, arabinogalactan protein, glucans, xyloglucan and xylan. Hemicelluloses constitute a complex group of heterogeneous polysaccharides and represent one of the major sources of renewable organic matter in nature2. Since flax is an important commercial crop, and as hemicellulosic polysaccharides have considerable potential for application as precursor for microbe-fermented ethanol or other molecules3,4, health-related value-added products5-7, and in foods8,9, pharmaceuticals10,11, paper and cotton12,13 industries further studies on purified polymers will be of interest from scientific as well as industrial purposes. Oligosaccharides often posses some unique properties which is of special value to the biological entity14,15. Xylo-oligosaccharides, for example, are reported to enhance growth of bifidobacteria and are frequently defined as prebiotics16. Because of its anti-cancer property xylitol, has already been used in food applications, e.g., chewing gum and tooth paste17. Several oligosaccharins regulate plant growth, organogenesis, and defense against pathogens15. Oligosaccharides possess antimicrobial effects against pathogenic bacteria or fungi18 and hence might be useful to substitute chemical additives19 for food preservations. Therefore, the oligosaccharides generated from flax meal will be potential raw material for various industries. The present study reports on the structural features of hemicellulosic polysaccharides present in 4M KOH extracted fractions (4A and 4B). In particular, isolation of a xyloglucan rich pool (4Baq) by anion exchange chromatography of 4B fraction and structural elucidation of oligosaccharides generated by endo-glucanase digestion of this fraction is described. Analysis of the resulting oligosaccharides (Scheme I) was carried out by combination of chemical, chromatographic and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight-mass spectrometric techniques. In addition, structural features of xylan present in 4A fraction as obtained by endo-xylanase digestion and structural characterization of the generated oligosaccharides have also been reported. Results and Discussion Isolation and sugar composition of hemicelluloses. Hemicellulosic polysaccharides were isolated from the depectinated cell wall1 of Linum RAY et al.: COMPLEX BIOACTIVE OLIGOSACCHARIDES 333 Scheme I usitatissimum meal by extraction with 4M KOH. This extract, which forms precipitate during neutralisation, was then separated into two fractions: the hemicellulose fraction 4A (yield, 4.5%) corresponding to the precipitate and the hemicellulose fraction 4B (yield, 5.5%) corresponding to the soluble polymers. Sugar analysis of the latter fraction mainly revealed the presence of xylose, glucose and galactose suggesting the presence of xyloglucan (Table I). In contrast, xylose was the main monosaccharide of the hemicellulose 4A fraction indicating the presence of xylan. Other monosaccharides, such as arabinose, galacturonic acid and rhamnose, probably arose from pectic material co-extracted with hemicelluloses. FT-IR and molecular mass of xyloglucan rich fraction. FT-IR spectrum of fraction 4B showed absorption bands at 1644, 1420 and 1055 cm-1, which are indicative of hemicelluloses20. The broad band between 3600 and 3000 cm-1, corresponding to vibrations of the hydroxylic band as well as the methyl and methylene group vibrations around 2931 cm-1 were present in this spectrum. The small band at 895 cm-1 characteristics of β-glycosidic linkages between the sugar units21 was also observed. Sugar composition of 4B fraction indicates the probable presence of xyloglucan type polysaccharides. But composition analysis by simple acid hydrolysis may yield ambiguous information22. So, attempt has been made to purify the xyloglucan present in fraction 4B, by passing it through DEAE-Sepharose FF column. On total sugar basis the recovery yield from the anion exchanger was 95%. Moreover, 39% of the recovered sugar material was eluted with water (designated as 4Baq) and the bound material (61%) was eluted from the column by using salt gradient. Sugar compositional analysis of the non-retained fraction (4Baq) shows the presence of glucose and xylose as the major constituent sugars together with smaller amount of other sugars (Table I). Therefore, 4Baq fraction contains xyloglucan type polysaccharide. This macromolecule gave a single narrow band on size exclusion chromatography, having an apparent molecular weight of 86 000 Da and a specific rotation of [α]25D +9.2° (c 1.02, 1 M sodium hydroxide). The INDIAN J. CHEM., SEC B. MARCH 2014 334 assignments of the D-, L-configuration to the different sugar moieties are based on the literature precedents for other hemicelluloses23. Generation and sugar composition of xyloglucan oligosaccharides (XGO). It is well known that endo-(1→4)-β-D-glucanase cleaves (1→4)-β-Dglucosidic linkages of xyloglucan next to an unbranched glucose residue22, without damaging side chains. The xyloglucan rich population (4Baq) on treatment with endo-(1→4)-β-D-xylanase generates a water soluble xyloglucan-oligosaccharide rich fraction (designated as XGO) containing Xyl (ca. 32%), Glc (ca. 47%), Gal (ca. 13%), and Man (ca. 7%) residues as major sugars (Table I). The sugar composition is thus consistent with the presence of galactoxyloglucan. The mannose present in 4Baq was probably originated by hydrolysis of the mannan with endo-mannanase present as contaminant in the Table I — Sugar composition (mol %) of hemicellulosic polysaccharides of Flax meal (4A and 4B) and of fractions generated there from by digestion with endo-xylanase (fraction XO from 4A) and endo-glucanase (fractions XGO and FMXGO from 4B and FM, respectively), and by anion exchange chromatography (fraction 4Baq from 4B) Rha Fuc Ara Xyl Man Gal Glc GlcA GalA 4B 3 4A tr 4Baq tr XGO nd FMXGO tr XO tr tr: trace nd: not detected 1 tr 2 1 tr tr 9 1 5 tr tr tr 27 97 30 32 34 98 2 nd 4 7 6 tr 11 tr 13 13 14 tr 36 1 40 47 46 tr tr 1 nd nd nd 1 11 tr 6 nd nd Tr commercial endo-glucanase preparation used in this study. Glycosyl linkage composition of xyloglucan derived oligosaccharides (XGO). Methylation of XGO produced a yellow, solid product that was hydrolyzed, and the resulting sugars were converted into their corresponding partially methylated alditol acetates and analyzed by GC and GC-MS. The results obtained are shown in Table II. The presence of (1→4,6)-and (1→6)-linked glucopyranosyl residues, typical for the cellulosic backbone of xyloglucan is revealed. Terminal fucose, galactose and xylose (all) and (1→2)-linked xylose and (1→2)-linked galactose are also present. Together, these results demonstrate the presence of xyloglucan thus confirming sugar compositional data. Similarly, terminal mannose and (1→4)-Manp residues are likely due to result from the permethylation of the contaminating mannan fragments. These data confirm the results of sugar compositional analysis where degradation of mannan by commercial endoglucanase preparation has been inferred. Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption IonizationTime of Flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). MALDI-TOF mass spectrum of XGO revealed the presence of numerous oligosaccharide fragments. Taking into consideration the mode of action of the endo-(1→4)-β-D-glucanase, sugar composition and linkage analysis data of fragments present in XGO fraction and on the basis of the molecular masses of the known xyloglucan oligosaccharides24-29, tentative structures for the xyloglucan-derived oligomers are proposed. For example, m/z value of 791 corresponds to Hex3Pent1 and it is, therefore, assigned as XGGG Table II — Methylation analysis of native xylan (4A), reduced xylan (4AR) and of xyloglucan oligosaccharides derived from Linum usitatissimum meal Methylation products m/z values (4A) 2,3,5-Arab 2,3,4-Xyl 2,3-Xyl 3,4-Xyl 3-Xyl 2,3,4,6-Gal 3,4,6-Gal 2,3,4-Fuc 2,3,4-Glc 2,3,6-Glc 2,3-Glc a 43, 45, 102, 118, 129, 161 and 205 43, 101, 102, 117, 118, 161 and 162 43, 87, 102, 118, 129, 189 and 233 43, 88, 101, 117, 130 and 190 43, 45, 87, 102, 118, 129, 145, 161, 162 and 205 43, 45, 71, 88,101, 129, 130, 145, 161, 190 and 205 43, 72, 88,102, 1115, 118, 131, 162 and 175 43, 87, 102, 118, 129, 162, 189 and 233 43, 45, 87, 102, 113, 118, 129, 162, 173 and 233 43, 102, 118, 127, 162, 201, 261 and 305 Percentage of total area of the identified peaks 2,3,5-Ara denotes 1,4-di-O-acetyl-2,3,5-tri-O-methylarabinitol, etc. c nd: not detected b 3 2 82 nd 13 nd nd nd nd nd nd Peak areaa (4AR) (XGO) 2 2 76 13 13 nd nd nd 8 nd nd ndc 13 1 22 nd 14 2 2 15 2 29 RAY et al.: COMPLEX BIOACTIVE OLIGOSACCHARIDES (1) named according to Fry et al., 1993 (Ref 30). Similarly, 953 assigned as XXGG (2),1085 as XXXG (3), 1247 as XXLG (4), 1393 as XXFG (5), 1440 as XLLG (6) and 1555 as XLFG (7) (Scheme I). Although mass spectroscopy cannot distinguish stereoisomers, but sugar compositional and glycosidic compositional analysis indicates the presence of xyloglucan derived oligosaccharides. Xyloglucans, based upon the types of oligosaccharides released after hydrolysis by endo-glucanase, were classified as XXXG and XXGG type31. A XXXG-type in which side chains is substituted with Xyl-Gal-Fuc residues and a XXGG type whose side chains contain terminal Gal residues such as in tobacco and tomato cell walls. The fragments generated from flax meal xyloglucan are classical fragments of XXXG type xyloglucan characteristics of many dicots31,32. Additional oligomers XGGG (1) and XXGG (2) specific to flax were generated from XXGG-type of xyloglucans. Such a XXGG-type of branching pattern is not common in seeds but has also been previously found in the cell walls of tobacco leaves and tomato suspension cultures, two solanaceous species33,34. Besides, a series of ions having a mass difference of 162 Da has also been observed in the mass spectrum with degrees of polymerisation ranging from four to as much as seven. Based on the data obtained from sugar composition and methylation analysis of XGO fraction these pseudomolecular ions, which lack pentosyl units, probably originated from mannan 335 derived oligomers. Hence, the presence of mannan in the hemicellulosic polysaccharides of flax meal has been confirmed. MALDI mass analysis of the xyloglucan oligosaccharides (FMXGO) generated from flax meal, FM, reveals similar structures of xyloglucan and indicates that O-acetyl substituents are present on XXLG (4a), XXFG (5a, 6a) and XLFG (7a)-type building subunits (Scheme I). Interestingly, all oligomers that have O-acetyl group also contain galactose residues. Such an occurrence of O-acetyl group specifically on galactose unit of xyloglucan oligosaccharide has been previously reported12,22. Remarkably, abundance of all oligomers containing fucose residues and O-acetyl group are higher than the non-acetylated subunits. High Performance Anion Exchange-Pulse Amperometric Detection (HPAE-PAD)chromatography. HPAE-PAD chromatographic analysis of the XGO fraction corroborates the results obtained from MALDI-TOF-mass spectrometry. Indeed, the HPAEC-PAD chromatography elution profile (Figure 1) of XGO fraction shows the presence of several peaks having different intensity. Retention times of four of these peaks are similar to xyloglucan oligosaccharides XXXG (3), XXFG (5), XXLG (4) + XLFG (7) and XLLG (6), respectively generated from Arabidopsis thaliana25, Argania spinosa24,26, Benincasa hispida28, Brassica 29 campestris and Sesamum indicum27 xyloglucan by endo-glucanase digestion. Figure 1 — HPAE-PAD chromatographic elution profile of heptasaccharide 2, nonasaccharide 4, mixture of octasaccharide 3 and decasaccharide 6, and nonasaccharide 5 generated from Linum usitatissimum meal using endo-β-(1→4)-D-glucanase degradation. See Scheme I for identification of fractions 336 INDIAN J. CHEM., SEC B. MARCH 2014 Glycosyl linkage composition of xylan. Methylation of 4A produced a yellow, solid product with a specific rotation of [α]25D-22.3° (c 1.12, chloroform), indicative of the existence of β-Dglycosidic linkages. The methylated polysaccharide was reduced (AR), hydrolyzed, and the resulting sugars were converted into their corresponding partially methylated alditol acetates and analyzed by GC and GC-MS. The results obtained as shown in Table II revealed that hemicellulose 4A is a linear acidic xylan having a backbone of β-D-xylopyranosyl residues bonded together by (1→4)-glycosidic links. This linear chain has single unit branches of 4-O-methyl-D-glucopyranuronosyl and/or D-glucopyranuronosyl, and D-xylopyranosyl residues attached at C-2. The relative proportions of 2,3,4-Me3-Glc, 2,3,4-Me3-Xyl and 3-Me-Xyl indicate that, approximately, there is one branch point for every eight units of xylose in the main chain. Generation and analysis xylan oligosaccharides (XO). Further information on the structure of xylan present in 4A fraction was obtained by treating this fraction with endo-(1→4)-β-D-xylanase, an enzyme specific for β-D-xylan. Sugar compositional analysis of the xylan-derived oligomers (XO) showed the presence of xylose residues (98 mol%) together with smaller amount of arabinose, and glucuronic acid residues (Table I). HPAE-PAD analysis of this fraction (XO) indicated the presence of D-Xylose monomer together with β-(1→4)-D-xylobiose, as well as peaks arising from xylan-derived acidic oligosaccharides eluted with high concentration of sodium acetate. MALDI-TOF-mass spectrum (Figure 2) of XO fraction showed one major peak at m/z 759, which corresponds to one 4-O-MeGlcA linked to five xylose residues 8 (Scheme I). In the same way, ions at m/z = 891 and 1023 were assigned to [M+Na] + of Xyl5-4-O-MeGlcA1 (9) and Xyl6-4-O-MeGlcA1 (10). Pseudomolecular ions at 775 and 797 corresponding to the potasiated and di-sodiated pseudomolecular ions of the said oligosaccharide were also present. Ions at 745, 877 and 1009 would correspond to Xyl4-GlcA1(11), Xyl5-GlcA1 (12) and Xyl6-GlcA1 (13), respectively, indicating the presence of another set of fragments with substitution of a 4-O-MeGlcA by a GlcA residue. Pseudomolecular ions [M+Na]+ at 173 and 305 corresponding to xylose and xylobiose have also been detected (not shown). Therefore, a series of neutral and acidic oligosaccharides were obtained from flax meal by treatment of hemicellulosic 4A fraction with an endo-(1→4)-β-Dxylanase. Based on the results of chemical, chromatographic, and spectroscopic analysis, it appeared that flax xylan is formed by a main chain of β-D-xylopyranosyl units joined by (1→4) glycosidic links, which show branch units of containing a single D-xylopyranosyl, 4-O-methyl-D-glucopyranuronosyl, D-glucopyranuronosyl residues joined at position 2 of the xylose units of the main chain, in proportions of one branch to every eight units of xylose. Experimental Section Chemicals used were analytical grade or best available. All determinations were done at least in duplicate. Evaporations were performed under Figure 2 — MALDI-TOF mass spectrum of oligosaccharides generated from 4M KOH soluble fraction (4B) of Linum usitatissimum meal after degradation by endo-β-(1→4)-D-xylanase. See Scheme I for identification of fractions RAY et al.: COMPLEX BIOACTIVE OLIGOSACCHARIDES diminished pressure at 45-50°C (bath) and small volume of aqueous solutions was lyophilized. Gas liquid chromatography (GC; Shimadzu GC-17A, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) and gas liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS; Shimadzu QP 5050 A, Shimadzu) as described35. Recording of IR spectra and optical rotation measurements were carried out as described previously36. Isolation of polysaccharides. The depectinated material from Linum usitatissimum meal was obtained as described previously1. Ten grams of this residue was then extracted twice with 500 mL of 4 M KOH solutions containing 20 mM NaBH4 for 14 hr. Combined extract was acidified with AcOH to pH 6 and dialysed extensively against water. The precipitate was removed by centrifugation to yield 4A fraction (450 mg). The soluble fraction has been designated as 4B (550 mg). Anion-exchange chromatography. Fraction (4B) was submitted to anion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose FF column equilibrated previously with water. After loading with sample, the column was eluted with the same solvent at a flow rate of 30 mL h-1 to obtain the non-retained fraction (named 4Baq). Bound materials were eluted from the column by using salt gradient. Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC). SEC of the 4Baq fraction was done on a Sephacryl S-400 column (90 × 2.6 cm, BioRad) calibrated with standard dextrans (molecular-weight range of 10,000 to 1,000,000 kDa) using 500 mmol sodium acetate (pH 5.0) at a flow rate of 20 mL h-1 as described26. Preparation of xyloglucan oligosaccharides. Fraction 4Baq (10 mg) was dissolved in 2 mL of 50 mmolar NaOAc (pH 5.0) and the mixture incubated with 5 units of endo-glucanase (Megazyme International, Ireland) for 24 hr at 30-37°C. Glucanase-resistant materials were removed by diluting the digest with EtOH to a final concentration of 80%. The EtOH soluble oligosaccharides were concentrated under a stream of nitrogen to yield xyloglucan oligosaccharide XGO. In a similar way, another xyloglucan oligosaccharides containing fraction (FMXGO) was generated from flax meal (FM). Preparation of xylan oligosaccharides. Hydrolysis of the 10 mg xylan rich fraction (4B) was performed in 4 mL of 10 mmolar NaOAc (pH 5.0) using 40 units of endo-xylanase (Megazyme International, Ireland) at 30-37°C for 24 hr. To 337 remove enzyme resistant polymeric material, the digest was treated with 4 volumes of cold ethanol, the suspension was stored overnight at 4°C and then centrifuged. Xylan oligomers (XO) were recovered by concentrating the supernatant under a stream of nitrogen at 40°C and lyophilising the concentrated solution. Sugar analysis. Total sugars were determined by the phenol-sulfuric acid assay using glucose as standard37. The neutral sugar compositions of fractions were determined after hydrolysis with sulfuric acid (2M, 100°C, 2hr), reduction and acetylation38. Alternatively, the polysaccharides in the samples were hydrolyzed using trifluoro acetic acid (2M, 2 hr at 110°C), followed by an 18 hr methanolysis at 80°C with dry 2M methanolic-HCl. The generated methyl glycosides were converted into their TMS-derivatives and separated by gas chromatograph (GC) with H2 as carrier gas as described26. Methylation analysis. The pool of oligosaccharides (XGO) generated from Linum usitatissimum meal xyloglucan was permethylated according to Blakeney39. Permethylated material was extracted, dried, hydrolysed, converted into its partially methylated alditol acetates (PMAA) and was analysed by GC and GC-MS as described previously26-29. A quantity (23.5 mg) of 4A was also methylated by the method of Blakeney et al.39 The methylated product was purified by precipitation from benzene with light petroleum (b.p. 30-60°C). To a solution of the methylated polysaccharide (11.5 mg) in dry tetrahydrofuran (10 mL) was added LiAlH4 (200 mg) (Ref 40). The mixture was refluxed in an atmosphere of N2 for 24 hr, after which time the reaction was stopped by addition of 2 mL of acetone and then filtered through Whatman No. 1 paper. The product of the reaction was then extracted in CHCl3 and vacuum-dried for 48 hr over P2O5. The permethylated xylan (4A) and its reduction product (4AR) were hydrolyzed in separate vials, and the resulting sugars were converted into PMAA and analyzed by GC and GC-MS. HPAE-PAD chromatography. Fragments present in XGO fraction was analysed on a Dionex DX 500 system equipped with a GP 50 gradient pump, an eluent degas module, a CarboPac PA-1 column and a pulse amperometric detector (PAD). Samples (10-100 µL) were injected and eluted (1 mL min-1) with NaOAc gradient in 100 mmolar NaOH as described26. 338 INDIAN J. CHEM., SEC B. MARCH 2014 MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. MALDI TOF mass spectrometry in reflectron mode was performed using a Bruker Daltonics flexAnalysis MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer. 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid (10 mg mL-1) was used as matrix. IR Spectroscopy. Infrared spectrum was recorded on a JASCO FTIR 420 spectrophotometer using a KBr disc. The sample was dried at 35-44°C in vacuum over P2O5 for 72 hr prior to analysis. Conclusions The findings of this study highlight several unique and significant aspects of the Linum usitatissimum meal derived hemicellulosic polysaccharides with regard to their structures: (i) hemicellulosic polysaccharides of flax meal contained xyloglucan, mannan and xylan type polymers, (ii) the isolated xylan is branched, and has a backbone of β-(1→ 4)linked xylosyl residues with some zones containing a single D-xylopyranosyl, 4-O-methyl-D-glucopyranuronosyl, D-glucopyranuronosyl residues joined at position 2 of the xylose units of the main chain, (iii) the 86 kDa xyloglucan is branched and contained penta(1)-, hexa(2)-, hepta(3)-, octa(4)-, nona(5,6)-and deca(7)-saccharides as building sub-units, (iv) xyloglucan derived oligomers that have O-acetyl group also contain galactose residues and (v) altogether theses polysaccharides represented about 10% of the FM and might be individually used in various industries, either as polymers or as oligosaccharides. Finally, enzymatic digestion of the hemicellulosic fractions coupled to chromatographic separation and mass spectrometric analysis of generated oligosaccharides, as well as monosaccharide compositional and linkage analysis of the associated fractions, proved a powerful approach to probe for detailed structural information. Acknowledgement This work was supported by DST (project number SR/S1/OC-38/2012), New Delhi, India, to B. Ray. 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