Aud Sissel Hoel Ph.D. 2005 • Professor of Media Studies and Visual Culture • Norwegian University of Science and Technology • Department of Art and Media Studies • + 47 90152598 • [email protected] [Updated October 2014] PUBLICATIONS Authored Books and Edited Volumes c.2014 Images: 5 Questions. Edited by Peer Bundgaard, Aud Sissel Hoel, and Frederik Stjernfelt. Forthcoming by Automatic Press. 2014 Visualization in the Age of Computerization. Edited by Annamaria Carusi, Aud Sissel Hoel, Timothy Webmoor, and Steve Woolgar, London and New York: Routledge. 282 pages. ISBN: 9780415814454. Contributions from: Timothy Webmoor, Matt Edgeworth, Tom Schilling, David Ribes, Michael Lynch, Kathryn de RidderVignone, Chiara Ambrosio, Annamaria Carusi, Aud Sissel Hoel, Alma Steingart, Peter Galison, Torben Elgaard Jensen, Anders Kristian Munk, Anders Koed Madsen, Andreas Birkbak, Albena Yaneva, Anne Beaulieu, and Lisa Cartwright. 2012 Ernst Cassirer on Form and Technology: Contemporary Readings. Edited by Aud Sissel Hoel and Ingvild Folkvord. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 288 pages. ISBN: 9780230365476. Contributions from : John Michael Krois, Frederik Stjernfelt, Hans Ruin, Jean Lassègue, Ingvild Folkvord, Marion Lauschke, Frederik Tygstrup, Isak Winkel Holm, Mats Rosengren, Dennis M. Weiss, and Aud Sissel Hoel. 2012 Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 37 (1), Special issue: “Computational Picturing.” Edited by Annamaria Carusi, Aud Sissel Hoel, and Timothy Webmoor. 100 pages. ISSN 0308-0188, Online ISSN: 1743-2790. Contributions from: Richard Arias-Hernandez et al., Erin Kruger, Luis F. R. Murillo et al., Anders K. Madsen, Grace Eden et al., and Matt Spencer. 2007 Maktens bilder [Disciplinary Images]. Trondheim: National Museum of Justice. Authored book/exhibition catalogue. 84 pages. ISBN 9788299751803. Published with support from the Research Council of Norway. 2006 Ernst Cassirer: Form og teknikk: Utvalgte tekster [Form and Technology: Selected Texts]. Edited by Ingvild Folkvord and Aud Sissel Hoel, translation by Folkvord and introduction by Hoel. Oslo: Cappelen. 198 pages. ISBN 9788202264055. No. 54 in Cappelen’s Unpopular Writings series. 2005 Fremstilling og teknikk: Om bildet som formativt medium [Technicity: On the Formative Power of Pictures]. Doctoral dissertation, NTNU. 338 pages. ISBN 8247170531. Articles in Journals and Chapters in Books In review “Measuring the Heavens: Peirce and Astronomical Photography.” In review “The Measuring Body” (with Annamaria Carusi, University of Copenhagen). Forthc. “Merleau-Ponty and the Philosophy of Technology" (with Annamaria Carusi, University of Copenhagen). In: Postphenomenologial Investigations: Essays on Human-Technology Relations. Edited by Robert Rosenberger and Peter-Paul Verbeek. Lexington Books. Forthc. “Images and Measurements across the Arts and Sciences.” Accepted for publication in Cassirer Studies. 2014 “Brains, Windows, and Coordinate Systems” (with Annamaria Carusi, Copenhagen University). In: Visualization in the Age of Computerization. Edited by Annamaria Carusi, Aud Sissel Hoel, Timothy Webmoor, and Steve Woolgar, 145-69. London and New York: Routledge. 2014 “Introduction” (with Annamaria Carusi, Timothy Webmoor, and Steve Woolgar). In: Visualization in the Age of Computerization. Edited by Annamaria Carusi, Aud Sissel Hoel, Timothy Webmoor, and Steve Woolgar, 1-15. London and New York: Routledge. 2014 “Differential Interventions: Images as Operative Tools” (with Frank Lindseth, SINTEF). The New Everyday, special issue: The Operative Image, edited by Ingrid Hoelzl, City University of Hong Kong. 2014 “Towards a New Ontology of Scientific Vision” (with Annamaria Carusi, Copenhagen University). In: New Representation in Scientific Practice. Edited by Catelijne Coopmans, Janet Vertesi, Michael Lynch, and Steve Woolgar, 201-21. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. 2013 “The Ontological Force of Technicity: Reading Cassirer and Simondon Diffractively” (with Iris van der Tuin, Utrecht University). Philosophy and Technology, 26 2): 187-202. DOI 10.1007/s13347-012-0092-5. OPEN ACCESS. 2012 “Technics of Thinking.” In: Ernst Cassirer on Form and Technology: Contemporary Readings. Edited by Aud Sissel Hoel and Ingvild Folkvord, 65-91. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2012 “Introduction” (with Ingvild Folkvord, NTNU). In: Ernst Cassirer on Form and Technology: Contemporary Readings. Edited by Aud Sissel Hoel and Ingvild Folkvord, 1-12. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2012 “Editorial” (with Annamaria Carusi and Timothy Webmoor). Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 37 (1): 1-3, special issue: “Computational Picturing.” Edited by Annamaria Carusi, Aud Sissel Hoel, and Timothy Webmoor. ISSN 0308-0188, Online ISSN: 17432790.. 2012 “Lines of Sight: Peirce on Diagrammatic Abstraction.” In: Das bildnerische Denken von Charles S. Peirce. Edited by Franz Engels, Moritz Queisner, and Tullio Viola, 253-271. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. 2011 “Differential Images.” In: What is an Image? Edited by James Elkins and Maja Naef, 152-54. University Park: Penn State University Press. The Stone Art Theory Institutes: Volume Two. 2011 “Thinking ‘Difference’ Differently: Cassirer versus Derrida on Symbolic Mediation.” Synthese, 179 (1): 75-91. DOI: 10.1007/s11229-009-9629-2 2006 ”Innledning.” In: Ernst Cassirer: Form og teknikk – utvalgte tekster. Oslo: Cappelen. 746, 40 pages. 2005 “Fotografisk mening og makt: En fremstillingsfilosofisk kritikk av postmodernistisk fototeori.” Norsk medietidsskrift, 12 (4): 287-308. 2004 “Synet som bilde: Om representasjonalismens vedvarende innflytelse på visualitetsdiskursen.” In: Estetiske teknologier, Vol. II. Edited by Anne Beate Maurseth and Erik Østerud, 101-19. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press. 2002 “Cassirer’s Dynamic Conception of Form.” In: Forms of Knowledge and Sensibility. Ernst Cassirer and the Human Sciences. Edited by Gunnar Foss and Eivind Kasa, 183207. Oslo: Norwegian Academic Press. 2001 “Ontologisk nøytralitet: Husserl om fenomenologien som første filosofi” [Ontological Neutrality: Husserl on Phenomenology as First Philosophy]. Parabel: Tidsskrift for filosofi og vitenskapsteori, 4 (2): 19-48. 1999 “Vitenskapen som en måte å (be)gripe verden på: Refleksjoner over Ernst Cassirers erkjennelsesbegrep” [Science as a Means of Grasping/Gripping-on-to the World: Reflections on Ernst Cassirer’s Concept of Knowledge]. Parabel: Tidsskrift for filosofi og vitenskapsteori, 3 (1): 7-32. 1998 “Barnets medierte livsverden.” In: Digital barndom [Digital Childhood]. Edited by Marit Haldar and Ivar Frønes, 51-67. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. Papers 2014 2014 “Photography as Measurement Technology.” The Charles S. Peirce Centeniial Congress, Lowell, Massachusetts, July 16-19. Part of the panel "Indexicality and Beyond: Peirce, Photography and Measurement." Co-panelists: Chiara Ambrosio and Mirjam Wittmann. 2014 “The Image at the Limits of Phenomenology.” What Images Do, international conference, Copenhagen, March 19-21. 2013 “Images as Measurement.” Dimensions of Measurement, international conference. ZiF, Bielefeld, Germany, March 14-16. 2012 “The Medium is the Measure.” Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), international conference, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, October 17-20. 2010 “Kant, Cassirer, and the Privilege of Mathematics.” Fourth workshop on Ernst Cassirer, international seminar, Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt University, Berlin, February 18-19. 2009 “Technics of Thinking: Cassirer’s Differential Approach to Cognition.” PerSemSoc November Symposium, Paris, November 16-17. 2009 “Differential Phenomenology: On the Cognitive and Theoretical Import of Technology.” Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, annual conference, Arlington, VA, October 29-31. 2009 “Scientific Visualisations as Cognitive Enhancement.” Converging Technologies, Changing Societies, international conference organized by the Society for Philosophy and Technology (SPT), Twente University, Enschede, Nederland, July 7-10. Joint presentation with Annamaria Carusi, Oxford e-Research Centre, Oxford University. 2009 “Language, Image, and the Logic of the Sovereign Exception.” Reading Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer, 18th annual meeting of the International Philosophical Seminar (IPS), Alto Adige, Italy, June 28-July 7. 2009 “Differential Deixis: Ernst Cassirer on Symbolic Mediation (long version).” Perception sémiotique et socialité du sens, meeting organized by the research program PerSemSoc, Paris, France, June 15-16. 2009 “Differential Deixis: Ernst Cassirer on Symbolic Mediation (short version).” Double Edges: Rhetorics, Rhizomes, Regions, international conference organized by the International Association for Philosophy and Literature (IAPL), London, UK, June 1-7. 2009 “Photographic Difference.” Pluralizing Visual Culture, international conference organized by the research program Nomadikon: the Bergen Center of Visual Culture, Bergen, Norway, February 20-21. 2009 “Cassirer as Differential Thinker.” Third workshop on Ernst Cassirer, international seminar, Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, February, 12-13. 2008 ”Politiets bruk av fotografi i kontrollen av offentlige prostituerte i 1800-tallets Kristiania” [Photography and the Policing of Public Prostitutes in 19th Century Christiania]. Bilder og makt [Images and Power], seminar, University of Oslo. Oslo, September 18. 2008 ”Aesthetic Technologies: A Nonrepresentational Approach to Symbolic Mediation.” Form and Technics, Berlin Workshop. Institute of Northern Europe, Humboldt University, Berlin, February 21-22. 2007 “The Concept of Medium in the Digital Age.” New Aesthetic Technologies, international Conference, University of Bergen. Bergen, October 17. 2007 “Reframing the Image.” The Visible and the Audible, Nordic conference organized by the Nordic network The Bodily Turn in Aesthetics. Lysebu, Norway, August 13-15. 2007 “Photographic Difference.” Who’s Afraid of Photons? A Symposium on the History of Photography, CUNY Graduate Center. New York, April 20. 2006 “Techniques of Ideation: A Dynamic Approach to the Problem of Mediation.” Dynamics of Reason: A Conference on the Philosophy of Michael Friedman, Carlsberg Academy. Copenhagen, Copenhagen, December 11-12. 2006 “Thinking ’Difference’ Differently: Cassirer’s Theory of Mediation.” Form and Technics: Reading Ernst Cassirer from the Present, international Conference, NTNU. Trondheim, December 7-8. 2006 “Mindless Images? Questioning the ‘Visual’ in Visual Studies.” NORDIK, Tradition and Visual Culture: The 8th Nordic Conference for Art Historians, University of Bergen. Bergen, September 22-24. 2006 “Images of Female Deviancy." International conference organized by the Nordic Network for the History and Aesthetics of Photography. Helsinki, Finland, August 22-24. 2006 “The Spectacle of Deviancy: Reflections on a 19th Century Police Album”. The Human and Its Others, international conference organized by the American Comparative Literature Association, Princeton University. Princeton, March 23-24. 2004 “Photogeny: On the Formative Power of Photography.” Arts of Motion, international conference organised by the project Aesthetic Technologies, NTNU. Trondheim, November 18-20. 2004 “The Camera as Natural Machine.” Photographic History as Cultural History: New Tendencies and Approaches in Academic Research, international conference organized by the Nordic Network for the History and Aesthetics of Photography. Rungsted, Denmark, August 21-24. 2003 “Rethinking the Crisis of Perception, Visuality, and the Image.” Modes of Seeing, international conference organized by the project Aesthetic Technologies, NTNU. Trondheim, November 6-8. 2001 “Technologies of Depiction: Rethinking Photography and the Rationalization of Sight.” Storage Media, Discourse Networks and Aesthetic Representation, international conference organized by the Faulty of Arts, NTNU. Trondheim, November 8-10. 1999 ”Tenkende bilder” [Thinking Images]. Teksten i bildet – bildet i teksten, research course organized by the Faculty of Arts, NTNU. Røros, November 21-24. 1999 “Photography and Perspective as Symbolic Forms.” Forms of Knowledge and Sensibility: Ernst Cassirer and the Human Sciences, international conference organized by the interdisciplinary project The Gaze, NTNU. Trondheim, February 25-26. 1998 “Blocks of Sensation in Moving Images.” Applied Phenomenology, international research course organized by the Faculty of Arts, University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, November 16-20. 1998 “Overflatens overskridelse: Nærbildet i Dreyers Jeanne d’Arc” [Transgressing the Surface: The Close-up in Dreyer’s Jeanne d’Arc]. Art and Transgression, interdisciplinary seminar, organized by the Department of Nordic Language and Literature, NTNU. Trondheim, May 14-15. 1996 “Gibson’s Picture Theory.” Signs as Communication and Dialogue, research course organized by the Nordic Academy for Advanced Study, the Nordic Network for Semiotics, and the International Network for Semiotics. Imatra, Finland, June 9-16. 1996 “Det fotografiske avtrykkets retoriske funksjon” [The Rhetorical Function of the Photographic Imprint]. Visuell retorikk. Post--tologiska perspektiv, symposium organized by the Nordic Academy for Advanced Study, the Nordic Network for Semiotics, and the Department of Cultural Semiotics, University of Lund, Lund, April 10-11. Invited Lectures 2014 “Rethinking objectivity by addressing the inner connections between imaging and measuring.” Form Concept, and Symbol in the Sciences: The Contribution of Ernst Cassirer to a General Philosophy of Science. One-day workshop, Humanomics Research Centre, University of Copenhagen, August 28. 2014 “Perspectives on Neuroimaing.” Department of Thematic Studies, Technology and Social Change, Linlöping University, higher seminar, May 21. 2014 “What Do Brain Images Want?” Visualization: A Critical Survey of the Concept, conference organized by Erna Fiorentini and James Elkins. Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung, Humboldt University. Berlin, April 7-9. 2014 “Operative Images.” Images?Precisely! A lecture series organized by Mark D. Linder, Syracuse University, USA. London, February, 12. 2013 “Image Theory across Arts and Sciences.” Aesthetic seminar, materiality and medium. Aarhus University, October 3. 2013 “Media and Measurement across Arts and Sciences.” Art History and Bildwissenschaft, international conference, University of Brno, Brno, Czech Republic, March 27-28. 2013 “Picturing the Brain: Perspectives on Neuroimaging.” Presentation at Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, January 23. 2012 “Transformational Realism.” Images and Visualisation: Imaging Technology, Truth and Trust, Linköping University, Norrköping, September 17-21. Funded by the European Science Foundation. 2012 “Technics of Thinking: Image, Word, Number.” Talk for the Incubator Series, Department of the History of Science, Harvard University, May 3. 2012 “Transformational Realism.” Opening keynote at the international conference The Vital Body and the Sensuous Body, Örenäs Slott, May 23-25. 2011 “Media Acts.” Opening keynote at the international conference Media Acts, Trondheim, October 26-28. 2011 “Picturing the Brain: Perspectives on Neuroimaging.” Guest lecture in seminar on brain imaging, Pufendorf Institute, Lund University, Lund, October 7. 2011 “Picturing the Brain: Perspectives on Neuroimaging.” Guest lecture in the Department of Philosophy, Twente University, Enschede, Netherlands, September 22. 2011 “Ernst Cassirers teorier: Form og teknikk” [The Theories of Ernst Cassirer: Form and Technology]. Guest lecture, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen, May 15. 2011 “Hjernebilder som forskningsredskap, persepsjonsprotese og retorisk instrument” [Brain Images as Research Tools, Perceptual Prostheses, and Visual Rhetorics]. Guest lecture, Department of Rhetoric at the School of Communication, Media and IT at Södertörn University College, Huddinge, April 27. 2010 “Technics of Thinking.” Guest lecture, Center for Semiotics, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, December 10. 2010 “Picturing the Brain: Perspectives on Neuroimaging.” Guest lecture, Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, November 26. 2010 “Fotografi og objektivitet” [Photography and Objectivity]. Lecture at PhD course, Forskerskolen kultur og samfunn (Culture and Society Research School). Topic: Perception and Images. Faculty of Humanities, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, June 14-16. 2010 “Kant, Cassirer, and the Privilege of Mathematics.” Fourth workshop on Ernst Cassirer, international seminar, Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, February 18-19. 2009 “Technics of Thinking: Cassirer’s Differential Approach to Cognition.” PerSemSoc November Symposium, Paris, France, November 16-17. 2009 “Language, Image, and the Logic of the Sovereign Exception.” Reading Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer, 18th annual meeting of the International Philosophical Seminar (IPS), Alto Adige, Italy, June 28-July 7. 2009 “Differential Deixis: Ernst Cassirer on Symbolic Mediation (long version).” Perception sémiotique et socialité du sens, meeting organized by the research program PerSemSoc, Paris, France, June 15-16. 2009 “Photographic Difference.” Pluralizing Visual Culture, international conference organized by the research program Nomadikon: the Bergen Center of Visual Culture, Bergen, Norway, February 20-21. 2009 “Cassirer as Differential Thinker.” Third workshop on Ernst Cassirer, international seminar, Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, February, 12-13. 2008 ”Fotografi og offentlig prostitusjon” [Photography and Public Prostitution]. Historical Society of Justice. Oslo, September 17. 2008 “Norske forbryterbilder” [Norwegian Mug Shots]. Dept. of Criminology and Sociology of Justice, University of Oslo. Oslo, February 14. 2007 “Fotografiet i politiets tjeneste” [Photography in the Service of the Police]. Opening of the exhibition Maktens bilder, National Museum of Justice. Trondheim, October 26. 2007 “Tenkningens teknikker” [Technics of Thinking]. Society for the Philosophy of Science, NTNU. Trondheim, September 25. 2005 “Maktens bilder” [Disciplinary Images]. National Conference of Photograph Conservation. Organized by ABM-utvikling (National Centre for Archive, Library, and Museum Development) in collaboration with the National Archive of Stavanger. Stavanger, April 14. Exhibitions and Art Projects 2012– 2013 Maktens bilder [Disciplinary Images]. Exhibition in collaboration with the National Museum of Justice. Tromsø University Museum, Tromsø, October 14 2012– January 6 2013. 2012 Maktens bilder [Disciplinary Images]. Exhibition in collaboration with the National Museum of Justice. Dalen Museum, Telemark, June 3–September 17. 2011 Maktens bilder [Disciplinary Images]. Exhibition in collaboration with the National Museum of Justice. Trondheim courthouse, June 17–September 1. Opening speeches by the Executive Director of the Court of Justice Tor Langback and County Governor Kåre Gjønnes. 2010 Maktens bilder [Disciplinary Images]. Exhibition in collaboration with the National Museum of Justice. Bergen museum, June 14–December 31. Opening speech by County Governor Lars Sponheim. 2009– 2010 Maktens bilder [Disciplinary Images]. Exhibition in collaboration with the National Museum of Justice. Glåmdalsmuseet, Elverum, September 5 (2009)–April 6 (2010). Opening speeches by Minister of Justice Knut Storberget and Jon Bing, Professor of Law in the Department of Private Law at the University of Oslo. 2009 Maktens bilder [Disciplinary Images]. Exhibition in collaboration with the National Museum of Justice. Museum of Stavanger, January 23–March 15. 2008 Maktens bilder [Disciplinary Images]. Exhibition in collaboration with the National Museum of Justice. Oslo City Hall, September 3–23. Opening speeches by the Commissioner of Police Ingelin Killengren and Director of Data Inspectorate Georg Apenes. 2007 “Relasjonsbildet” | “Relational Images.” In: MMS TV by the artist Eivind Lentz. Oslo: Multi Press. Essay in Norwegian and English, 3 pages. Art project (book) accompanied with texts by Jon Bing and Aud Sissel Hoel. 2007 Maktens bilder [Disciplinary Images]. Exhibition. National Museum of Justice, Trondheim. October 26 (2007)–August 26 (2008). 2007 Maktens bilder [Disciplinary Images]. Internet Exhibition. Funded by the Research Council of Norway. Interviews, Reviews and Debates 2010 “Kalde tanker om fotografiet” [Cold Thoughts on Photography]. Review of James Elkins: What Photography Is (Routledge, 2011). Ekfrase: Nordisk tidsskrift for visuell kultur (Ekphrasis: Nordic Journal of Visual Culture), No. 2. 2010 “Perler og søppel – med mobilkamera mot et nytt viuelt allmennspråk” [Pearls and Garbage: Cell Phone Cameras and the Development of an Everyday Visual Language]. Interview with the artist Eivind Lentz. Ekfrase: Nordisk tidsskrift for visuell kultur [Ekphrasis: Nordic Journal of Visual Culture], No. 2. 2010 “Muligheter for teoretisk nyvinning” [Potential for Theoretical Innovation]. Response to Questionnaire. Ekfrase: Nordisk tidsskrift for visuell kultur, No. 1. 2009 ”Se og bli sett!” [See and Be Seen!]. Panel discussion with Peter Larsen (University of Bergen), Jonas Ekeberg (Preus Museum of Photography), and Aud Sissel Hoel, National Library of Norway, Oslo, January 15. Organized by Harald Østgaard Lund (National Library of Norway) and Jonas Ekeberg, director of Preus Museum of Photography. 2008 ”Teknikkfilosofiens relevans” [The Relevance of Philosophy of Technology]. Interview with Don Ihde.” Norsk medietidsskrift, Vol. 15, No. 1. Interview, 5 pages. English translation of the interview available at
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