(j'EOLO{jIC :M.JtP T'oyograyhy Survey L'Bj'E:N'D TP-3 ~ N'll:M.1i'E'R & AT:P1tOXIJ>fA'T'E lOCA'TIO:N OJ HA:ND mJqj nST 'PITS 'JV(@767 XP'P"ROX.LM.7l'T'E 'ELtVATiO:N OJ" 13'ED'ROCK • AESTP-4 'RX@78g c:::::> A1'1''ROXI:MXJ'E LOC11'T10:NOj" J{AJY'J) V'Uti nST'PI'TIO'R 'R:EPO'RT 'BV ,7t'YPLI:EV V\'RTJ{ SO'E:NCES, 'RX'PO'RT# 98-541-02, D.ctT'EV OCTOBER H';, /l)98 Scale: (' = A'Pl"ROXI:V,A'T'E tiTOLCJ(iIC CO,'NTACT r~ ~round Nail tl\ iJJ BS CP TV BV Ret ~ 'B{ock 10 of 'Tract :No, 6450, /-/--..r-.. ;. f inis!',ed Fioor Finished S,Jf face Flowline Bottom Jr Wall Top of Wall Top of Curb Top of Step = Bottom of Step '" Conl'ol Point = -op of Vertical = Bottom of Vert'co = Retaining ~, \, , Site :Address: 2981 }fo{{yridge IJrive, 2916 'Beacliwooa IJrive, }{o{{ywoocf C\ J'lrea: 2916 'BeacfiwooalJrive - 8,166 square feet, 0,19 acres 2981 :Ho{{yriage IJrive ' 10,365 square feet, 0.24 acres .~;Vi'" r \~ ., 1 ,~ \~'~" 'f<\.1l ,\, ' \ 4Z ' ' -., \ \, \ -----~ \-, \ ', ~ \ , \., ;; :~. ' l-" ~) '" '" - ., ~' ....~ , '\tK P-~- £ , ~.j. ! P-2 0" ~ t'-I - -lr) ,( //;8,0"1" ,P ,# .1'"" , Lega{Description: La! 21 and aportion of Lot 22, B{ock 10 of Tract :No, 6450, :Map 'BooR 74, page 85, ~ I" r'f"', • 'Bencli :Mark: 'l1ie devation of 8j4,0 on Sewer :Manlio{e Station 1+W,50 as shown on Sewer "11" :May ,'No, 7077'5 on fire in the cltv of Los :Angeles was used' as aatum for tliis survey, t-... CY") i";?: 'Boundary: Recorcf Information adjltSteato founa nty centerane monume I1tS, round N(]il ond lag at Centerline S.c. ,~ '- <i?~, ~ / / / , -~ l- - .,.. --- ' "'----.. ~- ~" ~tr~ l ""'" ><-;:~~:: 1~~OCK',r:,,~: ,".". g,UAR Z DIORITE BREC"'"'' , - " " '~ ~ (SOIL~ER),==.=:~(~ot' ~" ~,","--- - , lIIII"':'"'..,. ~ ~ ioards i""IrI. 7' l"1(\"'l, ~ .,_ ,t' , ~, I rI/ B~,. // /' / , ~ / / / / / ~,/ , /, " BEDROCK CONGLOMERATE & \ QUARTZ DIORITE BRECCIA ~,~ _____ _ ;-_ 1;(/ «'%/yl'.J . / /////~/ < i (~ / .I / (SOIL COVER) -1,-; 1Ut"l89 I ,~, tJ;;1;~V(ive fLat 21 '-, // \ c" / \ /1\ / I ''-' / :,! y,/K"> y, r ' './ I / , ' ----.. , ~ r2';Y45)?~/ -~/ -~/ /. AES TP-4 , / ,~ / ---/.~ .J I' I J " o , ~ Od:,,7 lUllS \ - '" PROPOSIII FENCl ", \ , -\C//" / !g </:' oY ~ / ~: ",. -$ J OOwcnl"'.u " '. /~ - - -' J ~ f Q '" PBO....B••• / -- '" .' --__~::::"fv )f/-..\ (THIN FILL & SOIL COVER) '000 ' ',c: ~r~~ ~ _ ...... , , ' /..; .... // V =CY") ~ / / -'---_ _'~ / "" / " 8reo:;' , 10---.... ,, %'('11.'50 ~lr) 'l ,, ~z§~ ~I 'J/ ~ FILL' '/3(' %'" ~ ~ / B, \.6~_ ~-"--,8 \ - \1 ",,0: -f~~ r "-l"-l " 'ti 0 FLOW PI~~ J DEPOSITS B~ , ,ci)'" '--. ~ ' '~~ H , ..__~·T X.\ \ OISIIB ne Story ,v-t1 " ------- c' "";,,, ~""" .,(\,,,-,,,, ~ ~j'o / ' -...........-. - ~ (? , i f ( , ' " '\' '\~ (I i vY~ ~>'\., '"~ '""'-. -:"Q_ tx')7 ~ ~, -J'8<0 QUARTZ'\\ \"< " " ~ :ro;;' .... .... / - ' j , 52 43 , ____ " DIORITE BRECCIA, \ r \/\ \\ fA ------ ~ , ~ \ " " \/~ ~, " ! ~ ~) . ,y,,{ w<i,>' ~ l)ale of Survey: ,:JtUgU5t 28, 2006!'Updated: Wovem6er 14, 20061 I --- ~ f' (\ 'Bounal1r'l: Recorcfinformation ad}ustecfto founa city centerline monuments, Note; Tre€ Drip tines and Hatch Patterns Are Not to Sr:ole ~ ! ~ , t~ oa r' Bench ,:Ma.rk: Tli,e elevati(ln or S'>-!,O on Sewer :~'lanliole St,Hwn l+1O,jO as sliown on Sewer ''Y'' :Map Wo, 7077-j on fire in tlie city of Los J'lngdes was useaas datum for this survey, 8' SUBJECT: GEOWGIC MAP .' ///~/ <//;/ 22, CLIENT: LA.iWEr-;BERGER i_ ,~ Legend" FS =' F_ '" BW = TW = TC = T5 = '», DATE I] 106 :%//;/ ~ GH: ]2695-£ Lega{ IJescripti,m: Lot :i1 ana aportion of Lot :May 'Book 74, yage 85, \ A'YP'ROXL~1Ar:E IJ'PPTJ{ OJ 1iTV1WCX 0,~ BY: SMW II Lot!1..ire II ' /R ~(07 /0/ ~ 11/ / I / ERODED AREA FROM DRAINAGE OVER TOPPING SUMP AT 2975 HOLlYRIDGE DRIYE "p '-.-A... ~'(, " , s\ I ! Vate of Survey: :AUfJllSt 28, 2uo6 f'Uyaateet :Novem6er 14, 2006! Slle ,Address: "981 J{o{(ynage Drive, 291(i 13eachwoodDriw, :J[ol{ywood' :Area: 2911i 'Beachwood'lJri.ve . 8,166 squ£lre feet, 0,19 acres 2981 J-fo{{':JridiJe Drive - 10,365 square feet, 0.24 acres 1'Iinll'reparecfj'or: (ironr }[ollinwwortlJ & J'lssociales. Inc, 31129 Via Corinas #707 We"lutke 'Yi{{age, Cq 91362 (818) 889-0844 'Plcw 'Prepared''By: J,f & J,f & Co, 16145 RDscoe 'Boul£vard Wortli J-fi{{s, C\ 91343 (818) 891'9100 J.-lichae{J. J'lmorGso, L.S, 5392 fidcf Survey 'By: yreg :Amoroso 1J {an Vraftea'By: Ramon 'Barragan Jobj 06-40-06 Grov€r - Hollings.....orth &: Associates, Inc Beachwood Dr:,ye
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