THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS Mr MA Evans FCA (Former Parent) Chairman Mrs S Marshall MA UKCP reg. (Former Parent) Vice Chairman & Chairman of Education and Pastoral Committee Mrs A Barnes MA (Oxon) MBA (Former Parent) Mr SP Davies MA (Oxon) PGCE (Headmaster, Eastbourne College) Mr BG Griffiths MA Cert Ed. (Former SMT & Head of Economics, Whitgift School) Mr N Hammond BSc (Leicester) ACA (Former Parent) Chairman of Finance Committee Mr A Harfoot MA (Greenwich) FCIM Mr THP Haynes BA (Reading) PGCE (Cambridge) (Headmaster, Tonbridge School) Mr M Kilgour BA Dipl Arch (Cant) FCIOB RIBA (Director, MKA Architects, Ltd) Chairman of Premises Committee Mrs J Milner MA (Oxon) PGCE (Former Parent) (Headmistress, Walthamstow Hall) Mr G Piper BA (Essex) MA (London) (Former Parent) Mr C Ray BA (Warwick) CFCSI (Former Parent) Barry Golding MBCS Clerk to the Governors Office: 01892 860015 1 STAFF Headmaster Mr J Marjoribanks BEd (Exeter) French Office: (01892) 860001 Deputy Headmaster Mr J Wyld BA (Hons) (Leicester) PGCE MCIL Head of PSHCE, French & RS Office: (01892) 860000 – ext 210 Acting Head of Pre-Prep Miss L Sumner BA (Hons) (Exeter) PGCE Pre-Prep Office: (01892) 860005 – ext 238 Head of Junior School Mrs A Hill BEd (Hons) (Sussex) AMBDA Junior Subjects Office: (01892) 860000 – ext 226 Head of Middle School Mr P Morgan-Jones BA (Hons) (Leeds) PGCE FRGS CPPMBS Geography & Head of RS Office: (01892) 860008 – ext 244 Head of Upper School Mr K O’Riordan BSc (Hons) HDipEd (Cork) Head of Chemistry & Boarding Houseparent Office: (01892) 860011 – ext. 216 Director of Teaching and Learning Mr D McKeever BSc (Hons) (Ulster) PGCE Mathematics and ICT Office: (01892) 860000 – ext 213 2 HEADS OF YEAR & FORM TEACHERS Pre-Prep NursAL NursCW RecFC RecCPB RecGW 1NB 1EP 1MC 2SB 2AT 2ZJ Head of Pre-Prep – Miss L Sumner Mrs S Kendall (Mrs A Lofting on leave) Mrs C Wilkie (Head of Nursery) Mrs F Cauley Mrs C Preston Bell Miss G Wilson Mrs N Butt Ms E Preston Miss M Christie Mrs S Burden Mrs A Thomson Mrs Z Jackson Prep School Years 3 & 4 Head of Junior School – Mrs A Hill 3WB Mrs W Bailey 3VC Mrs V Cook 3LB Mrs L Burdekin 4KM Miss K Mather 4LO Miss L Osborn 4AH Mrs A Hill 4SS Mrs S Stevens Years 5 & 6 Head of Middle School – Mr P Morgan-Jones 5CW Mr B Crombie & Mr J Wyld 5MB Mr P Morgan-Jones & Mr S Bagnall 5FP Mr R Fretwell & Mrs S Porritt 6DM Mr D McKeever 6BJ Mrs B Jervois 6LB Mrs L Bass Gualbert 6SL Mr S Leegood Years 7 & 8 Head of Upper School – Mr K O’Riordan 7BG Mr B Groves 7PG Mr P Gripper 7PM Mr P Makhouli 8AS Mr A Smith 8PC Mr P Cook 8KO Mr K O’Riordan 3 HOUSEMASTERS, HOUSEMISTRESSES, TUTORS & BOARDING HOUSE PARENTS Oak Oak HousemasterMr PB Gripper, BEd (Birmingham) Geography & Mathematics Oak TutorMr K O’Riordan, BSc (Hons) HDipEd (Cork) Chemistry, Boarding Houseparent, Head of Years 7 & 8 (01892) 860011 Cedar Cedar HousemistressMiss K Mather, BA (Hons) (Teesside) PGCE Junior Subjects Cedar TutorMrs G Dickinson, MA (London) PGCE GRSM (Hons) LRAM (Royal Academy of Music) Asst. Director of Music Beech Beech HousemasterMr PJ Cook, BEd (Hons) (Chichester) English Beech Tutor Mr W Thorpe, Games Coach Cob Cob HousemasterMr CJ Bass Gualbert, BD (St. Andrew’s) Director of Music, Music Department (01892) 860004 Cob TutorMr P Morgan-Jones, BA (Hons) (Leeds) PGCE FRGS CPPMBS Head of Years 5 & 6, Geography & RS Yew Yew HousemistressMrs S Porritt, BSc (Hons) PGCE (CNAA) Assistant Director of Sport (Girls) Yew TutorMr B Crombie, BA (Hons) (St.Mary’s Twickenham) PGCE History Ash Ash HousemistressMrs V Cook, CertEd (London) Junior Subjects Ash Tutor Mr SH Leegood, CertEd (Avery Hill) PE & PSHCE Director of Sport (01892) 860002 Boarding Houseparents Mr K O’ Riordan, BSc (Hons) HDipEd (Cork) Office: (01892) 860011 - ext. 216 Mrs M O’Riordan, BA (Hons), HDipEd (Cork) Tel: 01892 860011 Mrs Z Jackson, BA (Hons) (Ealing) PGCE 4 TEACHING & SUPPORT STAFF Mr S Bagnall BEd (Hons) PE. Assistant Director of Sport (Boys) Mrs W Bailey BA (Hons) (Kingston Upon Hull) PGCE. Junior Subjects Mrs L Bass Gualbert MA (Aix-en-Provence) PGCE. French Mrs N Butt BA (Hons) (Hertfordshire) PGCE. Pre-Prep Mr M Brown BA (Hons) (London). DT Mrs L Burdekin BA (Hons) (Warwick). Junior Subjects, Head of Drama Mrs S Burden BSc (Hons) (Aberdeen) PGCE. Pre-Prep Mrs S Cackett MSTA Swimming Manager Mrs F Cauley BEd (Westhill). Pre-Prep Miss M Christie BEd (Hons) (Cantab), NTD (Mont). Pre-Prep Mrs L Edmonds BA (Hons) CertEd (Lond). PGCE. Learning Support, English, Maths Librarian and Website Manager French & Spanish Girls’ Games Junior Subjects Head of Science, Biology Classics Miss J Henrick MSc, BEd (Hons) (Greenwich) PGCE Dip Sp LD. Head of Learning Support Mrs Z Jackson BA (Hons) (Ealing), PGCE. Pre-Prep Mrs B Jervois BA (Univ of SA) H Dip Ed (Wits). English Coordinator & Head of Girls’ Pastoral Care Mrs C Johnson BA (Hons) (Bath), PGCE. Pre-Prep Music Miss J Johnson BA (Hons) (Manchester). Drama Mr T Johnson BA (Hons) Wimbledon, PGCE. Head of Art Mrs S Kendall BEd (Hons) (Cantab) Nursery Teacher Mr P Makhouli BSc (Univ of the Highlands) PGCE. Head of Maths Miss L Osborn BSc (Hons) (Canterbury) PGCE. Junior Subjects Mrs J Poracchia DEUG (Institute Catholique de Paris). French Ms E Preston BSc (Surrey) PGCE. Pre-Prep Mrs C Preston-Bell BEd (Hons) (Cambridge) Pre-Prep Mrs C Sanchez de Norville Lic Ed (Hons) (Peru). Head of Physics Mrs G Simpson Maitrise (Pau) PGCE (St Martin’s) Head of MFL, French & Spanish Mr AJN Smith BA, Dip Ed (Belfast). English, History & RS Mr IG Soutar BSc (Strathclyde) CertEd. Maths Mrs S Stevens BEd (Hons) (Winchester). Junior Subjects & Maths Mrs S Taylor Girls’ Games 5 TEACHING & SUPPORT STAFF CONTD Mrs A Thomson BEd (Hons) (Newcastle). Pre-Prep Dr A Towey MA (Hons) (Cambridge) PGCE, PhD (London). Head of Classics Mr A Waterman Boys’ Games Mrs C Wilkie BSc (OU) (Montessori) ADCE. Head of Nursery Miss G Wilson (Montessori) NNEB DipSpLD. Pre-Prep Mrs S Woods. Girls’ Games Prep School Teaching Staff Assistants Mrs A Coates Cert EYP, Mrs J Neil, Mrs S Rotberg, Mrs R Wild BA (Hons). Pre-Prep Teaching Assistants Mrs J Adams, Miss L Arnold, Mrs K Anderson NVQ3, Ms L Bond MA, Mrs L Cook BA (Hons) (Chichester), Mrs J Freeman, Mrs S Hicks, Mrs P Howes BEd (Hons), Mrs A Ingledew NNEB, Mrs J Kerr-Sheppard, Miss J Knowles NNEB, Mrs J McDonald, Mrs Y Miles, Mrs J Rudge, Miss K Shelton, Mrs C Town NVQ3, Mrs J Toyne (NNEB), Mrs J Ure TEFL (Learning Support). Mrs L Edmonds BA PGCE, Mrs B M Funnell Cert LS. Learning Support Staff Mrs N Grand BA (Hons), Mrs J Ure NVQ3, Mrs L Wurf NVQ3, Mr C Webb ICT Technician Mrs K Dansey Science Technician Mr K Siddle Art Technician Mrs G Willis BSc MSc Adv Dip Ed C Psychol. Con Educational Psychologist Mrs N Stewart School Counsellor Molly Keating, Joshua Patterson, Jonty van der Meulen, Nikkia Burt GAP Student Assistants OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Director of Operations Mr B Golding MBCS Office: (01892) 860015 Finance Bursar Mrs S Preston BA (Oxon), FCA Office: (01892) 860015 Courses & LettingsMrs M O’Riordan BA (Hons), HDipEd (Cork) Office: (01892) 860034 Mrs C Pardo Office: (01892) 860000 SickbaySchool Nurse: Mrs M Hazell-Smith RGN BA (Hons) (OU) Assistant: Mrs P Court Office: (01892) 860019 6 REGISTRAR & MARKETING Mrs K Gwinnett BA (Hons) Office: (01892) 860006 Registrar PREP SCHOOL & PRE-PREP SCHOOL OFFICE Headmaster’s P.A. Mrs A Woodruff Office: (01892) 860001 School/DoO Secretary Mrs S Murdoch Office: (01892) 860000/15 Administrative Assistant Mrs C Little Office: (01892) 860000 Receptionist Mrs R Kemp Office: (01892) 860000 Pre-Prep Secretary and Theatre Manager Mrs N Napleton Office: (01892) 860005 VISITING MUSIC STAFF Mr F Buser, Lehrdiplom (Basle) Mrs F Campbell, LRAM Dip RAM Mr S Charlesworth Mrs E Dandridge, BMus (Hons) DipABRSM (P, T) Ms K Fish Mr S Hollamby Mrs C James, LRAM ARCM Dip RAM(Hons) Mrs M Jordan Mr AJ Mizen, BSc (Hons) Cert.Ed LLCM Miss A Priddle, B Mus LTCL (London) Mrs H Pye Mr J Rawles, BA (Hons) (Dunhelm) Mr A Tanner 7 Cello Singing Bassoon Flute & Piano Clarinet Brass Piano Piano Guitar Violin Oboe Piano Percussion
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