1st Post Qualifying Symposium in Social Work Welfare state in crisis Challenges and prospects for Social Work 7 - 8 November 2014 Conference Center ΤΕΙ of Athens, Αg. Spyridonos, Egaleo TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE (ΤΕΙ) OF ATHENS DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WORK Co-organisation European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW) Greek Association of Social Workers (SKLE) Scientific Commitee Asimopoulos Ch. - Gouga G. - Douka M. - Ioakimidis V. - Kallinikaki Th. - Kompoti D. - Kontogianni E. - Lawrence S. - Lachanioti L. - Maniadaki Κ. - Papageorgiou E. - Papouli E. - Poulopoulos Ch. - Ratsika Ν. - Teloni D. - Tsalkanis Α. FRIDAY 7 November 2014 09.00 - 09.20 REGISTRATION 09.20 - 9.50 SALUTING SPEECHES 9.50 - 10.10 WELCOME SPEECHES Ch. Asimopoulos: “The social welfare under crisis: Challenges and opportunities for Social Work”* Ev. Chalvatza: “SKLE’S (Greek Association of Social Workers) support into the training of social workers, as a response to the new challenges”* 10. 10 - 11.00 INTRODUCTORY SPEECHES S. Lawrence: “Trends and developments in Social Work Education in Europe” Th. Kallinikaki: “Social Work Education in Greece at another crossroads”* 11.00 -11.15 Break 11.15 -13.15 1st SESSION: Social policy and crisis Chair: S. Rompolis Ch. Papatheodorou: “Poverty and social protection in Greece in the time of austerity”* S. Bašić: “Child Welfare in Crisis: (Re) Imagining public responsabiliry in the Twenty-First Century” Ch. Poulopoulos: “Social Work in a time of crisis”* Tr. Athanasiou: “The psychosocial impact of the crisis on Greece and the social services: Presentation of the annual report of SKLE”* Aik. Poutou: “Social Policy and Social Work: A relation in need of a new “Dia-gnosis” and “Reading”: The Greek case”* 13.15 -13.45 Break 13:45-15:15 2 nd SESSION: Social Work for social justice: The critical and radical approach Chair: V. Ioakimidis Μ. Lavalette: “The history and roots of Radical Social Work” Ι. Ferguson: “The Radical Social Work today” V. Ioakimidis: “Challenges, contradictions and dilemmas in international social work: A radical approach” D. Teloni: “Critical and radical social work and community intervention: The Greek experience”* 15.15 - 15.30 Break 15:30-17:00 3rd SESSION: Immigration and Social Work Chair: E. Kontogianni Ν. Gionakis: “Why are we not allowed to go outside after 6pm in the night?’ Migrants and refugees’ views on immigration policy based on the experiences of Migrant Center Babel”* P. Hendriks: “Migrant daughters in Social Work: Turkish and Moroccan professionals in Social Work in the Netherlands” Cl. Cruz Santos: “Migration and human trafficking in Southern Europe: Victims, protection and Social Work” Ν. Ratsika: “Sexual abuse/harassment of migrant domestic workers and the needs of victims”* SATURDAY 8 November 2014 10:00-11:30 4th SESSION: Crisis and Addictions Chair: M. Fosteri Α. Parios: “The problem of alcoholism in the economic crisis”* Κ. Skodrogianni: “Crisis and drug use in adolescence: Danger or opportunity for a ‘shift’ in treatment?”* G. Papanastasatos: “Economic crisis and substance misuse”* 11.30 -11.45 Break 11:45-13:15 5th SESSION: Socially vulnerable groups and programmes tackling social exclusion Chair: M. Douka Tz. Antypas: “Responding on time to current needs: Integrated interventions in times of crisis”* A. Kavouri: “People living with HIV / AIDS: Facts, trends and challenges” * Th. Gianni: “The protection of single mothers in times of crisis”* G. Amitsis: “Institutional development challenges on national social inclusion strategy in Greece”* 13.15 -13.30 Break 13:30-15:00 6 th SESSION: Self-organised forms of social solidarity within crisis Chair: Ch. Asimopoulos G. Gouga: “Charity and social solidarity: Theoretical significations under crisis”* D. Birbas: “Solidarity interventions within crisis at a local level”* G. Vichas: “Social solidarity community clinics in the period of attack in Health Sector”* G. Mpekridaki: “When Collective Structures raise awareness and activation…”* D. Ziomas: “Social economy and social enterprises: Creating employment and covering social needs”* 15.00 -15.15 Break 15:15-16:45 7th SESSION: Rights, discrimination and social work Chair: N. Ratsika E. Papouli: “The issue of discrimination in Greece and the role of Social Work: Fighting for the obvious”* L. Lachanioti: “Social work and sexuality: Options of inclusion”* Μ. Mitrosyli: “The rights of people with mental illness/disability: From the introduction to the application”* D. Kompoti: “The risk to the profession of social work: The right to a safe working environment”* 16:45-17:15 CONCLUSIONS – CLOSING SESSION* During the sessions of the first day (7/11), simultaneous translation will be offered from Greek to English * Speech in Greek language PARTICIPANTS G. Amitsis, Associate Professor in Social Insurance Law, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens Tz. Antypas, Board President of NGO PRAKSIS, Social Worker, MSc Health Management, PhD Candidate Panteion University, Board Vice-president of SKLE Tr. Athanasiou, Social Worker, Social Services of Municipality N. Ionia, Board Member of SKLE Ch. Asimopoulos, Assistant Professor in Social Work, Department of Social Work, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens S. Bašić, PhD, University of Sarajevo Faculty of Political Sciences D. Birbas, Mayor of the Municipality of Egaleo Ev. Chalvatza, President of Greek Association of Social Workers (SKLE) Μ. Douka, MASPSW, Lecturer in Social Work, Department of Social Work, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens I. Ferguson, Emeritus Professor in Social Work and Social Policy, University of the West of Scotland Μ. Fosteri, Special Assistant of the President of KETHEA, Psychotherapist - Family Therapist Th. Gianni, Social Worker at the National Centre of Social Solidarity N. Gkionakis, Psychologist, Scientific Manager of Day Center Babel (Mental Health Unit for Migrants) G. Gouga, Dr. of Sociology, Scientific Associate at the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens P. Hendriks, Senior lecturer Institute of Social Work, HU Utrecht Treasurer of EASSW V. Ioakimidis, Programme director MA in international Social Work and Community Development at Durham University, Secretary of the European Association of School of Social Work and founder member of SWAN Th. Kallinikaki, Professor in Social Work, Democritus University of Thrace A. Kavouri, Social Worker, Scientific Manager of the Social Service at Center ‘Life’ D. Kompoti, MA, Lecturer in Social Work, Department of Social Work, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens E. Kontogianni, MA, Lecturer in Social Work, Department of Social Work, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens L. Lachanioti, PhD, Social Worker in the Municipality of Athens, Scientific Associate at the Department of Social Work, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens Μ.Lavalette, Professor of Social Work and Social Policy, Head of Department of Social Work, Care and Justice, Liverpool Hope University S. Lawrence, President of European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW) Aik. Μaniadaki, Psychologist, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens M. Mitrosili, Assistant Professor in Health Law and Sociology of Law, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens, Member of Executive Committee for Protection of People with Mental Illnesses G. Mpekridaki, Sociologist, Member of “Solidarity for All” Ε. Papageorgiou, Neurologist - Psychiatrist - Psychotherapist, Professor at the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens Ch. Papatheodorou, Professor in Social Policy, Democritus University of Thrace Ger. Papanastasatos, Dr., Sociologist Criminologist, Scientific Manager of KETHEA Research Sector E. Papouli, MA(SW/ICW),PhD, Lecturer in Social Work, Department of Social Work, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens A. Parios, Social Worker, Counsellor for Addictions, Family Psychotherapist Ch. Poulopoulos, Associate Professor in Social Work, Democritus University of Thrace Aik. Poutou, Social Worker, Founding member and Rerpresentative of ‘ARSIS’, (Youth Social Organization) Ν. Ratsika, PhD, Lecturer in Social Work, Department of Social Work, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Crete S. Rompolis, Emeritus Professor, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences C. Clara Santos, PhD, (Guest Auxiliary Professor), Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Coimbra - Social Work K. Skodrogianni, Social Worker D. Teloni, PhD, Scientific Associate at the Department of Social Work, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens A. Tsalkanis, Professor in Sociology, Department of Social Work, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens G. Vichas, Cardiologist, volunteer of Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko D. Ziomas, Researcher at the National Center for Social Research Χορηγία εντύπων
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