Santa Susana Field Laboratory
Community Advisory Group
Do You Know?
Why the AOC Cleanup at SSFL is
Bad for Our Community
It’s Unnecessary
The AOC* replaces a 2007 commitment to clean the site to the EPA suburban residential
risk-based cleanup standard which is fully protective for the designated future parkland, its
visitors and wildlife, without tens of thousands of trucks.
Dangerous for Our Community
The AOC requires an unprecedented 2.1 million cubic yards of soil to be removed and places
our nearby neighborhoods at risk from the excavation activities, heavy truck traffic, increased
accidents and exhaust pollution. As many as 200,000 trucks over 10 to 15 years!
Destroys Future Parkand
The AOC Cleanup strips the former Santa Susana
Filed Laboratory site of the natural, historical and
archaeological resources that make it worthy of
parkland. The AOC cleanup also harms the key Simi Hills
Wildlife corridor and opens the door for development.
Our parkland will be trucked away!
The AOC Cleanup plan can not be proven to improve the health and safety of our community.
It’s a Political Cleanup
Politicians interfered with an approved cleanup plan at SSFL and hatched the unprecedented
AOC plan without considering the concerns of technical experts. It hasn’t been used before,
* Administrative Order on Consent = Cleanup to background.
We Need
ed a Cleanup Our Community Can Live With!!
What You Can Do To Help
This future parkland needs your help! Please visit our website and attend our meetings.
Ask your representatives to support a cleanup that preserves the
former Santa Susana Field Laboratory as a park.