On a deformation of the Kropina metric Marcel Roman α2 we study its β deformation given by F (α, β) = K(α, β) + ϕ(x)β, where ϕ(x) depends on the position only. From the variational problem we obtain the Lorentz equations. Consequently, we determine the canonical nonlinear connection N of the considered Finsler space F n = (M, F (x, y)). Abstract. Considering the Kropina metric K(α, β) = M.S.C. 2000: 53B40,53C60. Key words: Finsler spaces, Kropina metric. 1 Preliminaries Let M be a n-dimensional, real, differentiable manifold and π : T M −→ M be the tangent bundle of M. Definition 1.1 Let F : Tg M = T M \ {0} −→ IR be a Finsler metric. The Finsler space F n = (M, F (x, y)) is called with (α, β)-metric if the fundamental function F is written in the form F (x, y) = Fe(α(x, y), β(x, y)), (1.1) where (1.2) α(x, y) = q aij (x)y i y j with aij (x) a Riemannian metric on M and (1.3) β(x, y) = bi (x)y i with bi (x)dxi a 1 − form field on T M. The theory of Finsler spaces with (α, β)-metric was studied by M. Matsumoto [1], R. Miron [3], M. Roman [6], [7], [8], V.S. Sab˘au and H. Shimada [5], [9], and many others mathematicians. Since α(x, y) and β(x, y) are 1-homogeneous with respect to y i : α(x, ty) = tα(x, y), β(x, ty) = tβ(x, y), Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems, Vol.8, 2006, pp. c Balkan Society of Geometers, Geometry Balkan Press 2006. ° ∀t ∈ IR+ , 236-243. On a deformation of the Kropina metric 237 it follows Fe(tα(x, y), tβ(x, y)) = tFe (α(x, y), β(x, y)), (1.4) ∀t ∈ IR+ , that is the function Fe (α, β) is positively 1-homogeneous in both of the arguments. Taking into account the 2-homogeneity of the Lagrangian L(α, β) = Fe2 (α, β) we obtain: αLα + βLβ = 2L, αLαα + βLαβ = Lα , (1.5) αLαβ + βLββ = Lβ , α2 Lαα + 2αβLαβ + β 2 Lββ = 2L, where (1.6) Lα = ∂L ∂L ∂2L ∂2L ∂2L , Lβ = , Lαα = , L = , L = . αβ ββ ∂α ∂β ∂α2 ∂α∂β ∂β 2 In order to determine the fundamental tensor gij (x, y) of a Finsler space with (α, β)-metric, we introduce the following invariants, [1], ρ= (1.7) ρ0 = 1 Lββ , 2 1 Lα , 2α ρ−1 = ρ1 = 1 Lαβ , 2α 1 Lβ , 2 ρ−2 = 1 ¡ 1 ¢ Lαα − Lα , 2 2α α where the subscripts 1, 0, -1, -2 are the homogeneity degree of these invariants. As we know, denoting by (1.8) pi = α ∂α = aij y j , ∂y i and using the invariants from 1.7, the fundamental tensor is obtained in the following theorem, [1] : Theorem 1.1 The fundamental tensor field gij of the Finsler space F n with (α, β)metric is represented by (1.9) 2 gij = ρaij + ρ0 bi bj + ρ−1 (bi pj + bj pi ) + ρ−2 pi pj . The deformation of the Kropina metric K(α, β) Let us consider the Kropina metric K(α, β) = α2 where α and β are given by 1.2 β and 1.3. In the following we will study the perturbation of this metric given by (2.1) F (α, β) = K(α, β) + ϕ(x)β, ∗ where ϕ : M −→ IR is a differentiable function. We remark that the particular case ϕ(x) = ±1 was studied by R.Miron, H.Shimada and V.S. Sab˘au in [5]. In order for F to be positive on T M \ {0} we obtain the following proposition: 238 Marcel Roman Proposition 2.1 The positivity of the metric F (α, β) given in 2.1 holds if and only if (2.2) 1 ||b|| < p |ϕ| and β > 0. Proof. The positivity of F on T M \ {0} means that K(α, β) + ϕ(x)β > 0, ∀y 6= 0. It follows (2.3) α2 + ϕβ 2 > 0, β ∀y = 6 0. → Suppose positivity holds. Substitute y i = −bi = −aij bj in the previous in1 equality we obtain the relation ||b|| < p and as necessary condition β > 0. |ϕ| ← Conversely, using the relations 2.2 and starting with the Cauchy-BuniakowskiSchwarz inequality: p √ |aij bi y j | ≤ apq bp bq ars y r y s we obtain the positivity of F. Regarding to the fundamental tensor of the metric F we state: ¤ Proposition 2.2 The following formula holds good: (2.4) where det||gij || = b2 An−1 (B − C) det||aij ||, αn−1 β 2(n+1) A = 2α(α2 + ϕβ 2 ), B = 3α4 + ϕ2 β 4 , C = −2α2 (α2 − ϕβ 2 ). Resuming the previous propositions,we have the following theorem: Theorem 2.1 The pair (M, F ) with the fundamental function F defined in 2.1 which satisfies the conditions 2.2 is a Finsler space. Proof. As we know, a Finsler metric F : T M −→ IR satisfies the following conditions: 1◦ . F is positive. 2◦ . F is positive 1-homogeneous with respect to y i . 1 ∂2F 2 is positively defined. 3◦ . the fundamental tensor gij = 2 ∂y i ∂y j 1◦ . The positivity of F is given in Proposition 2.1. Indeed, from the positive 1-homogeneity of α and β it follows 2◦ . On a deformation of the Kropina metric 239 For 3◦ . we shall use the Proposition 2.2. We obtain det||gij || = Since 2n−1 b2 F n−1 α 4 α [5( ) − 2ϕ( )2 + ϕ2 ]det||aij ||. n−1 β β β α α α α 5( )4 − 2ϕ( )2 + ϕ2 = 4( )4 + [( )2 − ϕ]2 > 0, β β β β we obtain 3◦ . ¤ 1 Using the homogeneous frame {bi , li }, [6], with li := pi we express the fundaα mental tensor gij . Proposition 2.3 The fundamental tensor gij of the Finsler space (M, F ) is given by gij = (2.5) 2F α α α aij + 4( )2 li lj − 4( )3 (bi lj + bj li ) + [ϕ2 + 3( )4 ]bi bj , β β β β 1 1 aij y j = pi . α α The contravariant tensor g ij is expressed in the following form: where li = (2.6) g ij = β ij a − Θ[β 2 F 2 bi bj − 2αβ 2 F (bi lj + bj li ) − 2α2 (b2 (α2 − ϕβ 2 ) − 2β 2 )li lj ] 2F where b2 = aij bi bj and Θ= αβ 2 . b2 (AB − C) Proof. Taking into account the invariants: α α 4α2 4 ρ = 2( )2 + 2ϕ, ρ0 = 3( )4 + ϕ2 , ρ−1 = − 3 , ρ−2 = 2 , β β β β we obtain 2.5. Next we have gij g jk = δik and 2.6 holds true. By straightforward calculation, we get: ¤ Proposition 2.4 If kij is the fundamental tensor of the Kropina space (M, K), then the fundamental tensor field gij of the deformation space (M, F ) is expressed by: (2.7) 3 gij = kij + 2ϕaij + ϕ2 bi bj . The variational problem We shall study the variational problem of the space F n = (M, F (x, y)) started from the integral of action for the Lagrangian L(α, β) = F 2 (x, y). Let c : t ∈ [0, 1] 7−→ c(t) ∈ M be a smooth curve on M having the imagine in a local chart domain of manifold M. The curve c can be express analiticaly by xi = xi (t), t ∈ [0, 1]. 240 Marcel Roman The integral of action for the nondegenerate Lagrangian F 2 (x, y) = L(α(x, y), β(x, y)) is given by the functional Z (3.1) I(c) = 1 F 2 (x, 0 dx )dt. dt The variational problem for the functional I(c), (the points x0 = (xi (0)) and x1 = (xi (1)) being fixed) follows to the Euler-Lagrange equations, [2]: Ei (F 2 ) := (3.2) ∂F 2 d ∂F 2 dxi i . − = 0, y = ∂xi dt ∂y i dt The curves c, solutions of the differential equations above-mentioned is calling extremals. Proposition 3.1 The Euler-Lagrange equations 2.2 are equivalent with the following differential equations: (3.3) Ei (α2 ) + 2 ρ1 dα ∂α 1 dLα ∂α dLβ ∂β dxi i Ei (β) + 2 = { + }, y = . ρ dt ∂y i ρ dt ∂y i dt ∂y i dt Proof. We remark the relation between Ei (α) and Ei (α2 ) : 2αEi (α) = Ei (α2 ) + 2 dα ∂α . dt ∂y i Consequently, we have Ei (L) = 1 1 dα ∂α dLα ∂α dLβ ∂β Lα Ei (α2 ) + Lα + Lβ Ei (β) − { + }. i i 2α α dt ∂y dt ∂y dt ∂y i and Ei (L) = 0 is exactly 3.3 . ¤ Let fix now a parameterization on curve c and let consider the arc length of curve dx dx given by ds2 = α2 (x, )dt2 . In this case α2 (x, ) = 1. Then, s will be calling dt ds canonical parameter. Along the curve c we have dα = 0. ds (3.4) Proposition 3.2 In curves c, we have (3.5) the canonical parameterization, along the extremal dL dLα dLβ dβ = 0, = 0, = 0, = 0. ds ds ds ds dL = 0 follows from the previous proposition. Taking into account ds dα dβ dβ dL = Lα + Lβ = Lβ = 0. that along the extremals c, (2.11) hold, it follows ds ds ds ds dβ Remarking that Lβ 6= 0, we obtain = 0. ds Proof. Indeed, On a deformation of the Kropina metric 241 dLα dLβ dα dβ = Lαα + Lαβ = 0. Analogously for = 0. ¤ ds ds ds ds Let Fij (x) be the electromagnetic tensorial field which correspond to the electromagnetic function β = bi (x)y i : Finally, (3.6) Fij (x) = ∂bj ∂bi − . i ∂x ∂xj Taking into account the expression of Ei (β), we can write: (3.7) Ei (β) = Fij (x) dxj . ds Finally, we obtain the Lorentz equations of the space (M, F ) Theorem 3.1 The Lorentz equations of the Finsler space F n = (M, F ) are given in the form: dxj dxk 1 dxj d2 xi i i + γ (x) = [ϕβ − F ]F (x) jk j ds2 ds ds 2 ds (3.8) where (3.9) Fji (x) = ais (x)Fsj (x) i and γjk are the Christoffel symbols of the Riemannian metric tensor aij (x). 4 The Lorentz nonlinear connection of the Finsler space (M, F ). The variational problem allows to introduce the Lorentz nonlinear connection, [4], [7], having the coefficients: (4.1) 1 N ij (x, y) = γ ijk (x)y k + [ F (x, y) − ϕ(x)β(x, y)]Fji (x). 2 The system of functions N ij from 4.1 determines a canonical nonlinear connection N, which depends only on the fundamental function F (x, y) of the Finsler spaces F n . The Lorentz equations 3.8 can be written in the form (4.2) d2 xi dxj + N ij (x, y) = 0, 2 ds ds yi = dxi . ds It follows that 4.2 gives us the autoparallel curves of the nonlinear connection N. The canonical nonlinear connection N determines a differentiable distribution which is supplementary to the vertical distribution V on the manifold T M : (4.3) Tu (T M ) = Nu ⊕ Vu , ∀u ∈ T M. 242 Let ( Marcel Roman δ ∂ , i ) be the local basis adapted to N and V, and (dxi , δy i ) its dual basis: i δx ∂y δ ∂ ∂ = − Nij (x, y) j , δxi ∂xi ∂y (4.4) δy i = dy i + Nji (x, y)dxj . While the vertical distribution V is integrable, the horizontal distribution N has not this property. The tensor of integrability of N , [2] is: i = Rjk (4.5) δNji δNki − . δxk δxj i be the covariant derivative of Fji with respect to the Levi-Civita connecLet Fj|k i tion γ jk . We have, [7]: i Proposition 4.1 The tensor of integrability Rjk of the nonlinear connection N is given by (4.6) where σ = i i i Rjk = −ρj i km y m + σ(Fj|k − Fk|j ) + (Fji δσ δσ − Fki j ) δxk δx 1 F − ϕβ and ρj i km is the curvature tensor of Levi-Civita connection. 2 Acknowledgement The author would like to thanks Academician Radu Miron for many useful suggestions and comments. References [1] M. Matsumoto, Theory of Finsler spaces with (α, β)-metrics, Rep. of Math. Phys. 31(1991), 43-83. [2] R. Miron and M. Anastasiei, The Geometry of Lagrange spaces: Theory and Applications, Kluwer Acad. Publ. FTPH, no.59,(1994). [3] R. 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