Conference Programme “Strategic Networking between Kassel and Argentina: Enhancing Research Profiles in Selected Scientific Fields” Kick‐off Conference Universität Kassel, Germany June 30 – July 3, 2014 Venue: Gießhaus, Mönchebergstraße 5, Kassel Sunday, June 29 ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Arrival and Check‐in 17:00‐18:00 Welcome and Get‐together Welcoming by Prof. Dr. Rolf‐Dieter Postlep President Universität Kassel Venue: International House Universität Kassel, Mönchebergstraße 11a * Stand: 27.06.2014 * * 1 Monday, June 30 ________________________________ 09:00‐10:00 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Registration Venue: Gießhaus der Universität Kassel Mönchebergstr. 5 Opening Session Plenary Venue: Gießhaus 10:00 – 10:30 Opening and Welcome Prof. Dr. Rolf‐Dieter Postlep President, Universität Kassel Prof. Dr. phil. Carlos Rafael Ruta Rector Universidad Nacional de San Martín Buenos Aires 10:30 – 10:45 Welcome Speech His Excellency The Ambassador of the Argentinian Republic Daniel Adán Dziewezo Polski 10:45 – 11:00 Coffee Break 11:00 – 12:00 Keynote Speech “Potentials of International University Partnerships and Networks” Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ulrich Teichler International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER) Universität Kassel 12:00 – 13:30 Stand: 27.06.2014 Lunch Break 2 Monday, June 30 ________________________________ 13:45 – 15:15 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Plenary Session Panel I Research Funding Programmes Chair: Dr. Anne Sperschneider Director, Division Middle and South America Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) Guest speakers: Ms Alida Höbener International Cooperation with Latin America German Research Foundation (DFG) Mr Jonas Kliesow Division Latin America International Bureau Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Dr. Arnold Spitta Director, Deutsch‐Argentinisches Hochschulzentrum (DAHZ)/ Centro Universitario Argentino‐Alemán (CUAA) German Office 15:15 – 15:30 Coffee Break Stand: 27.06.2014 3 Monday, June 30 ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Panel II Strategies for Networking Partners 15:30 – 16:45 Chair: Ms Iris Danowski International Relations Division East and South Europe and Latin America German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) Guest speakers: Dr. Johannes Müller International Office International University Partnerships and Welcome Centre Universität Köln Ms Dipl.‐Pol. Luise Freitag International Relations/Support Programmes Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für Lateinamerika (BAYLAT) Guided Sightseeing Tour Through the City of Kassel 17:00‐19:00 City Guide: Ms Andrea C. Ortolano Accompanied by Ms Carmen Mureşan Foreign Student Advisor International Office Universität Kassel 19:15‐21:00 Dinner Hosted by President Prof. Dr. Rolf‐Dieter Postlep Venue: Landhaus Meister Fuldatalstraße 140 34 125 Kassel * Stand: 27.06.2014 * * 4 Tuesday, July 1 ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Workshop Sessions Cluster Workshop I: Environmental Technology Chair: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Bernhard Middendorf Head of Department Structural Materials and Construction Chemistry Institute of Construction Engineering Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Cluster Workshop II: Engineering Sciences Chair: Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Martin Lawerenz Vice President Institute of Thermal Energy Technology Department of Turbomachines Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 09:00 – 12:00 Presentation of the Faculties Environmental Technology / Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering of Universität Kassel 09:00‐09:10 Welcome by Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Lawerenz, Vice President Prof. Dr. Middendorf, Head of Dpt. Structural Materials and Construction Chemistry 09:10‐09:40 Introduction of the Faculty Environmental Technology and Civil Engineering: Structure and Teaching Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Volkhard Franz , Dean Prof. Dr.‐Ing. habil. Detlef Kuhl 09:40‐10:00 Main Research Topics of the Faculty Environmental Technology and Civil Engineering Prof. Dr. Middendorf 10:00‐10:10 Discussion Stand: 27.06.2014 5 Tuesday, July 1 ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10:10‐10:45 Introduction of the Faculty Mechanical Engineering: Structure, Teaching and Research Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Lawerenz 10:45‐11:00 Coffee Break with Discussion 11:00‐11:15 Pavement Engineering: Challenges in Europe Dr.‐Ing. Konrad Mollenhauer 11:15‐11:30 The Part of Geotechnical Engineering in Renewable Energy Technology Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Oliver Reul 11:30‐11:45 Nanoparticles in High Performance Building Materials Prof. Dr. Middendorf 11:45‐12:00 Recycling with RFID and Waste Prevention Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Arnd Urban 12:00‐12:30 Discussion of Presented Research Topics 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break at Restaurant “Moritz” 13:30 ‐ 15:45 Campus Lab Tour Water Construction Lab Wind Tunnel Extensive Test Area for the Development of Modern Adaptive Systems for Civil Engineering Structures Materials Engineering Lab Geotechnical and Pavement Materials Lab Lab for Construction Materials and Official Building Materials Testing Institute (AMPA) 15:45 – 16:00 Final Discussion about Research Activities at Universität Kassel * * * Stand: 27.06.2014 6 Tuesday, July 1 ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cluster Workshop III: Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Planning Programa del Cluster III / "Identidades argentinas” Director de sección: Prof. Dr.–Ing. Dr. h.c. Manuel Cuadra History of Architecture Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Planning 08:30 – 17:45 Excursión por Melsungen y visita a la fábrica B. Braun, Intercambio de ideas 8:30 Salir del hotel y dirigirse al campus de la universidad 9:00 Sesión interna de trabajo ‐ discusión de las metas del workshop ‐ presentaciones (5minutos por colega) ‐ discusión de las presentaciones 11:30 Viaje a Melsungen en bus 12:30 Almuerzo en la cantina a la fábrica B. Braun 13:30 Visita a la fábrica B. Braun, obra de James Stirling 14:30 Traslado a la ciudad de Melsungen 15:00 Recorridos por Melsungen 16:30 Vuelta a Kassel en bus 17:45 Visita de la empresa Wintershall, cena 18:00 Para los que lo deseen: Argentina‐Suiza Lugar de encuentro: Campus Universität Kassel Facultad ASL, Torhaus A, Gottschalkstrasse 22, Aula 1107 (Konferenzraum) * Stand: 27.06.2014 * * 7 Tuesday, July 1 ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cluster‐Workshop IV: Nanostructure Sciences / Nanotechnology Chair: Prof. Dr. Martin E. Garcia Institute of Physics Theoretical Solid‐State and Ultra‐Short‐Term Physics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 10:00 – 14:00 Meetings with Members of the Center for Interdisciplinary Nanostructure Science and Technology (CINSaT) Prof. Dr. Arno Ehresmann, Director of CINSaT Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Faust, Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Guided Tour of Laboratories Venue: Universität Kassel Campus Site AVZ Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Heinrich‐Plett‐Str.40 D‐34132 Kassel 15:00 – 16:00 On‐Site Visitation of the Science Park Kassel (Together with participants of Workshop V / Knowledge TLLransfer) Venue: Science Park Kassel Meeting Point: Mombachstraße 1 At the Entrance of the Construction Site * * * Stand: 27.06.2014 8 Tuesday, July 1 ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cluster‐Workshop V: Knowledge Transfer Chair: Dr. Oliver Fromm UniKasselTransfer Knowledge transfer Chair: Prof. Dr. Ute Clement Institute of Vocational Education (IBB) Faculty of Economics and Management 09:00 – 10:00 Transfer Concept The Transfer Concept of the Universität Kassel – From Technology Transfer to Societal Dialogue Prof. Dr. Ute Clement / Dr. Oliver Fromm Venue: UniKasselTransfer Mönchebergstraße 7 Room 2212 10:30 – 12:00 Excursion to the Oskar‐von‐Miller‐School in Kassel and Visitation of School Workshops Mr Wilfried Dülfer 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break 14:00 – 16:00 Promotion of Spin‐Offs 14:00‐15:00 The Incubator of the Universität Kassel Ms Gabriele Hennemuth‐Tilschner UniKasselTransfer Venue: UniKasselTransfer Mönchebergstraße 7 Room 3306 15:00‐16:00 On‐Site‐Visitation of the Science Park Ms Gabriele Hennemuth‐Tilschner, UniKasselTransfer Venue: Science Park Kassel Meeting Point: Mombachstraße 1 At the Entrance of the Construction Site * Stand: 27.06.2014 * * 9 Tuesday, July 1 ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cluster Workshop VI: Lengua, Cultura, Identidad/ Language, Culture, Identity Directores de sección: Prof. Dr. Angela Schrott y Prof. Dr. Jan‐Henrik Witthaus, Department of Romance Studies Faculty of Humanities 09:00 – 09:10 Introducción Prof. Dr. Angela Schrott / Prof. Dr. Jan‐Henrik Witthaus Universität Kassel 09:10 – 09:40 Identidades y naciones en tránsito: arte, memoria, historia Prof. Dr. Laura Malosetti Costa, Universidad de San Martín 09:40 – 10:10 Representaciones sociales que construyen la identidad de los pueblos: los gentilicios Prof. Dr. Liliana Cubo de Severino, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo 10:10 – 10:50 Discurso, gramática e identidad Prof. Dr. Claudia Borzi, Universidad de Buenos Aires 10:50 – 11:15 Pausa (café) 11:15 – 11:45 Literatura de los inmigrantes alemanes en la Argentina: la afirmación de la identidad a través de la lengua Prof. Dr. Claudia Garnica de Bertona Universidad Nacional de Cuyo 11:45 – 12:15 Lenguaje, dialectos e identificación de grupos: migrantes y extanjeros en Argentina y Alemania Prof. Dr. Alejandro Raiter, Universidad de Buenos Aires 12:15 – 14:00 Stand: 27.06.2014 Pausa (almuerzo) 10 Tuesday, July 1 ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14:00 – 14:30 Política y deseo en la revitalización de lenguas indígenas en Argentina: el caso ranquel Prof. Dr. Axel Lazzari, Universidad de San Martín 14:30 – 15:00 Intercomprensión en lenguas germánicas para hispanohablantes. Lecto‐comprensión del alemán neerlandés a través del inglés Prof. Dr. Micaela van Muylem / Prof. Dr. Patricia Lauría de Gentile/ Prof. Dr. Valeria Wilke, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba 15:00 – 16:00 Mesa Redonda Venue: Faculty of Humanities Department of Romance Studies Kurt‐Wolters‐Str. 5 Room 4004 * * * All Conference Participants 17:45 – 21:00 Buffet‐Dinner and World Cup Soccer Match Hosted by Dr. Rainer Seele Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors Wintershall Holding GmbH Kassel Welcoming by Mr Heiko Meyer Vice‐President for Global Development Venue: Wintershall Holding GmbH Kassel Friedrich‐Ebert‐Straße 160 34119 Kassel * Stand: 27.06.2014 * * 11 Wednesday, July 2 ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Workshop Sessions Cluster Workshop I: Environmental Technology and Cluster Workshop II: Engineering Sciences 09:00 – 12:30 Presentation from the Representatives of the Argentinian Universities 09:00‐10:00 Presentation of the Universities ‐ UNSAM (Buenos Aires) ‐ UNL (Santa Fe) ‐ UNCUYO (Mendoza) 10:00‐10:45 Presentation of the Engineering Educational System in Argentina 10:45‐11:00 Coffee Break with Discussion 11:00‐12:30 Presentation of Research Activities at Argentinian Partner Universities 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 – 15:00 Identification of Collaboration Topics in: ‐ Teaching ‐ Research ‐ Funding Strategies 15:00 – 16:00 Preparation of Result Presentation * * * Cluster Workshop III: Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Planning Programa del Cluster III / "Identidades argentinas” 08:30 – 17:30 Stand: 27.06.2014 8:30 Salir del hotel y dirigirse al campus de la universidad 9:00 Sesión interna de trabajo ‐ Repaso del día anterior ‐ Programa y metas del día 12 Wednesday, July 2 ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9:30 Los estudios de arquitectura en Kassel (grado y maestrado) Información e intercambio con el Prof. Manfred Grohmann 10:30 Los estudios de paisajismo en Kassel (grado y maestrado) Información e intercambio con Isabella Haidle y Thomas Hauck del área de Planificación del paisaje y Kerstin Schneider del área de Arquitectura paisajística 11:30 Sesión interna de trabajo ‐ Repaso de los encuentros ‐ Programación de los encuentros de la tarde 12:30 Almuerzo en el restaurante "Moritz" en el campus de la universidad 14:00 Sesión interna de trabajo, según sea necesario y acordado Lugar de encuentro: cafetería "Pavillon" en el campus de la universidad ‐ Reunión del grupo ‐ Encuentros individuales con colegas de la facultad, visitas de talleres y laboratorios 16:00 Los estudios de planificación urbana y regional en Kassel (grado y maestrado) / Información e intercambio con el Prof. Uwe Altrock Lugar de encuentro: Campus Universität Kassel, Facultad ASL, Torhaus A, Gottschalkstrasse 22, Aula 1107 17:00 Balance de las actividades de la tarde, preguntas y recomendaciones Últimos detalles de la presentación en la "Noche Argentina" Descanso 19:00 "Noche Argentina" en el ciclo de conferencias "Fusion – Positionen zu Architektur, Stadt und Landschaft" de la facultad Presentaciones / 10 minutos por ciudad Lugar de encuentro: Campus Universität Kassel, Facultad ASL, Henschelstrasse 2 * * * Stand: 27.06.2014 13 Wednesday, July 2 ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cluster‐Workshop IV: Nanostructure Sciences / Nanotechnology 10:00 – 13:00 Expert Talks with members of CINSaT On‐Site Visitations Venue: Main Campus Holländischer Platz * * * Cluster‐Workshop V: Knowledge Transfer 09:00 – 12:00 Societal Commitment of Higher Education Institutions 09:00‐10:30 Service Learning Ms Imke‐Marie Badur, UniKasselTransfer 10:30‐12:00 School, Urban Neigbourhood, University: A Path between Research and Societal Commitment Prof. Dr. Silvia Grinberg Universidad Nacional de San Martín Venue: Engineering Sciences I Kurt‐Wolters‐Straße 3 Room 2207 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break 14:00 – 16:00 Corporate University Partnerships Strategic Partnerships with Enterprises: The Examples of the Application Centre „UNIPace“ and the Institute for Decentralised Energy Technologies Dipl.–Ing. Ralf‐Urs Giesen Dr.–Ing. MBA Clemens Mostert Venue: UNIPace, Engineering Sciences I Kurt‐Wolters‐Straße 3 Room 1313 * * * Stand: 27.06.2014 14 Wednesday, July 2 ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cluster Workshop VI: Lengua, Cultura, Identidad/ Language, Culture, Identity 09:00 – 09:30 Tradiciones discursivas e identidades Prof. Dr. Angela Schrott, Universität Kassel 09:30 – 10:00 Intersubjetividad e identidad en discursos del ámbito académico‐científico en Argentina Prof. Dr. Gisela Elina Müller, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo 10:00 – 10:30 Crisis e Identidad Prof. Dr. Jan‐Henrik Witthaus, Universität Kassel 10:30 – 10:45 Juan Draghi Lucero, “Poeta de la identidad” Prof. Dr. Marta Elena Castellino, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo 10:45 – 11:15 11:15 – 11:45 Pausa (café) Interpretar el acontecimiento: la literatura de habla alemana contemporánea en escena Prof. Dr. Micaela van Muylem, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba 11:45 – 12:15 Hermenéutica y experiencia: la incomprensión como factum en el que se basa la hermenéutica en tanto práctica progresiva e infinita de institución de sentido Prof. Laura S. Carugati Universidad de San Martín 12:15 – 14:00 Pausa (almuerzo) 14:00 – 15:00 Mesa Redonda 15:00 – 16:00 Mesa Redonda – Preparación del resumen de la sección * Stand: 27.06.2014 * * 15 Wednesday, July 2 ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20:00 All Conference Participants German Barbecue Hosted by UniKasselTransfer Venue: Atrium, Building of the Faculty of Humanities, Kurt‐Wolters‐Str. 5 * Stand: 27.06.2014 * * 16 Thursday, July 3 ______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Plenary Session Venue: Gießhaus 09:00 – 10:00 Panel I Résumé: Presentation of Workshop Results Chair: Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Dr. h.c. Manuel Cuadra Professor for the History of Architecture Faculty of Architecture, City Planning and Landscape Planning Universität Kassel 10:00 – 10:15 Coffee Break 10:15 – 11:15 Panel II Prospects for Further Research and Project Cooperation Chair: Prof. Dr. Jan‐Henrik Witthaus Professor for Romance Literature Faculty of Humanities, Universität Kassel 11:15 – 11:45 Closing Session Prof. Dr. Rolf‐Dieter Postlep President, Universität Kassel 12:15 – 14:00 Farewell Lunch Hosted by President Prof. Dr. Rolf‐Dieter Postlep Venue: Restaurant “Orangerie” Karlsaue, Auedamm 20b End of Conference * * * Gefördert durch das Internationale Büro (IB) des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) Konzeption und Koordination: Katharina Linke Referat für Internationalisierung und Internationale Kooperationen Abteilung Entwicklungsplanung Universität Kassel Stand: 27.06.2014 17
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