AMD 2014 Program

GIScience Workshop on Analysis of Movement Data 2014 (AMD'14)
23 September 2014
TU Vienna, Austria
Program (v8)
08:30 - 08:35
08:35 - 09:20
09:20 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:30
Introduction by the organizers
Keynote 1: Lost in space? Figuring out the spatio-temporal scale of movement processes
Francesca Cagnacci, Fondazione Edmund Mach, Trento, Italy
Poster setup
Poster Session: Introduction statements by presenters (chair: Rob Weibel)
Coffee Break; Poster Session continued
TS1 Movement Analysis in Animal Ecology (3 x 20 min, chair: Jennifer Miller)
1) Designing Interactive Graphics for Exploring Sea-Bird Foraging Trips
R. Henkin, A. Slingsby and E. E. van Loon
2) Hierarchical Testing of Individual-Based Models to Determine Effective Environmental Drivers of Movement
G. Bohrer, P. S. A. Beck, H. L. A. Bartlam-Brooks, S. M. Ngene
3) Kinetic-Based Probabilistic Time Geography in Movement Analysis: Path Interpolation
J. A. Long
11:30 - 12:30
TS2 Trajectory Analysis and Classification (3 x 20 min, chair: Maike Buchin)
4) Fast Trajectory Classification: Linking (Aerial) Movement with Operational Patterns
Johannes Kapser
5) Extraction of movement features for cross-scale behavioral classification
Ali Soleymani, Robert Weibel
6) Decentralized algorithms and simulations for detecting and monitoring convoys
Matt Duckham, Jeremy Yeoman
12:30 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:45
14:45 - 15:30
Lunch Break
Keynote 2: The low hanging fruit is gone – Achievements and Challenges of Computational Movement Analysis
Patrick Laube, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
TS3 Movement Analysis in the Human Environment (2 x 20 min, chair: Sean Ahearn)
7) Movement Pattern Analysis in ‘Smart Cities’
S. Z. Nielsen
8) An Index for Characterizing Spatial Bursts of Movements: A Case Study with Geo-Located Twitter Data
E.-K. Kim, A. M. MacEachren
15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 16:40
Coffee Break
TS4 Special Topics of Movement Analysis (2 x 20 min, chair: Somayeh Dodge)
9) An Ontology-based Framework for Modeling Movement on a Smart Campus
Junchuan Fan, Kathleen Stewart
10) Quantifying the interactions between eye and mouse movements on spatial visual interfaces through trajectory visualisations
Urška Demšar, Arzu Çöltekin
16:40 - 17:15
Discussion and Wrap-up