International Journal of Play Therapy: Index 2003 - 2013

International Journal of Play Therapy: Index 2003 - 2013
2013, 22 (2)
Holliman, R. P., & Ray, D. C. Development of the child interpersonal relationship and attitudes
assessment (CIRAA). (2013). 22(2), 59-74.
Yoder, A. M., Larson, H., Washburn, F., Mills, S., Carter, D., Brausch, B., & Lee, J. Adaptation
of the Child−Parent relationship therapy model for use with senior citizen volunteers in
school settings: A pilot study. (2013). 22(2), 75-89.
Green, E. J., Myrick, A. C., & Crenshaw, D. A. Toward secure attachment in adolescent
relational development: Advancements from sandplay and expressive play-based
interventions. (2013). 22(2), 90-102.
Vicario, M., Tucker, C., Smith Adcock, S., & Hudgins-Mitchell, C. Relational-cultural play
therapy: Reestablishing healthy connections with children exposed to trauma in
relationships. (2013). 22(2), 103-117.
Vicario, M., Tucker, C., Smith Adcock, S., & Hudgins-Mitchell, C. Relational-cultural play
therapy: Reestablishing healthy connections with children exposed to trauma in
relationships. (2013). 22(2), 103-117.
2013, 22 (1)
Demanchick, S. P. International journal of play therapy: Editor's introduction. (2013). 22(1),
Stulmaker, H. Counseling-based teacher interventions: Defining, exploring, and differentiating.
(2013). 22(1), 2-12.
Ray, D. C., Stulmaker, H. L., Lee, K. R., & Silverman, W. K. Child-centered play therapy and
impairment: Exploring relationships and constructs. (2013). 22(1), 13-27.
Bratton, S. C., Ceballos, P. L., Sheely-Moore, A. I., Meany-Walen, K., Pronchenko, Y., & Jones,
L. D. Head start early mental health intervention: Effects of child-centered play therapy
on disruptive behaviors. (2013). 22(1), 28-42.
Ray, D. C., Lee, K. R., Meany-Walen, K. K., Carlson, S. E., Carnes-Holt, K. L., & Ware, J. N.
Use of toys in child-centered play therapy. (2013). 22(1), 43-57.
2012, 21 (4)
Springer, C., & Misurell, J. R. Game-based cognitive-behavioral therapy individual model for
child sexual abuse. (2012). 21(4), 188-201.
Ebrahim, C., Steen, R. L., & Paradise, L. Overcoming school counselors' barriers to play
therapy. (2012). 21(4), 202-214.
McKinney, C., & Power, L. Childhood playtime, parenting, and psychopathology in emerging
adults: Implications for research and play therapists. (2012). 21(4), 215-231.
Ceballos, P. L., Parikh, S., & Post, P. B. Examining social justice attitudes among play
therapists: Implications for multicultural supervision and training. (2012). 21(4), 232243.
Kenney-Noziska, S. G., Schaefer, C. E., & Homeyer, L. E. Beyond directive or nondirective:
Moving the conversation forward. (2012). 21(4), 244-252.
2012, 21 (3)
Suri, R. Sandplay: An adjunctive therapy to working with dementia. (2012). 21(3), 117-130.
Frels, R. K., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. Principles of play: A dialogical comparison of two case
studies in school-based mentoring. (2012). 21(3), 131-148.
Lindo, N. A., Chung, C., Carlson, S., Sullivan, J. M., Akay, S., & Meany-Walen, K. K. The
impact of child-centered play therapy training on attitude, knowledge, and skills. (2012).
21(3), 149-166.
Kronengold, H. The adventures of captain pineapple. (2012). 21(3), 167-185.
2012, 21 (2)
Schottelkorb, A. A., Doumas, D. M., & Garcia, R. Treatment for childhood refugee trauma: A
randomized, controlled trial. (2012). 21(2), 57-73.
Myrick, A. C., & Green, E. J. Incorporating play therapy into evidence-based treatment with
children affected by obsessive compulsive disorder. (2012). 21(2), 74-86.
Schadler, G., & De Domenico, G. S. Sandtray-worldplay for people who experience chronic
mental illness. (2012). 21(2), 87-99.
Smith–Adcock, S., Davis, E., Pereira, J., Allen, C., Socarras, K., Bodurtha, K., & Smith–
Bonahue, T. Preparing to play: A qualitative study of graduate students' reflections on
learning play therapy in an elementary school. (2012). 21(2), 100-115.
2012, 21 (1)
Blanco, P. J., Ray, D. C., & Holliman, R. Long-term child centered play therapy and academic
achievement of children: A follow-up study. (2012). 21(1), 1-13.
Penn, S. L., & Post, P. B. Investigating various dimensions of play therapists' self-reported
multicultural counseling competence. (2012). 21(1), 14-29.
Barfield, S., Dobson, C., Gaskill, R., & Perry, B. D. Neurosequential model of therapeutics in a
therapeutic preschool: Implications for work with children with complex neuropsychiatric
problems. (2012). 21(1), 30-44.
Fitzgerald, K., Henriksen, R. C., & Garza, Y. Perceptions of counselors regarding the
effectiveness of interventions for traumatized children. (2012). 21(1), 45-56.
2011, 20 (4)
Christian, K. M., Russ, S., & Short, E. J. Pretend play processes and anxiety: Considerations
for the play therapist. (2011). 20(4), 179-192.
Morrison Bennett, M. O., & Bratton, S. C. The effects of child teacher relationship training on
the children of focus: A pilot study. (2011). 20(4), 193-207.
Brumfield, K. A., & Christensen, T. M. Discovering african american parents' perceptions of
play therapy: A phenomenological approach. (2011). 20(4), 208-223.
Simeone-Russell, R. A practical approach to implementing theraplay for children with autism
spectrum disorder. (2011). 20(4), 224-235.
Cochran, J. L., Cochran, N. H., Cholette, A., & Nordling, W. J. Limits and relationship in childcentered play therapy: Two case studies. (2011). 20(4), 236-251.
2011, 20 (3)
Ginsberg, B. G. Congruence in nondirective play and filial therapy: Response to ryan and
courtney. (2011). 20(3), 109-123.
Dillman Taylor, D., Purswell, K., Lindo, N., Jayne, K., & Fernando, D. The impact of child
parent relationship therapy on child behavior and parent-child relationships: An
examination of parental divorce. (2011). 20(3), 124-137.
Norton, B., Ferriegel, M., & Norton, C. Somatic expressions of trauma in experiential play
therapy. (2011). 20(3), 138-152.
Letzring, T. D., & Snow, M. S. Mental health practitioners and HIPAA. (2011). 20(3), 153-164.
Gallerani, T., & Dybicz, P. Postmodern sandplay: An introduction for play therapists. (2011).
20(3), 165-177.
2011, 20 (2)
Haslam, D. R., & Harris, S. M. Integrating play and family therapy methods: A survey of play
therapists' attitudes in the field. (2011). 20(2), 51-65.
Myers, C. E., Bratton, S. C., Hagen, C., & Findling, J. H. Development of the trauma play
scale: Comparison of children manifesting a history of interpersonal trauma with a
normative sample. (2011). 20(2), 66-78.
Topham, G. L., Wampler, K. S., Titus, G., & Rolling, E. Predicting parent and child outcomes of
a filial therapy program. (2011). 20(2), 79-93.
Tsai, M., & Ray, D. C. Play therapy outcome prediction: An exploratory study at a universitybased clinic. (2011). 20(2), 94-108.
2011, 20 (1)
Bojanowski, J. J., & Ammen, S. Discriminating between pre- versus post-theraplay treatment
marschak interaction methods using the marschak interaction method rating system.
(2011). 20(1), 1-11.
Sepulveda, C., Garza, Y., & Morrison, M. O. Child teacher relationship training: A
phenomenological study. (2011). 20(1), 12-25.
Wettig, H. H. G., Coleman, A. R., & Geider, F. J. Evaluating the effectiveness of theraplay in
treating shy, socially withdrawn children. (2011). 20(1), 26-37.
Boyer, W. Using child parent relationship therapy (CPRT) with our first nations people. (2011).
20(1), 38-49.
2010, 19 (4)
Wickstrom, A. C. The development of an advanced filial therapy model. (2010). 19(4), 187197.
VanderGast, T. S., Post, P. B., & Kascsak-Miller, T. Graduate training in child–parent
relationship therapy with a multicultural immersion experience: Giving away the skills.
(2010). 19(4), 198-208.
Siu, A. F. Y., & Yuen, E. Y. H. Using the marschak interaction method rating system for
chinese families: Relationship between parent-child interaction pattern and child's social
behavior. (2010). 19(4), 209-221.
Campbell, M. M., & Knoetze, J. J. Repetitive symbolic play as a therapeutic process in childcentered play therapy. (2010). 19(4), 222-234.
Siu, A. F. Y. Play therapy in hong kong: Opportunities and challenges. (2010). 19(4), 235-243.
2010, 19 (3)
Cochran, J. L., Cochran, N. H., Nordling, W. J., McAdam, A., & Miller, D. T. Two case studies of
child-centered play therapy for children referred with highly disruptive behavior. (2010).
19(3), 130-143.
Foulkrod, K., & Davenport, B. R. An examination of empirically informed practice within case
reports of play therapy with aggressive and oppositional children. (2010). 19(3), 144158.
Edwards, N. A., Sullivan, J. M., Meany-Walen, K., & Kantor, K. R. Child parent relationship
training: Parents' perceptions of process and outcome. (2010). 19(3), 159-173.
VanderGast, T. S., Culbreth, J. R., & Flowers, C. An exploration of experiences and
preferences in clinical supervision with play therapists. (2010). 19(3), 174-185.
2010, 19 (2)
Kidron, M., & Landreth, G. Intensive child parent relationship therapy with israeli parents in
israel. (2010). 19(2), 64-78.
Wickstrom, A. Influencing gender relations through child parent relationship therapy. (2010).
19(2), 79-94.
Green, E. J., Crenshaw, D. A., & Kolos, A. C. Counseling children with preverbal trauma.
(2010). 19(2), 95-105.
Cochran, J. L., Cochran, N. H., Nordling, W. J., McAdam, A., & Miller, D. T. Monitoring two
boys' processes through the stages of child-centered play therapy. (2010). 19(2), 106116.
Oden, K. A., & Johnson, Q. S. An exercise in values exploration for play therapists. (2010).
19(2), 117-128.
2010, 19 (1)
Frick-Helms, S. B., & Drewes, A. A. Introduction to play therapy research theme issue. (2010).
19(1), 1-3.
Urquiza, A. J. The future of play therapy: Elevating credibility through play therapy research.
(2010). 19(1), 4-12.
Phillips, R. D. How firm is our foundation? current play therapy research. (2010). 19(1), 1325.
Baggerly, J., & Bratton, S. Building a firm foundation in play therapy research: Response to
phillips (2010). (2010). 19(1), 26-38.
Ray, D. C., & Schottelkorb, A. A. Single-case design: A primer for play therapists. (2010).
19(1), 39-53.
Glazer, H. R., & Stein, D. S. Qualitative research and its role in play therapy research. (2010).
19(1), 54-61.
2009, 18 (4)
Liles, E. E., & Packman, J. Play therapy for children with fetal alcohol syndrome. (2009).
18(4), 192-206.
Helker, W. P., & Ray, D. C. Correction to helker and ray (2009). (2009). 18(4), 206.
Kagan, S., & Landreth, G. Short-term child-centered play therapy training with israeli school
counselors and teachers. (2009). 18(4), 207-216.
Garza, Y., Kinsworthy, S., & Watts, R. E. Child–parent relationship training as experienced by
hispanic parents: A phenomenological study. (2009). 18(4), 217-228.
Kolos, A. C. The role of play therapists in children’s transitions: From residential care to foster
care. (2009). 18(4), 229-239.
Snow, M. S., Wolff, L., Hudspeth, E. F., & Etheridge, L. The practitioner as researcher:
Qualitative case studies in play therapy. (2009). 18(4), 240-250.
2009, 18 (3)
Edwards, N. A., Varjas, K. M., White, J. F., & Stokes, S. A. Teachers’ perceptions of kinder
training: Acceptability, integrity, and effectiveness. (2009). 18(3), 129-146.
Garza, Y., Falls, L., & Bruhn, R. A. Measuring deeper meaning responses: A discrimination
scale for play therapists in training. (2009). 18(3), 147-161.
Ray, D. C., Blanco, P. J., Sullivan, J. M., & Holliman, R. An exploratory study of child-centered
play therapy with aggressive children. (2009). 18(3), 162-175.
Riedel Bowers, N. A naturalistic study of the early relationship development process of
nondirective play therapy. (2009). 18(3), 176-189.
2009, 18 (2)
Helker, W. P., & Ray, D. C. Impact of child teacher relationship training on teachers’ and aides’
use of relationship-building skills and the effects on student classroom behavior. (2009).
18(2), 70-83.
Green, E. J., & Connolly, M. E. Jungian family sandplay with bereaved children: Implications
for play therapists. (2009). 18(2), 84-98.
McAloney, K., & Stagnitti, K. Pretend play and social play: The concurrent validity of the childinitiated pretend play assessment. (2009). 18(2), 99-113.
Ryan, V., & Courtney, A. Therapists’ use of congruence in nondirective play therapy and filial
therapy. (2009). 18(2), 114-128.
2009, 18 (1)
Siu, A. F. Y. Theraplay in the chinese world: An intervention program for hong kong children
with internalizing problems. (2009). 18(1), 1-12.
Mastrangelo, S. Play and the child with autism spectrum disorder: From possibilities to
practice. (2009). 18(1), 13-30.
Paone, T. R., & Douma, K. B. Child-centered play therapy with a seven-year-old boy
diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder. (2009). 18(1), 31-44.
Baggerly, J., & Jenkins, W. W. The effectiveness of child-centered play therapy on
developmental and diagnostic factors in children who are homeless. (2009). 18(1), 4555.
Taylor, E. R. Sandtray and solution-focused therapy. (2009). 18(1), 56-68.
Glover, G. J., & Landreth, G. L. "Filial therapy with native americans on the flathead
reservation": Correction to glover and landreth (2000). (2009). 18(1), 68.
2008, 17 (2)
Harvey, S. An initial look at the outcomes for dynamic play therapy. (2008). 17(2), 86-101.
Drewes, A. A. "Bobo revisited: What the research says": Correction to drewes (2008). (2008).
17(2), 101.
Green, E. J. Reenvisioning jungian analytical play therapy with child sexual assault survivors.
(2008). 17(2), 102-121.
Paone, T. R., Packman, J., Maddux, C., & Rothman, T. A school-based group activity therapy
intervention with at-risk high school students as it relates to their moral reasoning.
(2008). 17(2), 122-137.
Plotts, C., Lasser, J., & Prater, S. Exploring sandplay therapy: Application to individuals with
traumatic brain injury. (2008). 17(2), 138-153.
Swank, J. M. The use of games: A therapeutic tool with children and families. (2008). 17(2),
2008, 17 (1)
Davenport, B. R., & Bourgeois, N. M. Play, aggression, the preschool child, and the family: A
review of literature to guide empirically informed play therapy with aggressive preschool
children. (2008). 17(1), 2-23.
Hitchcock, D. L., Ammen, S., O'Connor, K., & Backman, T. L. Validating the marschak
interaction method rating system with adolescent mother-child dyads. (2008). 17(1), 2438.
Grskovic, J. A., & Goetze, H. Short-term filial therapy with german mothers: Findings from a
controlled study. (2008). 17(1), 39-51.
Drewes, A. A. Bobo revisited: What the research says. (2008). 17(1), 52-65.
Kim, Y., & Nahm, S. Cultural considerations in adapting and implementing play therapy.
(2008). 17(1), 66-77.
2007, 16 (2)
Ray, D. C., Schottelkorb, A., & Tsai, M. Play therapy with children exhibiting symptoms of
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. (2007). 16(2), 95-111.
Ryan, S. D., & Madsen, M. D. Filial family play therapy with an adoptive family: A response to
preadoptive child maltreatment. (2007). 16(2), 112-132.
Fall, M., Drew, D., Chute, A., & More, A. The voices of registered play therapists as
supervisors. (2007). 16(2), 133-146.
Snow, M. S., Hudspeth, E. F., Gore, B., & Seale, H. A. A comparison of behaviors and play
themes over a six-week period: Two case studies in play therapy. (2007). 16(2), 147159.
Crenshaw, D. A., & Hardy, K. V. The crucial role of empathy in breaking the silence of
traumatized children in play therapy. (2007). 16(2), 160-175.
2007, 16 (1)
Dougherty, J., & Ray, D. Differential impact of play therapy on developmental levels of
children. (2007). 16(1), 2-19.
Robinson, J., Landreth, G., & Packman, J. Fifth-grade students as emotional helpers with
kindergartners: Using play therapy procedures and skills. (2007). 16(1), 20-35.
Edwards, N. A., Ladner, J., & White, J. Perceived effectiveness of filial therapy for a jamaican
mother: A qualitative case study. (2007). 16(1), 36-53.
Nims, D. R. Integrating play therapy techniques into solution-focused brief therapy. (2007).
16(1), 54-68.
Mullen, J. A., Luke, M., & Drewes, A. A. Supervision can be playful, too: Play therapy
techniques that enhance supervision. (2007). 16(1), 69-85.
2006, 15 (2)
Abrams, L., Post, P., Algozzine, B., Miller, T., Ryan, S., Gomory, T., & Cooper, J. B. Clinical
experiences of play therapists: Does race/ethnicity matter? (2006). 15(2), 11-34.
Muro, J., Ray, D., Schottelkorb, A., Smith, M. R., & Blanco, P. J. Quantitative analysis of longterm child-centered play therapy. (2006). 15(2), 35-58.
Baggerly, J. Preparing play therapists for disaster response: Principles and procedures.
(2006). 15(2), 59-81.
Carmichael, K. D. Legal and ethical issues in play therapy. (2006). 15(2), 83-99.
Seymour, J. W., & Rubin, L. Principles, principals, and process (P3): A model for play therapy
ethics problem solving. (2006). 15(2), 101-123.
2006, 15 (1)
Findling, J. H., Bratton, S. C., & Henson, R. K. Development of the trauma play scale: An
observation-based assessment of the impact of trauma on the play therapy behaviors of
young children. (2006). 15(1), 7-36.
Foley, Y. C., Higdon, L., & White, J. F. A qualitative study of filial therapy: Parents' voices.
(2006). 15(1), 37-64.
Green, E. J., & Christensen, T. M. Elementary school children's perceptions of play therapy in
school settings. (2006). 15(1), 65-85.
Cates, J., Paone, T. R., Packman, J., & Margolis, D. Effective parent consultation in play
therapy. (2006). 15(1), 87-100.
Mayes, C., & Mayes, P. B. Sandtray therapy with a 24-year-old woman in the residual phase of
schizophrenia. (2006). 15(1), 101-116.
Rubin, L., & Livesay, H. Look, up in the sky! using superheroes in play therapy. (2006). 15(1),
2005, 14 (2)
Lambert, S. F., LeBlanc, M., Mullen, J., Ray, D., Baggerly, J., White, J., & Kaplan, D. Learning
more about those who play in session: The national play therapy in counseling practices
project (phase I). (2005). 14(2), 7-23.
Reyes, C. J., & Asbrand, J. P. A longitudinal study assessing trauma symptoms in sexually
abused children engaged in play therapy. (2005). 14(2), 25-47.
Joiner, K. D., & Landreth, G. L. Play therapy instruction: A model based on objectives
developed by the delphi technique. (2005). 14(2), 49-68.
Chang, C. Y., Ritter, K. B., & Hays, D. G. Multicultural trends and toys in play therapy. (2005).
14(2), 69-85.
Gil, E., & Rubin, L. Countertransference play: Informing and enhancing therapist selfawareness through play. (2005). 14(2), 87-102.
Schaefer, C. E., & Mattei, D. Catharsis: Effectiveness in children's aggression. (2005). 14(2),
2005, 14 (2)
Armstrong, S. A., & Henson, R. K. Statistical practices of IJPT researchers: A review from
1993-2000. (2005). 14(1), 7-26.
Nalavany, B. A., Ryan, S. D., Gomory, T., & Lacasse, J. R. Mapping the characteristics of a
'good' play therapist. (2005). 14(1), 27-50.
Garza, Y., & Bratton, S. C. School-based child-centered play therapy with hispanic children:
Outcomes and cultural consideration. (2005). 14(1), 51-80.
Danger, S., & Landreth, G. Child-centered group play therapy with children with speech
difficulties. (2005). 14(1), 81-102.
Hess, B. A., Post, P., & Flowers, C. A follow-up study of kinder training for preschool teachers
of children deemed at-risk. (2005). 14(1), 103-115.
Jones, L., & Rubin, L. PT 101: Teaching introduction to play therapy at the graduate level.
(2005). 14(1), 117-128.
2004, 13 (2)
Armstrong, S. A., & Henson, R. K. Statistical and practical significance in the IJPT: A research
review from 1993-2003. (2004). 13(2), 9-30.
Baggerly, J. The effects of child-centered group play therapy on self-concept, depression, and
anxiety of children who are homeless. (2004). 13(2), 31-51.
Post, P., McAllister, M., Sheely, A., Hess, B., & Flowers, C. Child-centered kinder training for
teachers of pre-school children deemed at-risk. (2004). 13(2), 53-74.
Snow, M. S., Helm, H. M., & Martin, E. E. Play therapy as court testimony: A case study.
(2004). 13(2), 75-97.
Solis, C. M., Meyers, J., & Varjas, K. M. A qualitative case study of the process and impact of
filial therapy with an african american parent. (2004). 13(2), 99-118.
Brooke, S. L. Critical review of play therapy assessments. (2004). 13(2), 119-142.
2004, 13 (1)
Kranz, P. L., Lund, N. L., Steele, R. A., & Meyers, M. E. Preparing scholarly articles for
publication in professional journals. (2004). 13(1), 7-12.
Smith, D. M., & Landreth, G. L. Filial therapy with teachers of deaf and hard of hearing
preschool children. (2004). 13(1), 13-33.
Ashby, J. S., Kottman, T., & Martin, J. L. Play therapy with young perfectionists. (2004).
13(1), 35-55.
Packman, J., & Solt, M. D. Filial therapy modifications for preadolescents. (2004). 13(1), 5777.
Ray, D., Muro, J., & Schumann, B. Implementing play therapy in the schools: Lessons learned.
(2004). 13(1), 79-100.
2003, 12 (2)
Packman, J., & Bratton, S. C. A school-based group Play/Activity therapy intervention with
learning disabled preadolescents exhibiting behavior problems. (2003). 12(2), 7-29.
Metcalf, L. M. Countertranferance among play therapists: Implications for therapist
development and supervision. (2003). 12(2), 31-48.
Crane, J. M., & Brown, C. J. Effectiveness of teaching play therapy attitudes and skills to
undergraduate human services majors. (2003). 12(2), 49-65.
Lee, M., & Landreth, G. L. Filial therapy with immigrant korean parents in the united states.
(2003). 12(2), 67-85.
Baggerly, J. Child-centered play therapy with children who are homeless: Perspective and
procedures. (2003). 12(2), 87-106.
Hinman, C. Multicultural considerations in the delivery of play therapy services. (2003). 12(2),
2003, 12 (1)
Scott, T. A., Burlingame, G., Starling, M., Porter, C., & Lilly, J. P. Effects of individual clientcentered play therapy on sexually abused children's mood, self-concept, and social
competence. (2003). 12(1), 7-30.
Jones, K. D., Casado, M., & Robinson, E. H. Structured play therapy: A model for choosing
topics and activities. (2003). 12(1), 31-45.
Demanchick, S. P., Cochran, N. H., & Cochran, J. L. Person-centered play therapy for adults
with developmental disabilities. (2003). 12(1), 47-65.
Smith, N., & Landreth, G. Intensive filial therapy with child witnesses of domestic violence: A
comparison with individual and sibling group play therapy. (2003). 12(1), 67-88.
Winek, J., Lambert-Shute, J., Johnson, L., Shaw, L., Krepps, J., & Wiley, K. Discovering the
moments of movement in filial therapy: A single case qualitative study. (2003). 12(1),
Danger, S. Adaptive doll play: Helping children cope with change. (2003). 12(1), 105-116.
Trotter, K., Eshelman, D., & Landreth, G. A place for bobo in play therapy. (2003). 12(1),