centre college tentative course offerings for centreterm 2014-15

AAS 210/MUS 215 (Link) Music & Culture of the African Diaspora
FRE 256/456 (Cranford) Growing Up in the French-Speaking
ANT 320 (Passariello) Anthropology of Tourism (off campus)
GER 305 (I. Wilson) Cultural History of Central Europe (off campus)
ANT 333 (Abrams) Women, Body, Culture
HIS 387 (Tubb) The Crusades
ANT 456 (Cutright) Pyramids & Politics: Exploring Peru’s
Prehistoric Past (off campus)
HIS 430/REL 311 (McCollough/Pierce) The Holy Land:
Historical & Theological Studies of Israel (off campus)
ARH 310/REL 310 (D. Hall) The Art of Pilgrimage (off campus)
HIS 455 (Earle) Idi Amin’s Uganda: Myth, Memory & Manuscripts
ARH 451 (Bloom) Art, Empire and After (off campus)
HIS 470 (Egge) Haunted American History
ARS 220/320/321/420 (Tapley) Drawing & Painting-II, III, IV ,V
HIS 482 (Harney) History and Video Games
ARS 330/331/430 (Hahn) Ceramics-II, III, IV
HUM 261 (Roush) Rainmaking: Study of and Preparation for
ARS 252/452 (Powell) Venetian Glass Techniques
ASN 330/JPN 330 (Yamamoto) Manga & Anime: Form & Practice
HUM 278 (I. Wilson) Cultural History of Central Europe (off
BIO 395 (Wooten) Organisms in Extreme Environments
BIO 455 (Richey) Biology of Viruses
HUM 284 (Hallock/McAllister) Drama & Math in Ancient Greece
(off campus)
BMB 316 (Dew) Biochemistry Lab Techniques
INT 400 Internship
BNS 450 (Burns-Cusato) Research in Primate Behavior (off
JPN 330/ASN 330 (Yamamoto) Manga & Anime: Form & Practice
LIN 215 (Doroga) Introduction to Portuguese
CHE 250 (Miles) Intro Inorganic & Analytical Chemistry
CHE 465 (Fieberg) Spectroscopy of Art
MAT 259 (Wiglesworth) Mathematics and Architecture of
Ancient Peru (off campus)
CSC 261 (Staff) Introduction to Computational Science
MUS 215/AAS 210 (Link) Music & Culture of the African Diaspora
DRA 315 (Kagan-Moore) The Company
PHI 316 (Cadavid) Feminism and Philosophy
ECO 333 (Rastovski) Financial Crises Throughout History
PHY 220 (Rodenborn) General Physics-II
ECO 335 (Radhakrishnan) Economic Growth
POL 421 (Gaddie) Architecture of Democracy
ECO 352 (Mahler) Policy Analysis in Our Community
POL 441 (Hartmann-Mahmud) African Politics/Civil Society:
Cameroon (off campus)
ECO 365 (Anderson) Sustainability
POL 453 (Paskewich) Urban Politics (off campus)
EDU 251 (Murray) Ghana: Education in a Developing Nation
PSY 325 (Gulley) Child Abnormal Psychology
EDU 280 (Plummer) The Superhero: A Role Model?
REL 310/ARH 310 (D. Hall) The Art of Pilgrimage (off campus)
ENG 205 (Kinkade) Children’s Literature
ENG 317 (Staff) Topics in Medieval & Renaissance Literature
REL 311/HIS 430 (McCollough/Pierce) The Holy Land:
Historical & Theological Studies of Israel (off campus)
ENG 375 (Lucas) Flannery O’Connor
SPA 270 (Sabate) Latin American Culture
ENS 315 (Lashley) Environmental Conflict and Negotiation
SPA 450 (Bellver) El Cine Cubano