Suggested Land Use Compatibility in Noise Zones Residential Categories Single units; detached Single units; semi-detached Single units; attached row Two units; side-by-side Two units; one above the other Apartments; walk-up Apartments; elevator Group quarters Residential hotels Mobile home parks or courts Transient lodgings Other residential Noise Zone 1 (dB DNL) < 55 55-64 Y Y1 Y Y1 Y Y1 Y Y1 Y Y1 Y Y1 Y Y1 Y Y1 Y Y1 Y Y1 Y Y1 Y Y1 Noise Zone 2 (dB DNL) 65-69 70-74 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 1 N N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N N N1 N1 N1 N1 75-79 N N N N N N N N N N N1 N Noise Zone 3 (dB DNL) 80-84 N N N N N N N N N N N N 85 + N N N N N N N N N N N N Suggested Land Use Compatibility in Accident Potential Zones Residential Categories Clear Zone APZ-I APZ-II Single units; detached Single units; semi-detached Single units; attached row Two units; side-by-side Two units; one above the other Apartments; walk-up Apartments; elevator Group quarters Residential hotels Mobile home parks or courts Transient lodgings Other residential N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y2 N N N N N N N N N N N Recommended Density 1-2 Dwelling Units/Ac Land Use Compatibility Matrix Navy - Community Partnership In each zone, or combination of zones, many activities can occur without negative health, safety, or welfare impacts. The compatibility tables above summarize suggested residential land uses in noise zones and APZs. “Y” means a use is generally compatible, “N” means the use is generally incompatible and a superscript number means see that note in the AICUZ Study Update. Tables for retail, commercial, industrial and agricultural land uses are also in the AICUZ Study Update. The Navy needs to assure compatible land uses within the AICUZ footprint to retain operational capabilities necessary to support current and future missions. The community’s land use regulatory agency needs to enact land use controls to ensure the highest degree of health, safety and welfare of their constituents. The two goals are complimentary. Both Island County and the City of Oak Harbor have longestablished land use and development controls that promote land uses compatible with ongoing flight operations at NAS Whidbey Island and ensure the highest degree of health, safety and welfare for their respective communities. Cooperation is the key to achieve the goals of compatible land uses in the Navy’s AICUZ Program and a community’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Island County and Oak Harbor have special land use regulations for aviation overlay zones that are not the same as this AICUZ footprint. Check with the County or City planning department(s) for specific fair disclosure, development, construction, lighting and structural/object height regulations in the overlay zones they’ve adopted. Air Installations Compatible Use Zones (AICUZ) Naval Air Station (NAS) Whidbey Island, WA and Outlying Landing Field (OLF) Coupeville, WA If you wish to learn more about the AICUZ Program at NAS Whidbey Island, you may contact the air station’ station’s Community Planning and Liaison Officer (CP&LO) at 360360-257257-3315. The AICUZ “footprint” combines APZs and Noise Zones. It represents the nominal area where land use controls are needed to minimize accident potential and noise annoyance impacts on underlying areas. !( § ¨¦ 5 Similk Bay 20 SKAGIT COUNTY Swinomish Tribal Community Deception Pass See Island County or City of Oak Harbor Aviation Overlay Zone regulations for locally adopted land use, disclosure, and building codes. Hoypus Point 2 La Conner 3 Ault Field 60 dB 65 dB 3 Strait of Juan de Fuca II-2 II-3 I-3 75 dB 1 75 dB 80 dB 85 dB CZ 85 dB 70 dB 2 80 dB 3 2 70 dB Skagit Bay II-3 I-3 3 65 dB 1 60 dB II-2 2 1 II-1 Strawberry Point Seaplane Base 2 Oak Harbor ISLAND COUNTY AICUZ Footprint Sub-zones Primary Surface/ Clear Zone APZ I Noise Zone 1 (<65 Ldn) Noise Zone 2 (65-75 Ldn) Noise Zone 3 (>75 Ldn) N/A APZ II Noise Zone Only II-1 1 N/A N/A CZ 2 II-2 Crescent Harbor Oak Harbor !( 20 Forbes Point 60 dB 65 dB 65 dB 1 Coupeville 60 dB CZ 3 II-3 I-3 Camano Island 70 dB 3 2 80 dB Navy Property Boundary 70 dB 75 dB CY13 AICUZ Footprint Extent ORTH Brown Point 65 dB CZ 2 OLF Coupeville " " Height limitations should be applied in areas where the height of structures or trees is a safety hazard to flight operations at the airport. Local zoning controls should limit the height of buildings, structures, and obstructions in these areas to ensure safety of flight, to ensure flight tracks don’t need to be relocated and to protect the safety and welfare of people on the ground. To 0 1 2 3 80 dB 70 dB 75 dB 70 dB CN Noise Zones 1, 2, and 3 represent progressively higher annual average day-night weighted noise exposure levels (DNL) generated from the intensity and location of air operations, aircraft type and mix, flight characteristics, etc. Noise Zone (NZ) 1 is all areas below 65 decibels (dB) DNL. Noise may interfere occasionally with certain activities in NZ 1 (phone calls, speech communication, listening to TV or radio shows, etc.). Noise disclosure notices should be required to inform prospective real estate buyers, lessees or renters that aircraft noise may annoy some individuals or interfere with some activities in NZ 1 even though noise levels are not high enough to annoy the community as a whole. Aircraft noise may periodically interfere with speech, listening to TV or radio shows and sleep in NZ 2 so special sound attenuation for residences, offices, etc. is recommended for habitable structures that must be located in NZ 2 in addition to disclosure. The Federal government recommends no residential development in NZ 3 due to the high potential for noise to regularly interfere with communications, sleep and other residential activities in this area. Padillo Bay 70 dB NETI Accident Potential Zones (APZ) represent the most likely impact areas if an aircraft accident occurs, not the probability of an accident. APZs are based on historical accident data throughout the Department of Defense. Rosano Strait Lopez Island TRUE NORTH Air Installations Compatible Use Zones (AICUZ) is a Department of Defense program to achieve compatibility between air installations and neighboring communities by preventing incompatible development in high noise exposure zones; minimizing public exposure to potential safety hazards associated with aircraft operations; and assuring the future operational capabilities of the airfields. Anacortes SAN JUAN COUNTY MA G The AICUZ Program Miles Magnetic Declination 19° Notes: AICUZ Air Installations Compatible Use Zones APZ Accident Potential Zone CZ Clear Zone Ldn Day-Night Average Sound Level N/A Not Applicable Saratoga Passage 65 dB 60 dB Admiralty Inlet !( 525
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