Scl'duieXLVII-;Form No.118 'P.M.ForrnNo.26 . . . .I z o o 4235?5 FIRST INFORI\.IATION REPORT (P.tvl.Rule143) (Under Section 154er. p. C ) $ Strikeoulwhicltis notappticabte 1. 'Distdct ....p.S. ( | i i )' A c t - . ...........'sections.... (iv)'OtherActs and-sections 3. (a) StationDiaryReference: EntryNo. (b) *Occurrence or Offence: 'Day. . (c) fnformation received Date. at the Potice-station : ...... . . . ...Date ..Time ....G+*, ..Time S. D.E. |Jo. (d) 9ateof desparch fromp. S. 4. Typeol Informalion : 5. Placeof Occurrence : 'Written/Oral (a) Directionand Distancefromp. S. (b) *Address '..r':. .BeatNo. (c)lncas'eoutSide|imitofthisPolice-station,thenthenameofP.s.'.."'. Distrid....... .., !.s.1. .,............:,.. (f) PassportNo...... . . . . . . D a t e olfs s u e . . . P l a c e ot st s u e (g) Occupation ...S.C./S.T. 7. nl',^,'^',?.cused Detailsof known'silspolted/unl (attachseparatesheet,if necessary) 8. Reasons fordelayin reporting by theComplainanVlnformant. 9. (attachseparatesheet,il required). Pailicutars of prcpertiesstolenfinvol'/cC 3 10 'Apprclxinrale v a l u r . ' o ll . i r o p e r l i essl o ! i ; r i i ! n v o l v e d . . . ^-. ., . 1'l .inc;ue'st Iieport/LJ [) casleNo , if any, 12 f : . . 1t l C o n l e n t s( a l t l c hs e p a r a t se h e c l r i1 1r e q u i r e d ; ''13, Actiontaken:,Since the abovereportrevealscomrni$ionof offence(s) u/s (asmentioned at iiem No.2,) registepdth"ecaseaqdrelused investigation/and tookup the frvestigation/directed:land ..,. h a s a l r e a d y t a k e n u p A 6 t a k e u p A h e i n v e s t i g a t i o M r a n s"{' n e "r r- e , ,d. .t.o. -P. .. S ^ t,..,,. o . . , . a . . on pointof jurisdiction. I F. l. R. readover to the Complainanl/lntolmanl, admittedto be correctlyrecordedand a copy givento rhe Complainantllntor,mait lree of cosi. Signatureol the Officer-in-charge, Pdtice-station with 'Naitie. 'Rank. PersnalNunber,if any Date \
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