SCVMJ, XIII (2) 2008 377 HISTOGENESIS OF CAMEL MESONEPHROS (Camelus dromedarius) A. H. K. Osman, S. M. Farouk, H. Eidaroos and A. A. M. Ahmed Department of Cytology and Histology, Faculty of Vet. Med., Suez Canal University. ABSTRACT The mesonephros was firstly seen as a narrow strip along the roof of thoracolumbar region of the vertebral column at 5 mm CVRL stage. At 8 mm CVRL stage, the ramifications of the aorta gave rise to the first evidence of glomerulogenesis. At 13-18 mm CVRL stage, the peritubular matrix showed scarse mesenchymal cells and pronounced increase in the number of hemopioetic cells. At 20 mm CVRL stage, two types of tubules were demonstrated in the mesonephros, one of them lined with single layer of low cuboidal cells, the other tubules lined with low columnar cells. The Mullerian duct was firstly seen at the aforementioned stage. The maximum size of mesonephros was observed at 35 mm CVRL stage and it began its retrogressive apoptotic changes at 37 mm CVRL stage. INTRODUCTION The kidney development is an excellent model to study the different aspects of organogenesis for most known developmental processes (Kuure, Vuolteenaho and Vainio (2000) because its morphogenesis depends upon different ways of cell-cell and tissue interactions. The present work was undertaken with the aim of establishing the prenatal histological changes associating with the morphogenesis of the mesonephros in dromedary camel. MATERIAL & METHODS The present study was carried out on the kidney of 39 embryos and fetuses of the one humped camel, their crown vertebral rump lengths (CVRL) ranging from 5 mm to 95 mm. These samples were freshly collected from El-Basateen Slaughter-house directly after slaughtering of the pregnant animals; their uteri were opened and then evacuated. After collection of the sam- 378 ples, they were immersed in 10% neutral buffered formalin for 4 weeks. The fixed specimens were dehydrated into graded series of ethyl alcohol (70%, 80%, 90%, 95%, absolute I, abs. II and abs. III), cleared in 3 changes of xylene, and then embedded in paraffin wax. Cross and/or longitudinal serially sectios of 5 – 7 µm thickness were obtained. The prepared sections were stained using the following stains; Harris heamatoxylin and Eosin (Harris, 1900) to study the general histmorphological features of the different stages of the mesonephros, Gomori's stain (Gomori, 1937) for demonestration of reticular fibers, Periodic-acid Schiffs (PAS) technique for detection of neutral mucopolysaccharides (MC-Manus, 1946), Alcian blue technique, pH 2.5 for detection of acidic mucopolysaccharides (Steedman, 1950), Heidenhain's iron haematoxylin stain for the detection of mitotic figures (Heidenhain, 1896). RESULT At 5 mm CVRL stage, the mesonephros was in the form of a narrow strip of epithelial tubular elements with mesenchymal investment lying behind the caudal end of the pronephric duct (Fig. 1). The mesonephric mass was made up of convoluted tubules, lined with a single layer of cuboidal cells, with an average diameter of 45.039 µm. The terminal caudal end of the developing mesonephros showed a Osman et al., comparatively wide epithelial duct representing the mesonephric duct (Wolffian duct) with an average diameter about 121.228 µm which was lined with simple cuboidal epithelium. At 8 mm CVRL stage, the mesonephric masses were attached to the dorsal surface of the coelomic cavity by an augmented condensation of mesodermal cells investing the dorsal aorta and separated by the dorsal mesentery. Both mesonephri were surrounded by mesenchymal connective tissue capsule which was covered externally by flattened mesenchymal cells that continued with the splanchnic mesoderm (Fig. 2). The dorsal aorta gave two lateral branches, each of which invaded the medial portion of the corresponding mesonephros (Fig. 3). The ramifications of each branch gave rise to the first evidence of glomerulogenesis. The developing glomerulus was in the form of bulky mass of hemopioetic cells, mainly of the erythroblastic series, and mesenchymal cells. The glomerular mass (mesonephric corpuscle) was surrounded by flattened tubules; however, they were not constructing a clear glomerular capsule. These developing corpuscles were mainly found in the medial portion of the mesonephros and none of them was observed in the mid or lateral (subcapsular) portion. The mesonephric tubules became differentiated according to their staining affinity into two categories; a- superficial, subca- SCVMJ, XIII (2) 2008 psular tubules in which their epithelial lining tended to be acidophilic, bdeeper tubules of basophilic epithelial lining (Fig. 3). The mitotic index in the mesonephric tubules was about 49% (Fig. 4). The diameter of the mesonephric tubules was about 45.064 µm. At 13 – 18 mm CVRL stage, the tubular epitheliocytes exhibited moderate to strong PAS reactivity (Fig. 5), and their basophilic, centrally located nuclei showed many mitotic figures (the mitotic index was about 47%). The peritubular matrix showed scarse mesenchymal cells and pronounced increase in the number of hemopioetic cells. The mesonephric glomeruli became surrounded by clearly visible glomerular capsule comprising a parietal and visceral layer forming well developed mesonephric corpuscles (Fig. 5), with an average diameter of 166.812 µm. At 20 mm CVRL stage, progressive increase in the size of the mesonephros was noticed due to the increase in the size and number of tubular and glomerular elements. The mesonephric tubules became differentiated into two types (Fig. 6): a- The first type was lined with a single layer of low cuboidal cells devoid of any surface modification, with spherical, centrally situated nuclei and acidophilic cytoplasm. b- The second type was lined by a single layer of low columnar cells, 379 whose luminal domain was studded with clearly visible microvilli, with basally situated, spherical nuclei surrounded by appreciable amount of cytoplasm. The average diameter of the mesonephric tubules was about 69.903 µm. In addition to the PAS reactivity, the mesonephric corpuscles showed moderate alcianophilia, and their average diameter was about 167.31 µm. The Mullarian duct (paramesonephric duct) was firstly observed besides the enlarged mesonephric duct. Both structures were surrounded by enormous mesenchymal cells with centrifugal orientation (Fig. 7). The former duct was smaller in size than the latter one and was situated in ventromedial aspect of the mesonephros. It was lined with simple columnar epithelium with oval, basally situated nuclei and basophilic cytoplasm. At 35 mm CVRL stage, there were no obvious qualitative changes among the tubular and glomerular elements, however, it was noticed that the argyrophilia and alcianophilia of the glomeruli demonstrated a consistent feature (Fig. 8, 9). The size of the mesonephros has reached its maximum at this stage. The diameter of the mesonephric tubules was about 83.61 µm meanwhile that of the mesonephric corpuscles was about 192.621 µm. At 37 – 95 mm CVRL stage, the mesonephric tubules and glomeruli were characterized by gradual retrogressive changes including apoptosis of their 380 lining epithelia (Fig. 10). Apoptotic bodies were seen everywhere among the tubular lumina and the fragmented glomeruli. The apoptotic changes in the glomeruli were associated with the presence of multinucleated cells with deeply basophilic nuclei and strongly acidophilic cytoplasm giving the morphological features of gaint phagocytes (Fig. 11). There were gradual decr- Osman et al., ease in the diameter of mesonephric corpuscles, mesonephric tubules and mesonephric ducts.The mitotic index of the tubular epithelial lining became about 39%. Technical remark: Beyond the 95 mm CVRL stage, we couldn't observe any mesonephric structures because the technical possibility to obtain sections from wholemount fetuses not achieved. Fig. (1): 5 mm CVRL stage: showing pronephric duct (arrow); mesonephric tubular elements (arrow head), mesonephric duct (MD) and somite (S). (H&E). Fig. (2): 8 mm CVRL stage: showing neural tube (NT); dorsal aorta (DA); dorsal mesentery (DM); primitive gut (PG); two bilateral mesonephroi (M); coelomic cavity (CC); mesonephric capsule (thin arrow); mesonephric ridge ( thick arrow) and mesonephric duct (arrow head). (H&E). Fig. (3): Mesonephros of 8 mm CVRL stage: showing dorsal aorta (DA) giving lateral branching (L); dorsal mesentery (DM); coelomic cavity (CC); mesonephric tubule (MT); mesonephric corpuscle (MC);; mesonephric capsule (arrow head) and mesonephric ridge (arrow). (H&E). Fig. (4): 8 mm CVRL stage: showing the mitotic activity (arrows) in the mesonephric tubular epitheliocytes. (Heidenhain's iron haematoxylin). SCVMJ, XIII (2) 2008 381 Fig. (5): 15 mm CVRL stage: showing moderate to strong PAS reactivity of the mesonephric tubules (T) and corpuscles(C). Notice: the parietal (Thick arrow) and visceral layer (Thin arrow) of the glomerular capsule became more differentiated. (PAS). Fig. (6): 20 mm stage: showing the two forms of mesonephric tubules, one of them lined with low columnar cells (A) with apical clearly visible microvilli (arrows) and the other one lined with low cuboidal cells (B). (H&E). Fig. (7): 20 mm CVRL stage: showing mesonephric tubules (MT); mesonephric duct (MD) and Mullerian duct (arrow). (H&E). Fig. (8): 35 mm CVRL stage: showing the argyrophilia of mesonephric glomeruli. (Gomori's reticulin). 382 Osman et al., Fig. (9): 35 mm CVRL stage: showing moderate to strong reaction of mesonephric corpuscles (MC) to Alcian blue. Intestine (I) showed strong reaction to Alcian blue. (Alcian blue). Fig. (10): 37 mm CVRL stage: showing massive retrogressive changes including apoptotsis of the lining epithelia of mesonephric tubules (MT) and corpuscles (MC). (H&E). Fig. (11): 40 mm CVRL stage: showing some multinucleated gaint phagocytes (arrows) among the fragmented mesonephric glomeruli. (H&E). DISCUSSION Our investigation has clarified that the mesonephros was firstly observed at 5 mm CVRL stage. The mesonephros was in the form of a narrow strip of epithelial tubular elements with mesenchymal investment. Similar result was mentioned by Aly (2007) at 9 mm CVRL camel embryo. Bareedy, Anis, Abbas, Ewais and Ammar (1982), Emara (1989) and El-Harairy, Gaber and Attia (1998) claimed that the first appearance of the camel mesonephros was at 8 mm, 6 mm and 10 mm CVRL respectively. In pig, Haines and Mohiuddin (1972) stated that the first appearance of mesonephros was at 7 mm CVRL embryo. In bovine it appeared at the age of 28 - 42 days intrauterine life (Canfield, 1980) and in the Egyptian water buffalo it appeared at 7 mm CVRL embryos (Moustafa, Enany, Osman and Amin, 1986). El-Gharbawy (2002) in rabbits, recorded that SCVMJ, XIII (2) 2008 the bilateral mesonephroi appeared in 11 days old fetuses. The mesonephric tubules were differentiated according to their staining affinity into two categories: a- superficial, subcapsular tubules in which their epithelial lining ten-ded to be acidophilic. b- deeper tubules of basophilic epithelial lining. However, Smith and MacKay (1991) described proximal and distal tubules in the mammalian mesonephros. It was noticed that the first morphological evidence of mesonephric glomerulogenesis initiated through the invasion of few lateral branches from the dorsal aorta into the medial portion of the developing mesonephros at 8 mm CVRL Stage. The invading angiogenic mass, which was made up of a predominance of hempoietic cells, represented an early glomerulus which in turn became surrounded by flattened epithelial tubules forming a glomerular capsule. Both structures, glomerulus and its capsule, constructed the developing mesonephric corpuscle. Regarding glomerulogenesis, there is an agreement with Bareedy et al., (1982), Emara (1989) and El-Harairy et al., (1998) in camel; Moustafa et al., (1986) in buffalo and Haines and Mohiuddin (1972) in pig, whom emphasized the mesonephric invasion by lateral branches from dorsal aorta. In contrast to our findings, it was 383 mentioned that the terminal ends of some mesonephric tubules became ampullated forming the primordium of the Bowman’s capsule which became invaginated with few blood capillaries, these capillaries were increased in number forming the glomerular tuft that contained immature hemopioetic cells [Emara (1989) in 8 mm CVRL and Aly (2007) in 14 mm CVRL camel embryo and El-Gharbawy (2002) in 6 - 8 mm CVRL rabbit embryo]. Two types of tubules were demonstrated in the mesonephros of 20 mm CVRL stage, one of them was lined with a single layer of low cuboidal cells whose luminal domain was devoid of any surface modification and the second type was lined with a single layer of low columnar cells whose luminal domain was studded with clearly visible microvilli. This tubular differentiation was also described in camel embryos by Bareedy et al., (1982) and Emara (1989) at 35 mm CVRL and Aly (2007) at 20 mm CVRL. It was also demonstrated in 40 mm CVRL buffalo embryo (Moustafa et al., 1986) and at 10 mm CVRL human embryo (Sadler, 2000). The mesonephros reached its maximum size at 35 mm CVRL stage. According to Bareedy et al., (1982) and Emara (1989), the maximal mesonephric size in camel is reached at 35 and 38 mm CVRL respectively. In other species, the size of the mesonephros reached its peak in pig at 60 384 mm CVRL (Patten, 1964 ), in mouse of 16 days post coitus (Vetter and Gibley, 1966), in rabbit embryo of 18 days intrauterine life (Tiedmann and Wettstein, 1980), in bovine embryo of 6 – 8 weeks intrauterine life (Canfield, 1980), in Egyptian water buffalo of 32 mm CVRL (Moustafa et al., 1986) while in the marsupial native cat, Nelson, Yuemin and Gemmell (1992), mentioned that the mesonephros was present at birth, reached a maximum volume 11 days after birth. The current findings revealed that the mesonephros began its regression from 37 mm CVRL stage on. The regression comprised apoptotic changes among the tubular and glomerular elements of the mesonephros. In camel, Bareedy et al., (1982) said that the mesonephros gradually degenerates from 50 mm CVRL; Emara (1989) recorded that the mesonephric degenerations occurred at 38 mm CVRL and El-Harairy et al., (1998) in camel embryos mentioned that the mesonephros started to degenerate at 150 mm CVRL, meanwhile, Aly (2007) showed that at 47 mm CVRL, continuous regression of the mesonephros takes place. In rabbit, El-Gharbawy (2002) recorded that degenerative changes began to occur in the mesonephroi of 15 days old. In bovine fetuses, the degeneration occurs from the 8th week of gestation (Canfield, 1980) while in buffalo, the degeneration occurs at 47 mm CVRL (Moustafa et al., 1986). In the native Osman et al., cat, Nelson et al., (1992) mentioned that the mesonephros had regressed completely by day 30 after birth. Kaufman, (1992) in mouse stated that between 13 and 13.5 days post coitus the mesonephros regressed, leaving only few seemingly disorganized tubules. REFERENCES Aly, K. H. 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