“Building up a strong protec2on plan for an early start in respiratory health” HQC Buenos Aires 14 May 2014 Dr. Rik Koopman Global Technical Director Poultry Boxmeer, the Netherlands Our environment is and will continue changing Broiler Population 70% of broilers 2012: <2.5 kg 42 days 2022: <2.5 kg 35 days Gene2c selec2on Feed composi2on Disease control Broilers grow faster Broilers have shorter life cycle How to keep broiler produc2on efficient? People World Population 2012: 7 Billions. Almost 50% population in 5 countries. 2050: > 9,5 Billions : > 75 Million / year Keep broiler produc2on efficient: op2mize the processes Ease the processes Move vaccinaIon as much as possible into the hatchery Safeguard performance è do as much as possible in the hatchery hatchery vaccina2on-‐ mass applica2on (spray, in ovo) -‐ Equipment to standardize, less labor -‐ minimum and early reac2on -‐ no disturbance during growing period Economic impact of field vaccine reac2ons and diseases outbreak It hurts most when gain is greatest and weight is at maximum 100 Daily Gain 90 70 60 50 40 30 2500 20 10 0 ADG 41.15 g ADG 20.43 g 1 3 5 7 ADG 63.00 g ADG 80.71 g Total weight ADG 90.70 g 2000 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 Days of age Cost related to: Increased mortality Loss of weight gain Increased condemna2ons Increased processing costs Weight (grams) Daily Gain (grams) 80 1500 1000 500 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 Days of age Features and benefits of a protec2on plan star2ng from the hatchery What is Convenience program? Logic approach following the trends in poultry produc2on. MSD AH team works on total solution to make broiler production more convenient. -ease the process è move into hatchery -develop products that fit perfect in this approach (PS/ broiler) -develop services to safeguard company performances disease control at early stage broader solution- develop equipment think in ROI food safety Features and benefits of a protec2on plan star2ng from the hatchery All protec2on preferably comes with the chickens from the hatchery based on MDA from the parents + hatchery vaccina2ons without vaccina2on reac2on “Convenience Program” give immunity from the Hatchery Trend: All protec2on preferably comes with the chickens from the hatchery based on MDA from the parents + hatchery vaccina2ons without vaccina2on reac2on Day-‐old chick quality: -‐ quality hatching eggs including breeder vaccina2on programèMDA’s -‐ good hatchery management -‐ good hatchery vaccina2on program -‐ good broiler farm management at arrival of the day-‐old chickens Trend: All protec2on preferably comes with the chickens from the hatchery based on MDA from the parents + hatchery vaccina2ons without vaccina2on reac2on Breeder flock Day-‐old chick quality: -‐ quality hatching eggs Breeder farm management Feed, climate control Breeder health program disease control: biosecurity -‐ vaccina2on program – monitoring è hatchability -‐ livability –performance è passive immunity (MDA’s) Male management è fer2lity Hatching egg management: hygiene storage è low bacterial load è hatchability livability Trend: All protec2on preferably comes with the chickens from the hatchery based on MDA from the parents + hatchery vaccina2ons without vaccina2on reac2on Breeder health program disease control: biosecurity -‐ vaccina2on program – monitoring Vaccina2on program to: -‐protect the breeders themselves -‐to reduce “ver2cal” transmission -‐supply good levels of MDA to day-‐old chicks ND – IB -‐IBD – Reo – CAV – AE Ecoli -‐ Salmonella èprotec2on first weeks of life Trend: All protec2on preferably comes with the chickens from the hatchery based on MDA from the parents + hatchery vaccina2ons without vaccina2on reac2on Breeder health program disease control: biosecurity -‐ vaccina2on program – monitoring Monitoring program to: -‐ control Mycoplasma status -‐ control levels of MDA’s -‐ Salmonella control Features and benefits of a protec2on plan star2ng from the hatchery Hatchery vaccina2on -‐Uniform vaccine applica2on -‐Early vaccine reac2on -‐Avoid vaccine reac2on during growing period -‐Avoid disturbance of growth during growing period -‐Develop a vaccina2on program that can cover the growing period (vaccine and route) % of birds vaccinated Hatchery Vaccina2on is More Accurate! Field Vaccination vs. Hatchery Accuracy 100 95 90 85 Farm A Farm B Hatchery Vaccine application Protec2on in rela2on to IBV vaccine applica2on, field trail (PHS Doorn) Percentage of M41 protection after 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks Eye drop 100 100 100 In rings on farm < 25 50 100 In chicken box on farm Nd 50 100 Automatic spray at hatchery 93 97 Nd Hand spray at hatchery 32 86 Nd Develop products that fit in the hatchery approach: IB Ma5 IB 4/91 IB Ma5 + IB 4/91 IBMa5 + ND Cl30 CoccivacB/Paracox 5 Recombinants; Innovax ND Innovax ILT Develop products that fit in the hatchery approach: Recombinants 2 in 1 Marek + ND or ILT protec2on molecular engineering HVT HVT Herpes virus part of F gene of ND virus or Part of I and D genes of ILT virus ILT ND virus Or ILT virus Trend: All protec2on preferably comes with the chickens from the hatchery based on MDA from the parents + hatchery vaccina2ons without vaccina2on reac2on Broiler hatchery vaccina2on program IB + ND day-‐old A IB Ma5 + ND Cl30 B IB Ma5 + IB 4/91 è IB C IB Ma5 Trend: All protec2on preferably comes with the chickens from the hatchery based on MDA from the parents + hatchery vaccina2ons without vaccina2on reac2on Broiler hatchery vaccina2on program with recombinants ND + In Ovo/ day old day-‐old A Innovax ND IB Ma5 + ND Cl30 B Innovax ND IB Ma5 + IB 4/91 C Innovax ND IB Ma5 Basic IB protectotype studies (1990 …..) Dr Jane Cook Based on vaccina2on – challenge trials In chickens Using birds vaccinated with Day1 IB Ma5 Day14 IB 4/91 Using Ciliostasis test to measure protec2on Tracheal epithelium TM IB Ma5 Ma5+ 4/91 Check the cross protection efficacy of a single IB-vaccine or combination of IB-vaccines against a new emerging IB virus measured in chickens “Let the chicken talk” Let the chicken talk! Is not only based on genotype difference Vaccine strain differences -‐genotype -‐biological characteris2cs Genotype < -‐ > biological behavior Mass type Biological characteris2cs Ma5 vs H120 “Mass type” qRT-‐PCR results post vaccina2on of day-‐old SPF broilers and high MDA-‐broilers Percentage of QPCR posi2ve tracheal swabs post Ma5 and H120 spray vaccina2on at 1day of age in commercial and SPF broilers Let the chicken talk! Dr Sjaak de Wit GD Deventer Percentage of qRT-PCR positive tracheal swabs post Ma5 and H120 spray vaccination of 1-day-old commercial and SPF broilers percentage of positives 100 80 Ma5 broiler 60 Ma5 SPF H120 broiler H120 SPF 40 NC 20 0 0 2 3 4 7 days post vaccination (Spray) 10 14 Biological characteris2cs qRT-‐PCR results post vaccina2on of day-‐old SPF broilers and high MDA-‐broilers Average QPCR log10 virus 2tre in tracheal swabs post IB vaccina2on at day 1 Dr Sjaak de Wit GD Deventer Average qRT-PCR log10 virus titre in tracheal swabs post IBV vaccination at day 1 10log EID50 RT-PCR titre 5,0 4,0 Ma5 in broilers 3,0 Ma5 SPF H120 in broilers 2,0 H120 in SPF NC 1,0 0,0 0 2 3 4 days of age 7 10 14 Ma5 compared to H120 • Features of Nobilis IB Ma5 – Very mild vaccine reac2ons -‐ comparable to H120 – More immunogenic than H120: “Biological characteris2cs” -‐Spontaneous HA+ -‐Overcomes MDA easier/berer – Longer Dura2on Of Immunity (DOI) – More cross-‐protec2on “Ma5 protectotype” – Can be combined with Clone30/ NDC2 – Can be combined with IB 4/91 – Can be combined with Primo QX (2015) – Important part of Ma5+4/91 Not everything seems as it appears Biological behavior of a vaccine/strain varies, even within the same genotype principle IB variants IB mass + variants IB 4/91 + variants IB variants IB mass + variants IB 4/91 + variants infec2on IB variants IB mass + variants IB 4/91 + variants Ma5 + 4/91 Let the chicken talk 26 strains MA5 4/91 Ma5 +4/91 Honduras + -‐ +++ +++ QX + + +++ ND +++ ItalianO2 ++ + +++ ++ ++ +++ 4/91 -‐ +++ +++ +++ ++ +++ Italian nephri2s -‐ ++ +++ A1121 + +/-‐ +++ Japan 2008 -‐ -‐ +++ S. africa + -‐ +++ GA98 -‐ ND +++ 57/96 +++ ++ +++ D1466 -‐ -‐ + 62/96 ++ ++ +++ + ++ +++ Q1 (Chile) + + +++ Br. 1-‐4 strains ++ ND +++ Ga08 ND ND +++ Variant MA5 4/91 Ma5 +4/91 Mass +++ -‐ +++ D207/D274 ++ ++ Arkansas +++ TM86 FB3 22/97 + + ++ Japan ++ + +++ 890/80 + -‐ +++ -‐ = <50% protec2on + = 60% protec2on ++ = 70% protec2on +++> 80% protec2on Variant Ck/Eg/Bsu-‐2 Hatchery vaccina2on program • The goal is to create good protec2on over the whole produc2on period • Safeguard Performance Minimize the gaps in protec2on MDA Innovax ND-‐SB ND Clone 30 ND C2 IBV MA5 / IBV 4-‐91 MDA breeders Innovax ND-‐SB ND Clone 30 ND C2 IBV MA5 / IBV 4-‐91
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