Position of Contracts as on 06-06-2014 S. No. 1 Station Name of contract Contractor MAJN Carriage watering on Sri.P.Sasidharan, platform (277 coaches) Vaishal Bhavan, Mangattidam (P.O), Kannur Dist. 2 CAN Interior cleaning and Sri.C.O.T.Haneefa Mohammed, carriage watering of turn Shafis, round trains (150 coaches) Kayath Road, Thalasserry-1 3 PGT/ PGTN Cleaning of coaches during turn round attention (57 coaches daily) Sri.V.Surendran, S/o P.V.Vishwanathan, Earankade house, Pirayiri (P.O), Palakkad-678004 4 SRR Watering of 1046 coaches at SRR We serve Manpower Consultants and Housekeeping Contract, Room No.B-12, FACT Shopping Complex, UDYOGAMANDAL (P.O)Pin 683501 5 MAQ Linen Management in trains originating from Mangalore Central. Tharu & Sons, Karipayi Road, Rajagiri (Post), South Kalamassery, Ernamkulam (Dist.) Rate (in ` ) 15/- Value (in ` ) 30,33,150/- 27/- Currency LOA No. and date 16.06.2013 to 15.06.2015 LOA No. J/M 271/VIII/Watering/M AJN/2013-15 dated 07/06/2013 29,56,500/- 30.12.2012 to 29.12.2014 LOA No.J/M 271/VII/CAN/Clg& Wtg/2012-14 dated 17/12/2012 42.65 17,74,667/- 01.10.2012 to 30-09-2014 LOA No J/M 271/VII/TRA/PGT/2 012-14 dated 10/08/12 8.40 64,14,072/- 06.04.2013 To 05-04-2015 LOA No. J/M 271/VIII/Watering/ SRR/2013-15 dated 26/03/2013 25.25 3,01,68,548. 50 01-09-2012 To 31-08-2014 LOA No. J/M 271/VII/Linen/Contr act/12-14 dated 20.08.2012 6 PGT Watering of 525 coaches at PGT Sri.K.Parameswaran, Moothan House, Thooppallam, Malampuzha (P.O) Palakkad 7.70 29,51,025/- 03.05.2013 To 02.05.2015 LOA No. J/M 271/VIII/Watering/ PGT/2013-15 dated 22/04/2013 7 MAQ Watering of 338 coaches at MAQ We serve Manpower Consultants and Housekeeping Contract, Room No.B-12, FACT Shopping Complex, UDYOGAMANDAL(P.O) Pin 683501 11.80 29,11,532/- 20.06.2013 To 19-06-2015 LOA No. J/M 271/VIII/Watering/ MAQ/2013-15 dated 14/06/2013 8 MAQ Turn round cleaning of coaches ( 199 coaches daily) We serve Manpower Consultants and Housekeeping Contract, Room No.B-12, FACT Shopping Complex, UDYOGAMANDAL (P.O) Pin 683501 49.90 72, 48,973/- 25.06.2013 to 24.06.2015 LOA No. J/M 271/VIII/MAQ/TRA/ 2013-15 dated 17/06/2013 9 MAQ Linen Management in train No(s) 12619/12620 & 16347/48 originating from Mangalore Central. Tharu & Sons, Karipayi Road, Rajagiri (Post), South Kalamassery, Ernamkulam (Dist.) 30.30 51,92,208/- 31-10-2013 to 28-04-2014 Extended upto 25.5.14 Again extended upto 150% LOA NO. J/M 271/VII/Linen/2619/ 20/13-15 dated 29/10/13 10 MAQ 11 MAQ 12 MAQ 13 MAJN PGT 14 NIL Differen t rates 39,01,620/- 20.06.2012 To 19-06-2015 LOA No. J/M 271/VII/Disinfestati on/2011-14/Vol.1 dated 11/06/12 192.50 49,88,638/-- 25.08.2013To 24-08-2014 LOA No J/M 271/VIII/PM Clg & Wtg/MAQ/2013-14 (2) dated 13/08/2013 Supply, erection and commissioning of high pressure jet cleaning plant at Mangalore Coach maintenance pit lines of palghat division Inventa Cleantec, Pvt.Ltd,C-31, Differen Sector-63, Noida-201 301 t rates (India), Dist.Gautam Budh Nagar (UP). 17,24,000/- 15.03.2013 LOA No. J/M 111/201213/HPJ/MAQ dated 06/03/2013 Supply, erection and commissioning of high pressure Jet cleaning plant at platforms of Mangalore Junction and Palghat depots of Palghat division. Inventa Cleantec, Pvt.Ltd, Differen C-31, Sector-63, Noida-201 301 t rates (India), Dist.Gautam Budh Nagar (UP). 30,14,932/- 01.01.2014 To 30-06-2014 LOA No. J/M 111/201314/HPJ/PGT & MAJN dated 18.12.2013 Sri.M.Usman, 2,04,400/- 08.01.2014 To 07.01.2015 LOA No. J/M 271/VII/TRA/16349/ 50/Qtn/2013 dated 29.11.2013 Pest & Rodent control in Railway Passenger coaches Cleaning and washing of different types of coaches during primary maintenance Cleaning of coaches during turn round attention at NIL on quotation basis Hughes & Hughes Chem Limited, Flat No.5,R-10, Nehru Enclave, New Delhi 110019 Sri.M.K.Belawadi, Contrctor, Plot No.18, V.s.Hubliker Building, Lakshmipura Banker’s Colony, HUBLI-580024 Melepurathil house, (P.O.) Nilambur R.S, Malappuram (Dist) 70/- To 14-09-2013 Extended up to 14-06-2014 15 MAJN cleaning of coaches during turn round attention of train No. 12133/12134 at MAJN – quotation basis - Sri.Saseendran.P, 60/- 3,94,200 15.05.2014 to 14.05.2015 LOA No. J/M 271/VII/TRA/MAJN/ 2014-15 dated 08.05.2014 53/-Per bed 11.75/per box 35,08,893.7 5 01.03.2014 to 28.02.2015 J/TP 134/RR/MAJN/2014 -15 Dt.31-01-2014 Vaishal Bhavan, Mangattidom (P.O) Kuthuparamba Kannur (Dist) 16 MAJN 17 MAQ 18 CAN Running room maintenance, cooking and serving box handling of crew and guard etc. Sasindran.P., Vaishal Bhavan, Mangattidom PO, Kuthuparamba via, Cannanore Dist. 670643. Running room maintenance, cooking and serving, calling of home station crew, box handling of crew and guard etc. M/s Mega Constructions, Flat No.401, Sri Sai Balaji Towers, Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Bachupally,R.R.Dist, Hyderabad – 500 090. Running room maintenance, cooking and serving, box handling of crew and guard etc. Sri.Vishal Alur, New Mydar Oni, Bamboo Bazar, Hubli-580 020 48.50/per bed 11/- per call 13.70/per box 80/per bed 15/ per box 30,47,369.5 0/- 14,87,980/- 01.04.2014 to 31.03.2015 01.10.2013 to 30.09.2014 J/TP 134/RR/MAQ/201415 Dt.10-03-2014 J/TP 134/RR/CAN/201314 Dt.11-09-2013. 19 20 21 CLT SRR PGT 22 SRR Running room maintenance, cooking and serving, calling of home station crew, box handling of crew and guard etc. Sajith Kumar.K.V. Kummel Thattayil (H) Vallikkappatta PO Mankada Via Malappuram Pin.-679324 Running room maintenance cooking and serving, calling of home station crew, box handling of crew and guard etc. M/s. Tharu & Sons, Kariparyi road, Rajagiri P.O, S.kalamassery, Ernkulam Dt. Running room maintenance, cooking and serving, Calling of home station crew, box handling of crew and guard etc. Shri.Aravindashan V.D, Palakkal Parambu House,Vallikode P.O, Muttikkulangara Palghat Transportation of wheels M/s Vettri Transport from PER Shops to SRR 25,Ayyappan Street, and back for one year 250, Main Road, Sangiliyandapuram, Trichy 96/- per bed 20.00/ per call 12/- per box 63/- per bed 9/- per call 15/- per box 77/-per bed 14/ per call 17/ per box 2.61 per tone per km 21,34,420/- 31.05.2014 to 30.05.2015 53,96,805/- 31,07,510/- 36,08,064/- 15.07.2013 to 14.07.2014 28.04.2014 to 27.04.2015 19-09-2013 To 18-09-2015 J/TP 134/RR/CLT/201415 Dt.28-04-2014. J/TP 134/RR/SRR/201314 Dt.08-07-2013. J/TP 134/RR/PGT/201415 Dt.07-03-2014. No.J/S.157/Wheel.T rans.Cont Dt.18-09-2013. 23 MAQ & MAJN 24 PGT & SRR 25 CLT & CAN 26 MAJN Data Entry in Crew Management System round the clock at combined Crew& Guard Booking lobbiesatMAQ &MAJN Sri.Vishal Alur, New Mydar Oni, Bamboo Bazar, Hubli-580 020 Data Entry in Crew Management System round the clock at combined Crew& Guard Booking lobbies at PGT JN & SRR jn 15-10-2013 to 14-10-2014 78,062. 64/- per month 9,36,751.68/ - Rajeev.V, No.14/600B, Lathanikunj, Kunnathur Medu, Palakkad. 678013, 65,000/ - per month 7,80,000/- Data Entry in Crew Management System round the clock at combined Crew& Guard Booking lobbies at CAN & CLT GSR Software &BPO PVT,LTD MRRA 26 (5), Malloor Road, Vanchiyoor, Trivandrum-695035. 77,500 per month 9,30,000/- 05-12-2013 To 04-12-2014. Hiring of Vehicle at MAJN for the movement of crew along with their line boxes in the jurisdiction of SSE/C&W/MAJN by CAR Madhavan .C.K Supreme Travels, M A Bazar,Bank Road Kozhikode 15,78,260/- 30-03-2013 To 29-03-2015. 2,162/per day 12-06-2014 to 11-06-2015. J/TP 28/CMS/Con.201314/MAQ-MAJN Dt.09-10-2013 J/TP 28/CMS/Con.201415/PGT-SRR Dt.28-05-2014 J/TP 28/CMS/Con.201415/CAN-CLT Dt.29-11-2013. J/TP.28/Crew movement/MAJN/2 013-15 Dt.16-03-2013.
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