Chapter 12 Acronyms and Abbreviations 1 2 Acronym/Abbreviation °F µg/l µg/m3 µm 2020 Plan AAPA AAQS AB AB 1327 AC ACGs ACM ACSE ACTA ADT AFL afy Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 AMP AMSEC AMSL APE APL AQMP ARSSS ASL AST ATCM ATSAC ATSC AVR Definition degrees Fahrenheit micrograms per liter micrograms per cubic meter microns San Pedro 2020 Plan American Association of Port Authorities ambient air quality standard Assembly Bill California Solid Waste Reuse and Recycling Access Act of 1991 asphalt concrete allisions, collisions, and groundings asbestos containing materials American Society of Civil Engineers Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority average daily traffic American Federation of Labor acre-feet per year No-Project No Federal Action Reduced Project: Improve Berths 217–220 Only alternative maritime power Area Maritime Security Evacuation Committee above mean sea level Area of Potential Effect American President Lines Air Quality Management Plan Anchorage Road Soil Storage Site above sea level above-ground storage tanks Air Toxic Control Measure Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control Adaptive Traffic Control System average vehicle ridership Berths 212–224 (YTI) Container Terminal Improvements Project Draft EIS/EIR 12-1 May 2014 ICF 00070.13 Los Angeles Harbor Department Acronym/Abbreviation BACTs Baseline Transportation Study Basin Plan bbl BFI bgs BLM BMPs BNSF BOD BOS BP BSFC BTH Buffer Area CAA CAAP CAAP Update CAAQS Cal OSHA Cal-ARP CalEPA Calship Caltrans CARB CBC CBP CCA CCAA CCAR CCC CCPS CCR CCT Cd CDF CDFW CDIP CDMG CDP CEC CEQ CEQA Chapter 12 Acronyms and Abbreviations Definition Best Available Control Technologies Draft Port of Los Angeles Baseline Transportation Study Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles River Basin (Region 4) barrel Browning Ferris Industries below ground surface U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management Best Management Practices Burlington Northern-Santa Fe Railway biological oxygen demand Bureau of Sanitation before present brake-specific fuel consumption Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency Harry Bridges Buffer Area Clean Air Act Clean Air Action Plan 2010 San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan California Ambient Air Quality Standards California Division of Occupational Safety and Health California Accidental Release Prevention Program California Environmental Protection Agency California Shipbuilding Company California Department of Transportation California Air Resources Board California Building Code Customs and Border Protection California Coastal Act California Clean Air Act California Climate Action Registry California Coastal Commission Center for Chemical Process Safety California Code of Regulations California Coastal Trail cadmium confined disposal facility California Department of Fish and Wildlife Coastal Data Information Program California Division of Mines and Geology Coastal Development Permit California Energy Commission Council on Environmental Quality California Environmental Quality Act Berths 212–224 (YTI) Container Terminal Improvements Project Draft EIS/EIR 12-2 May 2014 ICF 00070.13 Los Angeles Harbor Department Acronym/Abbreviation CERCLA CESA CFR CGS CH4 CHC CHE CHL CHRIS CIMWB CiSWMPP City CIWMB CLE CLIA CLSC CMA CMP CMP CNDDB CNEL CNPS CO CO2 CO2e Coastal Act CO-CAT COI Committee COTP CP CPA CPUC Cr CRA CRA/LA Crescent CRHR CSFM CSLC CSTF CTP CTR Chapter 12 Acronyms and Abbreviations Definition Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act California Endangered Species Act Code of Federal Regulations California Geological Survey methane Cultural Heritage Commission cargo handling equipment California Historic Landmarks California Historical Resources Information System California Integrated Management Waste Board City of Los Angeles Solid Waste Management Policy Plan City of Los Angeles California Integrated Waste Management Board Contingency Level Earthquake Cruise Line International Association Inc. California State Lands Commission Critical Movement Analysis Congestion Management Plan Clean Marinas Program California Natural Diversity Database Community Noise Equivalent Level California Native Plant Society carbon monoxide carbon dioxide carbon dioxide equivalent California Coastal Act of 1976 Coastal and Ocean Working Group of the California Climate Action Team City of Industry Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbor Safety Committee Captain of the Port Community Plan Community Plan Area California Public Utilities Commission chromium oxide Community Redevelopment Agency Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles Crescent Warehouse Company, Ltd. California Register of Historical Resources California State Fire Marshall California State Lands Commission Contaminated Sediments Task Force Clean Trucks Program California Toxics Rule Berths 212–224 (YTI) Container Terminal Improvements Project Draft EIS/EIR 12-3 May 2014 ICF 00070.13 Los Angeles Harbor Department Acronym/Abbreviation CU CWA CWC cy CZMA D/C d/D dB dBA dBRMS DDT DEHP DFG DO DOC DoD DOGGR DPM DPR DS DTSC DWP DWT E/A ECA EEZ EFH EIR EIS EJ ELA EMS EMT EPA EPD EPP ERED ERL ERM ERNS ESA ESCP ESD Chapter 12 Acronyms and Abbreviations Definition copper Clean Water Act California Water Code cubic yards Coastal Zone Management Act Demand to capacity depth/Diameter decibel A-Weighted Sound Level Decibels Root Mean Square dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Department of Fish and Game dissolved oxygen diesel oxidation catalysts Department of Defense Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources diesel particulate matter California Department of Parks and Recreation Dip Slip Department of Toxic Substances Control Department of Water and Power deadweight tonnage Environmental Assessment Emission Control Area Exclusive Economic Zone Essential Fish Habitat Environmental Impact Report Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Justice East Los Angeles Yard environmental management system emergency medical technician U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Emergency Preparedness Department Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Environmental Residue Effects Database Effects Range Low Effects Range Median Emergency Response Notification System Endangered Species Act Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Emergency Shutdown Berths 212–224 (YTI) Container Terminal Improvements Project Draft EIS/EIR 12-4 May 2014 ICF 00070.13 Los Angeles Harbor Department Acronym/Abbreviation ESI FARS FDA FEIS/FEIR FEMA FERC FHWA FIRM FMCSA FMP fps FTA g g/0.1 m2 g/bhp-hr g/hp-hr Gas Company GCASP GHGs GIASP GMAP GMC GPA gpd gpm gsf GVW GVWR GWP HABS HAER Harbor Commission HAZWOPER HBRA HC HCM HCMs HDPE HDT HFCP HFCs Hg HGS Chapter 12 Acronyms and Abbreviations Definition Environmental Ship Index Fatality Analysis Reporting System U.S. Food and Drug Administration Final Environmental Impact Statement/ Environmental Impact Report Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Federal Highway Administration Flood Insurance Rate Map Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Fishery Management Plan feet per second Federal Transit Authority acceleration due to gravity grams per 0.1 square meter gram/brake horsepower-hour gram per horsepower-hour Southern California Gas Company General Construction Activity Storm Water Permit greenhouse gases General Industrial Activities Stormwater Permit Goods Movement Action Plan Growth Management Chapter General Plan Amendment gallons per day gallons per minute gross square feet gross vehicle weight gross vehicle weight rating global warming potential Historic American Buildings Survey Historic American Engineering Record Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Health Based Risk Assessment hydrocarbon Highway Capacity Manual Historic-Cultural Monuments high density polyethylene Heavy duty truck Hazard Footprint Program hydrofluorocarbons mercury Harbor Generating Station Berths 212–224 (YTI) Container Terminal Improvements Project Draft EIS/EIR 12-5 May 2014 ICF 00070.13 Los Angeles Harbor Department Acronym/Abbreviation HHMD HHW HID HLW HMA HMBP HMD HMI HMSD HMTA HMW HOV hp HPOZ HRA HRI HSP HSWA HTS Hz II-110 I-215 I-405 I-710 ICF ICS ICTF ICU IDA IES IESNA ILA ILWU IMO IMPLAN Indies IPCC IRP IRWMP IS ISPS Chapter 12 Acronyms and Abbreviations Definition Health Hazardous Materials Division higher-high water high-intensity-discharge higher-low water Hazardous Materials Assessment Hazardous Materials Management Plan San Diego County Department of Environmental Health’s Hazardous Materials Division Hazardous Materials Inventory Hazardous Materials Standards Division Hazardous Materials Transportation Act high-molecular-weight High-occupancy vehicle horsepower Historic Preservation Overlay Zone health risk assessment Historic Resources Inventory Harbor Safety Plan Hazardous and Solid Waste Act Hyperion Treatment System Hertz Interstate Harbor Freeway Moreno Valley Freeway San Diego Freeway Long Beach Freeway ICF International Incident Command System Intermodal Container Transfer Facility Intersection Capacity Utilization International Dark-Sky Association Illuminating Engineering Society Illuminating Engineering Society of North America International Longshoremen’s Association International Longshore and Warehouse Union International Maritime Organization IMpact analysis for PLANning Indies Cargo Terminal Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Integrated Resource Plan Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Initial Study International Ship and Port Facility Security Berths 212–224 (YTI) Container Terminal Improvements Project Draft EIS/EIR 12-6 May 2014 ICF 00070.13 Los Angeles Harbor Department Acronym/Abbreviation ITB IWG kBtu kHZ KOPs KSF kts kV kW kWh LA Green Code LA&I LA&SP LA/LB Harbor LABC LACD LACDPW LACFD LACMTA LACSD LADOT LADWP LAF LAFC LAFD LAHD LALB LA-LB LAMC LAMTA LAPD LATC LAX LAXT LBP lbs lbs/day LCP Ldn LEED™ LEPC Leq LFL Chapter 12 Acronyms and Abbreviations Definition Integrated Tugboat Barge Interagency Working Group 1,000 British thermal units kilohertz Key Observation Points 1,000 square feet knots kilovolt kilowatt kilowatt hours Green Building Standards Code Los Angeles and Independence Railroad Los Angeles & San Pedro Railroad Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbor Los Angeles Building Code Los Angeles Customs District Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Los Angeles County Fire Department Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Los Angeles County Sanitation District Los Angeles Department of Transportation Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Sound level with “A” Frequency weighting and Fast Time weighting Los Angeles Municipal Fire Code City of Los Angeles Fire Department Los Angeles Harbor Department Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors Los Angeles-Long Beach Los Angeles Municipal Code Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Association Los Angeles Police Department Los Angeles Transportation Center Los Angeles International Airport Los Angeles Export Terminal lead based paint pounds pounds per day Local Coastal Program Day/Night Noise Level Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Local Emergency Planning Committee Equivalent Noise Level lower flammability limit Berths 212–224 (YTI) Container Terminal Improvements Project Draft EIS/EIR 12-7 May 2014 ICF 00070.13 Los Angeles Harbor Department Acronym/Abbreviation LHW LID LLW LNG LOS LRT LST LUP M M.D. m/s Marine Exchange MARPOL MARSEC MATES MATES II MATES III MAX MBTA mBtu mby MCE MCLs MCMIS mg/l mgd MHHW Mike’s MLLW MMcf mmHG MMPA MMRP MMT MND MOA MOE MOTEMS MOU MPA MPE MPRSA MRI Chapter 12 Acronyms and Abbreviations Definition lower-high water Low Impact Development lower-low water Liquefied natural gas level of service Light Rail Transit Localized significance threshold Land Use Plan magnitude mid-day meters per second Marine Exchange of Southern California International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships Maritime Security Multiple Air Toxics Exposure Study Multiple Air Toxics Exposure Study II Multiple Air Toxics Exposure Study III Municipal Area Express Migratory Bird Treaty Act million Btu million barrels per year maximum credible earthquake Maximum Contaminant Levels Motor Carrier Management Information System milligrams per liter million gallons per day mean higher high water Mike’s Main Channel mean lower low water million cubic feet millimeter of mercury Marine Mammal Protection Act Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program million metric tons Mitigated Negative Declaration Memorandum of Agreement measure of effectiveness Marine Oil Terminal Engineering and Maintenance Standards Memorandum of Understanding Marine Protected Area maximum probable earthquake Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act Midwest Research Institute Berths 212–224 (YTI) Container Terminal Improvements Project Draft EIS/EIR 12-8 May 2014 ICF 00070.13 Los Angeles Harbor Department Acronym/Abbreviation MRZ MS4 MSA MSDS MSL MTF MTSA MW MWD MWh N 2O NAAQS NAC NAHC National Register NC NEPA NFIP NFPA ng/l NHPA NHTSA NIMS nm NMFS NMHC NNI NO2 NOAA NOD NOI NOP NOS NOX NPDES NRC NRHP NTSB NTU NWS NYK Line O&M O3 Chapter 12 Acronyms and Abbreviations Definition Mineral Resource Zone municipal separate storm sewer system Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Material Safety Data Sheet mean sea level Market Trading Forum Maritime Transportation Security Act megawatts Metropolitan Water District of Southern California megawatt hours nitrous oxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards Noise Abatement Criteria Native American Heritage Commission National Register of Historic Places New Construction National Environmental Policy Act National Flood Insurance Program National Fire Protection Association nanograms per liter National Historic Preservation Act National Highway Traffic Safety Administration National Incident Management System nautical miles National Marine Fisheries Service nonmethane hydrocarbon No Net Increase nitrogen dioxide National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration Notice of Determination Notice of Intent Notice of Preparation National Ocean Service nitrogen oxides National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System National Response Center National Register of Historic Places National Transportation Safety Board Nephelometric Turbidity Unit National Weather Service Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha Operations and Maintenance ozone Berths 212–224 (YTI) Container Terminal Improvements Project Draft EIS/EIR 12-9 May 2014 ICF 00070.13 Los Angeles Harbor Department Acronym/Abbreviation OCR ODMDS OEHHA OFI OGV OHP OHWM OLE OPR OPS OSCP OSHA OSPR PA 3 PA 4 PA 5 PAH PAs Pb PBDE pc/mi/ln PCAC PCBs PCE PCH PCP PE PERP PFCs pH PHAVD PHI PHIMF PHL PIANC PIER PL PM PM10 PM2.5 PMA PMP Port Chapter 12 Acronyms and Abbreviations Definition Optical Character Recognition Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment Operations, Facilities, and Infrastructure ocean going vessel Office of Historic Preservation ordinary high water mark Operational Level Earthquake Office of Planning and Research Office of Pipeline Safety Oil Spill Contingency Plan Occupational Safety and Health and Administration Office of Spill Prevention and Response Planning Area 3, the West Turning Basin Planning Area 4, the West Basin Planning Area 5, The Wilmington District polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon planning areas lead polybrominated diephenyl ether passenger car per mile per lane Port Community Advisory Committee polychlorinated biphenyls Passenger Car Equivalent Pacific Coast Highway pentachlorophenol Pacific Electric Portable Equipment Registration Program perfluorocarbons hydrogen ion concentration peak-hour average vehicle delay Points of Historical Interests Puente Hills Intermodal Facility Pacific Harbor Line, Inc. Port International Navigation Association Public Interest Energy Research Public Law particulate matter particulate matter smaller than or equal to 10 microns in diameter particulate matter smaller than or equal to 2.5 microns in diameter Pacific Maritime Association Port Master Plan Port of Los Angeles Berths 212–224 (YTI) Container Terminal Improvements Project Draft EIS/EIR 12-10 May 2014 ICF 00070.13 Los Angeles Harbor Department Acronym/Abbreviation Port Complex Port Plan Port Police PORTS Power IRP ppb ppm ppmv ppt PRC PRGs proposed Project psi PSR psu PUC PVC [Q]M2 [Q]M3 QSD RAP RCNM RCP RCPG RCRA RENEW LA Plan RFP RHA RMGs RMP RMPP RMS RNA ROI ROW RP RRP RTGs RTP RTTM RWQCB San Pedro Bay Port Complex Chapter 12 Acronyms and Abbreviations Definition Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach Port of Los Angeles Plan Los Angeles Harbor Department Police Physical Oceanographic Real Time System Power Integrated Resources Plan parts per billion parts per million parts per million by volume parts per thousand Public Resources Code Preliminary Remediation Goals Berths 212–224 (YTI) Container Terminal Improvements Project pounds per square inch Project Study Report practical salinity unit Public Utilities Commission polyvinyl chloride Qualified Light Industrial Qualified Heavy Industrial Qualified SWPPP Developer Remedial Action Plan Roadway Construction Noise Model Regional Comprehensive Plan Regional Comprehensive Plan and Guide Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Recovering Energy, Natural Resources, and Economic Benefit from Waste for Los Angeles Plan Request for Proposals Rivers and Harbors Act rail-mount gantry cranes Risk Management Plan Risk Management and Prevention Program root mean square regulated navigation area region of influence Right-of-Way revocable permit Release Response Plan rubber tire gantry cranes Regional Transportation Plan Real Time Transient Model Regional Water Quality Control Board Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach Berths 212–224 (YTI) Container Terminal Improvements Project Draft EIS/EIR 12-11 May 2014 ICF 00070.13 Los Angeles Harbor Department Acronym/Abbreviation SAP SAR SB SC SCAB SCADA SCAG SCAQMD SCCIC SCEMP SCGC SCIG SCMI SCS SEA Secretary’s Standards SEIS/EIR SEMS SEPU SERC SERRF sf SF6 SFHA SFM SHPO SIP SLC SLF SLR SMARA SO2 SOC SOX SP Slip SPBP CAAP SPCC SPPH SPRR SPWP SQMP SQO SR Chapter 12 Acronyms and Abbreviations Definition Sampling and Analysis Plan Service Advisory Request Senate Bill standard condition South Coast Air Basin Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System Southern California Association of Governments South Coast Air Quality Management District South Central Coastal Information Center Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy Southern California Gas Company Southern California International Gateway Southern California Marine Institute Sustainable Communities Strategy Significant Ecological Area Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation Supplemental EIS/EIR Standardized Emergency Management System Special Events Permit Unit State Emergency Response Commission Southeast Resource Recovery Facility square feet sulfur hexafluoride Special Flood Hazard Area State Fire Marshal State Historic Preservation Office State Implementation Plan State Lands Commission Sanitary Landfill sea level-rise Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975 sulfur dioxide Statement of Overriding Considerations sulfur oxides Southern Pacific Slip San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Separate Phase Petroleum Hydrocarbons Southern Pacific Railway San Pedro Waterfront Plan stormwater quality management program Sediment Quality Objective State Route Berths 212–224 (YTI) Container Terminal Improvements Project Draft EIS/EIR 12-12 May 2014 ICF 00070.13 Los Angeles Harbor Department Acronym/Abbreviation SR-103/SR-47 SR-60 SR-91 SRRE SS SSA State CEQA Guidelines STIP STLC SUSMP SVOCs SWIRP SWPPP SWRCB TAC TAP TATTN TBT TDM TEUs TIA TICTF TIFA TIOGA TITP TIWRP TMDL TMP TNM® TOD TPH Trapac TRU TSA TSS TSS TTI TWIC UBC UFPs ULSD UP Chapter 12 Acronyms and Abbreviations Definition Terminal Island Freeway Pomona Freeway Artesia Freeway Source Reduction and Recycling Element Strike Slip Stevedoring Services of America Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 State Transportation Improvement Program Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrations Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan semi-volatile organic compounds Solid Waste Integrated Resources Plan Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan State Water Resources Control Board toxic air contaminant Technology Advancement Program Tongva Ancestral Territorial Tribal Nation tributyltin Transportation Demand Management twenty-foot equivalent units Traffic Impact Analysis Terminal Island Container Transfer Facility Trucks Involved in Fatal Accidents Tioga Group, Inc. Terminal Island Treatment Plant Terminal Island Water Reclamation Plant Total Maximum Daily Load Transportation master plan Traffic Noise Model transit oriented development Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Trans Pacific Transport Refrigeration Unit Transportation Security Administration Traffic Separation Scheme total suspended solids Total Terminal International Transportation Worker Identification Credential Uniform Building Code ultrafine particles ultra-low sulfur diesel Union Pacific Railroad Berths 212–224 (YTI) Container Terminal Improvements Project Draft EIS/EIR 12-13 May 2014 ICF 00070.13 Los Angeles Harbor Department Acronym/Abbreviation USACE USC USCG USDOT USFWS USGS UST UWMP V/C VDEC VGP VHF-FM VM VOCs VOP VP vpd VSRP VTS WATCH Manual Water IRP WDRs WEFA WPA WPD WRAP WRI WSA YTI ZIMAS Zn Chapter 12 Acronyms and Abbreviations Definition U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Government Code U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service United States Geological Survey underground storage tank Urban Water Management Plan volume to capacity Verified Diesel Emissions Controls Vessel General Permit very high frequency-frequency modulation visual modification volatile organic compounds Vessel Operating Procedures viewpoint vehicles per day Vessel Speed Reduction Program Vessel Traffic Service Work Area Traffic Control Handbook Water Integrated Resources Plan Waste Discharge Requirements Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates Works Progress Administration Watershed Protection Division Water Resources Action Plan World Resources Institute water supply assessment Yusen Terminals Inc. Zoning Information and Map Access System zinc 1 Berths 212–224 (YTI) Container Terminal Improvements Project Draft EIS/EIR 12-14 May 2014 ICF 00070.13
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