Likelihood ratio test (LRT) • Always compares an unconstrained to a constrained model • Constrained model must be nested within the unconstrained model • Parameter(s) take on their maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) in the unconstrained model • At least some parameters that are estimated in the unconstrained model are set to some particular value of interest in the constrained model • Unconstrained model must therefore equal or exceed the constrained model in its fit to the data (as measured by the maximized likelihood) Paul O. Lewis ~ Phylogenetics, Spring 2014 Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic (LRT) is the MLE (possibly multidimensional) is some other value Coin-flipping example: Data: Constrained model: Unconstrained model: 6 heads out of 10 flips fair coin (θ = 0.5) biased coin (θ = ) Example of likelihood calculation for case of θ = 0.6 Paul O. Lewis ~ Phylogenetics, Spring 2014 Likelihood Ratio Test Coin-flipping example: Data: Constrained model: Unconstrained model: 6 heads out of 10 flips fair coin (θ = 0.5) biased coin (θ = ) L(0.6) 0.251 LRT = 2 log = 2 log = 0.404886 L(0.5) 0.205 Not significant: P = 0.527 This means that the simpler, constrained model cannot be rejected LRT approximates a chi-square random variable with d.f. equal to the difference in the number of free parameters between the two models Paul O. Lewis ~ Phylogenetics, Spring 2014 Likelihood Ratio Test Chi-squared Test relies on fact that LR test statistic approximates the chi-squared test statistic 55 heads/100 flips Paul O. Lewis ~ Phylogenetics, Spring 2014 LRT Examples of unconstrained vs. constrained model comparisons Model Constrained Unconstrained GTR+G shape = ∞ shape = MLE K80 κ = 1.0 κ = MLE HKY+I+G p p HKY+I+G p shape = ∞ p shape = MLE GY94 (codon) ω = 1.0 ω = MLE Paul O. Lewis ~ Phylogenetics, Spring 2014 Problems at the border 0.4 Cases in which the constrained model involves setting a parameter to the edge of its valid range require special consideration (see Ota et al. 2000) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 The problem is that the theory supporting LRT ≈ Χ2 depends on the assumption that the likelihood is approximately normal, which isn’t true when a parameter value is on the border -4 -2 0 2 4 Ignoring this causes the test to be conservative (i.e., the simpler model is rejected less often than it should be) Note: Modeltest implements this correction Ota, R., P. J. Waddell, M. Hasegawa, H. Shimodaira, and H. Kishino. 2000. Appropriate likelihood ratio tests and marginal distributions for evolutionary tree models with constraints on parameters. Molecular Biology and Evolution 17:798-803. Paul O. Lewis ~ Phylogenetics, Spring 2014 In fact it is half-normal and half zeros Testing the molecular clock Unconstrained model: need to estimate 2n-3 = 11 branch lengths Constrained model: need to estimate n-1 = 6 divergence times 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 Likelihood ratio test thus has (2n-3) - (n-1) = n-2 d.f. n = 7 taxa Felsenstein, J. 1983. Statistical inference of phylogenies. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A 146:246-272. Paul O. Lewis ~ Phylogenetics, Spring 2014 Akaike Information Criterion • • • • • AIC = -2 max(lnL) + 2K K is number of free model parameters Measures expected relative distance to true model Model with smallest AIC wins Advantage over LRT: non-nested models Example: 6 heads/10 flips revisited Unconstrained model:θ = 0.6, AIC = -2(-1.383) + 2(1) = 4.766 Constrained model: θ = 0.5, AIC = -2(-1.584) + 2(0) = 3.168 (best) Paul O. Lewis ~ Phylogenetics, Spring 2014 Akaike, H. 1973. Information theory as an extension of the maximum likelihood principle. Pages 267-281 in B. N. Petrov and F. Csaki (eds.), Second International Symposium on Information Theory. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest. Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) true Calculate AIC for each model: AIC = 2k 2 log(Lmax ) AICfree = 2(3) 2( 43.1) = 92.2 AICequal = 2(0) 2( 44.4) = 88.8 The constrained model ("equal") is a better choice than the unconstrained model ("free") according to AIC 92.2 = twice expected (relative) K-L divergence from free model to true model 88.8 = twice expected (relative) K-L divergence from equal model to true model (K-L stands for Kullback-Leibler) equal Paul O. Lewis ~ Phylogenetics, Spring 2014 Bayesian Information Criterion • • • • • • BIC = -2 max(lnL) + K log(n) K is number of free model parameters n is the sample size Model with smallest BIC wins Advantage over LRT: non-nested models Considered superior to both AIC and LRT Example: 6 heads/10 flips one more time. Note: log(10) ≈ 2.3 Unconstrained model:θ = 0.6, BIC = -2(-1.383) + (2.3)(1) = 5.066 Constrained model: θ = 0.5, BIC = -2(-1.584) + 0 = 3.168 (best) (We will discuss BIC more after an introduction to Bayesian statistics.) Paul O. Lewis ~ Phylogenetics, Spring 2014 Decision-Theoretic Approach • Rationale: “If a simple model is returning estimates of branch lengths that are nearly identical to those from a more complex model, there will be little difference in phylogenetic estimation under the two models.” — Minin et al. (2003:676) • Therefore, you might as well choose the simpler model. • Suppose there are 3 models in contention: Model 1: GTR Model 2: HKY85 Model 3: JC • Suppose further that we have a measure, P(M|D), of the probability that a model M is the true model given the data D Paul O. Lewis ~ Phylogenetics, Spring 2014 Minin, V., Z. Abdo, P. Joyce, and J. Sullivan. 2003. Performance-based selection of likelihood models for phylogeny estimation. Systematic Biology 52:674–683. Decision-Theoretic Approach Risk (R) associated with each model: GTR: R1 = d12 P (M2 |D) + d13 P (M3 |D) HKY: R2 = d12 P (M1 |D) + d23 P (M3 |D) JC: R3 = d13 P (M1 |D) + d23 P (M2 |D) R1 = 0.30 1.8 0.5 GTR 0.3 0.4 HKY R2 = 0.26 best Paul O. Lewis ~ Phylogenetics, Spring 2014 0.1 JC R3 = 1.34 worst 1.1 HKY wins according to DT even though it does not fit the data as well as GTR Automating model selection using JModelTest • Download JModelTest from ! • Unzip it, and double-click the JModelTest.jar file ! • Use File > Load DNA Alignment to read in a data file (note: it may choke if your Nexus-formatted data file is complicated) ! • Use Analysis > Compute likelihood scores to compute maximized log-likelihoods for each model (JModelTest uses a built-in version of PhyML for this step) ! • Use Analysis > Do AIC calculations... to do model comparison using AIC (can also choose BIC, DT, or hLRT to use these criteria) JModelTest: Posada D. 2008. jModelTest: Phylogenetic Model Averaging. Molecular Biology and Evolution 25: 1253-1256. PhyML: Guindon S, Gascuel O. 2003. A simple, fast, and accurate algorithm to estimate large phylogenies by maximum likelihood. Systematic Biology 52: 696-704. Paul O. Lewis ~ Phylogenetics, Spring 2014
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