n i ii ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION (7n Floor, Chandralok Building, Janpath, New Delhi, I l0 001 ) Application Format Scholarship for Girls under PRAGATI scheme and Scholarship for Differently abled students F9R OEFTCE USF, ONLY: SrNo of Aoolication Year Course Whether lnstitute is Aooroved bv r\ICTE ryn{) Tg he filled bv the strldent: Application for Girls Scholarship (YesA{o) Application for differently abled scholarship (YesAllo) l. photograph self attest it with part of the signature on the photo and the ication fornp Full Name (ln Block Letter) Sumame First Name Middle Name Father's Name Mother's Name Student unique id 2, Paste here a passport size Address for correspondence Name House Number Mohalla/Street City/Town/Villaee District State Pin Code Telephone/lVlobile number. if anv e-mail ID, if anv 3. Parents Address Name House Number Mohalla/Street Citv/Town/Villase District State Pin Code Telephone/Mobile if any e-mail ID, if any number, 4. Permanent Address Name House Number Mohalla / Street City/Town/Villase District State Pin Code Tdephone/MoEle number, 5. if any Date of Birth D 6. D M M Y Gender Male 7. Y Other details Relieion Nationalitv Female Y Y Iel Category(Open / SC/ST/OBC) Whether belonging to Minority comrnunity (Yes / no) Name of Minority (if applicable) Whether differently abled (PH) (Yes / No) Category of disability (if aoolicable) % Disability (if applicable) Disability Certificate issuing authority (if aoolicable) 8. Parent's Details (Mother / Father / Guardian (Tick appropriate) Occuoation Government service (Yes A{o) Semi Govemment service (Yes A{o) Private service (Yes /Ir{o) Business (Yes A.{o) Agriculture (Yes A.{o) Other (Please soecifv) Post / Designation (if aoolicable) Name of the office with full address (in which employed, if aoolicable) 9. Details of educational qualifications from std. Xth onwards .-f- Sr. Examination No Passed University / Board/ Institution / Council of Examination Year of Passing Marks obtained Marks out of oZ marks obtained in Board / Division / Class / Grade University std xth 2 std xllth a J of course in which the student is admitted and scholarship is being sought Name of Course 10. Details ) a J 4 5 6 7 I Duration of Course Part TimelFull Time First Shift / Second Shift Academic vear Date of admission to first year course in the current academic vear Class last attended (Xth / XIIth / anv other ) l. Details of the Institution to which the student is admitted for the current academic year l- 1 Permanent id of the 2 Institute (PID) Name of the Institute J Address of the Institute 4 District 5 State 6 Pin Code Name of the Principal Director / Head of the 7 Academic Year / Institute L2.Total Annual Tution Fee Item Sr Annual tuition No Fee Paid (Rs) Tuition Fee Rupees (In words) .i. Note: Please enter the "Tuition Fee" details and not the other fee like development Library / Laboratory etc. i 13. Details of Bank Account of student (Joint account will not be allowed) Name ofthe Student Name of Bank Bank Account No Bank IFSC Code Bank Branch(full address) Branch code Type ofBank Account(Saving / Current) MICR code of bank Student PAN number (if available) Enrollment- id (AADF{AR) (if available) AADHAR- id (rJrD) (if available) 14. Annual family Income of Parents of the student:- Rs. ... .......... in (Certificate of annual family income is to be given only in the prescribed format enclosed as Annexure-llI along with the application). 15. Documents enclosed with the application ( Attach following attested documents along with the application) Sr Name of the document No 2 a J 4 Copies of mark sheet of standard Xth / XIIth / Others as applicable and as filled up in Sr no. 09 Copy of annual family income certificate for the financial year 2013-14 in the prescribed format issued by Tahsildar or higher officer Copy of certificate issued by Competent authority in case of differently abled candidate (PH candidate) (if applicable) Copv of admission letter to Dinloma / Desree course Attested (Yes / No) Attached (YesA.,lo) t{'n}" ' 9 Copy of Tuition Fee Receipt Copy of Bank Pass Book showing number, IFSC code and Photograph Copy of stldent PAN card (if available) Copy of AADF{AR card (if available) Certificate issued by the Director/ Principal / Ueidrof tfie l0 Institute (Annexure-I) Declaration by Parents (Annexure-Il) 5 nam'@nt 6 7 8 16. Declaration by the student l. 2. 3. 4. 5. I hereby declare that the information given above is correct. I have secured admission in first year Diploma / Degree program during academic session 2Ol4-15 through centralized admission pro."r, .oriu.*O by state admission counseling authority. I am not availin$ any other Scholarship for this purpose from any other source. I shall abide by the terms and conditions for sanction of the Scholarship. I undertake, that if at any stage, it is found that the information given by me is false or if I violate the terms and conditions of the Scholarship, the Scholarship sanctioned to me, will be cancelled and the entire amount of Scholarship will be refunded by me or recovered from me, apart from liability of penal action as warranted by law. Signature of the Candidate: Date: Place:
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