Class VIII Summative Assessment- 1 ( 2014-15) Subject English Maths General Science Hindi Sanskrit Social Science Syllabus Reading – 2 Unseen Passages and 1 Unseen Poem. Writing – Diary entry, Informal letter and Article writing Grammar – Editing, Jumbled words, Conjunctions, Tenses, Active and Passive Voice Literature – 1. A Most Important Person 2. Reaching Out 3. The Snakes in the Pit 4. A Tiger in the Zoo 5. Sympathy Chapter No 1: Rational Numbers Chapter No 2: Linear Equations In One Variable Chapter No 3: Understanding Quadrilaterals Chapter No 4: Practical Geometry Chapter No 6: Square And Square Roots Chapter No 7: Cubes And Cube Roots Chapter No 12: Exponents And Powers Ch- 2 Microorganisms: Friend And Foe Ch-4 Materials: Metals And Non-Metal Ch-6 Combustion And Flame Ch-7 Conservation Of Plants And Animals Ch-8 Structure And Function Of Cell Ch -11 Force And Pressure Ch- 12 Friction pustk vasaMt - paz 5 6 7 8 9 10 pustk &ana saagar - paz 5 6 7 8 9 pustk vyaakrNa AnaucCod laoKna p~a laoKna Apizt gad\yaaMSa sava-naama ivaSaoYaNa kark vaNa- ivacaar saMiQa ]psaga- p`%yaya ilaMga vacana mÉÉPû – 5 xÉå 8 AprÉÉxÉ xÉÌWûiÉ zÉoSÃmÉ- lÉSÏ , xÉÉkÉÑ , uÉÉËU , AxqÉSè , rÉÑwqÉSè iÉjÉÉ xÉuÉï iÉÏlÉÉåÇ ÍsÉÇaÉÉåÇ qÉåÇ kÉÉiÉÑÃmÉ – pÉëqÉç , AxÉç , xqÉ× cÉÑUç iÉjÉÉ ÍcÉliÉç sÉOèû, sÉ×Oèû sÉXç , sÉÉåOèû uÉ ÌuÉÍkÉÍsÉXèû sÉMüÉU qÉåÇ xÉÇZrÉÉ – 1-50 , xÉÇZrÉÉuÉÉcÉÏzÉoSÃmÉ – 1-4 , EmÉmÉS ÌuÉpÉÌ£ü – ̲iÉÏrÉÉ , iÉ×iÉÏrÉÉ uÉ cÉiÉÑjÉÏï , AurÉrÉ , mÉëirÉrÉ – YiuÉÉ , srÉmÉç uÉ iÉÑqÉÑlÉç , mÉ§É , ÍcÉ§É , AlÉÑuÉÉS iÉjÉÉ AmÉÌPûiÉ aɱÉÇzÉ | History Chapter 2: From Trade to Territory Chapter 3: Ruling the Countryside Chapter 4: When people rebel 1857 and after Geography Chapter 1: Resources Chapter 2 : Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources Chapter 3: Mineral and Power Resources Civics Chapter 2: Understanding Secularism Chapter 4: Understanding Laws Chapter 5: Judiciary CLASS VI Subject Syllabus for Class VI- FA-4 ( 20 Marks) English The women painters of mithila Six and out Grammar: Editing, Jumbled words, Tenses Ticket album Bisheshan Sitakikhoj Hindi Maths G.Science Sanskrit Chapter 7 Decimal Chapter 8 Fractions L- 10 Motion and measurement of distance L- 11 Lights, shadows and reflection Geo India - Physical features Civics- Local self-government in urban area L - 13, L - 14 Shabdrup Dhaturup: bhu, ni, kri
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