Constituency No. 1 No GRAND RIVER NORTH WEST AND PORT LOUIS WEST Candidate Party/Party Alliance ARMANCE 1 (Patrice Kursley Armance, of Ave. des Narcisses, Morc. Nazroo, Pointe aux Sables, Managing Director) L'Alliance Lepep ARMEL 2 (Louis Sylvain Armel, of 33, Ebony Lane, Cité Vallijee, Port Louis, Electrician) "EDP" BALOOMOODY 3 (Vedasingam Vasudevachariar Baloomoody, also known as Veda Balamoody, of 20, Cossigny St., Curepipe, Barrister-At-Law) Alliance Parti Travailliste/Mouvement Militant Mauricien (Alliance PTR/MMM) BARBIER 4 (Jean-claude Barbier, of Lot No 2, Olivier St., Morc. Mahadoo, Tombeau Bay, Company Director) Alliance Parti Travailliste/Mouvement Militant Mauricien (Alliance PTR/MMM) BOUSAC 5 (Roland Clovis Bousac, of 65, Accasia St., Morc. Rey, Pointe aux Sables, Retired) Lalit COLLEN 6 (Lindsey Claire Collen, of Ragoo Lane, Bambous, Writer) Lalit DRACK 7 (Joseph Emmanuel Drack, of A1, Afrikana Lane, Cassis, Unemployed) FRANÇOIS 8 (Eliezer François, of Villa Champville, Royal Rd., Pereybere, , Teacher) Mouvement Authentique Mauricien (MAM) GANESH 9 (Padummun Ganesh, of 5, Rue Dr. Perdreau, Victoria, Port Louis, Food and Beverage Retailer) Parti du Peuple Mauricien (P.P.M.) JOHNSON 10 (Désiré Rodgers Antonio Johnson, of 1, Cyprès St., Pointe aux Sables, Self-employed) Front Solidarité Mauricienne (FSM) KATHAN 11 (Marie Jacqueline Carine Kathan, of 16, Daniel Jenkins St., Cassis, Port Louis, Unemployed) Verts Fraternels Aksion Kont Lamizer Symbol MARIE 12 (Dany Sylvie Marie, of 41, C. Piperdy St., Tranquebar, Port Louis, Assistant Project Coordinator) Rezistans ek Alternativ MARTIN 13 (Maria Francesca Mireille Martin, of Bernardin de Saint Pierre St., Curepipe, Minister) Alliance Parti Travailliste/Mouvement Militant Mauricien (Alliance PTR/MMM) MAUTHOOR 14 (Mobeen Mauthoor, of 28, Vélore St., Port Louis, Director) Front Solidarité Mauricienne (FSM) MEERA 15 (Bibi Nazmeen Meera, of 65, Boundary St., Rose Hill, Social Worker) Verts Fraternels Aksion Kont Lamizer MEYEPA 16 (Georges Harold Guilliano Meyepa, of F4, Imp. Colonel Maingard, Beau Bassin, Lab Technician) Parti Justice Sociale MICHEL 17 (Louis Sylvio Michel, of Ave. Hajee Allamane, Plaisance, Rose Hill, Pensioner) Verts Fraternels Aksion Kont Lamizer MIRLIFLORE-AGATHE 18 (Ariel Anne-Marie Bianca Mirliflore-Agathe, of 115, Geoffroy Rd., Bambous, Coach Anti Stress) Mouvement Authentique Mauricien (MAM) MOUTOU 19 (Ricardo Georgie Moutou, of 40, Mahatma Gandhi St., Cité Richelieu, Petite Rivière, Self-employed) Front Solidarité Mauricienne (FSM) NANETTE 20 (Samuel Anthony Stewart Nanette, of 7A, Rue JeanBaptiste Lamarre, Canal Dayot, G.R.N.W., Sound Engineer) Parti Justice Sociale NARAINA 21 (Mary Joice Sarahjane Naraina, of 21, Shakespeare St., Cité Richelieu, Petite Rivière, Bus Conductor) Lalit PARAPEN 22 (Arroomoogum Parapen, of F21, Andreanum, La Tour Koenig, Pointe aux Sables, Self-employed) Front Socialiste PERMALL 23 (Sadasivon Permall, of Andreanum St., La Tour Koenig, Self-employed) Front Socialiste POOMON 24 (Bibi Nazeema Poomon, of Lot 17, Paul Toureau St., Sainte Croix, Quality Controller) Forum des Citoyens Libres (F.C.L) POUNOOSAMY 25 (Tevanarjen Pounoosamy, of 92, Cassis Rd., Port Louis, Taxi Driver) SAMBADOO 26 (Marie Laurianne Priscilla Sambadoo, of Bk. A4, Jacaranda St., G.R.N.W., PHD Candidate) "EDP" SELVON 27 (Marie Danielle Selvon, of Royal Rd., Grand Gaube, Barrister) L'Alliance Lepep TRULES 28 (Nazmoon Trules, of A38, Res. Rosand, La Caverne, Vacoas, Unemployed) Party Malin TSANG MANG KIN 29 (Tsang Fan Kwet Tsang Mang Kin, also known as Jacques, of 34, Ave. Hitchcock, Quatre Bornes, Barrister) Mouvement Authentique Mauricien (MAM) WONG YEN CHEONG 30 (Marie Roland Alain Wong Yen Cheong, of Hibiscus Way, Pointe aux Canonniers, Hospitality Manager) L'Alliance Lepep ZUËL 31 (Christina Zuël, of La Brasserie Rd., Forest Side, Unemployed) Party Malin
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