KBA Profile: Periyar National Site Name Periyar English Name KBA delineation Catchment Focal area delineation Periyar lake and inflowing stream system (PLSS) for fishes; Periyar river in Idukki District for the plant species. Site description An AZE site that is composed of hill streams with associated reservoirs, surrounded mostly by primary forest and also secondary forerst and spice plantations. The site is impacted by reduced flows from Peruyar dam and alien invasive fishes. Management required at catchment scale Yes Management required at focal area within catchment Yes KBA Trigger Species Group Species Criterion1 Criterion2 Criterion3 Notes Crabs Vela virupa NA 2521.482461 715 Endemic to KBA Fishes Crossocheilus periyarensis EN 4495.685546 NA AZE species - Periyar lake and stream system Fishes Garra hughi EN 12172.02359 NA Fishes Garra periyarensis VU 4495.685546 NA Fishes Garra surendranathanii EN 10294.74923 NA Fishes Hypselobarbus kurali NA 6105.594651 NA Fishes Hypselobarbus periyarensis EN 2760.879668 NA AZE species - Periyar lake and stream system Fishes Lepidopygopsis typus EN 4495.685546 NA Fishes Nemacheilus keralensis VU 13129.722 NA Fishes Nemacheilus menoni VU 4495.685546 NA Fishes Nemacheilus periyarensis VU 4495.685546 NA Fishes Puntius ophicephalus EN 11935.68039 NA Fishes Travancoria elongata EN 6355.405816 NA Fishes Travancoria jonesi EN 11679.68056 NA Molluscs Iravadia funerea NA 9683.022308 NA Odonata Esme mudiensis NA 21199.4574 NA Odonata Euphaea cardinalis NA 22114.31401 NA Odonata Idionyx minima NA 17442.77981 NA Odonata Idionyx saffronata NA 24819.16101 NA Odonata Idionyx travancorensis NA 12146.21987 NA Odonata Macromia flavocolorata NA 21648.41687 NA Odonata Merogomphus longistigma NA 26458.05683 NA Odonata Onychogomphus nilgiriensis NA 27739.64776 NA Odonata Platysticta deccanensis VU 29167.59293 NA Odonata Protosticta antelopoides NA 17066.74095 NA Odonata Protosticta davenporti NA 17361.03282 NA Odonata Protosticta hearseyi NA 40533.40822 NA Plants Anaphalis beddomei VU NA NA Plants Anaphalis leptophylla VU NA NA AZE species - Periyar lake and stream system Plants Anaphalis wightiana VU NA NA Plants Cyathea crinita EN NA NA Plants Dimeria hohenackeri EN NA NA Plants Farmeria indica EN NA NA Plants Fimbristylis dauciformis EN NA NA Plants Podostemum munnarense EN 5893.691243 NA Plants Rotala ritchiei EN 10243.85484 NA AZE species - Periyar river in Idukki District Protected Areas Overlap with KBA Name Designation Desig. Type Status PA Management Focus Periyar Sanctuary National Designated No freshwater biodiversity management Idukki Sanctuary National Designated No freshwater biodiversity management Western Ghats World Heritage Site International Inscribed No freshwater biodiversity management Megamalai Sanctuary National Proposed No freshwater biodiversity management Periyar National Park National Designated No freshwater biodiversity management Potential KBA Stakeholders* Kerala Forest Department Tamil Nadu Forest Department Periyar Foundation Indian AZE Conservation Research Group (CRG) Zoo Outreach Organisation Center For Environment and Development Zoological Survey of India, Western Ghats Regional Centre KBA Freshwater Habitats 5.1 Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks(includes waterfalls) 5.2 Seasonal/Intermittent/Irregular Rivers/Streams/Creeks 5.7 Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools(under 8ha) 15.1 Water Storage Areas(over 8ha) Threats to KBA Threats (IUCN Classification Scheme) Notes 1.1 Housing & urban areas 1.3 Tourism & recreation areas 2.1 Annual & perennial non-timber crops Tea plantation 2.4 Marine & freshwater aquaculture In ponds that escape into natural system, and stock in reservoirs 3.2 Mining & quarrying Granite quarries 6.1 Recreational activities 7.2 Dams & water management/use 7.3 Other ecosystem modifications River diversions 8.1 Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases Fishes 9.1 Domestic & urban waste water 9.3 Agricultural & forestry effluents 9.4 Garbage & solid waste Conservation actions for KBA Conservation actions (IUCN Classification Scheme) In place Needed Notes Yes Site protection that exists is not focused on freshwater species. The AZE plant species also requires site protection 1.2 Resource & habitat protection Yes Stream flow restoration below Periyar dam and Idukki dam. The AZE plant species also requires site protection 2.1 Site/area management Yes Periyar PA needs focus on freshwater species. Stream flow restoration below Periyar dam and Idukki dam 2.2 Invasive/problematic species control Yes for fishes 2.3 Habitat & natural process restoration Yes Stream flow restoration below Periyar dam and Idukki dam. 3.1 Species management Yes For AZE species 3.2 Species recovery Yes For AZE species 4.1 Formal education Yes For all stakeholders 4.2 Training Yes On species identification, harvest management and habitat restoration 1.1 Site/area protection 4.3 Awareness & communications Yes Yes Yes 5.1 Legislation Yes 5.2 Policies and regulations Yes 5.3 Private sector standards & codes Yes 6.1 Linked enterprises & Yes Implementation of Wetland (Conservation and Management) Act 2010 & Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974. livelihood alternatives Food Security Used for food security Score Notes 1. Subsistence Optional/alternative 1 Essential staple 2 Emergency 0 unknown 2. Commercial Local 3 Regional 1 National 0 3.Migrant fishers 0 Notes Fishes only harvested Other Other biodiversity The wetland plant Isachne fischeri is only known from Idukki within this KBA, but it has not been assessed for the IUCN Red List. 15 species of Western Ghats endemic birds (out of 16) are found here, incl. 12 threatened species of birds. Protected areas overview The Periyar PA is also an IBA References 1. Arun, L.K. 1997. Pattern and processess of fish assemblages in Periyar Lake – valley system of Southern Western Ghats. Kerala Forest Research Institute Peechi. 2. Arun, L.K. 2001. Fish assemblage structure in Periyar Lake stream system. KFRI report. 3. Bahir, M.M. and Yeo, D.C.J. 2007. The Gecarcinucid freshwater crabs of southern India (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 16:309-354. 4. Nair S.C. 1994. The high ranges. Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH), New Delhi. 5. Rahmani, A.R. and Zafar-ul Islam, M. 2004. Important Bird Areas in India. Birdlife International and BNHS. 6. Radhakrishnan and Kurup, 2010. Ichthyodiversity of Periyar Tiger Reserve. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 7. River Research Centre. 2013. Report on Monitoring of Fish Diversity of Rivers in Kerala. Kerala State Biodiversity Board, Thiruvananthapuram. 98 pp. Acknowledgments Ali, A., Amitha Bachan, K.H., Anatha, L., Dahanukar, N., Jayachandran, K.V., Molur, S., Nameer, P.O., Raghavan, R., Subbramanian, K.A., Rehel, S.M. and Vinod, T.R. * Potential KBA stakeholders have not been contacted in any official capacity nor have they endorsed the KBA – they are a list of potential stakeholders to inform any organisation or individual who may want to undertake conservation activities on freshwater biodiversity in this KBA
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