OZVm ~±H$ OZVm ghH$mar ~±H$ {b., nwUo ‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> eoS>çwëS> ~±H$ OZVm ghH$mar ~±H$ {b., nwUo (‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> eoS>çwëS> ~±H$) dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^oMr gyMZm (’$³V g^mgXm§gmR>r) OZVm ghH$mar ~±H$ {b., nwUo ¶m ~±Ho$Mr 65 dr dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^m a{ddma, {XZm§H$ 27 Owb¡, 2014 amoOr gH$mir 9.30 dmOVm Ag|ãbr hm°b, Jadmao H$m°boO Am°’$ H$m°‘g©, H$d}amoS>, nwUo 411 004 ¶oWo Imbrb {df¶m§Mm {dMma H$ê$Z {ZU©¶ KoʶmgmR>r hmoUma Amho. gXa g^og AmnU CnpñWV ahmdo Aer {dZ§Vr Amho. g^onwT>rb {df¶ : 1. ‘mJrb dfu {X. 30 OyZ, 2013 amoOr Pmboë¶m 64 ì¶m dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^oÀ¶m H$m‘H$mOmMo d¥Îm dmMyZ H$m¶‘ H$aUo. 2. ‘m. g§MmbH$ ‘§S>imMm Ahdmb, d¡Ym{ZH$ boImnarjH$ ¶m§MoH$Sy>Z Amboë¶m {X. 31.3.2014 ¶m dfm©AIoaMm Vmio~§X d Z’$mVmoQ>m nÌH$mMm {dMma H$ê$Z ñdrH¥$V H$aUo. VgoM gZ 2013-2014 ¶m dfm©AIoarb d¡Ym{ZH$ boImnarjH$m§À¶m AhdmbmMr Zm|X KoUo. 3. ‘m. g§MmbH$ ‘§S>imZo gwM{dë¶mà‘mUo gZ 2013-14 Mo Zâ¶mÀ¶m {d{Z¶moJmg ‘mݶVm XoUo. 4. gZ 2014-15 ¶m dfm©gmR>r ‘o. {H$V©Zo A°ÝS> n§{S>V, ‘o. Eg.S>r. ‘oS>XH$a A°ÝS> H§$nZr, ‘o. eem§H$ nËH$s A°ÝS> Agmo. ¶m§Mr g§¶w{º$H$nUo d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajH$ åhUyZ Zo‘UyH$ H$aUo d ˶m§Mm ‘ohoZVmZm R>a{dUoMm A{YH$ma g§MmbH$ ‘§S>img XoUo. 5. gZ 2014-15 À¶m dm{f©H$ A§XmOnÌH$mg ‘mݶVm XoUo. 6. ~±Ho$À¶m g§MmbH$m§Zm d ˶m§À¶m Hw$Qw>§{~¶m§Zm Ahdmb dfm©V {Xboë¶m H$OmªMr ‘ëQ>rñQ>oQ> H$mo.Am°n. A°³Q> 2002 H$b‘ 39 (3) Zwgma ‘m{hVr KoUo. 7. ‘m. g§MmbH$ ‘§S>imZo ~±Ho$À¶m Cn{dYr (Bye-Laws) ‘ܶo gwM{dboë¶m XþéñVrg g§‘Vr XoUo. 8. d¡Ym{ZH$ boIm n[ajH$m§Zr à‘m{UV Ho$ë¶mZwgma AZwËnm{XV H$O©Im˶m§Mr d AZwËnm{XV Jw§VdUwH$sMr Zmdo ~mH$s dgwbrMm h¸$ A~m{YV R>odyZ {Zb}{IV H$aʶmg ‘mݶVm XoUo. 9. gmd§VdmS>r A~©Z H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ gmd§VdmS>r ¶m ~±Ho$Mo Amnë¶m ~±Ho$V {dbrZrH$aU H$aUo~m~VÀ¶m àñVmdmMm {dMma H$ê$Z ‘mݶVm XoUo. 10. gXa dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^og J¡ahOa Agboë¶m g^mgXm§À¶m aOobm ‘mݶVm XoUo. 11. ‘m. Aܶjm§Mo AZwkoZo Am¶Ë¶m doiMo {df¶. dg§V Hw$bH$Uu {XZm§H$ : 27 OyZ 2014 à^mar ‘w»¶ H$m¶©H$mar A{YH$mar (‘m. g§MmbH$ ‘§S>imÀ¶m Amkodê$Z) gyMZm : 1) g^oÀ¶m {Z¶mo{OV doionmgyZ AYm© Vmgmn¶ªV åhUOo g. 10.00 dmOon¶ªV JUnyVu Z Pmë¶mg g^m ñW{JV Ho$br OmB©b d ñW{JV Pmbobr g^m ˶mM {R>H$mUr ˶mM {Xder gH$mir 10.10 {‘. dmOVm KoʶmV ¶oB©b. ˶m g^og JUnyVuMr d doJù¶m gyMZoMr Amdí¶H$Vm Zmhr. 2) gZ 2013-14 Mm Vmio~§X d Z’$mVmoQ>m nÌH$, Cn{dYr XþéñVr Vnerb ~±Ho$À¶m do~gmB©Q da www.janatabankpune.com da à{gÜX H$aʶmV Ambm Amho. 3) dm{f©H$ AhdmbmMr àV ~±Ho$À¶m emIm§‘ܶo {X. 12 Owb¡ 2014 nmgyZ CnbãY amhrb. 4) g^oV hmoUmè¶m H$m‘H$mOm~m~V gyMZo‘ܶo {ZX}{eboë¶m ~m~tg~§Yr Oê$a H$mJXnÌo goH«o$Q>[a¶b {d^mJ, ‘w»¶H$Moar‘ܶo {X. 21 Owb¡ 2014 nmgyZ H$m‘H$mOmÀ¶m doioV nmhʶmg {‘iVrb. (5) g^oÀ¶m doir {df¶n{ÌHo$Vrb ~m~tg§~§Yr {dMmamd¶mMr ‘m{hVr {X. 23 Owb¡ 2014 n¶ªV H$m¶m©b¶rZ H$m‘H$mOmÀ¶m doioV goH«o$Q>[a¶b {d^mJmH$S>o àíZénmZo boIr H$i{dë¶mg ˶mà‘mUo ‘m{hVr V¶ma R>odUo gmoB©ñH$a hmoB©b. (6) nÎmm ~Xbbm Agë¶mg Amnbm ZdrZ nÎmm eoAg© {d^mJmg Ëd[aV H$idmdm. (7) Amnbr emIm d ImVo H«$. Amnbo g^mgXËd Agboë¶m emIog ¶mnydu H$i{dbm Zgë¶mg Ëd[aV H$idmdm åhUOo Amnbm bm^m§e à{Vdfu Amnë¶m Im˶mV O‘m H$aVm ¶oB©b. Janata Bank Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd. Pune Multi State Scheduled Bank JANATA SAHAKARI BANK LTD., PUNE (Multi State Scheduled Bank) Annual General Meeting Notice (Only for Members) The 65th Annual General Meeting of Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd., Pune will be held on Sunday, 27th July 2014 at 9.30 am at Assembly Hall, Garware College of Commerce, Karve Road, Pune - 411 004 to transact the following business concerning the Bank.Members are requested to attend the meeting. Agenda of the meeting : 1) To approve the minutes of 64th Annual General Meeting which was held on 30th June 2013. 2) To consider and approve the Annual accounts, which consist of the Profit & Loss account, the Balance Sheet, the Report of the Board of Directors and the Report of the Statutory Auditors, for the year ended March 31, 2014. 3) To appropriate Net Profit and declare dividend as recommended by the Board of Directors for the year ended March 31, 2014. 4) To appoint Statutory Auditors for the financial year 2014-15 and to authorize the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration. The Board of Directors recommends M/s. Kirtne & Pandit, M/s. S.D.Medadkar & Co., M/s. Shashank Patki & Associates, Chartered Accountants; for appointment of Statutory Auditors jointly. 5) To approve Annual Budget for the financial year 2014-15. 6) To take note of the loans sanctioned in the financial year 2013-14 to the Board of Directors & their relatives as per the Sec. 39(3) of the Multi-state Co-op. Act, 2002. 7) To approve amendments to the existing bye-laws of the Bank. 8) To write off of bad & doubtful loan accounts & Investments certified by the Statutory Auditors. 9) To consider & approve the proposal of Merger of Sawantwadi Urban Co-op. Bank Ltd., Sawantwadi in to our Bank. 10) To grant leave of absence to the Members of the Bank who are not present in the Annual General Meeting. 11) Any other subject, by the permission of Hon. Chairman. Vasant Kulkarni Date : 27th June, 2014 Chief Executive Officer (Officiating) (By the order of Board of Director's) Note : 1) If within half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting (i.e. up to 10.00 am), the quorum is not formed, the meeting shall stand adjourned & this adjourned meeting shall be held at 10.10 am on the same day & venue. The adjourned meeting will not require any separate notice or quorum. 2) The Annual Report consisting of Profit and Loss account, Balance Sheet & the amendments to the byelaws is displayed on Bank’s website : www.janatabankpune.com 3) The copy of the Annual Report (Ahwal) will be made available in the Bank's branches from 12th July 2014. 4) If any member desires to see documents in connection with the agenda of this Annual General Meeting, they may approach to the Secretarial Dept. (HO) from 21st July 2014. 5) If any member desires to have information in connection with the accounts, he/she is requested to address a letter to the Secretarial Dept. (HO) not later than 23rd July, 2014, so that the required information may be made available at the Annual General Meeting. 6) The change in address, if any, may kindly be intimated by post or by email to the Share Dept. (HO) for updating Bank’s record. 7) Please inform your Branch & Bank Account no. to the Share Dept. (HO) to credit your Dividend every year.
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